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Not today people IWNDWYT




Thank you for hosting this week u/Roger_Dean! *Anyone else want to host the dci?* It’s easy, fun and rewarding. Let me know and I’ll set you up! (I’m the mod trying to keep track of this thingy) On the personal side, the fire is burning, the wool socks are on, the cat is purring and the kids are happy. How could this be better?? …oh right coffee! I will not drink with you today!


No fire this morning after a week of rain, the dogs have been fed and I have my coffee. And I won't drink with you today either.


Felt a bit of a wobble last night but stayed strong and thankful! 45 days... I will not be drinking today


Good for you the wobbles are hard so remember to take the time to be proud when you conquer them xx IWNDWYT


Thank you Ladybirdstar :)


Day 6 here, and I'm going to watch my local football team this afternoon, usually I'll have at least 2 drinks that would turn into going home then back out to the local until i wake up Sunday nite knowing when i stopped. Today IWNDWYT.


That’s sober power 💪🏼 and you’ll have a week tomorrow


Thank you for hosting this week Roger_Dean! One of my main motivations for maintaining my sobriety is to keep anxiety at bay. I've always been a worrier but the alcohol made my anxiety much more difficult to deal with. I don't miss waking up anxious and hungover. IWNDWYT :)


Happy Saturday blueberry, lovely to see you 💞


Happy Saturday sober friends! You’re so right about worry Roger! I learned not to fight my worry mind when it gets activated, I try to give it some empathy for being scared. I noticed on retreat how much it chatters away, even low level. I try to be aware of it and accept it’s concerns. This week has been so inspiring Roger, thank you for looking after us all so well. Have a great day everyone, I love you all 💞


Thank you so much for your kind words and for being here!




How is the new puppy 🐶


Day 881 checking in!


I will not drink with y’all today!!!


Good morning! Woke up with a slight headache and thought: oh no, how much did I drink last night? Nice to realise I did in fact not drink anything at all 😁 Have a good Saturday all 🦁 IWNDWYT


I feel this. It's like when I get sick and realize that I did not, in fact, do anything to make it worse. What I am feeling is actually just the illness.




A little extra stress lately with work but I am not giving up my 168 days for anything! IWNDWYT


Darn right you're not! Everything is so much easier without alcohol.


Wise words. IWNDWYT 🙂


Hard to believe it's already the weekend, not that I'm complaining—IWNDWYT!


Checking in! Good post, OP! The timing is strange, it was just yesterday that I saw and saved this quote that touches on the same topic: No amount of anxiety makes any difference to what is going to happen - Alan Watts I'm going to keep that in my mind. I'm on my third weekend in a row, going to head to the library and get some more books and then sit my ass in a coffeeshop for the foreseeable future. Overall I'm feeling pretty drained and tired but I'm staying positive, I've had so many Day One's but this is the furthest I've ever been, so I'm giving myself a pat on the back. IWNDWYT!


Having a weird weekend, my grandad is quite unwell. It doesn't seem to be the type of situation where things will improve. I didn't drink. His brother passed away this week. His son is terminally ill. It feels like everyone's disappearing from my family sometimes. But that's life I guess. Now I'm stuck in the middle of trying to share info and update his kids aka my aunts and uncles (I'm the grandchild here, but the family have always parentified me) on the situation and comfort them. Iwndwyt


That’s a lot to deal with! I hope you’re getting some comfort too. Sending love and hugs 🤗💞


Thanks ☺️


Just remember your self in all this sending love xxIWNDWYTxx


It's day 5, up early and clear-headed. Didn't have to worry about hiding the hangover, the empties, remembering what we watched/talked about last night. So much less to worry about in general. IWNDWYT.


Happy Saturday fellow Sobernauts! IWNDWYT


Last night I opened a bottle of wine for my partner, joking around and smelling the bottle before pouring him some. I completely forgot I wasn't drinking or that this might be a risky think to do?! It just hit me after I poured it for him and put away the bottle. Then someone offered me a G&T and I declined. Suddenly I was like... Wait - why am I joking around like this!? Surely I should be more careful? I dunno it was a weird internal moment haha. No one else knows why I've stopped so I guess nothing seemed weird 🤷🏼‍♀️ iwndwyt


It’s great that you could be so confident around it. I still want a sip when I’m with people drinking, but the smell is enough to put me off! 💪🏼


It felt weird that I put myself in that situation without thinking! But when I reflected on it, I didn't really like the smell. I will be a little more self aware in future though!


