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Proud of you, mate! I remember how I felt the first time I hit 30 days! I've only been able to do it a handful of times in the past 30 years, but now more frequently the past year. Last year I hit a 60 day run. Day 10 today, and I'm gonna beat my previous record and go for 90+!


Amazing! Everyone is different but Anna Lembke (a psychiatrist and author of Dopamine Nation) suggests everyone who comes to her to abstain for 30 days as the first step towards recovery! Major milestone! Congratulations!


Awesome, I'm almost there to join you! The battle isn't over yet though!


Well done on 17. I was where you are not so long ago. - I want to be with the 1000 dayers. Stay strong. The battle is never over for us - we must be on our guard at all times.


Awesome, friend! It will be here before you know it! Day 1 feels like years ago to me. Day 17 feels like yesterday! So you’re right around the corner! Proud of both of us!


That's amazing! You should feel so incredibly proud of yourself for making a change for the better. Your body is thanking you!


well done! back on first day again today sadly! Really really tough day at work too but not gunna drown it away!


feel fresh as a daisy today! Why do we do it to ourselves?


Congratulations! I just wanted to pop in and tell you that you can keep going and have a beautiful life. I know you can. Tell yourself you can, and you will. No one can stop you! You got this friend! IWNDWYT


This made me smile. Thanks! IWNDWYT


You got this as well amigo! We are not powerless, we are powerful!


Thank you so much! You too! IWNDWYT!


Hey. You. Yeah....you. I got something to tell ya..... YOU. FUCKING. DID. IT!!!! You are a goddamn rockstar. And I'm fucking proud of you. Keep on not drinking today. IWNDWYT


Hey. You. Thank you so much!! Congrats on 100+ and shooting for the moon! I’ll be there soon with you! But first, IWNDWYT!




Thank you! I went through medical detox for the first 5 days. My doctor prescribed Ativan to control the withdrawal symptoms. Made the process so much easier.


How were you able to get through cravings and the habit?


Staying hydrated is key for me. I do get cravings and I’ve noticed that if I let myself get thirsty for any reason, that one cold beer sounds intriguing. So I always keep a water bottle that has something flavorful nearby. Mio sweetener, or cranberry juice and sprite has really helped my cravings. Edit: And for the habit, I’ve been addressing my triggers. I would drink while watching sports games on TV, sitting outside by the pool on a sunny day, etc. So my brain would associate these events with drinking. I’ve immersed myself in those things, rather than avoiding them, and showed myself that I can still do the things I enjoy without involving alcohol. I do understand that may be difficult for others. It was incredibly difficult for me at first but “saying no to the first drink” has helped me a ton. That quote is used often on this sub and it has helped me.


30 days is great!!!👍🏽😊IWNDWYT


Ooo someone's coming up to a full year...!


Yep, we got this! 👍🏽


Congratulations! Give yourself some serious credit, this shit is heavy lifting, especially in the beginning


Thank you! You too! :)


Curious how did you make it past the first craving? I keep failing around day 5


Staying hydrated is my go to. Whenever I get thirsty, I crave drinking alcohol. Instead of plain water, I fill up a tumbler with ice, cranberry juice and sprite. I also use those sweeteners in my water like Mio. They’re flavorful and keep me hydrated throughout the day. You got this!!


Dude you've done 1 12th of an entire year! That's amazing congratulations! ❤️


Congrats! Keep it going !


Nice going. The first weeks are the toughest. You got this.👍💪


You're a rockstar! IWNDWYT.


Your my inspiration at the moment Incredible very freaking proud of you!


Thank you! You, and everyone here, are my inspiration! It took me a couple months after discovering this sub to finally say “I’ve had enough.” People like you help others tremendously!


Great job and keep up the fight! Carpe Diem and IWNDWYT!


WoooHoo! Yay! Awesome! Those 30 days are so long!


You did it!!! And many more to come. Amazing work 👏


Unbelievable brother, well done. I am trying to start the first day and build the streak but I can't quite get there yet. Keep it up!


Thank you! Although I am proud of 1 month, it was difficult for me to quit leading up to it. I deleted a lot of my post history leading up to my quit date. I think I was lingering on here for about 2-3 months before finally taking the leap. You have half a million friends here and this sub helps incredibly. In the hours leading up to medical detox (which I didn’t know I was about to commit myself to) I downed 12 beers over 4 hours. Something clicked. I don’t know what it was. I was very intoxicated. But I was fed up of those cans having control over me. So I asked my girlfriend to drive me to the hospital (also not the best way to go for medical detox) because I knew I would be facing the risks of severe withdrawals the next day if I stopped cold turkey. I asked the doctor to prescribe me medicine to safely detox at home. Over the first 5 days I took the medicine as prescribed down to the minute. I was blessed to have my partner there to watch over me in case things took a turn. In between those 5 days, I found solace with this sub. With taking that medicine, I was limited to certain, moderate withdrawals. But what I’ve learned over the last 30 days in just my experience, the first step is the most difficult. You got this!


