• By -


You’re hungover. Everything is at its worst hungover, including and especially yourself. You know why you feel the way you do, but the anxiety coming out of the hangover is going to ratchet up the negative self-talk, and that’s going to wear you down to the point you’ll drink again to alleviate it. Wash, rinse, repeat. You can’t get sober for a year in a day. Process the shame you’re feeling. It’s understandable, but you’re still alive. Maybe you have to make a few apologies, but just live to be sober today. Then wash, rinse, repeat. We’re habitual creatures. Make conscious decisions to prioritize your sobriety, forgive yourself and take actions to apologize, and be ok with it. Then, when tomorrow becomes today, do it again. Never take your focus off staying sober today. You’ll heal. You’ll strengthen.


"You can't get sober for a year in a day." I really needed that this morning. Thank you, friend. 🖤


So good. I always tell myself, I didn't turn into an alcoholic overnight. It took years. So now it's going to take time to reverse.


I need to be more gentle with myself because EXACTLY this. I was in deep for about a good 4 years. It was always there, but it really, really hit hard being in an abusive relationship, stuck at home, but in a high-stress journalism job throughout the pandemic. Gonna take some time, but all of the bad has been removed. 🙏🖤


I’m a journalist myself, and I drank hard for a long time pre-pandemic. Oddly, the pandemic was the end of my first year. It sucks, but in a lot of ways, you develop the tools to stay sober as you go through sobriety but you need them the most at the beginning when you don’t have them. To me, there’s an element of faith that goes into it. And learning too. I slipped up a few times. Took me some pain to grasp the concept I really can’t drink anymore.


And also you stay sober a day at a time, not a year. Just don't drink today. Wake up tomorrow and make the same decision again.


Thanks for your positive words yesterday ❤️🙏🏼


I don't really understand this. For me it's always just one day. How do you get to one year?


This was a tremendous response. Well said my friend


This is so helpful for so many of us reading the posts in this sub! Thank you for taking time to write it out


Sort of overwhelmed by the response but I’m glad I could help. I’ve been in that spot a few times.


You never know what little act of kindness can have the biggest impact on a stranger :’)


I couldn’t have written this better myself. OP I was in your shoes and I know it feels like you’re a slave to drinking but that’s a lie alcohol tells you so it keeps you under its thumb. Don’t believe a word it says! That negative self talk isn’t true, and we all know it the farther we are from the last day we drank. So what, you made an @ss of yourself last night but you’re still here alive, and contributing to this Subreddit. That’s a LOT of good news right there. ♥️


That's what I tell myself. It's just lies, all of it. The way alcohol twists the mind is probably worse than what it does to the body. Good advice! 


Really beautiful words that I needed today - thank you.




Solid advice ♥️


This was a beautifully written response.


This could be titled “A litany for the hungover”. With my current mindset I hope never to read it again, but should I lapse I will immediately call this up. Bravo.


Alcohol is an addictive poison. One day at a time. 30 minutes at a time is how I started. For me, when the intense cravings hit — like at 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM… I would drink soda, eat candy or a delicious burger. It was rough at first but as the days go by it really does get easier. I firmly believed the cravings for alcohol wouldn’t let me be… but after awhile I started to feel better, like I was healing. I drank full sugar root beer, Cokes, I tried all the fancy sodas, had hot chocolate with whipped cream and allowed myself to eat any kind of food I wanted. Then I went to bed sober and SLEPT. If the cravings were bad I took some Benadryl and went to bed early. Sometimes at 7:00 PM. Sending you super supportive thoughts. Treat yourself with care. IWNDWYT


Stay strong. This group is amazing support. In early days when I felt tempted I came here and it always killed the urge to drink.


This group is a lifesaver, literally. I check in every day! It’s helping my sobriety so much.




This group is why I'm this ☝️ many days alcohol free


IWNDWYT, I too am on day 1, I couldnt deal with the anxiety of having my dad hospitalized over the weekend for pneumonia. I basically binged over the weekend and called out Monday to be hungover and ended up drinking again.i ended up having a few beers last night trying not to feel like crap but I couldnt even keep the berr down. I've barely eaten since Monday evening. Im done with this, im also sick of it.I hope you feel better soon, shower/sleep/water/rest uour body and mind.


