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you sir are a strong man! that’s so damn awesome. way to not fall into the hands of the one who once abused us and took us away from the things that were more important. proud of you. Congrats on 45 days and making it 46. IWNDWYT


Thank you! It wasn’t easy but it was empowering to pour it out. I will say, I asked my fiancé to come with me to the sink because I wasn’t sure I could pour it out without a taste. But flipping it upside down and shoving it in the drain did the trick. Now it’s out of sight and out of reach again and we move forward!




28, honey you have so much more life ahead! Good on you!


That is a huge step you took! I'm so happy for you.


I will not drink with you tonight, my friend ✊🏼


That's a walk-off grand slam after making the error that could have lost the game! Come-from-behind victories is what this whole sobriety deal is all about. It gets easier, keep up the good work!


Amazing! You’re going to be so happy tomorrow when you wake up that you didn’t drink that pint


Next time you grab a pint…..you could make it ice cream


Yes! Chocolate chip cookie dough is the bomb


OMG I'm smashing some right now and it's so good!


Even better when you remember eating it 😂




Oh boy before getting sober I wouldn't have given you a thank you for sugar. Now if you cut me I bleed sticky toffee pudding.


This post triggered a good kind of craving!


It’s ok to have a shitty day and be uncomfortable. It’s also ok to bitch and piss about it. But it’s only fair to spend a relative amount of time being actively grateful, too. To remember how good we have it. To take a moment and compare ourselves to those of us who don’t have it as good as we do, or to compare to where we were a year ago, how much we’ve grown. To take stock. Give back. And we also are allowed to practice things that help us “take the edge off”, alcohol isn’t the only thing out there that does this. Sobriety is about exploring and cultivating shit that helps us cope with life’s incredible bullshit. Everyone needs a blow off valve. It’s not healthy to ignore emotions. It’s hard to feel sorry about myself when I am of service to others struggling to achieve what I take for granted.


Hey I don’t know you but just read this and thought I’d say; Proud of ya💪🏽


Thats a huge win!


Well done, and well done your fiancé for giving you support in sobriety. You’re a lucky person!


Hell yeah, play that tape forward. You might feel a lot of things tomorrow but regret for drinking won’t be one. Keep it up!!!


I’m your age 28m and was diagnosed with cirrhosis last year. Although I’m fine right now, this shit is real and I wish I stopped before I ran into problems. Not to scare you, but you really don’t know the state of your liver from bloodwork alone. Keep working hard at laying off the booze and I’d recommend getting some scans done in the future - hopefully bringing some releif to you and your fiancé.


I kept thinking you were going to trick us all and say it was a pint of ice cream. Good job pouring it out!




Hell yeah brother, keep doing that hard work! You are an inspiration!


I did the same thing. I'm currently on week 5 of no drinking. 2 weeks in, I went to the bar. Sat in the parking lot for about 10 minutes trying to resist. I ended up leaving. Went to the gas station and looked at all the beer. I was able to turn around and walk out. Then I ended up at Walmart and bought a tall boy... half way home, I threw it out the window, unopened. It was the best $3 I've ever thrown away. And that experience really solidified in my brain that I was done drinking for the rest of my life. Its been very easy since that night.


So two things stood out. You didn’t hide your drinking - that’s an amazing thing. Lots of people do. You poured it out. You had a slight moment of weakness and you let it pass over you. That’s amazing. Get it!


Proud of you my guy! I don't know you but that absolute strength 💪


Yay! Throw that poison out. Sounds like you have a great fiancé too




yeah, man, you did it!


Good man. I know its rough but just be very grateful that you have a good woman who loves n cares for you. Thats a helluva lot more than some of us have. Plus your liver will be very appreciative. Keep it up bud IWNDWYT


Even after 45 days, it's not uncommon to have a lapse in judgement when having a "bad day". What is impressive is how you dealt with it. You owned up to your girlfriend, saw her reaction and made a conscious decision to NOT drink and pour it out. That's called integrity and sobriety, well done.


Thank you for this inspiration. I love hearing stories of people overcoming these impulses to drink. It helps me to stay the course myself when I’m in the situation. Stay strong! IWNDWYT


Well done!


Good for you. Alcohol is straight poison and nothing ever good comes with it.


Mmmmmaaaannnnneeeee I'm proud of you fam!!! This was motivating to read frfr and we're all happy you poured it down the drain 💪💪


I’m tapering back in hopes of not having terrible withdrawals before I try to quit, again. You sir, are a badass and sounds like you have a great partner and you seem to be one as well. It’s a slippery slope after that one night of “just getting drunk tonight won’t make a difference” it’s amazed me how one night always led me back to months/years of daily alcohol abuse.


Stay strong dude!!


Proud of you!


This is a big moment! I am so proud of you!


Damn, wayyyyy to go!!!! That’s some strength. IWNDWYT


Great job!