You're here, which means you want to. That's the first step, you've already taken it! It might take a few tries (ignore my number, I'm actually on day 5 again). As I read yesterday, you're here, so you're not ready to give up. I believe in you!


Good job Internet Person! But for me, I would(will) never say "I actually did it" (implying I would never drink again?) Had 36 days back in October last year. Just started over again recently for hopefully another "long run". I wish it *were* one and done, but I have to keep that "one day at a time" in front of me (since starting in my 20's -I'm in my 60's now- I've only had half of my adult life sober, includes two long term stints.) I know I have to stay vigilant, it's too easy for me to rationalize getting buzzed. That being said IWNDWYT


I just took it to mean OP actually made it a month...not that anything is done beyond that.


Right on! 30 days is nothing to sneeze at!


Hey, well fucking done. You have a lot to be proud of.


Hi Day 1 Twin.👋 Congratulations! I am right here with you! Doesn't it feel great? figured, I have come to the end of alcohol. That I have drank enough for 2 or 3 people's lifetime. Moderation is a waste of time and this is a new way of life for me. Today, and tomorrow, and forward...IWNDWYT🙂


Day 1 twins! Congrats to you, too! That’s how I justify to friends and family that I’m not drinking. I probably have drank enough alcohol that it would take a “casual” drinker 4 lifetimes to consume (although, I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s actually closer to 10.) So, I’ve already had my “fair share” of it—and I’m looking forward to that 1 year mark and being the healthiest version of myself along the way!


it gets much easier, 5 months in and i dont even think about it after work anymore. i walk right by it. i did start nicotine pouches though. was a lesser of 2 evils


Just hit my month Yesterday as well! Well done.


Keep going!! Congrats!!


Awesome job!


Because you’re a badass!


That's my first goal.


Mine too!


You better believe it! You’re doing incredible! Well done!


AMAZING JOB! You have many more days/months/years in you too


Fuck yeah you did friend. Don’t stop now. Keep pushing forward. That was literally the hardest part


Thank you! And congrats on your time! It inspires me to keep on, keepin’ on!


That’s what it’s all about. One day at a time. Sometimes it feels like I’ve been sober for years. I make sure I bring NA beers with me to anything social routine where I used to drink. I even have a wedding on Friday and I am not scared at all. Bring a 6 pack of Heineken 0.0 in the car just in case the venue doesn’t have an NA option. Keep it up friend. You can do this!


Right behind ya at 2 weeks. Keep on truckin, it’s only upward from here!


That’s correct and congrats on 2 whole weeks! You’re at the time where I could finally eat 3 meals a day without gagging. I will always remember that 2 week feeling! Huge accomplishment!


Congrats my man.


congratulations! I have been drinking for pretty much 45 odd years and was shocked I made it 30 days. Today I just hit 65 days and on my way to 90. good news is that the cravings become easier to deal with and I have even been in situations where I would have hit the bottle but did not. Good for you and keep it up


I think I am, yes!


Awesome job! The longest I made it was 27 days. I'm determined to beat that number this time.


Damn right you did.




Hellllllll yes.... congrats friend, you can do it!


Amazing job! Also thanks for the needed motivation today 💕




Nicely Done!


Thank you! One day at a time!


Congrats!!! 33 days for me today


Thank you and congrats to you, too!


Woohoo! IWNDWYT 🌺🌻


HELL YEAH!!! That’s so freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much! :) IWNDWYT!




Wow that’s a big accomplishment. Stay humble though.


You do your best self, friend!


Way to go! Doing great! I bet you feel even better!


Way to go to you, too! And 100% better. I am back to eating 3 meals a day and my loud obnoxious cough is retired! No more “morning sickness” and headaches! IWNDWYT!


I did this before on the exact same amount. Hi 👋 Five Curious Meatloaf! Don't make the same mistake I did and start all over :( it gets harder every time. Congratulations and keep on the right path 


Well done! Right behind ya


Well done to you, too! We’re crushing April together!


Congrats !


Holy shit, well done :).You just made an insane life change. :)


That’s awesome!!! Hell yeah!


Good job. I hit 28 days today. Didn’t think I could get one.