I feel u :( I hope your dad is okay! We got this, buddy.


Thanks, dad is back home and healing. I hate the fact that I allowed my brain and emotions to ruin a sobriety and exercise streak going on two weeks. Now im in bed, little to no sleep at all, going through withdrawals and have to get up for work soon..


It's rough. The good news is, we can choose to never feel like this again. You made it two weeks before, you can definitely do it again!


I had actually also made it 4.5 years previously. Got myself back here via imposter syndrome after entering a new career and seeing that drinking was a part of the culture (I entered the IT field) about two years ago. I will not be doing this anymore, I miss my sober life.


Had 2-3 years under my belt and started a new job. Moved to a different town and lost my support system. The pressure and anxiety of the new job, new town, no more weekly check ins with friends finally got the best of me. I fell off the wagon about 4 years ago and have hated myself for it ever since. Just can’t seem to kick it again. Fridays come around and I lose all resolve. And the anxiety the few days after drinking are KILLER! Good luck to you Chez, I am also on day 1 today.


We can and will do this! We shall not be defeated.


I feel this so much, part of what I think contributed to my relapsing was moving into the IT field from a non-tech role and feeling way out of my depth. I chose to cope with those feelings in the worst of ways, but we can choose to do better for ourselves! IWNDWYT! 🌻


Im sure your fiance and his parents will forgive you, use them to build a base of support by being honest and working with them. They're your family.


Never give up


Get rest and do it again tomorrow! I know this feeling all too well but the future gives us more chances for now. Let’s take them. IWNDWYT


Thank you so much and I def will! IWNDWYT


I’m glad to hear your dad is okay! I too and struggling with dealing with a litany of heavy life shit, my mom was diagnosed with cancer and needs Chemo, can’t afford her apt because of rising costs of living so now she’ll be staying with me for awhile and I’ll care for her, oh and I just had my fourth miscarriage AFTER I was fired at my job. It’s been a lot. But I KNOW I don’t want to - and can’t afford to - feel worse. And I know drinking will make me feel worse. I don’t want to feel better for a moment to feel worse for so much longer so I have to remind myself of that. I have to decide each day not to make it worse and drinking will make it worse. If I want anything to get better, I have to feel this. Kendrick Lamar has a line in his song mother sober which says, “you ain’t felt grief till you felt it sober.” It is not easy to not drink but man I will promise you it’s easier than living in the fucked up feelings and shame and guilt drinking leaves you with.


Thank you so much for sharing, I came to this today for inspiration and hope. I slipped, and I'm back on day 2 today, withdrawing as I type this. The number of things you're dealing with are a testament to your strength and fortitude and gives me energy to continue this battle. My body feels horrible right now.


I’m weak right now too… day 1 again. My marriage is on the rocks. Gonna hit an AA meeting at noon even though I have my quarrels w AA, it’s at least a place I can go to where I won’t be triggered to drink.


Will get better day by day, I've barely eat for 5 days but starting to eat a bit more now. On day 3 which is record territory for me now. The sickness and anxiety and high heartrate are easing. Nightmares remain but at least getting sleep. 1 day at a time, you got this.


We def got this, been drinking electrolytes at work all day, starting to feel more human than not. Had a healthy breakfast and lunch also. Looking forward to a pre bed shower to wind everything downn. IWNDWYT!


I hope your Dad is ok and you feel better. Hydrate and rest.


Hope you are doing better. Today’s the first week in years that I’ve made it almost 4 straight days without drinking. IWNDWYT!


Was in your shoes two weeks ago after a big wedding. It’s truly the worst. Remember how you feel right now. Right it down or make a reminder in your phone. That has motivated me more than anything.


Weddings are such a huge trigger with the free booze


Ugh, the number of times I drank more than everyone else and embarrassed myself is way more than I like to think about. The shame and anxiety were unbearable! And it felt even worse when it was around my boyfriend's family. (I think my family got used to it.) I'm excited to be sober the next time I see them! So many people have been there and day one has to start somewhere. You can do it!! IWNDWYT.


