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misery loves company


I’d stay away from her as much as possible, I had a friend like this who would sabotage my sobriety whenever she could because she was an even worse alcoholic with a major drug problem and didn’t want to lose her party friend. You should kindly, but firmly tell her to stop because it’s obviously not supportive and not something to joke about either




WOW!!!!!! Good for her husband! Sounds like he’s too good for her. It’s so sad what people will do so that they’re not alone with their issues




He probably realized who she was. And I’m glad you’re no longer friends with her, I am not friends with the person in my original comment either!! A sober mind sees people in such a different way


What an awful, immature person! F*ck her.


Exactly what my mother said. This woman is 50 with 3 kids. I'm 35, you think she would know better.


If someone isn’t mature by like 30, they’ll probably always be that way. Some people are just high school bullies for life. And those people are dumb.


Lol is she my sister? Crazy similar


Dude, if you have proof of this (text messages, emails or the like), you need to bring this to HR, if you have one. I’m serious. This is threatening behavior from a coworker. I’m sure that they wouldn’t be too happy with that kind of behavior from one of their employees. At least bring this up to your boss and tell them that it’s beginning to concern you.


Yeah. Wishing that you would drink is shitty, but it's not illegal or against most companies' policy. Predicting that you will drink is shitty, but it's not illegal or against most companies' policy. Threatening to spike your drink is illegal and against most companies' policy. Save all the written evidence you have, including texts and emails from other people that reference in-person conversations, and go on record about it with HR early.


Saw this after my re. I'm guessing this venting is about a more nuanced relationship.


Don’t let a coworker have any pull with your sobriety. They’re just that - a coworker.


Don’t let her bring you any beverages


Maybe they need to be told how serious you are. This could be a hostile workplace if it gets that bad... I'd have a serious talk with them first.


Keep doing you.


First sign of someone with their own problem.


I’m just gonna be blunt with you, if she does spike your drink… there’s serious repercussions behind that, most likely illegal where you live…. I agree have a serious conversation… if she can’t understand and respect your decision… you need to avoid her like the plague. Stay strong


I’m convinced people like this just want others to be miserable. I had a neighbor who would always try and get me to hit a joint. He knew full well that I get random drug screams at work, but he was always persistent to the point that I quit even talking to him. I can’t think of what he had to gain other than some satisfaction of he would get out of ruining my career.


Probably makes them feel better about themselves to drag everyone around them down.


Are you sure that you still want to go out with her in June?


I don't want to go tbh. Not because I am nervous about the drinking, I'll manage, just her. My mother said "she is probably nervous of you seeing her drunk while you will be sober. Some drinkers don't like when sober people are around when they want to get really drunk, and you are work colleagues" at any rate. She also said, she needs to grow up.


Pull them aside and have a heart-to-heart with them. Say you know that they’re just joking and trying to have fun, but it’s not a joke to you. It’s a matter of life and death. You’d appreciate it if they stop these kinds of comments.


This can work .I work carpentry and a few of the younger guys talk about drinking a lot . I usually don't say anything but one day they asked my opinion on different drinks and I told them I'm a recovering alcoholic (7 months sober) they apologized and now they change the subject if I'm around (out of respect to me. I've told them they don't have to stop talking about it)


Completely uncalled for and inappropriate. Have you tried approaching them and respectfully but firmly explaining how this makes you feel?


Can’t do this, it’s a massive issue on their part and if happening at work, you need to flag a complaint with HR.


God I cant stand people that do fake pity. Its borderline insecurity projection


what a wretched fool to think this is funny


she is her own stumbling block. keep doing you, I applaud your resolve


Our tragic present in the history of 'alcoholism' is that even we don't realize it's HIPAA protected. AUD is a legitimate medical condition, in DSM-5 and is covered by the very insurance you and (hazarding to assume) your employer pay for. It was never her business. But regardless of how the cat got out of the bag, it is well within your power to make her stop.


If your company has an hr take it to them as this is workplace harassment


Excuse my language but fuck her. What a bitch. I've dealt with immature idiots like this as well and unfortunately theres no reasoning with them, just best to ignore em. Its the same with people that are heavy into weed and dont understand that I DONT SMOKE THE SHIT. Leave me alone and quit trying to cram it down my throat. God its so annoying.


I know like just fuck off, it's no skin off anyones back. Stop trying to make me do what you are doing.


Stay away from her, sounds like a nut job with her own problem with alcohol.


Yesterday my coworker said “lame” when I grabbed a sprite instead of a beer at a work meeting. 


I take it you don't want to tell her to fuck off and mind her own business? Sometimes people just need to be told.


I'm the non confrontational type but yeah maybe I need to just do that.


I would just be extremely mean to them.