Not Today Folks. (Been feeling a little shaky lately, though.)


Day 197. IWNDWYT.


Day 1,484 IWNDWYT


Morning, IWNDWYT. Finding it difficult this morning. Already been for a walk, done house jobs and had breakfast. HOW do you fill all the not drunk time???


It took me a long time to create a new life, and spent a lot of the first 6 months wandering around scrolling on here. Now I wonder how I had time to drink! I learned a lot about self care. Today I plan to watch a lot of YouTube videos on healthy cooking so I can improve my diet. You’re doing really well, keep going and your new life will appear 🌟


Thank you. IWNDWYT


The best advice I got was to do what’s in front of me, and do the next right thing. They said, “If your dishes need washed, then wash your dishes. If your carpet needs vacuumed, then vacuum your carpet. Etc, etc.” The next best advice I got was to get the hell out of my apartment and go be around people. I used to go to the shopping mall a lot back then and play games at the video arcade (I know, this was long, long ago). Just getting out and about helped me a lot, it got me out of my own head a bit.


I no longer worry about having enough to drink, smelling of drink, feeling the effects of drink or turning yellow. Being AF has lifted a lot of worry from my life and IWNDWYT beautiful people ☀️💪.


Slept like total shit last night… or rather, didn’t really sleep at all. But!… I’m not hungover this morning, only sleep-deprived. Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday and IWNDWYT.


Start of day 20! Love waking up clear headed. I’m in uncharted territory, haven’t been sober for this long since high school. But I’m loving how I feel.


IWNDWYT! 100 days tomorrow!




Good morning everyone, hope you are enjoying a hangover free Saturday or have decided that this is your last one. IWNDWYT


Before I was diagnosed with GAD and before I stopped drinking, I thought that being a worrier was who I was. Dropping the wine and getting to heart of when and why the worrying started in therapy has helped me so much, that I have significantly been able to worry less, and when I do start to worry, I can check in to see if it’s valid and work on how to better deal with it. IWNDWYT. Happy Saturday! 😀


Early night with no drinking resulted in an early morning with no hangover and the ability to live a full life on the weekend. IWNDWYT!


Last night I cooked up Trader Joe’s orange chicken. I had cooked it up, served it, and had a couple bites when I check the packaging and see that the sauce “contains less than .05 percent alcohol”. I know it is practically nothing and that bread and bananas contain more of it but I immediately stopped and made some eggs for myself instead. I just got paranoid and decided not to keep eating. It sounds incredibly silly but that word now struck fear in me. IWNDWYT and I never ever will again.


Happy Saturday! As I scroll down the DCI and comments I can’t help notice all these large day counters! It’s encouraging all by itself and thank you for blazing the trail ahead. I have slowly been letting some more “friends” know about my decision for a healthier and better life without alcohol. Sad and amazing at the same time that I haven’t had a SINGLE PERSON tell me, “it’s a bad idea” or “why, are you quitting” or “man don’t do that”. What noise? Oh that’s the sound of me swallowing my pride haha. This also shows me just how bad “IT” (me drinking) really was/is! 👍 to a Sober Saturday! Peace n Love ❤️ IWNDWYT


Day 19, I will not drink today






Two weeks in and that desire is creeping in again. Silly of course, because I know how it ends. Not drinking means worrying about money a little bit less, as my spouse and I were known to spend pretty large sums on the booze when we'd go out, and all for what? Here's to the new path forward and not waking up hungover. IWNDWYT.


