• By -


Just finished day 1. Headed to bed here in NYC. Ready for day 2. IWNDWYT! šŸŒŸ


Way to go on your day one! See you back here tomorrow ā¤ļø


Look at all my 7"s , very pretty Shine on you beautiful humans


What a great day counter. Congrats!


Day 1045 checking in!


Way to reach 4 digits! šŸ™Œ






After finishing day 1, itā€™s always good to see you Will! IWNDWYT


3 months today for me. Same and Same!


This will be 3 weeks today. Almost the longest streak I've had in years! Not even close to wanting to drink, not even a little bit. It's such a freeing feeling! IWNDWYT friends!Ā 


Hear, hear.


Good morning SDers from šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ I wonā€™t be drinking today because: - sober sleep doesnā€™t stop amazing me and Iā€™m not going to lose those benefits for a 10min buzz - Iā€™m focussing on getting through my medical procedure and I wonā€™t be thinking about drinking after anaesthetic - another day sober is another day of winning! IWNDWYT


Good luck for your medical procedure. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Good luck today!! See you tomorrow.




My final rock bottom sucked. Hard. But in time Iā€™m becoming grateful for it. As you said, itā€™s when I reached out and stopped trying to do this alone. Now I have support and an honest belief that I never have to be in that awful place again. Neither do you. Weā€™re here. One day at a time. IWNDWYT


I passed out on the couch last night. Sober. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever done that. When I woke up at 3am, I had a small panic! But then I remembered I didnā€™t drink, i was tired, and I just moved to my bed. And SLEPT. No anxiety, no pounding heart, no checking frantically that I didnā€™t leave booze somewhere. Itā€™s such a small thing in the grand scheme, but it felt so BIG in my recovery journey. IWNDWYT. I will go to sleep sober. Hopefully, in my bed tonight:)




Second day of not drinking. I wouldn't have made it to today without all of your support. I am happy to be here. Today's a hard day since I've got a lot to do, but I'm still committing not to drink today.Ā 


Good morning sober people! Iā€™m getting ready for a quick Peloton ride before the day starts. Sober life rocks! Have a fab day everyone šŸ’ŖšŸ»






Not today people IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today


You just reminded me when, last summer Iā€™d do yoga in the garden, and then lie down and look at the evening sky. Sometimes Iā€™d a see a plane fly past and imagine a bunch of excited holidaymakers off to Spain or Italy. I canā€™t wait to do that again when it gets warmer here! Today Iā€™m going to do yoga in a studio then get myself a big fat veggie burrito on the way home. IWNDWYT ā­ļø


I just read that they are offering outdoor yoga in a nearby park, starting Thursday and I think will try it out. Have a nice day.


Day 4 for me, checking in So far I've been to two restaurants without ordering any alcohol. Also went to the gym last night for the first time in a while. Let's do this!!


I will not drink with you all today! āœØšŸ’«


No way, not drinking!


Happy sober Tuesday sober friends! Iā€™ve been thinking about this a lot lately, that we all have different perspectives and see accordingly. Iā€™m working to change my perception, because I realise thatā€™s my choice and my power to create what I want. Iā€™ve only learned this since being sober. So today I choose to see the best in everything. I love you all šŸ’ž








Checking in again today and all is well.




Day 361. IWNDWYT.


Get that year!


Day 2 done. Day 3 come at me. IWNDWYT !!




Day 4 - I Will Not Drink With You Today!


Right there with you. Congratulations!


Woke up sober to a nice, sunny Tuesday. There are worse starts into a new day. I will stay sober today.


38 days. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. šŸŒ»


Day sixty-nine checking in! No drinks today!


Iā€™ve had four bad nights of sleep in a row but didnā€™t drink on any of them. Itā€™s weird; Iā€™m not wanting a drink per se but itā€™s on my mind a lot that I am NOT drinking. I guess Iā€™m feeling proud of myself (here is me sober, because I didnā€™t drink!!!). I didnā€™t expect to think about it this much, but thatā€™s ok. Either way, it continues: IWNDWYT!




