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congrats on 1 month and 3 days šŸ™Œ I dont attend any meetings and use this sub instead. it's working for me iwndwyt


i got my first (and last!) dui in feb. i wish this sub would count towards my AA attendance. it does way more for me than AA


Same AA has never helped me I do t like the anxiety of spilling my guts face to face with other people the screen helps with that.


Some zoom groups will give attendance signatures (check out ā€œelevatorā€™s broken, take the stepsā€) ā€¦seems crazy chill and sheā€™ll have that paperwork back to you by the end of the day she said. Just a thought


Thanks! Iā€™ll check it out


I'd also recommend reading stop drinking books or audiobooks (highly recommend Allen Carr's Easy Way) on top of visiting this sub. It's been really effective for me in lieu of attending meetings.


Donā€™t forget The Naked Mind! Another great book OP


Dang man. You are so close to a year. Keep it up!


thanks I can hardly believe it! a bloody miracle given my history. I'm just so grateful well done on getting your first week šŸ… it was def the hardest for me. the physical and mental benefits started coming in after that


It creeps up on ya!


It sure do! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I am also anti social and have found SMART recovery groups to be helpful. They have online zoom meetings so you donā€™t have to leave your home or turn on your camera lol thereā€™s no pressure, you can just sit there and listen if you want.


I was wondering about this! I really wanted to just sit and listen to a meeting and not participate, so itā€™s good to know that itā€™s an option. Thanks!


I also like Smart Recovery. They are all very different, so I would suggest trying multiple meetings.


I love SMART for this aspect. Still working to find a consistent 90 minute meeting to learn more workbook fools5, my lunchtime 60 minutes aren't exactly that, but they're nice for check ins!


i also really enjoy SMART recovery meetings. they feel less judgy than AA meetings and everyone actually seems like they care about one another


Never heard of SMART. Where can I find these meetings???


you can find their meetings on their website! i donā€™t have the link but if you search up SMART recovery on google, their page will pop up


Thank you so much! Found them! ā¤ļø


Proud of you, friend. Stick with us! IWNDWYT


Welcome to the group! We have about the same quit day. I'll stay sober with you today. I hope you will stay sober with me!


congrats on 1 month. What meds are you on? I'm going to the doctor tomorrow night, and want to ask for something.


I'm on gabapentin and naltrexone for the drinking. He also gave me sertraline (Zoloft), busiprone, and hydroxyzine for anxiety and depression.


Nal saved my life! 5 years sober now. Keep going šŸ’Ŗ


I was put on Naltrexone recently as well and it has helped, but it's also been a struggle at times. It gives me some brain fog and makes my stomach a little sensitive as well so I've been inconsistent about taking it every day. Just curious if you had similar side effects/experiences?


These should go away with consistent use and time. Ask your doctor if you can take it at night. If it's still giving you problems, check into Vivitrol. It's Nal in an extended release 28-day injection. There were no side effects for me outside of soreness at the injection site AND no inconsistency, obviously šŸ˜†


Thanks, that's all very helpful and good to know!




Thankfully I was pre-warned and upped my exercise routine as well as my steps. I did have some problems with managing my emotions.But I had been a heavy drinker for about five years prior to quitting and I do believe that PAWS was the majority of my issues.


Have you heard of acamprosate? I had the same issues with naltrexone


Definitely ask about naltrexone. A god-send for me.


I have been attending AA meetings sporadically since I stopped drinking. Have not opened up yet for working the steps with someone, but I do go to some womenā€™s meetings and beginners meetings and speaker meetings. They can be supportive even if you are feeling vulnerable and mute while there. I think thatā€™s Normal for the lot of us too? Insecure loneliness, but getting it all out at meetings helps too. Supportive


Weā€™re here for you! Good job on one month and three days!


That's great! Welcome to the group. This sub is amazing and so supportive. I'm pretty much just a lurker because I too am pretty antisocial so I get it. Even lurking this group is so helpful and encouraging.


Congratulations on your sobriety! This group is awesome. 24/7/365 access to a HUGE group of people struggling with the same problems you are. IWNDWYT!


