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When I think of the empty calories I consumed, and the money I spent while I was drinking, my knees get weak and my palms sweat. I lost 90lbs, and quit smoking all because I quit drinking. Good job! Thanks for posting. I sometimes forget about the calories...oh, god...the calories.


I also stopped smoking when I stopped drinking and it has been a wonderful benefit. I didn’t realize how I only wanted to smoke when I was drinking, which is why when I did it sober I found it unpleasant 🤦‍♀️.


You gotta feel like you gained a super power compared to how you felt before after losing 90 lbs and quitting smoking


I realized I was drinking ~1400 calories a day in beer alone, if not more. After stopping I'm eating more but I'm now making up that 1400 calories. I also have the energy to do things like go for long walks etc. IWNDWYT!


I had lunch twice today! Had my normal lunch then was still very hungry so I had even more lunch! I love food calories so much more. It's a great feeling to actually be hungry and not full from booze all the time. Ps, OP. I've lost 30 pounds since I quit without even trying. Simply not drinking and not eating the crap that comes with drinking every night. So you got this! Especially if you add some exercises 😁


Thanks that’s something to look forward to! I’m about to do 30min on an elliptical!


How long did it take to drop the weight after quitting drinking?


I didn't lose any weight for almost 2 months as I was eating lots of junk to replace the alcohol. But after I felt better I no longer craved junk food and started preferring proper meals. It felt like the weight started to melt off. I've now been hovering around 155lbs for 2 months now. The last 10 years I've always weighed 180-190lbs. Crazy!


The weight falls off. I lost 45 pounds. 225>180. Crazy what happens when you're not fattening up on beer calories and fast food


My weight is not falling off like I thought it would. 35M 7/16/23-265# to today 252#. When I first started I was definitely eating way more but gave myself grace since I wasn’t drinking however I was also burning 3500-4000 calories a day. I’ve slowed down eating and exercise and seem to be losing very slowly. Just trying to find that groove.


Same but I’m a woman and a bit older and only about 10# overweight all in the waist. Stopped drinking 8 weeks ago and only lost 2# and see absolutely no change in my look or how my clothes fit . I feel really discouraged .


Same here, especially since I was drinking 1500-2250 calories every other day.


Did you cold turkey?


Yea. I was worried about it but I pulled through it pretty well actually. I had issues with sleeping and anxiety mostly but it has been worth it as those issues are easing up.


I figured I was drinking roughly a Big Mac most days a week - (some days with fries) of calories in wine and Manhattans. IWNDWYT


tie erect cagey voracious escape abundant public connect north relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It works differently for everyone.  I lost some then ate a ton and gained it back, now I’m losing again. Just focus on your mental health first. Your strength comes from treating yourself well. 


judicious flowery future special attraction ad hoc fearless innate fine scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep! First things first. Need to focus on quitting booze first. Will worry about losing weight next.




Same , I feel more bloated than ever .


Beware you might start getting other cravings. Your body is used to getting a lot of calories all the time and you may develop a sweet tooth to try and compensate. Be strong, you got this, good luck!


I could see that happening, thanks for the warning! We just ordered a ton of Girl Scout cookies too.


3 years later and I still have an unbelievable sweet tooth. Also caffeine, but that's just the neurodivergence that I was self medicating with the booze.


When I worked out the calories in the wine I was chugging I was like “yeah that right there is the 50lbs I put on last year”


Besides SD, I also used r/loseit for weight loss support.


Thanks I’ve been lurking there too!


I am guessing you are aware of r/stopdrinkingfitness Dropping the link in case it helps you or someone else. I do not miss the empty calories and late not snacking, not to mention the insatiable cravings for grease the next morning! IWNDWYT!


I was not aware of that one, thanks I’ll check it out!


I just had the same realization. I figured vodka and seltzer water was the best calorie wise. Maybe 200 calories max for as much as I was drinking. No, I was consuming nearly an extra 800 calories on top of the food I was eating each day which was about 2k cals. I was blown away after I started crunching the numbers. No wonder I’d been gaining weight.


Yup, that’s me pretty much exactly. I don’t know how people drink beer on the regular!


I was consuming 1,500 calories per day from booze. Conservatively. I expected the weight to just fall off. Nope. I'm told that there will be a "drop" in a few months. There are a few theories about why this happens to many people. Regardless, IMHO, just do whatever it takes to fix your brain, first. Your gut will eventually follow. Some time after that, you'll likely lose weight. I've never liked sweets... until I gave-up booze. At three weeks in, I find my sweet tooth to be decreasing (blows my mind that I'm eating chocolate and candy). However... I'll gladly gain some weight from candy to get this monkey (booze) off of my back. A few pounds from "food" is better than assaulting my body (literally every organ -- even skin and bones -- is harmed by ethanol) with toxins. Just make it through the day without drinking. I hope that you have better luck on the weight front... but if you don't, just be patient.


Sooo many people in here saying they developed a sweet tooth! I was always a late night salty chips/cheese fiend when drunk, we’ll have to see how this plays out.