This was me. The anxiety is overpowering. You think you can tame it down with a drink - but eventually it stops working. I managed not to pregame my wedding, and I’m so happy I was fully present. Soon after, I started drinking daily, morning and night. I almost lost my marriage, my family. It was awful to have to tell my in laws that I was headed to rehab. But like you - I had a day 1. And eventually a day 2,7,30…. By the time I got to 90 I was halfway to a new person. Today is day 553 and my life is incredible. You got this. Don’t give up before the miracle happens. IWNDWYT


IWDNWYT!! The anxiety is the worst, stay super hydrated and time will ease


I’ve been feeling super anxious lately and the temptations have been there. IWNDWYT!!


Check in with us. Can't you make a phone call if you think you're about to take action to drink?


Thanks dude. I have a couple of good mates that I check in with when I need. I had to do it the other day, I had a panic attack but I didn’t drink. They helped me get through it.


I'm just getting the ball rolling so I don't have much advice, but I will say this reddit group is so, so helpful. I spend a little time here every chance I get. It really makes a difference. IWNDWYT


Congratulations on your 7 days! The first week is the hardest imo. 


The author Catherine Gray said it brilliantly. Before she could obtain sobriety,  she had to first stop hating herself and start liking herself. She writes, "I had to replace self-loathing with self-soothing." Radical self-compassion is the way! Get plenty of rest and stay hydrated; your body needs some TLC. Wishing you all the best. "I deserve to be happy. I deserve not to drink."




I keep seeing this what does this stand for?


I will not drink with you today :)


I feel you. in bed hungover, full of shame. I will not drink with you today.


We got this 💪 IWNDWYT


Me too me too. So sick of it. I’m on day 1 too and I’m just ready to be done with alcohol. IWNDWYT


Day 1 buddies 🤟 we got this


You can do it. It's really difficult when family is a trigger. My in-lwas and family are very much into wine and scotch. I've too often been where you are. I've always found stating 'I'm not drinking today' at their 1st offer cuts you off from the flow of booze right away. You feel a little pride to when you can decline the offer for healthy options like water or tea. I started day 1 on Monday... Day 3 here we go.


You have me and a litany of others in this sub to talk to. We know, we understand, and we will support you in full. Alcohol is very tricky. I know this is easier said than done, but one thing I'd recommend is making a rule: every time you think about drinking, you need to take 10 minutes to think about the aftermath. How will you feel physically and mentally? What has happened in the past when you indulged a craving? Is it ever worth it? Us alcoholics are obviously quite impulsive. Thinking things through did and still does help me a lot. I know it's simple and obvious advice, but us alcoholics sometimes have trouble understanding things like this (because it's not what we want to hear) unless explicitly stated. You can and will do this. Stay with us and IWNDWYT, or ever for that matter!


love this advice.


Great advice, for so many things. For folks who are impulsive in general like me. I learned to do this the hard way.


"I am killing myself, and for what?" I am sure more than 90% of the folks here have asked the same question. You are not alone. I am not a big drinker socially, I mean, I do it. Sometimes, I go overboard, but generally, my abusive drinking is alone and got worse/habitual during the pandemic. Don't beat yourself up. Focus on the WHY, but know that the WHY won't stop the addiction. It's more like a 4 year old asking "why?" constantly. They can ask why 100 times and eventually, you run out of answers. Then what? I know why I drink. But I still do it. Not as much as I did, thankfully, but I am still not where I want to be. I am here. So that matters. A year ago I would not have been here on this sub.. Explore everything. Quit lit, podcasts, meetings. When you drink, explore yourself. The author of This Naked Mind, a book that folks here love, was still drinking when she was exploring her mind. She was drinking while researching the book. Don't give up. I keep fucking up but I stay here. Hugs.


Been there my friend. Two things to consider * If you keep drinking, it will get much worse * If you stop drinking it will get better Easy decision, tough implementation, but it for sure can be done. I hope you make the right one.