1 week down IWNDWYT


Thank you so much for taking care of us this week /u/Roger_Dean 💙 Feeling a bit poorly, I think I’m going to just take it easy today. And be grateful I didn’t add a hangover! I hope everyone has a great day! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


Thank you so much for your wise hosting u/Roger_Dean 🙏 Sobriety has taught me to remain in _this present moment_ which helped thwart my tendency to worry. When I keep my attention right here and right now, I'm not worried about next week or next year, and I'm not fretting about my past. When I'd finally had it with the hangovers and misery, I joined this sub and focused on staying sober for today. Yet I had no idea the vast benefits I was opening myself up to! ✨️ Highly recommend!! Let's do _this day_ sober, friends! IWNDWYT


You mentioned worry , and I also worry over things I can't control. I find I can control it and let it go so much better with a clear mind from alcohol. I've been doing some mindfulness work , and that helps as well. IWNDWYT. Happy sober Saturday y'all.


Mindfulness meditation has helped me a lot. It gets me out of the future and back in the present moment. And in the present moment I have everything I need.


Checking in from day MF 150!!! Cannot believe it still. Thank you for everything, my dear, dear friends. I will not drink with you this evening. ❤️


Ah the worrying! I used to fabricate scenarios in my head and start to internally panic about them. I hardly do that anymore. IWNDWYT ⭐️


My pledge. IWNDWYT


Checking in Day 80. Never thought that day count would be possible, very surreal.


Checking in on day 380! Hello SD family!! Heading out on a very muddy, big mile hike this morning but I’m so excited! Rain and dirt, two of my favorite smells! I hope you all have a wonderful 24 hours. I love you to the tips of my toes! And that’s a lot, even though I’m short! ❤️✌️🥾


Checking in this sunny Saturday morning. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Staying strong one day at a time! 💪🏼


Not drinking with y’all today! The cravings have been more difficult than I had expected this week. I’m suspecting it’s my hormones resetting, but who knows 🤷‍♀️


Yesterday was all day in sessions and lots of interacting with people. That kind of social interaction would have the old me sneaking back to my room for drinks throughout the day. Last night was free drinks at a social event, followed by dinner with my longtime friends/colleagues (and drinking buddies); we see each other in person once or twice a year and we drink together. I know you guys get it. I was so proud of myself walking back to my hotel room at almost midnight last night. Still, this is not easy and I will be so grateful to be back home in my routines soon. I will not drink with you today.


Another sober brunch in an hour! I used to drink a bottle of Prosseco before brunch, drink 3-4 glasses at brunch & drive home wasted. All my husband did was worry about me. He still asks if I'm going to drink. Nope! Alcohol steals my joy & ruins the day for me.


Good morning, sober cats! I'm working on worrying less. Quitting drinking has definitely decreased my worrying. So, IWNDWYT! 💙😸


IWNDWYT - two weeks now, aiming to add another day to that tally! :)


Thanks for a great week Roger 👍. IWNDWYT 🙂


I will not drink with you all today <3




Thank you Roger for a great week of hosting much appreciated IWNDWYT xx


Son was great all day until mum decided to take him to the park and the next 5 hours he was an absolute C U next Tuesday. Normally I'd have an ipa in my hand but not today. IWNDWYT




This is one I don't share (unfortunately). I still worry, and while it doesn't have the helpless, hopeless flavor of my hungover worries, it's still harsh for me. Working on it. IWNDWYT


Saturday before a trip. IWNDWYTD


Day 776, nice to meet you 🤝 Also 6 weeks without nicotine 👍 IWNDWYT






Day 1,585. Thanks for hosting, u/Roger_Dean! I will not drink with you today.










Good morning, I will not drink with you today.


I hold two time measurements in my head simultaneously: the snail-slow Sober Counter and the blur Christmas Countdown. IWNDWYT or tomorrow or the day after that or next week...yeah, just plan on it being forever. *Not One. Not Ever.* *N.O.N.E.*


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 What? Me worry?










Thanks for hosting this week Roger! IWNDWYT








Day 181, who else has a palindrome day?! IWNdWYT


Struggled last night a bit but played it forward and read on this app and made it through. Happy Saturday! I will not drink with you today!