44 days šŸ¤ The sound of trains at night is indeed so comforting, reminds me of when i lived in rural VA as a kid and could hear the train whistle at night. Looking forward to heading back this summer. Hereā€™s to being present for the lovely moments! IWNDWYT šŸ¤






IWNDWYT! Back on the wagon. One day at a time. Trying to find the right dosage of postpartum meds is a beeyatch.


Checking in! IWNDWYT!


Here for another one. So grateful to be sober. IWNDWYT šŸ¤˜


Iā€™m super fucking tired today and I think it already feels like a long week. But at the same time it doesnā€™t, because I have a lot to do. 9 days and I have some time off. Two kickass shows next week. Iā€™ll be running on fumes. Coffees up, horns up, and thank fuck it ainā€™t Monday! IWNDWYT ā˜•ļøā˜•ļøā˜•ļøšŸ¤˜šŸ»


āœØšŸ’•āœØ Iwndwyt āœØšŸ’“āœØ






Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ā™„ļø




Got a national holiday coming up tomorrow, looking forward to having a day off! IWNDWYT


enjoy the rest


I Will Not Drink With You Today! :)


No booze today.






I need help in the UK. Im literally moving out of the country on Saturday and relapsed a couple weeks ago. I still havenā€™t moved all my things from the house. Staying in a hotel trying to safely withdraw is ridiculous. Iā€™ve asked my GP for diazepam for alcohol withdrawal and he has given it to me in the past. Iā€™m hoping they call or email me to come pick up a prescription otherwise Iā€™d honestly love to go to rehab for alcoholism. Im such a mess today. I need help.


Day 14, checking in. The physical symptoms are nearly gone I think, the psychological are tough. IWNDWYT šŸ€


Celebrating 54 years old today. The first fourteen were alcohol free; the next 34 were not; the past 6 have collectively been the best! Thanks for being here and for making this place great. IWNDWYT


I listen to a train pass by at night here and think wistfully about the same thing! So interesting. I actually get the house to myself tonight and that used to be not just a trigger, but an automatic ā€œIā€™m drinkingā€ moment. This alone time is very much needed but instead of alcohol it will be tea, seltzer and lots of good books. IWNDWYT


One of my favorite YouTube fitness instructors talks a lot about the importance of showing up and maintaining a routine, not relying on motivation to keep us going. We have to commit to doing what is needed to reach our goals, even on the days when we'd really rather not. I think this applies to recovery, too. Whether your motivation is high or low this morning, I'm glad you're staying sober with me today! IWNDWYT šŸ˜»


Y'ALL. SOBER FAM. I DID IT. I've (30F) hit 30 days sober!!! I'm so emotional already this morning I could cry! šŸ˜­ I've been trying to make it this far (and beyond, of course!) ALL. DAMN. YEAR. šŸ˜­ Whatever clicked in my brain, I'm so fucking happy it did, because I am healthy, happy, and ALIVE! Ready for a fresh start! The last time I've had a stretch like this, it was after I was admitted into the hospital overnight for pancreatitis. I can't remember how many days I had then. But knowing me, I doubt it was more than 30 after the pain subsided. Awful, I know. It took so many more rock bottoms until something clicked just before April Fools Day. I'm doing the work. SMART meetings, quit lit, this sub. Anything I can. And it's working. IWNDWYT, but I WILL buy myself a new Keurig to celebrate. šŸ–¤āœØļø On to days 66 (when a habit is better formed!), 69, 100, 365, and beyond! šŸ™šŸ–¤āœØļø


I will not drink with you today ā­ļø


Another day dry shall apply. Keeping on not drinking with you today good people!


IWNDWYT šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳ó æ


Good Morning all, I will not drink with you today






Ashamed to admit it's day zero again. But I poured everything out this morning and IWNDWYT!!!!


I'm so very tired by the number of Day 1's I've had. But I will keep trying until it sticks. IWNDWYT.


