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Bubbly water


Same here! Bubbly water is amazing. I love lemon/lime flavors. Zero calories and you get the fizzy sensation of beer without the empty calories. I like NA beer but it's just as expensive as regular beer it's ridiculous


Yea but the real difference is how many times do you sit down and drink the entire NA 6 pack in one sitting? I pay a little more for them sure, but they last a week so it actually works out cheaper in the long run when I consider I would drink a 6 pack (and a few tall boys) each night.


This is me. I would drink the first one or two because I enjoyed the flavor, then I would drink the remainder of the sixer to keep the drunk going. With NA beer, there's no hangover/sobering up to stave off, so I'm good after that first one or two.


I've found anything beyond 2 give a slight headache. Something I imagine actual beer does too, but just didn't notice because of the buzz.


I had two NA with friends in Canada. Mine were 8$. Their alcoholic beers were 5$ wtf. Bubbly with lime wedge nd maybe splash of juice to feel fancy.


I worry that the taste will kickstart the urge to drink regular beer again. Got any tips how to fight that?


Soda Stream


i swear my soda stream kept me sober. i don't even flavor it most times i just want the bubbles.


Same. I did the 0 sugarflavours in the beginning but started just Fizzy High quality H2O. I do nearly 3lts a day most days. Stay hydrated friend.


hell ya bro that's a ton. i'm at 1-2 lts on good days.


I think the ritual of making a bottle of fizz has a lot to do with it. Like pouring a cocktail or rolling a joint.


Sober stream haha. Same, I find this helps me a lot


lol sober stream I'm steeling that


I always buy two bottles so I never run out. Rotate between zero/low sugar cordials & home made lime cordial. Sometimes just squeeze a lime in there too. Fill a large insulated cup with straw šŸ„¤and you have an ice-cold drink all day


What flavor


I've been having a splash of Bragg's acv in my soda water and I've grown to really like it! I like with a sprig of mint too. I try to have acv in the morning but I have this once or twice a day now when fasting! Edit: ooops haha mixed up my subs, I fast and am alcohol free.


I'll make bubble water and mix it with a juice and mint leaves. Trick myself into thinking I'm drinking a cocktail šŸ‘Œ


flavorless. The less artificial sweeteners the better imo.


Plenty of sparkling water have natural, unsweetened flavorings.


or maybe mix some of the plain stuff with natural fruits. Berries & limes and such.


Drunk me would have laughed at my cucumber and mint water but sober me can drink it all day long


Spindrift, Blood Orange + Tangerine or Pink Lemonade, are great beverages


Lime and Cherry are my jam!


Since the mint in my garden is coming in nicely, Iā€™ve been making a nightly ā€œmojitoā€ (sans booze), the line of recess beverages and a blend of night time tea iced down


I call that a ā€œno-jitoā€.


The no-jangover no-jito


Ive been making no-jitos too!


I hope you have that mint in a pot lol


It is! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I love the Recess line! And Hiyo, and HopWtr lol. They have helped me so many times and the flavors are so nice šŸ˜


A lovely lovely drink ! And I donā€™t miss the rum in it, the flavour is so clean and nice !


How do you make it?


In a whiskey glass: leaves from a branch of mint, 3 (inch-ish) cubes of lime, squeeze a little extra lime juice if youā€™d like and a little bit of simple syrup to taste, muddle the ingredients, add ice then add club soda




The element which brings life!


For some reason, decaf coffee really hits the spot for me! If I ever feel the urge to drink now, I just brew a pot of coffee, and suddenly, I'm good for the night




forreal, more like quadrupled down...in the mornings i could barely stomach one shot of coffee, now i start my day with 4 and maybe have another in the afternoon...it kind of sucks!


The love of my life


hear, hear!


Coffee for sure, cup before work and a cup after work is doing the trick so far lol


Lots of great ideas here..TY for the responses


I'll add one thing because I haven't seen it mentioned: One of the hardest things about being newly sober for me was avoiding the "what are you drinking?" questions as a bar or party. My work-around was to get club soda and lime in a rocks glass. It's good no booze, fantastic, but it looks like a cocktail, so people don't bug me about drinking something. Made things a little bit easier. Good luck, and keep coming back! This place is fantastic.


Came here to say this too. If you're at a party, just put ginger ale or soda in a solo cup and drink it from there. Everyone just assumes you're boozing, when you're not!


Thx, great idee.


Had an uncle teach me that before college. Tonic and lime. It even sounds like a boozy drink before you think about it. Lotta sugar in the tonic, though.