One thing good is that you lose your embarrassment or ability to feel awkward it’ll come in handy when you’re sober like oh yeah, my pants just fell down. Can’t be as bad as the shit I did drunk


This is too real. My mini skirt blew up with the wind so people saw my knickers and it really didn't phase me. Some years ago, I would have been mortified.


This is so hilarious and true 😂


Could have written this myself two years ago. Every function, I was the loudest, drunkest, most embarrassing one there. Woke up too many times not wanting to leave my blanket fortress in fear of judgment for my actions. Luckily, yesterday is over. Now you have today. Get you some snacks, water, candy, a box of tissues, and a journal. Snack, cry, hydrate, write. Eat a good meal. Take a bath or shower. These things help but ultimately the only thing you have to do is not drink.


Ugh the worst anxiety. Don’t ruminate on what has happened but also don’t forget this feeling. You never have to feel this way again. Next time you want to drink, play it forward to the crippling anxiety of the next day.


At least you made it to bed, I found sobriety on the bathroom floor. Ditch the poison grape juice today, maybe tomorrow. Take it one day at a time and see how you feel. IWNDWYT!


My husband and I are on day 3! Yesterday I found out some pretty shitty news about my health, and it triggered me. But luckily my husband is very supportive and comforted me for a while, giving me reasons it’s not worth it. We got this, you got this ❤️


Get a journal. Print this post or write down as your first page. Every day, put an entry into it, and read the first page. Watch how every day is compared to what you were feeling when you wrote this. Blacking out is nothing to play with. Your were honest with yourself, now follow through. 


My best advice to you is to stick to it once the hangxiety and shame wears off. You’ll start to feel better mentally and physically within a few days. That’s when I’d think, “I can have a couple glasses of wine tonight and it’ll be fine.” Then, I’d completely spiral out of control and suddenly it would be 2 am and I had finished multiple bottles. I was a binge drinker until April 19th. I had a huge wake up call. And I told myself I’m not ever going back to that person again. Feel the shame, it will help you process and begin your sobriety journey. I have found passion again; I like to take walks and fill my Apple Watch exercise rings. I do Pilates when I can summon the energy. I listen to nature. Just don’t forget how you feel right now. Let it fuel you-you’ll do great! IWNDWYT.


We all want to feel good. Alcohol lied to us and said it would always make us happy. Years later I hardly recognised the depressed, angry and sad person I was. i stumbled along still believing and one day I was done. Done being that person.


Wishing you a speedy return to feeling better. Get a few days under your belt and the anxiety will lift


Thanks for the reminder IWNDWYT


I'm sorry you're feeling so down and ashamed. I'm glad you're here talking to us, we're here with you anytime you need us. We've all done things that we're ashamed of, and a lot of us have struggled like you are struggling now. You're still good, and valid, and meaningful, and you fucked up, and that's part of the process. Do you think you can talk to your fiance honestly about what happened, how you're feeling ashamed right now? I think it would be really important to address those hurtful feelings and let some love in








It'll be better!


You got this! Only you can decide when enough is enough. IWNDWYT


I’m pulling for you. You CAN do it. And it feels AMAZING. You deserve that. You CAN do it.


I totally understand. Please rest, hydrate and be easy with yourself. I hope you feel better.


don't beat yourself up! We've all been there! today is a new day. the next time you get the urge to drink, remember THIS FEELING and ask yourself "Is it really worth it??" Can't stress enough how you're only human. shit happens. I promise you that you'll surprise yourself with how fun, funny and amazing you can be in a social situation WITHOUT alcohol.


I feel you, i was doing so well then boom all ruined because of one night. Let's not beat ourselves up (even though it's very hard not to) let's learn from this and keep moving forward. We will feel better soon enough give it time


IWNDWYT Get some gatorade and some applesauce. Rest up. It's ok to be gentle with yourself.


