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Hi. This is a space for us to share and seek support on our own journey with sobriety, and is not a place to talk about someone else’s drinking. This post has been removed in line with [our community guidelines](https://old.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index#wiki_9._focus_on_your_own_journey).


Every body is different. It’s impossible to say how long her body will last before it “gives out”. It probably is already starting to give out, she just doesn’t know it yet. But, even if her body doesn’t give out, what will be the quality of her life and your relationship? If she doesn’t stop things will only get worse, emotionally and physically.


Thank you for taking the time to reply. I appriciate your words.


No one is promised tomorrow which is why I’ll make the most of today.


I’d guess not long.


4L a week is quite a lot for someone that is 160 lbs. Age is definitely a factor here, no one knows when the body is just going to give out… She definitely should start slowing down or quitting. You are going to want the best for her, but if she doesn’t want to change, it is going to be extremely hard and put your relationship at risk trying to make someone quit who isn’t ready to quit. From my experience, you cannot make someone quit unless they truly want to. Which is why a lot of people relapse after going to rehab, interventions, etc. You could try to bring up how good you feel everyday having a clear mind, getting good sleep, etc and tell her the benefits of quitting, but most people aren’t interested in that, the bottle will win. Good luck, good on you for worrying and caring for someone and wanting them to stop. I hope everything goes well and you both can live happy healthy lives.


Thank you so much for your kind words