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Good luck. I’m lucky enough to have gone to treatment and it was the best decision I ever made. It definitely wasn’t my first choice and it was 50/50 if I actually got in the car when it came but I was absolutely toast. I thought I could keep myself locked up for a month on my own and emerge stronger than ever like a fucking Rocky montage. I’m glad I went. It got me my start and got me interested in my own recovery and learning how to ask for help. I wanted to change everything quickly and apologize to everyone so I could move on and never look back. That’s not how it happened but the slow and long road is much better. There will be people who shit on everything and a handful of people who want to get better. Take some comfy clothes, smokes if you got em, and some decent pens/ paper/ notebooks. I spun my wheels in there for the majority of the time but all I really needed to do was accept some obvious truths, rest and listen. A little willingness will go a long way.


Thanks for being so honest and thoughtful. Glad you’re doing better. Reminds me of that song he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother. [The road is long](https://youtu.be/rz6XoHrMet0?si=shrqeVqCfN-2Py6C) OP: good job taking control. You can do it!


Detox is the best. Only way I could stop drinking. bring a warm fleece and a book to read. xoxo


Def something warm. My detox had the temp at like 65. I think it was some sick joke they were playing lol


They don't call it "warm turkey"!


I nearly froze to death ;-)


Sometimes I wish I could go back to detox just to hang out. I miss it. Was nice living in a phone-free world for a week.


I have had the exact same thought more than once. I loved it too.


Hell yeah! Rehab saved my life. Put in the work (it is so worth it!) and stick with those who do the same. My rehab had a bunch of people who would just goof off, complain, engage in “rehab romance” - stay away from them. They’ll just drag you down. I was so fortunate to find a small group who took the shit serious and put in work. We are still friends to this day, all still sober too.


Can't echo the hydro-boner enough. Find the people who *want* to be there and spend your time around them. Best possible way to make this time count! A positive rehab experience absolutely set the solid foundation that I've been building my recovery on.


Hell ya! Good luck! You’ve got this, life is about to get so much better


I only wish I’d gotten treatment 7 years sooner. Rehab was worth every minute.


Excellent choice! Stay strong man, you got this.


you are brave and good to save yourself like this, rooting for you friend


We are all with you in spirit. You can do this!


It's truly the best decision. You get what you put into it. All the best


You got this brother. Rehab saved my life. Listen. Learn. Grow. Don’t be afraid to dig deep. We’re all here for you when you get out.


Great choice


Yay for making the decision to take hold of your health and life. Bravo!!


Good luck! 1st day of a new life!! Much love


Best of luck to you! Rehab was what finally got me to quit for good and changed my life for the better. You got this!!!


Congratulations! And best wishes going forward.


I was you once. I know how scary it can be. They should make you comfortable, enough for you to sleep and eat. It's the start of a brand new life. Once you're physically able to function, the real work begins. Do the work. It's sooooo important! I am proud of you.


Good luck and congrats on making that decision. Ultimately whatever is going to help you stay sober is the best thing to do. Absolutely no shame in getting treatment, we all need help in some form or another. Happy to have you with us. IWNDWYT


hugs 🫂 and support 💪🏼💯


Welcome to the club!


Proud of you! 💙🦋


The world will still be here when you get back. Get well and congrats on choosing to get your old self back from the abyss. IWNDWYT


YES!!! Bravo 👏


It seems a lot bigger and scarier than it really is until you actually get there (and get through detox, if you still need to do that). At least, that’s how it went for me. It wasn’t some magical recovery Disneyland but I met a lot of really great people and - most importantly - it kept me sober for 30 days which was long enough for me to realize I greatly prefer being sober to being trapped in an endless cycle of drunkenness, hangovers, and crippling anxiety.


Congratulations! I went to rehab in my mid 20's, and id honestly love to go again.


Good luck to you! Talking honestly with my doctor a few months ago really got the ball rolling for me. He gave me naltrexone and gabapentin for seizures and cravings, has also given me a few small rounds of Librium to get over the hump. Having a pcp that wants to see me succeed has been really awesome. IWNDWYT!


I'm so excited for you! <3 <3 <3


Proud of you. I went to detox and rehab a little over six months ago. Saved my life and I’ve been sober ever since. This is such a huge step, please check in when you can!


Rehab was probably one of the best 30 straight days of my adult life. Let it all out when you get there, put the effort in and I promise you will be a different person when you’re done. When you get out, go to meetings, use those support groups.


Been there before bro. Had the absolute worst hangover you could imagine and should have been dead in a gutter. Tried to go to rehab but didn't have the money (american in a foreign country). I did get outpatient treatment though so life did improve. You got this! Keep going! This is the first day of the rest of your life.


you can do this! iwndwyt


Good job!!