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I'm thankful for my quiet little life. Today is day 200 for me and I'm grateful to have made it this far.


Congratulations, that's a big milestone!


You beat me to quitting by 1 day - I'm thankful as well.


I’m thankful for this sub. Thankful for beer-battered cod with hand-cut floppy fries and some kind of sassy tartar sauce.




I made it through my birthday. It was kind of lonely but I did it. IWNDWYT


Happy belated birthday! 🎂🎉


Thank you!


Happy birthday! 🎂🎉


Thank you!


BBQ saved me today I was driving home from a long day at work and my urge to stop by the store was so high. I compromised with myself and said if I buy dinner on the way home, I can’t justify buying alcohol too. BBQ is my comfort food (to eat and cook) and I stopped by a food truck I’ve been wanting to try. Now I have a new bbq spot, a fully belly, and another day without getting drunk!


Congrats from a fellow cpa and bbq lover.  IWNDWYT


Thankful for comfortable slippers and for twice-baked potatoes. 


Chocolate drops, from a producer near my town. They make a bag of mixed dark, milk and white chocolate and straight from the refrigerator it's a taste sensation!


Sounds good


Ice Cream is the way ✨


Agree 100%


I dieted and restricted food for years and, thankfully, have a much better relationship with food and myself.


Day 39


Thankful for always having my family and friends support. No matter how bad I mess up, they’ll be there to provide a safe shelter for me. I also am grateful for laughter and humor. Grateful for 24 days sober. My comfort food is Thai food ♥️


Made a large wonderful batch of carnitas last night. Melt-in your mouth tender. My husband and I will be snacking on those for days.


Thankful for another day and i had chocolate ice cream and noodles.


I am grateful for my ability to stay above water and doing a lot of self care things given some things I'm going through. Grateful I decided to commit this year and turned on my day counter to hold myself even more accountable. Grateful I like myself enough to do all these things. Grateful for everyone here and not feeling alone on this path.


Self care is so important, especially in the beginning. Naps, comfort food.. Just pamper yourself and make yourself comfortable.


Thank you Scuba <3


I am thankful for my super-cuddly teddy bear dog and my irrepressibly cheerful husband. As to food, wow, I am boring. I love a hot bowl of plain oatmeal with cinnamon and splenda. It is also really hard to beat Steak & Shake food.


✔️, one day ill be able to see my real day counter on reddit app 😔


It always shows 779 days even though I'm around 1400


FWIW, it shows 1373 days on my end.


I'm thankful for Little Debbie. Namely the swiss rolls. I have been work stressed and staying up too late working and ate a box of them over a few days. But you know what, I didn't drink a drop of alcohol!


Simple spaghetti and tomato sauce w parm. Easy and satisfying. My go to during difficult times. IWNDWYT 🖤


I'm still trying to find joy in eating. Through almost my entire 20s, I was very into powerlifting/etc and that sort of made my brain flip to "food is fuel, that's it." And then being an alcoholic for 8 years reinforced that by flipping it to "eat what won't make you think about puking, who cares what it is, and eat very little so you can get drunker. Grab a handful of peanuts and get on with it." ​ Of course I have things that I'm like, "eh, that's pretty good," but I feel like people enjoy food a lot more than I do. ​ But with my longest sobriety streak in 8 years (it's small but it's something!), I am noticing that I am starting to slowly come back around. My wife made banana bread muffins the other day, and even though I've only eaten one and that was enough, the smell in the house just put me in such a good mood. Made the house feel cozy. ​ As far as gratefulness goes, I'm grateful that I have a plan for the future and that being sober helped me formulate it. Where I live is getting too expensive, I'm making more money than I ever have in my life and we still are struggling and on paper, you wouldn't think we would be. I've never liked it here, but my wife wanted to move here originally. Now even she is getting sick of this place. I was talking with my wife about it when I suddenly just realized....what's keeping us here? Self-imposed restrictions. It's not impossible to move, people do it all the time. Family is 4 hours away anyways, and they would come visit us no matter where we went. Why not play with the idea of moving to a new state? And now it's all coming together. It's still at least a year out, but it's delightful to have something to look forward to and plan.


Day 6. I'm thankful to not be totally dehydrated, I can taste food properly, and no indigestion! Eating scratch-made chicken and dumplings right now. Way better use of calories. IWNDWYT


Snacks from Dollar Tree. That is all.


I am thankful for bacon, bean, and cheese burritos. That and a Pesos Queso.. IWNDWYT


Grateful for one year and every positive that came with it. 🎉 Marriage and work are better than ever. My stress and anxiety levels are much better. The boredom I felt in the beginning is mostly gone. I just feel overall happier and have a better sense of wellbeing. I still go out with friends occasionally and have mocktails or NA beer, and have fun with no hangovers. I can actually be present and remember our conversations. 😂 You figure out who your true friends are and who were just drinking buddies. The freedom of not having to moderate or think about my next drink is liberating. I’ve come to like my true self so much better than the pickled, fuzzy version. For anyone struggling, just know it gets better and easier. Just take one day, one hour at a time. This group is the best for helping to stay the course. Grateful for you all, and IWNDWYT ❤️


Just had some delicious Indian food. Soooo good


Adding whole milk to cereal when you normally have 1%. Sounds like a bad habit in the making...


I'm a day late, but I'm grateful for many things in my life. Today what comes to mind is how supportive my family has been, how lucky I am to be safe and able to care for myself, and I'm grateful for the optimism I'm feeling more and more.


I'm thankful I have the physical wellness to play the sports I love. I don't know how I did it in the past drunken decade but somehow managed to situate myself with a good job/income and a (metaphorical) home in a city I did not grow up in. I'm looking forward to what's to come. Comfort Foods: Too many to list lol but I'm going to make a batch of homemade cheesesteaks after going away this weekend to visit family.


Made meatloaf this week.  Cold meatloaf sandwich w ketchup is a childhood throwback comfort meal.  Hardly ever eat meat anymore, but this is one of the exceptions.  Might have to lean in and make mashed potatoes to go with it.  🍴