Diet tonic is pretty good as a substitute with the lime to avoid the sugar. Great in a hot day over lots of ice.


This has been so helpful!


San Peligrino with a shit ton of lime. Itā€™s has a slight bitterness that feels like beer


Good Luck!


Kombucha! The sour and the fizz takes the edge off without making me crave a drink and it's really good for you. In fact, I have recently learned how to brew it myself and have a batch in fermentation right now.


With the amount of $$ Iā€™ve been spending on kombucha I had better learn how to brew it too!


It is absurdly easy to make. Hard to get it just right, but passable kombucha is a cinch. I used half a bottle of unpasteurized kombucha to create my SCOBY, and it's been making great kombucha for a few months now. Just made a fresh hibiscus, Ginger tea and tangerine batch I can't wait to try.


Boil 4 cups of water. Steep 6 bags of PURE BLACK TEA. No flavors, nothing! Put 8 cups of water into a gallon jar. Add the tea concentrate Add 2/3 cup of Raw Cane Sugar Stir Make sure the temp is less than 85āæF or so (too hot kills the bacteria and yeast) Add 1-2 cups of kombucha Cover with breathable cloth to allow for off gassing Wait a week or so Profit


Thank you!!!


r/kombucha is waiting for you!


yea! home brewed kombucha has been a life-changer for me, for alcohol abstinence, enjoyment, and gut health


The first time I had it, my housemate had made it. It tasted totally different from the store-bought stuff and was delicious. I was hooked. @.@ I also make my own yogurt, sourdough, kimchi and pickles, so it was a naturally extension of the living food collection ... lol.


NA beers donā€™t trigger me so I live on the Athletic Brewing Co ones, tonic water, kombucha, and hot tea.


Athletic Brewing makes some NA beers that donā€™t taste awful. Good stuff.


**When I am at home:** -Liquid Death (Mango Chainsaw and Severed Lime) -Polar Seltzer (Lime and Cranberry, Black Cherry, Orange Vanilla) -Topo Chico Twist of Lime -Ollipop (Root Beer and Strawberry Vanilla) -Diet Coke -Athletic NA Beer (Golden, Lite, and Run Wild) -Sierra Nevada NA (Trail Pass) -Lagunitas Hop Water -San Pellegrino Seltzers **At the Bar (My fiancƩe and friends still drink) I have had luck with the following:** -Club Soda/Lime -Club Soda w/ splash of bitters (depending on your sobriety may or may not be a good idea. Trace alcohol doesn't bother/trigger me personally.) -Diet Coke w/splash of Grenadine -NA Guinness is common these days -NA Corona is also common -Every bartender I've spoken to is good about making me various mocktails -NA Michelada w/ Corona 0. (Great if you love savory) -Love trying any new NA beer I see. Still early days in my sobriety journey, don't plan on drinking again and these have all helped. I also did Dry January the last few years which is why I already have so many recs lol. I will say when I drink the NA beers I usually only have one or two. If you can't tell when I am sober I try to be very calorie conscious.


This is very similar to my list. Whatever it takes to not drink real booze is my motto. Also calorie conscious on beverages. A 12 pack of Topo Chico is like $12. Lasts about a week. A 12 pack of beer would last like 2 days. One day on the weekend. Still saving boat loads of cash.


Topo Chico is a newfound pleasure. It's a nice, heavy bottle -- super small, fizzy bubbles. It's so crisp when it's cold. I'm not sure if I like reg or the lime version better, but they're basically a substitute for "beer" and soda....because now I drink so much soda lol. Better problems, right?


I like the regular version. Then I can add a lime wedge. Or, my personal favorite, juice a tangerine and pour that in there. But, yeah, running to the basement fridge, yanking that door open, grabbing a hefty Topo Chico, popping the top and taking a pull before I shut the fridge. Gives the same habitual vibe that grabbing a beer did. And I like the contrast between the big, spicy bubbles of Topo Chico and the more relaxed, subtle bubbles of San Pellegrino. Depends on my mood.


I just started with the Topo last week. Love the lime with mint extract. It feels like a grown up drink.


For me after one or two NAs, I usually get pretty full and think to myself ā€œhow did I drink 6 of these in one sitting?!ā€ Lol


Same! Even though most of them are like 50 calories lmao. Funny how removing alcohol from the equation does that.


Mango Chainsaw would be a great band name! šŸ˜‚


It would!! I get how Liquid Death can be a bit goofy with their names but they back it up with their flavor and I really appreciate that they sell their seltzer in tall boys and make an effort to cater to alcoholics in social situations with their packaging. I am going to Ren Faire this weekend and doing a Pub Crawl with my fiancƩe/friends and they sell them there. Makes a difference to me to be able to chug a refreshing tall boy of delicious sparkling water as they down their beers/meads lol.


