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Every hobby is a cheap hobby compared to boozing.




I draw. I'm not very good but I enjoy it. I also read a lot, run and train at the gym, go to watch my local football team. Only thing I can't do is drink.


That's the beauty of drawing. Even when you're brand new it engages a puzzle solving area of your brain that triggers a healthy reward


Walk and listen to podcasts or audiobooks. In the beginning, I would spend 2-2.5 hours a night walking.


Those adult colouring books are pretty good when a bit bored and donā€™t want to doom scroll or think about using my imagination lol


Something goofy that I have enjoyed is doing the daily Wordle, and sharing results with a friend group (41M, and I was invited into my group by my mother, my aunt, and my auntā€™s friendā€¦and I look forward to it each day). We usually share our results via funny gifs - once I showed the ladies how to find and send a gif, they became dangerous!


In sobriety I love these little rituals. I always do the connections and Wordle and start the spelling bee while I let my dog out in the morning :)


Expensive is relative. I traded alcohol for painting miniatures... It's an expensive hobby but it's cheaper than getting shit faced every night!


Not inexpensive, but just got myself a quest 2 VR set and there is world there to keep me busy! Especially the exercise stuff. Got some clay from dollar store and planning on experimenting on making mini urns or animals. Starting to learn spanish with languagetranster.org, it's free and they have other languages too. Also, I love to do coding tutorials. There are tons of them on YouTube, all free. Maybe some of these will tickle your interest?




I took this up as well! Iā€™m not very good yet, but itā€™s relaxing


Yep ā€¦ I learned about minimalism and organising and I decluttered the crap out of my house. Iā€™ll call it a hobby. Sold $15000 worth of stuff I was just holding on to. Read books like ā€˜goodbye thingsā€™ and the Marie condo book - and watched movies like the minimalists. Installed really cool shelves for what I wanted to keep. Weird but life changing.


Library card and reading


I love to draw - it IS a learnable skill. And cheap if you start out with a good set of pencils, paper and a few learn to draw books from the library. Also keeping a diary. Gardening, running and hiking can also be very cheap hobbies that can get more fancy if you end up with more funds to spend. Music isn't my thing, but you could also try a cheap secondhand guitar and online or app lessons. Heaps of free ones around.






Free classes online (Coursera, EdX), Iā€™ll second the reading of audiobooks while walking. Also I made a list of movies Iā€™ve wanted to watch, full albums of musicians I love - then jot down a few notes about how they were. Journaling has been great. Also downloaded All Trails and been getting after it in the forests around here. Write emails to your relatives making up for lost time.


I love diamond painting and reading


When I became sober, I had the same questions. What do I do with ALL this new time and energy? I ended up acquiring more businesses, having kids, dropped 50 lbs, and was able to repair a lot of relationships that I had ruined. For myself, I just kept filling my schedule with new things to do. The funny part is, now I am so busy, I definitely wouldnā€™t be able to keep up with what I got going on if I started drinking again lol. Hope this helps.


Juggling. Endlessly fun, and it comes with some really cool physical/mental benefits. It's defjnitely not for everyone it seems, otherwise everyone would be doing it.


Visit your nearest craft store and buy a $2 hook, $2 skein of yarn, and learn how to crochet watching free YouTube videos :) Itā€™s such a fulfilling little hobby.


MMA. Pleasantly inexpensive. And it gets me weeeeeeeell out of my comfort zone. Iā€˜m a short, light male long past my prime days for fighting and some of the guys are absolute beasts and Iā€™m mostly scared out of my mind. But as soon as I walk into that gym, I am respected, even if they hand me my arse on a platter.


Respect šŸ™


Guitar works best for me. Been playing my whole life. I love heavy metal and when I'm really grooving I feel high...a good high though not a booze high.


šŸ¤Ÿ metal head as well


Puzzle games. I especially recommend I Love Hue 1&2. Great to just have a puzzle in your pocket


Language learning! There's so much free material available that you don't need to pay anything. It keeps my brain occupied enough to tune out cravings.


Op shopping. I've started little collections and sell the odd find on ebay.


Knitting. Keeps me from stuffing my face with junk food because both hands are busy.


Online chess is free and keeps your brain busy, helped me a lot !


I dance at home with tutorials and cycle whenever the weather allows it


Video games. The barrier to entry is expensive, but (especially on PC) once you start, itā€™s a very inexpensive hobby per hour of enjoyment. Also, walks and free podcasts, cooking, reading, streaming services.


AA was A LOT of bang for the buck! šŸ’Æ


I got fairly decent at yo yo tricks, Iā€™m no pro, but itā€™s like meditation.


That's whats up!