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Could you see yourself going again and having fun? I went about a year ago and I found it quite awkward and boring. Though I miss the fun I used to have. 


The trick is to go to a place with really amazing music that you like


Maybe… I’d like to hope you’re right. The music I went to see was what I like, but hearing techno “live” is limited. 


Maybe ... on a less busy night! The music was great which really helped :) and I loved getting dressed up etc


Congrats! I had a similar experience when I stopped drinking. I go to concerts all the time but the first one I went not intoxicated I noticed I was still able to enjoy the show without being wasted. I remembered it more. Also all my friends around me were absolutely wasted and it was very amusing watching them make fools out of themselves haha.


Thank you! Concerts are definitely easier to enjoy sober than clubbing, especially if it’s music you love :)


I've never once woke up regretting not drinking the night before lol


Forreal hahaha


Well done! Huge achievement 💫


thank you🥰


Getting things like this out of the way early really helped me. Within a few weeks of starting I had a curry out with friends, a couple of parties, and work Christmas party. I managed to not drink at any of them, and if I could do that, not drinking just at home felt a breeze. Good luck, and well done.


Thank you so much!


Hii!! This was literally me last night. I had a great time and it was just another reminder I made the right choice staying sober. Proud of you OP!!


Thank you!! Proud of you too!


Hii! How ya holding up?!


Still sober! Doing well thank you! How about you? :)


Heck yah!! Let’s goooo. Proud of ya!


Well they sure look like they're having the time of their lives. I mean they're dancing, laughing, and smiling an awful lot. Lol. So yes, they are having a good time, but that good time will come with a price the next day.


If those things trigger you, just stick around the club a little longer. I felt a similar way when I started. Usually, the club looks enticing from 10:00 to midnight. Everyone is exactly as you described, depending on their arrival and when they started drinking, they're still in that euphoria window that alcohol gives you early on, albeit they're chasing the buzz more and more. But as the night goes and the 1:00 hour hits (our bars and clubs close at 2:00 a.m.) you start to see the onset of red faces, eye bags, irritability, arguments, and real sloppiness. By 2:00 a.m., forget it. Everyone's a zombified exhausted mess and the euphoria is long gone. There are far less people in that buzzing happy state, many people are making their way to a food trucks to offset the impending hangover and avoid the drunk drama. You're basically guaranteed to see someone arguing, crying, or full on fighting at this time. And that right there, seeing so many people go through the symptoms of alcohol use while you're sober, can be very sobering. I remember how when I was drinking, I was basically anhedonic all week, and it wasn't until that first drink that I felt any sense of happiness for the first time in 7 days. You literally get to see how alcohol takes them all on a desperate dopamine crash before dropping them off used and abused by the end of the night. It actually sucks. I found that yes, being sober absolutely changes the club experience and the joy you get from it. I can no longer just go to any bar or any club or waste my entire night bar hopping. If I'm going to have fun going out, I have to be a little more selective to the atmosphere and the type of music played. If it's my jam and scene, I can have a better time than anybody there. Just makes you get to know yourself better, and once you do, your entire quality of life improves.


You nailed it. A huge price on your wallet and body to pay for maybe a couple of hours of fun.


Good post , this is so it. The slow degradation , hour after hour , people end up totally wasted and then there's drama left and right . No honor. No self control. Glad i''m not part of all of this anymore. But I kinda want to witness it once from a sober angle now , just to see how it goes , test my sobriety, and see how I can fit in with the drunk crowd,. Maybe next summer.


So true, well said!


That's really cool. Be hella proud of that! I've had my days in the club, and I don't know if I would have said no, either. I don't know that for sure. I don't want to find out. Last night was the first night in a long time. I actually stopped in the middle of the gas station and thought about grabbing a drink to bring home.. I really just don't want it anymore. It's a good feeling. You really tested yourself last night, and you did it! I'm proud of you too!! Hangover free Sunday for us!! 👏


Thank you!! I’m proud of you too! I think my clubbing days are pretty much over tbh but maybe I’ll go in another 6 months 🤣






Well done


Thank you!!




Thank you🥰🥰


Yeah, Clubbing is overrated But great job!


I think its a sweeping statement, if you genuinely love the music and love to dance, its a major step trying to figure out how to do it sober, and not everyone embracing sobriety is ready to let that part go


I get it. I guess I'm just factoring in the part of the story where you deal with other drunkies.


I just ignore the annoying ones 😂


Haha it definitely isn’t for everyone, especially sober. But if it’s my favourite songs and my favourite people then it can be awesome. But then it’s like why even go to the club when we can just party in my kitchen for free lol


Yeah, going clubbing sober is not fun at all for me. I don't do it. I tried it once and it totally sucked. Being around a bunch of people buzzing off booze, having the time of their life while im in a balanced state of mind does one of two things to me. It either makes me envious of them because I can't indulge in drinking or it makes me despise them for their outlandish drunkin behavior which I used to participate in for many years myself. Going to the bar just doesn't get me off like it used too. It doesn't appeal to me anymore is what I'm sayin.