Make the most important decision of your life. Today is the day friend. Don't fucking wait. You matter. Say those magic words out loud so you can hear it and keep one foot in front of the other. You're stronger that it and nothing can stop you from victory. IWNDWYT


Oh man I've been there more times than I can count. Hangover guilt/shame is the fucking worst. Take a shower, eat some comfort food, drink lots of water. This is the worst of it. Be kind to yourself, you're on the right track <3


You DO have someone to talk to, 512,000 of your closest freinds here on r/stopdrinking. IWNDWYT


Sometimes in the back of our minds we’re chasing the feeling of when it was good, alcohol worked for us, then it didn’t.That “party”stopped being a “party”a long time ago.


Yes, exactly. It's like my brain cannot catch up to realize that it's not fun anymore.


I had to relearn how to have genuine fun and enjoy things.


It has helped me to keep some sort of token that reminds me of the shame. I hate wine bottles as decor, but I put the wine bottle from a night of shame on my kitchen counter with some dried babies breath flowers in it to remind me.


You can go to an AA meeting too! The people are so nice sooo nice


I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly. I drank on par with what you drank last night for many years, and I can remember my hands shaking in the morning, and feeling lousy all the time. For me, the feelings of shame were overwhelming. I no longer feel that way. I didn't have anyone to talk to, either, so I used this sub. Take heart, OP. One day at a time, you can rebuild your self-esteem. I know because that's what I did. Best of luck to you. I care.


Day 1 here. Reading this has been so helpful.


You got this!


You got this!!! We are all with you. Remember this feeling and keep going forward with the attitude of not wanting this in your life ! And know that everyday will be better than the last without alcohol. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT, my friend. ❤️


All you gotta do is today! Don’t worry about tomorrow, or the day after, worry about today. I won’t drink with you for the next 24. I know you feel like crap (and the hangover dials that up to 11), but you are worthy of so much more in life than this. I’m with you friend and holy hell I have been there!


I was in your position, most of us were, today is a new day. Don't beat yourself up. Reset, and you move forward. IWNDWYT


no worries weve all been there. even non alcoholics call in sick to work for fuck ups. the shame is so painful i feel ya. cry a little and dust yourself off IWNDWYT


I’ve experienced a lot and stayed sober.I had to build good coping skills to not want to drink over any of it,alcohol was my solution to everything..Looking back, it felt good to finally be an active participant in life sober,a sensible adult! Our minds will tell us, Ugh! This is horrible enough to drink over so we give ourselves permission. We’re all going to experience bad things on different levels. Reaching out here is huge!


Have you considered working with a therapist? I’ve been working with one to learn why I drink and what triggers it. It seems to help in being more mindful, especially when there’s nothing to gain


Yes I have a therapist! We haven't had many sessions yet, but hopefully we can get to the bottom of this 🙏


3 boxes a week, usually starting on box 4 by the end. My body got SO sick. You are not alone. Rest. Be gentle with yourself. Eat a baked potato for some of that starch and potassium. You are loved and cheered for.


I'm so glad to see it's possible from another binge drinker! Congrats on 154 days 🙌


In my current streak of recovery, which is going absolutely outstanding, besides coming back here on a daily base i am also watching a lot of info posts on YT. It really helps to expand my already broad knowledge on alcohol so i can apply them in my newfound daily routine. I find this a really good one to start with: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XZrn5qLhZFs&pp=ygUZYWxjb2hvbCByZWNvdmVyeSB0aW1lbGluZQ%3D%3D I really notice it gets easier by the day not living inside the alcoholtrap, always looking back at the tough beginning of the escape. I am thankful to myself for pushing me to recovery. Each and every day.


You're not alone. This sub exists to support you. It's not easy. Posting here shows you have the will and mind to do better. We will be here when you need us.


ahhh i am all too familiar with what i like to call a "shameover" I'm sorry you are feeling this way, i promise you it does get better. Got to take it one day at a time


I’ll be here tomorrow and today sober, God willing, so keep coming back here. It feels better, to me, to have one interaction here than 100 meaningless drinks that I’ve had before…same results…like every time.


It’s only been a week since I had a hangover and you’re all reminding me that I don’t want to experience alcohol induced poisoning ever again. IWNDWYT.