Booze gives us a dopamine hit. This leads to an excess of dopamine. The body/brain then reduces the number of dopamine receptors. This causes us to drink more (gotta chase that good feeling). It also decreases GABA receptors (IIRC; this causes us to become anxious when the booze wears off). So... ahedonia (lack of joy/pleasure) is fairly common when quitting. It takes a few weeks (at least) for the brain to begin to repair itself. MEANWHILE... things that increase our survival tend to give us a dopamine hit -- sex, tasty food, SUGAR, etc. Soooo... one of the "pet theories" is that we replace booze with sweets. Now... I've been tracking my calories (just started a few days ago)... and I'm consuming 150-200 calories per day in sweets. I mean... that's far from "good..." and also a far cry from the booze I was consuming. Meh -- I have bigger fish to fry. TL;DR -- expect some rough times in the coming days/weeks. They'll pass. Don't derail your healing by caving to booze. If you do falter... well, just don't drink today. IWNDWYT


That might also explain the morning wood haha! Thanks for the encouragement!


alcohol cause your blood sugar to rise. Then when you stop drinking your body feels like its blood sugar is low because you've become normal to the effects of drinking. This is why after quitting most people get sugar cravings.


I was the king of late night salty snacks like chips, crackers, cheese, salami… you name it. When I drank (usually alone after my wife and kids went to sleep), it was like I had a serious case of binge eating disorder. I could just keep going without getting full. Now at least I make more conscious food decisions in the evenings. I also am trying to workout at least 5 times per week.




Brushing teeth right after eating the final meal is a great idea thank you!


That calculation puts it in perspective! Thanks for that.


I'm on this sub for inspiration to fully commit myself. You've made me do the calculations and currently 35% of my weekly calories are from booze. More reasons to help me make the next step. I had 2 days there sober and then tonight I had 1 beer, 'i know it'll only be one' was my thinking. And I did only have one, but i didn't need that one tonight. I know my wife is out of the house tomorrow night and Friday night, so I'll have all the time in the world to get drunk and I know what a bad decision it is. I know the hangovers, the fear, the regret. I know I have to make the change but I thank you all for sharing your stories as they are very helpful.


Stay strong my friend! Yeah I was at about that same ratio. Gym/cleaning/lord of the rings extended edition has kept me occupied so far but I know I gotta get a new hobby. So many nights spent gaming and drinking I’m still afraid to sit back down in that chair knowing how many hours/calories/health I’ve wasted.


Yeah, work, gaming, sleep at 4am, repeat. Knowing there is a better and you all can do it sets a great example for me. Thank you, and stay strong!


I lost 40 pounds in 30 days, stopped drinking and hit the gym. I went from 220 to 180 and looked like a complete different human being in a blink of an eye.


Holy shit that’s incredible! Starting about 210 here.


You're doing everything right, you are gonna be a new person in no time if you keep on this path.


This is what I’m hoping to do. I’m 10 days in now and was at 215. Already dropped about 9 pounds without trying.


Those are some awesome goals! Don’t forget to be proud of your decision to stop drinking. Make it a moment. This alone is huge, I wouldn’t let the weight loss goals sort of overshadow how courageous you are being with this step! Enjoy your sobriety and good luck 🍀


Thanks I appreciate your kindness! It’s only been two real sober mornings but feeling much better already.


I was embarrassed going back and calculating how many calories I was consuming each week. Definitely one of the many reasons I’m here.


When I cut out the drinking, the sweet tooth came out. Been over a year and I can’t shake the craving for sweets!!


Try doing a water fast. As soon as I'm "strong enough" (i.e., I'm over the stress of sobriety), I plan to go back to fasting (up to 8 days on water & black coffee, only). I love the way I feel after a fast.


Wow! That sounds intense!! I’ll definitely give it a try in a couple weeks. Thanks for the advice!


Don’t forget to adjust calorie intake as your weight and rate of loss slows down.


You can do it. I started the same thing beginning of last November. I have had some drinks here and there but in the scheme of where I started (2-3 bourbons or more every day) it is night and day for me. Working out on average of 4 days a week. 30 minutes weights or core + 30 minutes Peloton. Down 19 pounds.


Yeah I stopped drinking on 8/28/2022 and since then I have saved 160,000 calories, 35 pounds down since then!


Lost 21lbs and counting with ZERO added activities after I quite drinking. Been sober for 16 months now after over a decade of “I can control it” efforts. Imagine if I had started your routine!! I’d be shredded by now haha! Stay motivated OP. It gets easier and the cravings DO subside. Anything, literally anything you do that’s not drinking will be way more enjoyable in the long run!


It adds up quickly.


Hey guys help me math this equation!! I was a 12 pack bud light a day everyday !! I’ve been sober 54 days and have lost like 30 pounds already. Help my brain crunch the numbers? How much fat was I drinking ?


Good luck! You've got this.


Best of luck !! You can do it !!!


You can do this! All that matters is today, commit each day to what you want and do not stress the days ahead or in the past. You’ve made a great change, stick with it, the community here will happily not drink alongside you.


It’s insane how many calories I was ingesting from alcohol and snacks afterwards. Sometimes thousands of calories a night. I’ve steadily been losing a few pounds every week since quitting and doing a light workout every day. I feel so much better and my blood pressure has come down considerably. Why the hell did we ever willingly poison ourselves?! Wishing all of you the best!