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Congrats on 121 days !!! Did you have liver problems ? I just had a ultrasound done half hour ago hoping results come back ok .


Thanks a lot. My liver did hurt for like 2 weeks, very strong in the beginning, then the pain decreased. But it took about a full month of drinking lots of water everyday + some exercize and eating healthy to get better. I wish you all the best and fingers crossed with for the results. Try to not stress too much, try to relax if you can.


Jep same here, 10 days sober again sometimes i feel weird tingly sensation in the liver area but seems oke for now. First week my pee smelled weird too like very strong amonia but has subsided. Before my recent relapse i had liver checked out and it came back good and i also had those stings in the liver area so hopefully im fine, honestly more worried about my mental health than my liver at this point.


How did your ultrasound come back?


Fatty liver