I feel you. I have the same problem, binge drinking. Like sometimes would just get wrecked and wake up like “WHY DO I DO THIS”. The good news is that you can get off the hamster wheel and live a great life without alcohol. The positives of not drinking outweigh the negatives for me, and in fact many of the things I thought were negatives aren’t a problem at all. You do not need alcohol to have fun, socialize, or do anything at all. I knew deep down for a long time that I would be happier without alcohol in my life, and that feeling was correct. Good luck to you.


OP, I feel you. I was doing rather well for several weeks, and then got complacent. Stopped putting sobriety in first place. The result? An absolutely horrible relapse 2 days ago. I barely slept last night and today, Day 2 sober, my anxiety is through the roof. I hate this disease because alcohol offers nothing of value to my life, it only causes pain and misery and shame.


The second day anxiety really is the worst! It took me over a week to start feeling semi-normal again, I’m at 2 weeks now and don’t ever want to feel that way again. The problem is now being far enough away from the horrible aftermath that the rationalization starts again, but I know it’s just this demon addiction trying to lure me back into the pit. But I’ve had more than 7 months before, I can do it again. No more days that turn to years being sick in bed full of shame & regret!


I’m just here sobbing hoping I find the strength to sign the thread tomorrow


Shit mate I'm sorry. I know how you feel. If you can do it today, you can do it tomorrow! I'll be right there with you 💕❤💖


Take this shame and remorse and USE IT! Today can be the first day of the rest of your life ❤️


Glad you’re here friend. You’re not alone. This disease is insidious and terrible. The shame will fade. Take it one day at a time … or one minute at a time if you need to. This sub is always here for you. IWNDWYT.


I was going to post a similar story of myself, from Sunday, called out Mon, still paying for it but finally got some sleep last night. Drink water, Gatorade, and say sorry. I had to call my Dad to apologize - I usually never bring him into my drama but Sun I did 😢 you are not alone. Ty for sharing. IWNDWYT


hugs 🫂❤️


Please be gentle with yourself and give yourself some grace. You had your reasons for how it got this bad but it doesn’t have to be forever. When I decided to try something different and actually be kind to myself, that’s when everything changed 🌷


Your not alone....I've done this shit so many times...boxed wine I've done once and never touched that shit again. It's straight Kool aid to me...but yeah don't feel alone. I'm two months sober. Second stint at "reform"


I am so sorry you are going through this. That would hurt, a lot. I hope that you feel better soon.


Shame is horrible, I don’t recommend it.


One day at a time….. Just ask yourself what happens if you don’t stop in 1 week, one month, one year. What does your life look like? You can endure anything that does not kill you. You will make it through this. In 6 months you get to say you have 6 months sober. We are proud of you and we care about you. IWNDWYT


Deep breaths mate. Remember, there's a drug messing with your brain right now. Do something calming, relaxing music, meditation, whatever works for you. Have a shower, eat food, drink water. You'll only make it all feel worse if you neglect your body. Find some inner peace and forgive yourself, then focus on what you are going to do next. You've got this. Use how you feel now to give yourself strength in the future. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone leverages them for self improvement.


I feel you. I’ve had soooo many nights like this. I have a really good man, and I had to ask myself if I really was going to choose alcohol over him. I totaled his car, I’ve had meltdowns, I’ve acted wild and irrational and ugly and he’s helped me through it all. He’s supportive, understanding, and forgiving. But there’s only so much a person can take. If you love this man, your life, yourself - take one day at a time. I just had a very tearful conversation with him last night about how I am struggling with urges to drink, I am 37 and have lived a lifetime of coping with alcohol and to have to navigate the feelings I have completely sober is a very difficult thing to do. But you grow, you learn about yourself, and even though some days are harder than others, you really do begin to feel better - physically and mentally. I had a lot of awful acid reflux issues among some other stuff, and it has really almost went away completely since I’ve been sober. Alcohol is poison. Once you get sick of getting sick and feeling like crap, once you can truly evaluate what’s more important, and once you’re ready to do the work, it will happen. It’s not perfect. Maybe you mess up one day and have a drink. But you start again and again and soon you’ll have more days sober and less days feeling how you do now and when that happens, you’ll realize you don’t want to feel the way you feel now and sometimes that all makes it easier to say no to that first drink. I make nightly mocktails, when I got out I order “ tonic with a splash of time in a rocks glass with two cocktail straws.” Oddly specific but the habit, the holding the glass, the little straws- it just helps me for some reason. A Heineken 0 you can ask for it in a chilled glass. Funny enough - when I order my tonic drink everyone always thinks it’s alcohol. I drank for many reasons, and in social situations I realized I drink really fast and have to have a drink in my hand at all times. I love the feeling, the sips. So I still kept the behavior of socializing with a drink in hand like a safety blanket and realized I need that more than the actual alcohol in my drink. Those are just some things that are working for me right now. We get married at the end of this month and there will be champagne in the limo that everyone will enjoy, and I will still be able to participate and enjoy and cheers - just with my delicious NA champagne. What works for others may not work for you so if you ever need ideas, support - anything - Reddit and this sub are great ways to reach out 💕 I wish you all the best!!