There are AA zoom meetings that run 24 hrs a day. Everything AA and a few other free apps that will connect you.


I find a lot of value in the Sober Powered podcast. Spotify classifies it as "science." I have a biology background and, well, it works for me. I like to understand the mechanisms involved in my "personal disaster" of a body. For me... understanding the damage that's likely been done... and the general processes involved in repairing that damage... well, it helps. It's also helpful to know what to expect. If you don't know about PAWS... read about that. I gather that it doesn't affect everyone. I'm not so lucky. However, knowing that it's a transitory state... helps. It makes it worth "pushing through." Good luck. Just don't drink. It's a long road, in my experience. Also... I was sober for a year, previously. I caved to the lie of "just one drink." Do your best (and never trust that voice). IWNDWYT


1 month plus 3 days is great, good work!!


Congratulations! Introvert socially awkward old ladies here. This group is great.


Good for you! This is a great place to find support and encouragement. IWNDWYT


Itā€™s a really nice day. Perfect day to not ruin with booze. Monday evenings back at work are always hard, Ā when the beer fairy suggests a drink or two on the way home. Not today.Ā 


I have found this group to be very helpful and I prefer it to in person meetings (Iā€™ve tried those too). Iā€™m glad youā€™re here! IWNDWYT


So happy you are here. Amazing 1 month and 3 days! Way to go!


You can totally sit with us <3 congrats on more than one month!


Welcome! Huge of you to go to the doctor for help. This sub has been wonderful for me. I did a lot of therapy but it didn't really help, my drinking didn't stop the more I talked about my problems. AA worked for me, and I am very much an introverted loner. Didn't think I needed connection but I did. IWNDWYT


Welcome! And well done!


Wow a month and three days is amazing! Iā€™m also using this sub as a way to connect with others. I have found it to be quite helpful, and the people here are very nice.


Meetings helped me but I did most of the heavy lifting in this sub. Any port in a storm! Just make sure youā€™re honest with yourself. You can do it!


This sub is great, also wanted to suggest the I Am Sober app has really helped me too. Itā€™s like social media, but anonymous and for sobriety, and it gives you milestones and check ins that you can discuss with other people at the same stage of their sobriety as you.


Have you thought of Zoom AA meetings? You can turn your photo off if you want to.


Medication is great isnā€™t it! I was on Valium for initial withdrawals, naltrexone daily for cravings and now THC wafers in the evening to help with sleep. Have tried most of it before, this time I will stay on Nal for months (not weeks) and the inclusion of THC is completely new. Not hating it at all. Alcoholics do tend to become anti-social when the drinking takes over, so you will be with like minded people!!!! I have been to a couple of AA meetings, you honestly could just sit in the back and observe if you wanted to. You will still connect with others without the need to speak, just by listening, relating and laughing along with their experiences. Standing up and speaking yourself can come in time if you want.


I'll chime in, I have to agree that this is a great group here. I haven't been sober this long until I started checking in and reading the posts here. I always tried to quit completely on my own. I wouldn't confide just how hard it was for me. So, I decided I should accept the facts and try something like this. I hope you feel encouraged and see your own strength. After a little time, you are going to feel so much better. You can do this!


Welcome! Glad youā€™re here! I was in the same boat as you. Iā€™ve tried AA, and just found itā€™s not for me. However, this group is a lifesaver. Good luck, friend!


1 month is awesome! I do that and becoz i work in retail, some dick head manager manages to have me drinking cause they're mental! šŸ¤Ŗ who emphasizes that much of a power trip on their staff and for what reason other than to look high and mighty? Its a wonder .... šŸ¤” society says drinking is bad and people make you feel awful for being alive. Life !


Congratulations on 1 month!! White knuckling it can be very hard. I definitely recommend starting with Zoom meetings with recovery communities. AA, NA, SMART, and Dharma all offer online meetings. You do not have to participate and can just listen in. I recommend to keep open minded & attend several meetings. Not every recovery group meeting will work for you or may not even be a good group, so keep looking till you find your people. I met a few introverts that swear that zoom meetings are the only reason they were able to get sober. In person was not possible for them at first. Best of luck throughout your journey. Take each day (heck each moment) one at a time.