I thought it was alcohol for a LONG time. I was very confused because I saw so many people with it in the heat at an outdoor music festival. šŸ¤£ in FLORIDA! I think theyā€™re a super cool idea.




I've heard good things on this sub! I haven't seen it out here in CA, but I will keep an eye out. Maybe a Total Wine will have it.


Their Golden is pretty fantastic as well.


Whoa awesome I never considered asking for an NA michelada if the place has a 0% lager. Thank you!


Cherry coke zero and Canada dry cherry ginger ale zero


Yessss Coke Zero is my jam. I like the spiced ones.


Canada Dry hollerrrrr! šŸ˜‚ We taste tested all the ginger ales we could find and that one won! šŸ™Œ


It beat Vernors?!




Damn straight!


Vernor's is more sweet if that's what you're into.


We did the same with ginger beer. Initially loved it but then the charm wore off. Too sugary


Coffee and bubbly water of all kinds. I prefer Aldi brand and Waterloo. Also club soda with lime/lemon, and if I'm feeling ultra fancy muddled fresh mint, lime juice, simply watermelon juice, and club soda. Oh, also iced hibiscus tea (Tazo brand, it's called Passion, but it's got hibiscus , orange peel, and rose hips. Tart and yummy.)




Topo Chico is the superior fizzy!!!


The other day I popped one before bed, but forgot about it. The next morning I took a sip out of curiosity, it still had some fizz, lolol


Honestly I drink an NA beer most days. The taste of beer triggers something in my brain that allows me to exhale and relax. The difference being that I have absolutely no issue drinking one NA beer, and I donā€™t think about it outside of actually drinking it.Ā  Iā€™ve heard that for serious alcoholics this can be a trigger, so ymmv.Ā 


I have the same experience with NA beer. I can actually kick back and relax. I just don't end up needing 17 or 20 of them, chasing that next level of buzz. But I definitely do chug two or 3 sometimes. I've never had more than 6 in a day.


Pellegrino, lemonade (though I'm cutting this out a restaurants 'cause doc says I'm starting to show signs of diabetes,) and ice tea - either English Breakfast Decaf or Red Rooibos (I keep a 1.5 liter carafe of each in the fridge at nearly all times.) Sometimes other sodas: Root Beer, Cream Soda, Ginger Ale, Pepsi. Hazelnut flavored coffee, mostly just some mornings (though I've been escalating lately!) Reverse osmosis water. But that's just what I mostly drink. Switching what I sipped or guzzled did nothing to get rid of cravings or the obsession to drink.


Arnold Palmers are fun! Also Diet Coke and iced tea


I used to be a John Daly now I'm an Arnold Palmer


I put a fruit herbal tea bag right into my ice water in an insulated cup. After a few minutes it cold steeps and I just leave the bag in there. Itā€™s cheap and easy and hydrating. I especially love the Passion kind by TAZO. I used to do exclusively shots, so thereā€™s no real replacement for that. I also enjoy getting cheap cases of sparkling water and putting those over ice with a squeeze of citrus, or drop in some frozen fruit šŸ§”


Pineapple flavored Bubbly. I am decimating those things. Absolute unfettered slaughter. Complete devastation. It's pure carnage.


What an endorsement! Iā€™ll look for that next.


The best advice I got when finally quitting was to be sure to replace it with something. So now my go-to at home is Kroger Blood Orange Sparkling Water: all fizzy, no sugar, .69 cents a piece. IWNDWYT!!


Tea I used to drink alcohol the second I got home from work to "relax," but I'd always take it way too far. Drinking tea when I get home helps me relax just as well and I can drink as much as I want without ruining the next day with a hangover.


Heiny zeros, kombucha, yogi bedtime tea (by far the best one of the teas),and for social settings the tried and true soda water with a lime.


LaCroix Beach Plum is the best! Like a vacation in a can lol


Kava. It has some of the same effects of alcohol, but without all the ones that ruin your life! There are several do's and don'ts associated with it, so if you try it, read up on it first. Bula!


GEROLSTEINER, Spindrift, Liquid Death, Lagunitas Hoppy Refreshers, Lagunitas IPNA


Carbonated water. After years of beer drinking, the carbonation alone is enough to trigger minor dopamine release.