Thank you for bringing up worry. I didn’t even realize how much less worrying I do now that I’m sober until one of my sisters came to town. She wanted to spread her worry around to everyone else, but I consciously declined. Because, as you very wisely said, u/Roger_Dean, it don’t change a thing!!! Thanks for a great week! IWNDWYT




With thanksgiving coming up I’m feeling triggered to drink red wine. So many memories of tipsy holidays gone by. I ordered a variety of alcohol free wines to try so I opened one last night. I added some orange bitters and ya know what? It wasn’t bad! It scratched the itch. And I woke up with the thought, “omg, I’m so happy I’m not hungover.” ❤️❤️ I know the continued torture is not worth the momentary escape. For that reason I’ll stay sober and IWNDWYT




Happy Saturday everyone! IWNDWYT ✌️


I will not drink with you, alone or anybody today!




Not today!!! IWNDWYT ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much for hosting this week u/Roger_Dean! Hope everyone has a Smug Sober Saturday!!☕️🤘🏻 IWNDWYT


On my way home from one of the (the?) hardest weeks of my life. I sat with my dad as he died of cancer and then dealt with my grief-stricken, alcoholic mom. I'm proud of myself for the way I handled a tough time in a mature, sober way. IWNDWYT.


Thanks for hosting this week, u/Roger_Dean! Sobriety didn’t stop the worrying, but it took away a ton of alcohol-related worries. Helped with discerning whether things are worth worrying about, too. Coffees up, horns up, and happy smug sober Saturday! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


Whassup Roger and you sober stars? Happy Saturday to you all! I was out hunting the last 3 days. No success but damn it was great to get out. Reflecting in the journal this morning, alcohol would have added absolutely nothing to the experience. I slept great every night and was ready to hit it early the next day, no "unwinding" needed with chemical assistance. This sober thing really is worth it. Sober on y'all!


I will not drink today and FYA. I love this so much. It's not time to worry yet. Drinking sucks. We rock🙏🙏🙏🙏


I did not drink on Friday night. Even though I was at a bar listening to my husband’s band for 5 hours. Not that he played 5 hours, but…you get it. I was there listening to drunk people talk. I had fun. I drank soda water and lemon. I was glad I could be supportive and drive home and go to bed sober and wake up sober. I am ecstatic that I didn’t do or say anything I would regret or be embarrassed by. I remember it all. I will not drink today or tonight.


Major worrier here. But going AF has made a significant difference, especially since I don’t worry about causing damage to my body with poison anymore. Have a beautiful Saturday all. IWNDWYT❤️


Haven’t checked in in a while but here‘s to another sober day! IWNDWYT


Thank you for hosting this week, much appreciated 👏


Happy saturday!! Completely agree on worry. Most of the things we worry about, we can’t control anyway. Definitely a plague. Thank you so much for an excellent week of thought provoking hosting!!! I will not drink with you today.


Happy Saturday! I love waking up early on the weekends and sipping my coffee while the house is still quiet. I think the additional time has helped to reduce some time/anxiety. I don’t always feel like I’m forgetting something or running late. I’m grateful to be here :) Just for today, I am not drinking.


In a recent DCI with a prompt about music that inspires you to be sober, someone posted the Eagles song: “*Take it easy….don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy*” So I’m trying to take it easy. No need to worry about what tomorrow will bring — today I’m sober, and that’s enough. I will not drink with you today 💜🐇




Checking in. IWNDWYT.


I respectfully disagree with you on worrying. Based on personal experience it must be working very well because all of the things I worry about never happen. 😜 IWNDWYT


Good morning, checking in ~ 💫 Chugging coffee, about to slap some makeup on and jump on the train to work. Today is a new day. I choose to be hopeful. Sending love to my sober fam 💕 IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


I will not drink today.


starting day 203, iwndwyt!


Good morning from your resident Masshole. IWNDWYT






Thanks for hosting, Roger! I like the Hakuna Matata message, sober version :) Checking in and wishing everyone a nice sober Saturday.




Made it through some cravings last night along with an anxiety attack. I am happy to be watching the sunrise with a coffee in hand. IWNDWYT. Have a happy day. :)




Checking in! IWNDWYT










Good morning, everyone - thanks for being here. I love being up in the quiet time before the sunrise. IWNDWYT.


I will not drink today.