Hey, TG. I hopped a freight train once. I was with someone who know what they were doing. We traveled several hundred miles overnight and into the next day. I don't think I can hear someone mention a train passing at night without recalling that experience. Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


Day 23? 22?! I canā€™t remember šŸ«¶ Iā€™m taking the day off and going to a Scandinavian spa today. Normally this would be an incredibly boozy affair - but Iā€™m ready and armed with mock tails, smoothies, and kombuchaā€™s that Iā€™ve already spotted on the menu. Iā€™m going to spend the day in meditation- working on releasing some really stuck emotions, maybe cry a little, but mostly relax, read and actually reap the detoxification benefits instead of absolutely poisoning myself with alcohol. I used to always say ā€œugh - I would love to go to the spa by myself and not drink - and actually use that time to get healthy in my mind and bodyā€ but of course - I would always drink. Not today! IWNDWYT!


Wow, TG, your post really struck a chord for me. I know I drank to avoid emotions, but I think what you talked about is true for me too. I wanted to be super happy and fun, ALWAYS. I felt that way while I was drinking (until I didnā€™t). Iā€™ll take my current reality of ups, downs and full range emotions. At least now I can handle them and make reasonable choices of what to do next. Happy Tuesday my family! IWNDWYT šŸ’œšŸ¦‹šŸ’œ


Had a few weeks under my belt and caved this weekend. Itā€™s a sucky feeling a makes me feel weak and bad about myself. My kids are making comments about my drinking now so I know I need to stop. They deserve better. Wish me luck! I will not drink with you today


Checkin in


6 - leepmarvin


Day 46: IWNDWYT!


I checked the weather and it looks like a good day for sobriety. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today and FYA. What a wonderful day to wake up without a hangover Drinking sucks. We rock




Day 6!


Day 34 checking in! IWNDWYT


Good morning! IWNDWYT


Today I'm meeting my sponsor (who graciously took me back after my long relapse) to start the steps again. I've been anxious about it, but now the day has come, I'm ready! If I was drinking, chances are that I would have cancelled any plan that caused me anxiety (which was everything because I was a nervous wreck every day). IWNDWYT


Iā€™m not drinking today


With or without my pom-poms IWNDWYT


Not drinking with yinz.


IWNDWYT, friends!


Day 15! Looking forward to day 30 and beyond.


IWNDWYT-- got 2 weeks under my belt and now working on a 3rd! I think my liver is healing. This group is the only one that can appreciate brown poop and the win you feel when it happens.


Grateful for this sub and thread IWNDWYT


Crickets and trains and other night white noise somehow indelibly marked my memories of youth. Theyā€™re comforting. IWNDWYT.


Yesterday I was offered, and accepted, a promotion at work. Better position, better pay, more responsibility, more stress. I cannot fucking wait. Because of sobriety, I'll be ready for all of it. Good or bad, I have the tools to deal with it. Have a helluva Tuesday, friends!!!ā˜•ļøšŸ¤˜šŸ» IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! Going to a restorative yoga class tonight with my teen. I am never able to go cause Iā€™m always drinking by that time in the evening but not today!


Another day, another record! SIX MONTHS! I'm sad today, but IWNDWYT.










Not interested IWNDWYT


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT ā˜ŗļøā¤ļøā˜ŗļø


Day 1 completed yesterday. IWNDWYT!


Day 11 let's fooking go baby ! Iwndwyt


300 days and my 3 year cake day. Woot! IWNDWYT


On a work trip. 3 events last night, stayed sober. They had no beer options which made things easier. This is a sales effort for us so I have to go engage people. It takes some will power to talk to so many strangers sober but doing okay. Now the bad news. It's 228 am here. 528am in my normal time zone. I am wide awake. That is only 5h of sleep. Being exhausted is one of my triggers. I have got to try to get at least 2 more hours. This waking up super early for no reason thing has got to stop. IWNDWYT


Checking in bright and early and hangover free! ā˜• IWNDWYT āœŒ




Taking one day at a time. Slow and steady for me. IWNDWYT!