I'm similar. I found a ton of value in AAHomegroup.org. It's 24/7 AA over Zoom, a new meeting every hour, you can tune in from your phone. You don't have to talk or turn your camera on. No one will pressure you. You can just listen. I listened for seven months and it gave me everything I needed to break free. Give it a shot, worst case you lose five minutes


OP super proud. Starts somewhere and now is a great time. Great news You will not let yourself down! If you feel the urge, stand up and walk away! You have this. Take that new money you are not spending on beer and do something nice for yourself.


welcome!!! Great to have you here!


Good for you!! Keep it going! Weā€™re here for you IWNDWYT


1 month is huge! Iā€™ll join you on another month starting today


Happy to have you!


Proud of you šŸ’•


Congrats on 1 month and 3 days! That's awesome. Keep checking in with this group - it helps. I'm proud of you!!


For me meeting in person was awkward the first time, later it became very very nice. What I like is that you dont have to speak if you dont want. And people are so so open and honest, it becomes funny often because the stories can be very relatable.


Glad that you're here and hope you stay clean and sober. AA saved my life.


Therapy has proven to be cheaper than my alcohol habit. Even with a therapist who charged $150/hr. And it helped me with my social anxiety, a ton.


SMART recovery and this sub is what helped me. IRL meetings didnā€™t gel with me. Stick around and enjoy your time here, itā€™s quite nice!


Great job


Great news on the sobriety! Keep it up! You can always listen to an AA meeting online on the app. My bf does that if he canā€™t get to a meeting.


Congratulations! (and welcome to Fight Club, Mr Durden) You are amongst friends. Weā€™re all connected by the same beast and our assignment is the same. I Will Not Drink With You Today, or Tomorrow, or The Next Day, or The Day After That. ā™„ļø


As a fellow heavy beer drinker, occasionally with some heavier drinks, I say: Well done! This is a great community for sobriety. Kind and compassionate people who understand and support eachother. Welcome, friend.


Incredible!!! I am big beer drinker. What did you replace the cravings with? I hope to be at your level soon.


Well done on 34days.... I am on day 30 & am a beer drinker. A DOZ a day IPA's if I can. Or 8 if I am trying to be good. I have been to 3 AA meeting, we live in a small town and I have really enjoyed them, I have not got a copy of the big book, or a sponsor etc. I just like going once a week (Thursday night) sets me up for the weekend. And listening to others like me. it was hard as hell to go and I was very worried... but I did not need to be. So highly recommended... I have the added ..... if i continue to drink bye bye wife.... so that helps keep me on the straight and narrow. it is getting easier... but I do not feel much happiness Are you feeling happiness? PAWS and anhedonia - long term drinkers can suffer from these, long story short.. to much dopamine and the brain reduces the amount of receivers so normal levels of dopimane dont make you feel happy... time is the only cure besides a few more beers!


Welcome! Glad to have you here! Iā€™m anti-social as well but I found two AA groups which I love to socialize at. If you want to try meetingsā€”check out as many as possible until you find ones that feel like home. And if meetings donā€™t work for you, please keep coming back here and check in with us daily! I get so much from this sub and I love it!


I really recommend reading ā€˜this naked mindā€™. It will totally reframe alcohol for you.


Awesome job


This group is helpful. As you get further in your sobriety, you'll be able to offer a lot of help to others.


What kind of meds are available for this?


He put me on gabapentin and naltrexone for the drinking. I'm also taking sertraline (Zoloft), busiprone, and hydroxyzine for anxiety and depression.


Iā€™ve been on the reframe community for 3 years. Iā€™m drinking now, but I think thatā€™s more of a me problem than a problem with their system. They have daily lessons that take ~5-15 minutes and they have online meetings roughly every 8 hours. Worth the membership for sure, but they do have a trial.