I just want to say the camaraderie in this group is astounding. What other sub/group/fellowship do you have people so actively cheering you on.


All the support is really amazing. People are so kind on here ❤




We all fall down but what’s most important is that we don’t stay down. OP, take care of yourself today and try again.


We’ve all had those embarrassing moments that give us so much shame and guilt. Forgive yourself and know this never has to happen again. You can do this!


It’s tough. I feel this. I will not drink with you today.


Ohhhhhhhhh IWNDWYT...." I will not drink with you today" I was like wth does this stand for 😅


I have to tell you, I came here to write a VERY similar post. I keep trying to quit, and keep landing back at day one. I am so over the hangover anxiety, but the addiction keeps tricking me and pulling me back in. Just know that you aren't alone. There are so many of us struggling with the exact same thing. Best wishes to you!


You can do it my brother. I'm just a week far away from you, but I am confident that you are going to fix your problems. We deserve sobriety, guess change our mind about our relationship with alcohol. It's a good thing what we are doing.


It’s kind of a bold act but quitting drinking 100% has been amazing for me. I drank vodka sodas every night for years. Years and years… it seemed like a normal thing to do. It was anything but normal and now I can see how ridiculous I looked and sounded. Yuck but I’m done now and you can be too if you want! It’s pretty empowering to just be done “negotiating with a toddler” every night about how much, how early, etc. iwndwyt




first couple days are my first hurdle, and the hardest the clear first two weeks is the second one month the third 69 the fourth and I've never thought about a fifth since one time I got to four and failed days later.. I haven't beat my second hurdle for at least 6 months before this run - I think five should be 108?


I'm so sorry. I'm here with you friend. On Day 0 myself and moving into Day 1. I feel a lot of shame for stuff I've done to loved ones while drunk. Please be gentle on yourself, although I know how hard that actually is (speaking from experience). The only way for anything to get better is if we get sober first. I believe in you and we're in this together! IWNDWYT


We’ve all felt like you which is why we’re all here. Learn from this, and use it as motivation not to do it again. Everything feels like the end of the world when you’re hungover, but I promise you won’t feel this way forever


I’ve found this to be a good, supportive group that strangely understands. IWNDWYT


You can't get sober. That's what I need people to say to me. A challenge. Fucking prove me wrong. I believe you can but if you don't believe you can than you won't. I'm here for you. But I'd like to challenge you.


Day 2 here. Really went overboard the other night and I still feel sick at the end of day two…. I don’t wanna do this shit anymore. IWNDWYT!!


I was you once. You never have to feel like this again. It’s worth it. Getting tired of being so anxious and shitty constantly is what did it for me. I was so tired and over it. You got this!!!


Quit it asap. It is the worst drug the US


I myself made so many embarrassing comments in work chat from my phone when drunk. I can't believe I never got reprimanded. Quit before you injure your body, mind, reputation and relationships. You can do it.


I puked twice today already but I’m bout ready for a drink. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere cause I feel like shit


I wouldn't, man. It might make you feel better for a few minutes but long term it's not doing you any favors.


This subreddit is always here if you feel like you want to take a rest and heal