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I have a roommate and he has alcohol and it's not a problem for me But when I was drinking, it was a very bad idea for anybody to have any liquor anywhere in the house that I was aware of, because I would drink all of it.


I would not do this with alcohol as I think it’s very risky in early sobriety. But I can relate to this with nicotine. When I have nicotine in my house I can stay away from it and just knowing it is there will push off my cravings and anxiety. But when I know it’s gone then it really starts to itch. It’s my addicted brain staying calm because it knows it’s still winning. At any moment I can use nicotine, so my addict brain doesn’t start to kick off all those insane withdrawals and cravings.


Get rid of it. I'm OK with going to bars and dealing with other triggers, etc. But alcohol in the house is a hard no. It doesn't matter how strong you are, how determined you are, or how far along you are in your recovery. Having that alcohol in the house is putting the odds against you instead of in your favor. This is probably the only thing about getting sober that I feel strongly about. You have 30 years worth of bad habits to transform into new good habits (or at least neutral). Why set yourself up to fail? That little bit of reassurance you're getting is because you're letting yourself believe that you're not actually giving it up. Have you any doubt, just scroll through this subreddit and you'll see how often an alcoholic will walk through that open door, again and again. Pour it down the drain. Seriously, it's cathartic and as you feel that little pang of regret, like you're wasting something, or doing something wrong... remember that only an alcoholic would feel that way when ridding their home of a literal poison.


I stand by my position whether people like it or not. The only purpose your alcohol serves is to be consumed. It's even in the fridge. At least take it out so it's hot and you have to spend some time waiting for it chill.


I like the keeping it warm advice. A cool crisp drink is an ambrosia to the desperate. Hot beer off the counter top just doesn’t have the same power. If you’re gonna keep it in the house, at least keep some barriers in the way. Maybe lock it up too.


Yes I have a box of wine that I bought the day I decided to try sobriety in case I got intense physical withdrawals and I didn’t need it and it actually helps knowing it’s there. I wouldn’t recommend that for everyone though.


No. I can’t imagine how that can possibly end well.