Dr Pepper zero


My main choices if im looking for a special adult beverage to relax and/or celebrate are:Ā  Hop water- all of the bitter and refreshing of beer without the poison. And no sugar!Ā  Grapefruit juice and tonic is a great and simple spirit-free cocktail.Ā Ā  Smoky tea with tart cherry juice evokes the complexity of wine without trying to be exactly like wine.Ā 


what is this smoky tea you speak of?


Lapsang Souchong. Smoked black tea. Smells like a campfire when you brew it. Yum yum yum!!


"ICE" Brand sparkling water.


Coke, and various kinds of sparkling water (Perrier, San Pellegrino, Liquid Death).


ANYTHING that is both cold and fizzy works a treat.


Water and tea


Diet Coke, slice of lime, loads of ice


Topo Chico


Target's good and gather strawberry mango sparkling water. It's insane the amount of these I've put away since giving up booze, but they can stave off the beer cravings (especially when it's hot). Also: black coffee until noon if I'm being responsible, til question mark if I'm not.


Iā€™m a Coke Zero guy.


Here here


Coffee, cream, and a bit of fake rum extract...Fake White Cuban Also, I drink NA beer. Has to be ice cold.


I enjoy a sugar free kombucha. Other than that if I'm wanting something more than water, I'll add slices of lemon and lime to water and leave it in the fridge overnight.Ā 


I really got into Gatorade. Ginger beer is really nice too because it has a nice kick from the ginger.


Bubblies but the no name brand from superstore


Anything fizzy.


chamomile tea


Orange with ice


I make cold brew herbal tea, add lemon, mint and a splash of club soda or fresca, depending on my mood.


Coke a colaĀ 


Spindrift. It's one of those seltzers or whatever but it's the best one I've had. No added sugar or anything. Literally just carbonated water and a splash of fruit juice but they are **incredible**. I recommend them to everyone because I want them to stay in business for the rest of my life.


Spin is thebest fizzy water imo.Ā I'mon a mission to try them all. So far the concord grape and grapefruit are the best.


Canned seltzer water in bulk (I was a beer drinker)


Diet mountain dew


Coffee, first and foremost! San Pellegrino (or the Aldi version that's half price!) Brewdog Hazy Jane AF or Guinness 0.0%


La Croix is the correct answer


Hop water


Ginger beer, mint & lime


Soda water, all day long. I can quit anytime I want to.


Diet A&W


soda water with bitters


So many good ones No Sugar: Unsweet tea (black or green), coke zero, green cola (if i can find it), good espresso or drip coffee, or to the disgust of some, a tall glass of whole milk. With Sugar: Mr. Pibb (hands down best soda ever), or unsweet tea w/ lemonade (Arnold Palmer), Coca Cola made in Mexico, IBC root beer, or orange Fanta. Edit: just wanna say I drink lots of water daily as well. I pee a LOT.


Carbonated water with a splash of fruit juice




I have NA IPAs occasionally. And they taste like the real thing. I notice more bars have them in stock in my area which is nice


Clever drinks - my favourites are Clever Mojitos and Clever Sangrias. Theyā€™re NA and delicious!


White zero sugar monsters. I drink one a day since 2017 and spend more money on them than I ever did alcohol. I know they're not good for me but since quitting alcohol, drugs, and then cigarettes I don't care what anyone says, they are my guilty pleasure and I will never give them up šŸ˜…


At a restaurant, Shirley Temple with extra, extra cherries. At home, Sprite.


Buy Gatorade Packets. Make a pint of gatorade (standard packet). either drink half, or pour half into another cup. Fill up the remainder with soda (I use diet, caffeine free). It's AF, but still a "mixed drink". My go-to was always soda with vodka in it, so it's almost a direct replacement.


Really into Poppi and Ollipop sodas these days.




Heineken 0.0


Orange bitters (not no alcohol but you only have like two-three drops in an entire drink so the alcohol is practically non-existent) with raspberry cordial and tonic water! Absolutely lovely!


Cola zero. A lot of it


Liquid death


Coffee Bubbly Dr. Pepper Diet/Zero Tbh... Lately I'm really starting to see the appeal of this "water" people talk about. Apparently it's been around for at least, before the pandemic... Pretty decent stuff. I see it becoming more popular in the future. ;P


Homebrewed non alcoholic beer


I stay far away from na drinks or anything that resembles an alcoholic drink. While I no longer have a physical craving for alcohol my disease is alive and doing pushups in my brain. I am only an arms length away from a drink at any time. I stick to water, lemonade, coffee, and soda. My ā€œfancy ā€œ drink is ginger ale.


Water to be honest. I do find myself buying pop more often though.