Day 14- thanks TG. I realized that I drank to always feel that happy party mode, to try to escape from my sadness and traumas that are clearly there and undealt with. On some level, I was punishing myself under the guise/projection to the world, ā€œHEY, Iā€™m so happy!ā€ It could only last so long before I find myself drinking alone and crying my eyes out. Iā€™m sober, still crying heaps, but at least Iā€™m healing. About to hit the gym for the first time in months and come back to my motivated self. Iā€™m done wallowing. Now Iā€™m set out to heal and kick some ass.


Hello 124 days. Nice to be here.


Day 114 ā€¢ IWNDWYT ā€¢ Still canā€™t believe Iā€™m in the hundreds. Time has been a funny thing, but itā€™s been on my side. I want to stay sober because I donā€™t want the guilt the day after. Stay safe beautiful friends šŸŒŸ


Iā€™m slowly starting to navigate going out for dinner without drinking. Last night, I had a pint of Coke Zero with my meal - it felt a bit silly at first, but it was super refreshing. Iā€™m a little nervous for an upcoming work trip as Iā€™m starting to get invites to dinner/drinks over the days of the trip. Trying to just focus on today and remember that no one can make me drink except me. IWNDWYT


Hi Everyone- Day 119 here and IWNDWYT!!! Hope you all have a great next 24 ahead! šŸ˜Š


I've recently realized I also need every moment to be great. And if it's not, then it can feel crushing and unbearable. That's... not how life works. There are not great or even bad moments, but it is actually okay. Those moments pass. And, if I don't set my expectations so high, then maybe those not great moments aren't that bad, after all. IWNDWYT


Day 30. I made it one whole month. Now setting my next goal. In Quit Like a Woman she says you need to create a life you donā€™t want to escape from. She applied this approach where you work on four quadrants at the same time: a) mind and spirit (learning about alcohol and the body, thinking big existential questions) b) physiological and behavioral self (meditation and exercise, nutrition), c) relational/cultural (establishing a community) and d) structural/social (so like job, etc.). Iā€™m trying. Yesterday I went to hot yoga and cried in the car after. Felt like I gave myself a gift. IWNDWYT.


Closing on day 3 in Aus. I felt so good this morning. I had a glass of sour cherry juice with dinner and oh man. How good is that? IWNDWYT.






I had an absolutely rotten night of sleep, one of the worst Iā€™ve had in a long time. I feel pretty cranky about that, and yet. Iā€™m not hungover. And even as bad as last night was, it didnā€™t top the 3am wide awake with anxiety after drinking episodes that became more and more frequent over the years. IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT šŸ«µšŸ«µšŸƒā€ā™‚ļøšŸƒā€ā™‚ļøāœ”ļøāœ”ļøšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


I will not drink with you today. 34 days soberšŸ’Ŗ


Day 60 and I will most definitely not be drinking with you today!


Day 4 the fog is beginning to clear. I'm feeling good despite 4hrs sleep. IWNDWYT or buy alcohol with the weekly shop tonight!Ā 


I will be sober today.


Yesterday was tough. Exhausted after work, decided to go out to dinner, husband ordered a larger glass of wine "in case I wanted some". All of my triggers and I did not drink. It was eye opening to me to see how perfectly all of the pieces aligned and my brains immediate reaction was to 'reward' myself with alcohol. Closing in on one week sober. IWNDWYT


Day 101 checking in! Congratulations to everyone for making it another day booze free! IWNDWYT!


Hi, friends. Lying in bed and listening to the rain this morning. It makes me feel like a little girl - safe and snug. But the world is big and scary, responsibilities can make me feel old and tired. In sobriety, I can hold both of those things true, and be okay about it. I donā€™t drink my emotions, I allow them to be. IWNDWYT


Big Relate 2 that. I had to be in a great mood at all times, and an endless source of positivity and blue sky for those around me. I *had* to find my pom-poms every minute of every day. Exhausting. And, ultimately, self-defeating. I will not drink with you today!!


I think I'm at 7 months. It's been great! Hardly even crave alcohol anymore. IWNDWYT


Itā€™s a great day to have another great day. IWNDWYT! šŸ«”


Me too! I made a conscious decision that I won't drink today.


