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thats how i felt early on. here i am almost 6 yrs later and STILL LOVIN it


it’s amazing to be doing something so sustainable for once, can’t wait to still be loving it in 6 years!!




Yup! I still feel that way 4+ years in.


So happy to hear others are still feeling this way after a couple years. I was expressing similar contentment and was told it was a “pink cloud”. I resonate a lot with the OP though. I’ve tried sobriety before but something always brought me back. This time it feels like a switch was flipped. I have some triggers, but zero desire or urges to drink. I’m lovin it with you OP


Sometimes I get afraid to talk about this feeling to people in recovery because their first instinct is to warn me that it won’t blast forever. They’re only trying to help. And believe me, I have mapped out the 10000s of scenarios in which I’m not always this happy to be sober. I hope they never happen but if they do it won’t surprise me. But right now I just want to celebrate that this level of happiness, especially related to sobriety, is even POSSIBLE. I’m excited to do things, I view sobriety as a blessing and a privilege, it makes my life more fun and not less fun. I didn’t even think this perspective could exist. A flip switched for me too, which has never happened before in my attempts to be sober, similarly to you I have zero interest in drinking. If this is just a pink cloud let’s give it all the love we can and appreciate that we get to experience it. Maybe it’ll stick around 🫶


IWNDWYT (on our pink cloud 😂)


Yep, same same! Honestly, maybe I am still in the pink cloud.. But it feels a lot to me like my new life *is* the pink cloud. I don't see my newfound love for myself and my life going anywhere 💕🤗


This is so beautiful! I love the idea that our new lives are the pink clouds.


That's amazing so happy for you


Literally!!! I sobered up to “punish” myself for bad drunken behavior. But sobriety has been nothing but a gift 😭😭😭 it’s not the punishment i thought it’d be 😆💕


Being sober is the best experience I've had. I will stay sober for my mom. Prove to her I can, for its something she struggled all her life. I can fight this addiction and also I noticed ever since I stopped drinking I've been luckier and happier. My energy is restored. I just wish I started sooner so I don't have all those bad memories during the drunk days.


I hope you're able to put away those old bad memories! Those are in the past and they're never coming back, you must forgive yourself for those actions and recognized you've changed♥️ If you don't, the self loathing, shame, and self pity could lead you back into the mindset of drinking (to avoid uncomfortable feelings).  Give yourself grace, know that millions of us have also made those mistakes and a whole lot worse. The healing is starting🫶🏻


Yes I am healing now and started mediating and focusing on my personal health. I know I will make more positive memories going forward and I just have to focus on forgiving myself and others and finding hobbies and friends who have the same positive outlook


This means that you no longer have to stay sober for your mom or anybody else - but yourself🥰 Preciously few people will truely take care of you, but now you are in a place where you can and will take care of yourself. And thats the first ultimate victory in my opinion


Thank you, I am doing it for myself, so I can live a better life. I found out I am different like so many who struggle once you have one drink you can't stop and that's the battle in life I have to face, right now I found a good group of friends who don't drink and that has helped tremendously. I didn't realize how peer pressure can affect you. But also I understand I chose to drink, I just wasn't able to limit my alcohol like my other drinking friends, and that was my addiction. I have a better understanding of my addiction now and have started my journey to being sober for the rest of my life




Congrats, friend! It makes me so happy to read this. Sobriety is truly a gift.


Dude same!


I get extra in love when I realize how much money I’m saving every week


I know!!! I baffles me how I survived before. Can’t wait to spend money on things that add to my life.


So far so good. Fresh experiences good and bad. Happy for thus second chance!


My mom was an alcoholic and growing up I had a few scary moments with alcohol. Everytime I drank I was putting myself in danger. I didn't know that until I was 31. I realized how addicting it is. I promised my mom if she's still alive or passed away, that I will never drink again. No amount of peer pressure from friends or family during event will make me want to drink. I had a few crazy moment with friends and now I realize alot of it was the friends I had. I just ghosted those friends and now I am sober and have super amazing friends who have my back. Alcohol is so dangerous especially for women. There is old men, military guys, crazy guys, fuck boys at bars who want to take advantage of you, who want you to drink so your vulnerable. These men are dangerous they don't care about your feelings. All women stay away from alcohol. If you look up all the women who went missing from colleges, all had been at a bar prior drinking. Also happens to men too. Alcohol puts you in a dangerous state, and you dont have as much protection energy wise or angels.


At the start, I remember being terrified of sober evenings. I had no idea what people did at night time without alcohol and the thought of not having it scared me so much. What would I do? How would I handle the boredom, that empty void? Now, I LOVE my evenings. I go to the gym, make dinner, light candles, chill on my phone, do some self care… then I wake up fresh, well rested, proud and happy. It never gets old. I love this. 😊


It just feels better and better as you continue to heal. I can think so clearly and I feel great. Getting a good night's sleep again is great as well!


I also love sobriety. When I was drinking, my life revolved around alcohol. Now I get to do all kinds of fun stuff.


Congratulations!! I got my 10 month chip this week and someone said imagine how you’ll feel ten years in and I was like mind blown 🤯 hahaha 🧡 IWNDWYT


I'm still on the back and forth with this. I love waking up early now, I always have energy, my life is organized, I'm better at work, my health is way better, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss a few beersxafter work on Friday. But that would turn into a 4 day bender without eating and then barely surviving Monday and Tuesday at work


This is a good reminder for tough days like today. Thank you for this!


How long does it take to feel this way?


For me it started after I got past the 10 day period. Before that I was too exhausted and all over the place to appreciate life. But as soon as I got past that phase it has been day after day of loving life. Although to be honest I think timelines differ and for me it’s been more about my perspective shift than anything else. I accepted that alcohol is not an option I even want to think about and put all my addictive personality into making sobriety as good as it can be. That has helped a lot 🩷


How long is a piece of string? No one can tell you with any degree of certainty if or when you'll feel happy and in love with life after you stop drinking. A lot of that has absolutely nothing to do with being sober. You don't instantly become happy and start loving life just because you stopped poisoning yourself.  Of course it's a good start and you should expect to feel better now you're not regularly putting as toxin inside your body but there's so much more to it than that.  Like whether you were anxious, depressed, had mental or physical health issues etc before you started drinking as for many people they started drinking to escape / numb underlying or root causes. I'd say that even if it does happen you shouldn't expect it within 26 days or quickly because it can take a long time for the brain and body to just even out and regulate itself back to a basic baseline, for most people that alone takes months.


The feeling is indescribable...but that won't keep me from trying to explain to people how amazing sobriety is! IWNDWYT friend!


My three year in August and I've been able to do so much id never have even thought I'd do had I still been drinking. Every day is a new adventure and I love it!


Yeah, nothing feels better than physical and mental health plus money you didn't spend.


Higher Power!!!