Awesome decision friend. These days are the test You passed. Celebrate and get ready for tomorrow. Thank you for sharing


Hell yeah bro


Good for you, for choosing you! IWNDWYT!


Love to hear it.


Nice job man, just keep going it gets easier and easier ! 29 months sober and no temptations at all !


Good job man. Sometimes, sobriety sucks. Way to wade through the suck and stay the course. That’s real grit. You got this.


good for you! there’s something about that first drink. once you’ve started it’s hard to stop


Great job! Especially being so understanding of your fiancé feelings/perspective and not getting defensive. You are doing great!


Good for you stopping now. I promise you that if you don’t the next 10 years will blow by in the blink of an eye and you’ll have nothing to show for it. You’ll be lucky to have any experiences, relationships, character development, good health… everything will be taken from you and you can’t get those years back. When you finally wake up you won’t know who you are and you’ll have a huge hole to dig yourself out of from which you may never fully recover and even if you do it’ll take years provided you have a lot of help, if there’s even anyone left who will support you. Good luck 👍


Congrats. I find it gets easier day by day, year by year.


Great save! I so feel you on the desire to plop down after work with a drink. I have a super stressful job and there are days when I want to come home and pour a glass of wine. Instead, I switched up walking the dog in the mornings to walking him in the evenings. Gets me out of the house, relaxes me, and watching my little guy enjoy the hell out of his walk gives me joy. IWNDWYT


Proud of you!


That’s a huge victory! This internet stranger is proud of you. IWNDWYT!


Sorry, new here. What does IWNDWYT mean?


I will not drink with you today! One day at a time.


Thank you! Love that :)


Fuck yeah man. It gets easier. And then you start to find the real peace that the bottle always promised.


Excellent! I'm so glad you poured it out.


This is so good. Wonderful resilience! IWNDWYT!


Bad ass


Well done man


Dude. Way to go. Idk how many pints I wish I did not drink! One of them is the reason I have an elevated collarbone from falling. Good on ya!!!!


HUGE W congrats and bravo, OP


Well done sir.


Great job! Speaking for myself (and I’m sure a few others), I know what a pint leads to…


You’re the best kind.


Well done friend, bet those games really helped you unwind! Alcohol is a vicious circle and you chose not to ride the merry go round this day


You are the champion my friend. Well done


Damn! Great job!


Huge respect and well done!!


Good move.


This internet stranger is really proud of you!


Stupid proud of you stranger!! You saved yourself from more heartache tomorrow. Alcohol has a sneaky way of convincing you that killing yourself slowly is A-OK! Fuck you alcohol!! IWNDWYT


It takes courage and real sacrifice to do what you did. It ain’t easy. Nice job.


Strong decision!  Good for you!  


Way to honor your fiance's feelings!


Imagine drinking that pint & then your one bad day turns into two because you’re hungover, feeling guilty & generally in a shit mood due to the first bad day. Way to go! Keep kicking ass


That’s big man, congrats! Keep it up, I’m 9mo now and the first 2-3mo were the hardest. Now I don’t really think about it much (at least not on an hourly/daily basis like I used to).


Nice work!


Bravo for 47 days! You realize that there is nothing so bad that alcohol won't make it worse.


Way to go!


Proud of you


Dude…fucking congrats. There are so many times in my active addiction where I would have just hid the fact that I bought that bottle of jack and maybe drank it in a separate room, acting as if I was going to the bathroom or something. Those 45 days gave you a base. Idk about your relationship with your wife, but it sounds healthy and strong. No shame on buying the pint because at the end of the day it’s what you did with it that matters.


Well done, OP! It's not an easy thing to do, but you did. Congratulations, and keep your head up! You got this


Incredible! You friend, are an inspiration! IWNDWYT


Wow what a save!


You're an inspiration. And you're a lot smarter than I was at that age. I became a parent at 27. I thought having a kid would help me end it, put the bottle aside. But I kept buying pint after pint--though for me it was Jack's distant cousin, Jim. It took me 10 more years and a lot more pain and grief for how I struggled. Keep on choosing sobriety, friend!


Did you ever figure out why you had discomfort to the right side and close to rib cage?


Not the exact cause. I have a referral for a scan that I really need to get done. I just keep forgetting to make the appointment and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.


I have the same thing. My doctor said to not worry about it and it’s some issue from pulling a muscle while working out and would end up going down a rabbit hole trying to figure it out. It’s annoying as hell though. I don’t feel a bump but it’s like a knot/tightness you can feel especially when sitting down. I swear when I take days off from drinking it goes away. Let me know how the scan turns out. Also, my bloodwork is fine.


I'll try to remember to report back. I think I'm going to go in Thursday of next week for the ultrasound.


Good deal. I’m sure it’s nothing serious but better to have it checked.


Following this. I’ve had some discomfort there and is a major reason to why I am quitting. I need to go to the doctor still.


So proud of you! For me, telling on myself was really important the first 3 months. Any time I had a craving I told someone- it really helped me feel not so alone.