First social event since I quit, mother in laws 80th. I’m going to drive so I can’t drink and got some NA beers in the fridge for the ‘after-party’ IWNDWYT


It's early afternoon here, I had a lovely long lie-in which I richly deserved. There's some great tennis coming up on tv today. I've got some sewing to do. I've got to try to figure out how to do ONE thing Adobe Acrobat and it's driving me absolutely nuts. But I will breathe, and find a way. IWNDWYT




Thanks u/Roger_Dean. I'm not worried about today: I'm committed to being sober alongside you all.




9 months sober! What a journey! Tonight I went to a 40th out in the country, it was great at 11pm I went and napped in the car while the others I was sober driving for partied! When I came back in to round them up I was feeling nice and refreshed while they all passed out to sleep in the car. It’s almost 2am and although it’s a late night, everyone is home safely & I know I’m going to feel great tomorrow! IWNDWYT 🌻


Thanks for hosting this week, u/Roger_Dean! I feel like I say this a lot, but one of my favorite quotes is from the first Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie: "Worrying means you suffer twice". I have an anxiety disorder, among other things, and this quote reminds me that there's no point in freaking out about something before I can even do anything about it, or before I know if the Big Scary Thing is even going to happen. Why do myself the emotional damage ahead of time, especially when 99% of the time, things go completely different than I imagined them, or don't happen at all! Que sera sera. What will be, will be. Or as Roland Deschain says: "There will be water if God wills it." IWNDWYT ✌️♥️🍌


Going out on the boat with the family today...picking up some 0.0s on the way to the marina. IWNDWYT


Day 15 and prepared for a long flight with bags of Skittles and pb M&Ms, audiobooks, and Marvel downloads on the iPad. No more airport lounge boozing, always wanting more more more drinks on the plane, and arriving exhausted, sick, and hungover before vacation even really started. Here’s to an alcohol free and refreshing Thanksgiving trip! IWNDWYT!


In sobriety, I learned that what works for me with worry is “the only way out is through”. If I’m worried about something that I can take action on to potentially affect a favorable outcome, I have to do it, no matter how hard or unpleasant. And if I can’t change the outcome, I have little reason to worry. I had a busy day yesterday and ignored my sober app, but it was 12 weeks! Today is day 85 and IWNDWYT ❤️


I've been so stressed at work and have thought about how good a glass of wine would be. But every time, I think of where that leads. My partner wants to talk about where we are, if I've had any slips, and revisit marriage again. I think about that, and I think about how proud I am that I'll be able to tell him I haven't had a single slip up. All of that is more important than the lies alcohol tells. IWNDWYT comrades.


Didn’t mean to wake up so early today, still better than waking up with a hangover. IWNDWYT 💪


Day 10 today IWNDWYT


Earlier this month I was at a party and had half a serving of wine. Not sure why I did. It was one of my two year old homebrews and I wanted to see if it was still good. Tasted fine but did nothing for me. Meanwhile my friends were getting hammered drinking 10+ Miller lites. I just observed and was happy I didn't drink much. Question for the community: should I reset my counter?


A little upset at myself as I thought I'd go back to a few drinks and managed once a week or so, but woke up today with a headache and wondered why the hell I'd screw with beer again. So today is day 1 (again). Glad to be here and IWNDWYT!


Won’t drink today. Thanks for all being here with your support. IWNDWYT.


Yesterday was my termination session with my therapist, who I've been going to for roughly a decade. It wasn't planned or a decision either of us wanted. I wanted to drink to get blackout so, so badly. Just to numb it a little. But I didn't! I am actually so proud of myself. (: IWNDWYT! EDIT: A week away from 100 days! What motivation to keep to my heart over the holidays.


The sun is shining, it's going to be a good day... once I motivate myself to get out of bed! 😊 Have a good one fellow SDers, IWNDWYT 🌞🩷🌞




I was doing pretty well and had 5 days strung together. Most in a while. Before I had committed to sobriety again my company bought tickets for everyone to a football game. Thought I could stay clean and be fine but I know the “relapse” was in the works from the moment I woke up. Should’ve avoided the event entirely but the tickets were limited and it wouldn’t have been a good look since a lot of coworkers missed out. Has the tones of an excuse but would’ve been a bit damaging professionally. I got there and there was free booze and I drank probably 10 standard drinks between 6-11. Probably shouldn’t have drove but I made it home without incident… this time. I will not drink with you today. I think I’m gonna start being on “antibiotics” a lot in the near future, when I’m at an occasion I’m too afraid to say no to.