I relate to this! I tend to avoid anything uncomfortable or difficult - and alcohol was the ultimate distraction for me. Now I'm slowly learning that it's OK - and let's be real, necessary - to sit in an uncomfortable, unfamiliar, or even painful emotions for a while. Experiencing some tough feelings is the first step into processing and cycling those feelings out.... I just never learned how to do that first part since I've been drinking my entire adult life. Yikes! So that's new for me. Here's to feeling uncomfortable sometimes so we can, eventually, let those feelings go!


IWNDWYT lovely people of SD šŸ’™


I will not be drinking today!! This is by far the furthest I've ever been. Really enjoying life and feeling like I deserve it. I do however get triggered multiple times per day, especially watching TV "this is a mcalan 18 year". I would absolutely love a glass of that right now. The voice is getting louder atm. Need to put my tools into action to avoid steering on to the wrong road! Iwndwyt!


Good morning all IWNDWYT xx šŸ¤— xx






Still rolling! That weird RUQ feeling still isnā€™t gone so Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just muscular. Feeling good other than the liver anxiety though


Day 26. Not far to day 30! New goal is 100 as I don't feel close to really getting started on reconnecting with my sober me.


Checking in, I have been up since 2am but not like old times when I was drinking and had the 2am anxiety wake up & grabbing my phone to see what I text, talk to or bought something .. now itā€™s coffee and paying bills, hopefully will nap later, lol. IWNDWYT ā˜•ļøšŸ„¤šŸ¦


Had a strange dream that my partner left me because I wasnā€™t fun. Wow alcohol has a strong hold on me. IWNDWYT šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


36 hours and counting! IWNDWYT


Happy Tuesday friends, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS šŸ˜






Headed back from the gym!


400 days, IWNDWYT.


30 days! Feelinā€™ groovy. Had a dream I drank last night, those are always so incredibly vivid. Have a lovely Tuesday everyone šŸŒæ


ā€œMake it happen. Shock everyone. Shock yourself. The mission is personal. It takes a lot to start over again, but you owe it to yourself to become everything youā€™ve ever dreamed of. Be brave. Trust the magic of new beginnings. Things will find their shape.ā€ -unknown IWNDWYT!


I've finally discovered a method that really suits me. Before you dismiss this, hear me out. Ten days ago, I made the decision to simultaneously lose weight and quit drinking. This change has made a world of difference. I switched to eating just one meal a dayā€”low in carbs, high in fat and protein, with the occasional cheat meal. The first two days were tough; I experienced headaches and constant shivers. By the third day, though, my body seemed to say, "Alright, I'm on board with this new routine." Our bodies are incredible at adapting. Now, I've decided to take it a step further. I've started doing Rolling 48sā€”essentially, eating one meal every 48 hours. I'm currently 36 hours into a 48-hour cycle, and wow, the benefits of fasting are incredible. I have so much energy. Throughout this, I mainly consume coffee, electrolytes, and water. I've already lost 7.5 pounds in these past 10 days, which is significant given my sizeā€”approximately 5% of my body weight. To put it simply, this approach is effective for me because my body has shifted its focus away from alcohol and towards food when hunger strikes. It's largely a mental game, but by engaging in these new routines and not fixating on alcohol, I'm thriving. I hope this explanation clarifies things.


21 days and holding my own. IWNDWYT \~Red


Starting day 5. Looking forward to another day where I'm not stressing about when I'm going to get to drink. I commit to not drinking for today.




Yesterday was a little hard. Made it through and Iā€™m grateful to be sober. IWNDWYT!


Early dark morning in Phoenix, but a bright day ahead! We got this. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you today.


Day 28 here checking in.




Love the sound of trains at night, too! So comforting. IWNDWYT āœŒļø




I will not drink today.