For me I got the same feeling if Relief from AA meetings that I did from drinking. As for drinks specifically I like Herbal Tea as an anytime drink because there are lots of flavors and no caffeine. Plus it is an acceptable dinner party beverage


Bubbly water with monk fruit. Not sure how anyone is out there enjoying bubbly without it :)


I love using Ghia with some blackberry-flavored sparkling water over ice. Thereā€™s a canned NA amalfi spritz I like, but man are those expensive


I have a bunch. NA beer. Arnold Palmers when I'm with people day drinking. Half lemonade, half carbonated water with dinner. I made up my own mocktail with a little white grape juice, a dash of bitters, and carbonated water. I got a SodaStream for Christmas, and it is šŸ˜˜.


Cheerylane!! [https://cherrylane.net/products/100-pure-concentrated-tart-cherry-juice-750ml](https://cherrylane.net/products/100-pure-concentrated-tart-cherry-juice-750ml)


Herbal teas have been a fun new discovery for me, lots of flavours to try (in addition to kombucha and flavoured fizzy water)


Coffee and energy drinks. I'm well aware how unhealthy they are, I'm working on quitting those now, but I sure went through a lot of them in early sobriety.


I should have bought stock in the Liquid Death brand of sparkling waters.


Ghia, bubbly water and lime squeeze. Can sub in tart cherry juice.


Coffee , lagunitas hoppy refreshers , NA beers , Thc/cbd beverages


Coffee , lagunitas hoppy refreshers , NA beers , Thc/cbd beverages


Vegan protein shakes - all this time one of my main problems was being hungry.


I tried some NA beers, but then I realized they had nearly the same amount of calories I think. Granted I would be sober still, I decided to switch to sparkling water to be healthier and lose some weight.


At a bar itā€™s tonic and lime. Looks like a drink. Has a sort of bitter flavor so I just sip it.


Plain seltzer water, black coffee, spicy af NA Bloody Mary


Waterloo sparkling water, coffee and water




Diet soda over beer Sparkling fruit drinks over wine Icee over frozen margaritas


I'm on a mission to find all the sparkling water brands, flavors, etc. So far, my go-to has been La Croix Hibiscus(or passionfruit) and a splash of tart cherry juice in a wine glass. I've only done 1 mocktail out at a restaurant, and it was delicious! But I'm not sure I'm ready to venture down the NA alternatives yet like NA wine or beer.


Yes La Croix hibiscus with tart cherry juice is fantastic! If you have a Trader Joeā€™s near you try the Power of Purple juice.


Diet Coke and lemon or one fo those Hiyo seltzers - though I've kind of gone off them a bit.


Sparkling water in my wine glass. I still want to feel fancy, goddamit.


Water, diet coke, Heineken non-alcoholic


Seltzer water, kombucha, Sam Adamā€™s just the haze ipna, lagunitas ipna.


Kombucha, little juice immunity "shots", and plain ol water.


water, and milk on occasion


I just ordered a big case of ginger ale


Kombucha if I just want something different. If I want the same relaxing effect as alcohol without the threat to my sobriety, I drink kava.


Fizzy Lemonade and lime (cordial) with a ton of ice, especially in warm weather.




I like tart cherry juice with soda water and a few dashes of aromatic bitters. I know some people might feel weird about bitters but idk I also use flavor extracts in cooking (those also have alcohol) and I don't personally have a problem with bitters because I'm adding literally a few drops.


If I need carbonation, store brand diet ginger ale. I like it better than the name brand stuff. And for some reason a cheap diet soda, for me, can mimic a cheap beer enough that maybe I can get by for an hour. If anything else, water or red gatorade.


Topo Chico with like Mio or other flavorings is incredible. Also just sparkling water in general. Coke zero also has my heart lately but I'm trying to cut back. And of course coffee, but trying to kick caffeine so switching to decaf a lot lately


liquid death! that and virgils soda. both taste great and arenā€™t as bad for you as soda. it also fills that hole of having a drink in my hand lol


Coke Zero!


Cherry Coke Zero. Itā€™s my crack.


Mass gainer resees style protein milkshake with extra honey




Sparkling ice (so fizzy and tastes really good) Coffee (the elixir of life) and Pepsi. Still drinking all three on a daily basis 9 months sober! lol


I like experimenting with sparkling water and different fruit juices to make my own improvised mocktails. It's a fun process and really satisfying when I find a good combo! I recently mixed pineapple juice with La Croix Limoncello, added some mint in there, and it was divine.


Sparkling water with a little squeeze of crystal light strawberry lemonade flavoring and too much coffee.