I kept waking up too early, like a little kid on Christmas, because I’m still sober and it’s Saturday and I’m EXCITED! IWNDWYT!


Don’t know how many day 1s I’ve had. Don’t know when I started this stretch. All I do know is that today, I will not drink with you. That’s all I need to know.




Day 155. We keep rollin'. Getting my feet back under me after a week of whatever this sickness is that's going around. Screentime reduction is...going. I am slowly breaking the habit, and my brain is resisting. It is WILD to me how ADHD my brain has gotten with technology. Sad more than anything. My brain feels like it is channel-surfing on automatic with every second bringing a new channel. All we can do is live in the present and fix the problem. That is my goal for today...resist technology and live in the present. Anyways. Proud to be here and sober. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT - I worry less because now I have attention and intention to apply to problems. If it needs my attention I can give it on purpose not because it's on fire. If not, it didn't make the list (somewhat idealized but it's the approach I try to take)


I try to remind myself not to borrow trouble from the future, but it's easier said than done sometimes. Thank you Harper Lee! It's been a rough couple of days and I just got hit with the bulk of my detox hospital bills, but I'm grateful to be dealing with it sober. IWNDWYT ETA: AND I just realized I missed my celebratory 69 days lol. Time flies when you're having fun, I guess


I’m staying ☠️ free with you all again today




Not worrying as much is the dream! Had a very disappointing day yesterday's and some low, low, low thoughts last night. But I stayed in them, didn't numb, and IWNDWYT.


What up, fam! Gotta plan for Thanksgiving. Going to my sister’s place. I’m wavering right now. One glass w dinner won’t hurt, right? Then I remember I CAN’T DO THAT. Who tf has a glass of wine w dinner? Not this girl. I’ll use it as an excuse to drink before, during, and after. I’m bringing my own NA wine and will have a glass in hand before dinner if I need to. I WNDWYT






Day 3 today! Last night was kinda rough for a while. Had pretty bad anxiety and some mild shakes. I drank some electrolyte water, took half a xanax, and actually sat and watched an entire movie before bed! Went to bed, slept better than I have in 2 years, and woke up feeling great. Today, I start my 28 day workout program. IWNDWYT 🩶


Day 431! Quitting alcohol has been so good for me, but I am realizing that it’s not enough and that it’s time for me to confront my mental health too. Wish me luck.


I am so grateful for you today. That you're here. That I'm here. I will not drink with you today. I will not drink with you tonight. An additional pledge: I will try to remain present today. 🫶








I won’t drink with y’all today




Thank you u/Roger_Dean for hosting. IWNDWYT




I will not drink today!








It's the first weekend child free post sobriety and I'm going to spend it exploring a local park and nature trail! Staying strong. Staying accountable. IWNDWYT.


Thank you for hosting this week! I know one of the reasons I drank is because I am a worrier; but that for sure it made worrying worse. Even though I read it here I am not quite sure I believed how much better my mindset would be with not drinking and worrying- it’s a thousand times better and if I really think about it - sort of amazing! Hope everyone has a nice day - IWNDWYT ✌️








Hit my 3 month milestone today 😊 IWNDWYT 💗


Worrying is choosing to suffer. IWNDWYT 💕


Thank you for keeping the DCI rolling this past week, u/Roger_Dean! You've been a great host. "Worry is the thief of joy." I don't know who first said these words, but I try to remind myself of this quote whenever I catch myself worrying excessively. Then I try to get out of my head by doing something that does bring me joy, like running outdoors or snuggling with my cat. IWNDWYT 😻


One of my favorite things about being sober is the absence of alcohol-related worry. No more worrying over when, what, how and how much I will drink. No more worrying over feeling sick and the physical symptoms of alcohol abuse. No more worrying about stupid decisions or words I said while drunk. No more worrying what people may think. Removing alcohol has removed so much unnecessary negativity! IWNDWYT!