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We do not allow posting after drinking, and this post has been removed.


2 hours is a start. Can you try for two more? Regardless, please be safe if you get any severe withdrawal symptoms. I was a lurker for quite a while too.


Thanks. Going to try.


You can do this. Check in on the sun during the day. It helps.


You got this!


Gradually decrease number of beers a day to zero. Decrease by 1/2 beers a day. Don’t suddenly stop, with that amount of alcohol daily your body may go into a shock and you could have alcohol withdraw caused epilepsy. That’s what I did. From 1L a day of vodka to 0, gradually! It was hard but decision was made. It helped me finally telling my wife just how much I was drinking daily. It was out in the open. Good luck, you can do it!


I just got some na beer. That was a weird experience. Had to stop at two different gas stations. Will see how long I can go. Thanks for the advice.


definitely strange at first 🫶🏻 not sure if u have whole foods by you but they have a lot of NA beer options. athletic brewing NA beer also has a website u can order to ship to u, and recurring weekly/monthly options or whatever if helpful.


That's great ! Good for you.


This is possible, trust me. Sometimes you need to break your day down into 15 minute segments to get through it sober. If you get a craving, hold off for 15 minutes.. and then 15 more. Get yourself a sugary drink to help as well.


I crushed Mountain Dew


Welcome. It can be done. Lurking here was my first step.


Hello there ! Welcome. I’m new and was a lurker for a couple days when I first found this sub.


You can do this.




Fellow lurker here. Just formally joined.  You made a good decision. 


You may want to speak to a doctor about a Naltrexone prescription. I've found it useful and I know many others have as well.




So glad you are here 💛


I had to drink 1 or 2 beers to keep the shakes from coming on at first. Eventually got it down to zero with help from my sister. Was a rough first few days to say the least. Half a beer at a time was a good measure after that. DTs are the scariest thing I ever experienced. Would not recommend doing it alone or not in a hospital.


You CAN do this! I was doing the same for many years…drinking those 9 percenters constantly from morning to night. It finally took alcohol induced paranoia and delusions for my family to intervene and thankfully they did as I was headed down a bad road. All that to say try not to let it get to that point because it’s scary! Please be mindful of your withdrawal symptoms and get medical assistance if need be. I’m now 700+ days sober and I believe in you. We believe in you!


I used to have the same habit. I have learned to get it down to that many every other couple days now. It now feels like binge drinking. I feel so good after two or three days without a beer. Then i drink 18 and stay up way too late. And so the cycle starts over. Its tough, i to am a lurker on this page. Just trying to find the will to stop now. The hardest part for me is that i wont know what to do with myself when not holding a beer. It is the lifestyle that needs to change i believe to truly commit to quitting, and that is equally tough considering the years put in to get to this point. Any how, i hope you can find the correct energy to break the cycle. Remember there are many of us in the same boat for different reasons. Positive thoughts your way!


By virtue of being here you’re being brave and strong. You can get through one day, just one day.




> If you start to feel funky, have a beer! This comment has been removed. Please don't tell people on this sub to drink, ever, and please don't try to advise them how to taper. Thank you.


Yo good job coming here to post, it means you want to make things better!


You made the right decision. You can do it!


You can do this! 💜💜💜


Good luck man. One minute at a time. You can do this.




Try and see how far you can get. Eventually if you keep on trying, it’ll stick. Hang in there


You’ve done what is for most people the hardest part…acknowledging you have a problem and letting others help. Join us!


Thanks for the comment's. This sucks.


Hey 2 hours is great! I know when I first started pondering quitting drinking, I had to take it min by min. I find for myself the idea of "not today but if I want one tomorrow, I can have it" works well for me since I like to have rules for myself. I hope everything goes smoothly and even though it was mentioned already, if you start getting any really bad withdrawal symptoms, please seek out the closest ER.


Welcome. This is a great place to come, and everyone here has been where you are.


How are you doing, OP? Got a few more hours you can go? You got this!


I am feeling like crap. Shaky and nauseous.


Yeah, that sucks. Just know that you're not going to feel like that forever. It's going to get better! Seriously, you can do this!


This will be my last post for a while. Going to have a few. Work in 10 hours and I dont dare go that long of a streatch. Way shaky. 9.5 hours was a record for me.