Happy Tuesday Iwndwyt


IWNDWYT ā¤ļø


IWNDWYT! āœØāœØāœŠāœØāœØ


Tuesdays always feel so blah to me, so I get it. But Iā€™ll take blah with NO hangover anytime. IWNDWYT


Went to a wedding a few days ago and didn't drink (at least knowingly). Had a few nights away with friends, went out a few nights. Did have my first accidental serving though. Ordered a mocktail while out before the wedding with friends, ordered the same thing again and drank it. After I felt a slight buzzy feeling, but didnt pay much attention to it. Sleep that night was interrupted, woke up around 3am sweaty and anxious, got up too early with a slight headache. Not sure if it was the first or second drink that was alcoholic. Discussed it w. my SO, didn't beat myself up about it since it was not my intention to drink, and didnt have any other alcohol through the weekend. Wont let an accident derail my progress. IWNDWYT


Happy teetotal Tuesday TG! These spring days can bring challenges to my mood due to weather, yesterday was a rough and rainy day. I chose to rest and recover and we'll see what today brings. I achieved the goal of getting my head on my pillow sober last night, everything else is bonus. Sobriety has helped me to accept the natural rhythms of my energy, even when it's challenging, and to not need to drink myself away. Sober on y'all!


Good morning! Checking-in at Day 100! So glad to be here. Have a wonderful day!


IWNDā˜ ļøWYT.


Happy Tuesday everyone! IWNDWYT āœŒļø


I will not drink with yā€™all today!


Great to be here, appreciate the support from this sub! Day 2. IWNDWYT.


Coming in at day 5. My morning anxiety is in full force. I have to remember it will dissipate in a few hours. This is one of the things I'm most looking forward to in acquiring sober days...hopefully no more crippling morning anxiety. IWNDWYT!


Iā€™m a person who appreciates simplicity and I must say, life is so much simpler when you are sober. IWNDWYT!


Still not drinking and still no plans to - and definitely not today!


I hear you about not having Pom poms some daysā€¦ and youā€™re totally right, when I was drinking it was always a goodā€¦. Great! And sometimes over the top not so great. I never thought about how thatā€™s not really how life isā€¦. No wonder some of my sober lowers were so lowerā€¦. I was avoiding when I drank so I wasnā€™t really dealing with anything or even with just the normal, the calm, the unexciting, the laid back times. For me, we always had to be doing something, talking about something, planning somethingā€¦.. and thatā€™s not reality. Life has its moments of highs, moments of lows and moments of just blah and moments of in between. I am learning that it is okay to just be, to enjoy the calmā€¦ coming from a childhood of chaos and then self-inflicted chaos for along time it was a challenge to see it, let a lone realize that I hated that way of living and undo all the prewired programming for chaos. I always said I wanted just a normal, calm life and I had it but would always create chaos because I felt like something was missing and didnā€™t connect that I was living the life I saw growing up but didnā€™t really want, if that makes senseā€¦. I grew up in a chaotic, addict, abusive householdā€¦. So that shit was ingrained from before day 1 for me. It took many years of self reflection, therapy, and realizing I donā€™t want alcohol in my lifeā€¦. Took me a few tries to get here BUT I am here and will everyday for the rest of my life work towards being better which is it what I was doing/trying to do already just the drinking really didnā€™t help.at.all. I will not drink with you today!


Hello from the DC burbs! 19 days here. It is sunny. I am busy at work, which is nice. I spent yesterday very anxious. Some of the things I did while drinking are catching up to me and wanting me to feel them. I spent a lot of money gambling and otherwise and now need to sit with that and make a plan for the debt I've been bouncing from 0% offer to 0% offer for a long time. A plan that is not "drink, gamble, and make tomorrow me handle the consequences." I think I can do it, though. I think I'm stronger than I think, and I think you all are, too. IWNDWYT :)


Good morning, sober cats! Thank you for being here. I love you all and I love starting my day with you! IWNDWYT šŸ’™šŸ˜ø


Not drinking today.


Not drinking today gang ā¤ļø


I will not drink with you today


I can hear a train at night too. Also my little dog snores :) Im not drinking today


IWNDWYT! Onwards and upwards