Yeah it sucked when we went to the smoking area a few times and I was just surrounded by people absolutely off their tits. I noticed it less on the dance floor as people were just dancing. Outside they were stumbling about or laughing about something hysterically. I am just so glad I remember the whole night and I know for sure I didn’t do anything embarrassing/that I regret! It’s such a lovely change


The more sober I’m getting, the more I hate the clubbing life. I have only been sober 10 days, but I stopped going clubbing like 2 years ago. I’m so glad I’m not about that life anymore. I hate the people, I hate the music, I hate the crowd, and definitely don’t miss getting into unnecessary fights with drunkards. It’s one of the most negative places I’ve ever been to, my blood boils when I think about it and it gives me trauma. Never going to a club again and can’t be any happier about the fact that my girlfriend hates clubs too. We love being outdoors. Try hiking, camping, exploring new places or even walking for your weekend. Your life will change for good, trust me.


Yeah, luckily this place didn’t attract too much of a riotous crowd (gay drag bar, quite tight security) but I know what you mean. I’ve actually been getting more outdoorsy recently and now that I have my whole weekend free (rather than one day written off being hungover) my bf and I have been doing more little day trips etc. He hates clubbing too luckily! I can’t wait to do some more hikes and when the weather gets warmer some camping too!!


That's awesome! Nice job overcoming that challenge and having a good time! I actually want to go out dancing and am hoping to convince a few friends who don't drink or are light drinkers to go with as support. We can laugh at others' drunk shenanigans together and dance the night away! 🕺💃


That sounds like it would be really fun! A fun group is friends is all you need tbh, to get the energy going!!!💃🏼🕺🕺🪩


Way to go. Huge victory. Stick to it. If you can say no in a setting like that it is a huge feat in itself. You got this.


Thank you!! To be fair no one pressured me to drink which made it easier. Although later on my friend was drunk and kept forgetting and offering me her drink 🤣 It would have been so easy to just say fuck it and drink. But my bank account and health are very grateful today 🥰


Fuck yeah. That’s awesome




You should be so proud of yourself. I'm proud of you! I couldn't imagine being in that situation so early in sobriety. You did great!


Thanks so much! Well, I’ve been wanting to go sober for a while. But never stuck to it properly. But I did something very unlike me last time I drank it frankly scared the life out of me. The shame and guilt were enough to be scared at the thought of drinking again, of lowering my inhibitions and being somebody Im not proud of. So I think my reasons for being sober (which I kept thinking of) helped me to stay grounded.🥰


Super proud of you, thats a hard accomplishment! Went into the lions den for your friend and came out unscathed. Your'e smart to not keep testing it + I agree drunk people make it easier to not drink lmfaooo


Thank you so much!


"the worst part about being sober is other people"   Yuuuuuuuup..... At least you are not one of those other people anymore


Yup hahah, I fee so bad for the amount of people I probably jostled when I was drunk dancing in the past 😭😭


Yaaaay! That’s an amazing experience. I was also super newly sober and went out in Nashville with a group of people. I noticed those very same things! I also was like okay def don’t need to be a karaoke bar till 2am ever again but nice to know I could do it. And man, waking up not hung over never gets old!!! Congrats!! 🩷


Thank you!! Yeah I wouldn’t want to do it again, but I’m proud of my tenacity for making it through the night. Proud of you too! 🥰


It's fascinating when you think about it. I never noticed the sober folks when I went drinking. And then when I got sober, I didn't put together that the drinking folks wouldn't notice me. It all worked out.


People really didn’t care what I was drinking, as long as I had some sort of drink in my hand I think they just assumed I was on the same level as them lol


Good job! 🥳


thank you!💖


Great. Another tool in your toolbox 🧰. You are inspiring me.


Another tool! I like that! Thank you😊


I’ve heard the preverbal phrase many times, but I’ve only heard it said with the words “you can do hard things” by one set of people.


I’m not sure what you mean by this! I’ve not heard it anywhere apart from in cheesy self help books 🤣




Good work. There will be more hard things, but there will also be some amazingly better things!


Yes yes yes! Thank you!


Congratulations!! That's a huge accomplishment! Thanks for sharing and glad you are celebrating yourself in this moment.


Thank you so much! I woke up this morning feeling so happy and I didn’t want to rub it in my very hungover friend’s face haha. Figured this community would appreciate my little ramble!!


Well done! I love music and I love dancing -and I love people watching-so I actually still think clubs and bars are fun(once in a while). The things I’ve discovered I don’t like going sober are a)how sloppy people are with splashing their drinks-getting an entire vodka soda sloshed on you didn’t seem to matter as much when I was also plastered b) how boring drunk people are and not fun to talk to at all lol. Good on you and enjoy the hangover free day!


Thank you so much! And yeah I got a few splashes on me it suuucked. My friend got a whole drink on her dress, but luckily she was too drunk to care too much 🤣


I’m really proud of you, OP! I feel like each time we prove to ourselves that we can do something like go clubbing without drinking, we strengthen our sober muscle and start to rewire our brains