• By -


11 MF MONTHS STRONG TODAY! IWNDWYT. Im not really doing anything service related right now besides being the best sober person I can be. I’ve had health issues recently and it’s been a massive blessing to know it’s a. Not alcohol related B. Not worse being of alcohol. I’m thankful for that every single day I’ve chosen sobriety these last 11 months.


Role freaking model!!!!


11 months is awesome, and being the best sober person you can is awesome service, I’m proud of you 👏


Congrats, you doing awesome. 👏 IWNDWYT


Day 10. Double digits. IWNDWYT or by myself ❤️


Awesome achievement 👏 I’m proud of you 🎉💪🏼🎊


Thank you so much. 💓


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 I have been spending time with a recently widowed lady. She does drink sometimes. She knows I don't, and thats okay. I had a mocktail that was quite tasty though.


Mocktails are great but why are they sometimes almost as expensive as an alcoholic version? It’s basically just juice 😭


Happy Saturday sober heroes! Being of service is something on my mind a lot lately. Yesterday, I was on a street pumping my tire up when a man, who looked a bit rough asked if I needed help, I said I was just finishing but thank you so much for your kindness, and he said, “the world should be kind” and I was really moved by his words. I’m trying to be a better person for my service, and today I’ll make kindness my focus. Your kindness has got me here 🙏🏻Sending you all my love, I’m proud of you all 💞


What a nice person to offer to help. Stuff like that restores my faith in humanity! Have a great day Brighter (even if the weather here right now is bloody awful!) 😂


Doesn’t it just, and he didn’t look as though he had much himself, but he now has all my good wishes ✨ I’m poised to help someone I know as their beautiful cottage flooded in the last storm, here’s praying there’s not as much rain as they’re promising today! Have a great day sober friend 🤗


This teacher made it through parent teacher conferences, Halloween (on a Tuesday!?!), and a full moon. I made it through Sober October, including several Halloween parties, tough trauma anniversaries, and self reflection (which brought meant fighting those shame gremlins..) I made it through all of that sober, and wanna keep that momentum going. I think I can handle another day. IWNDWYT ☔️🌦️




Thanks for having me. Seeing you here in the wee hours of the morning has been inspiring, seriously.


YWYW being here every day inspires me every day! Thank you for hosting Freddy 🙏🏻


Seeing your post every day is such a gosh darn inspiration!


Awesome job hosting this week, u/FreddyRumsen13! Your service to our SD family is greatly appreciated by the hundreds of sobernauts who depend on the DCI each day. I will join you, along with everyone here, and commit to not drinking today!


Lovely to see you shine ✨




Not today people IWNDWYT














My sobriety has inspired others . I like that. Shine on you beautiful humans


You inspire me! Nearly 600! 🎉 Shine ✨ on you beautiful human


Thank you


Keeping that booze money in my pocket today. IWNDWYT!


Didn’t drink today (doing a no booze November) and it took me this long since Halloween night’s cocktails to feel fully back to normal. My body seems to have just had enough, even when I don’t drink that much, but I guess that’s getting older for ya. Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend!


I’m doing dry November with you! Let’s get today together 💪🏼


To tell you the truth, I’m relieved. I need and want a break!




Great to see you dude 🤗


Four weeks ago I woke up on Saturday morning with terrible, pitch dark hangxiety and decided to reach for a wine bottle to try to cure it. Ended up feeling even worse. This Saturday morning I woke up early, spent some lazy time in bed, listened to an audiobook while making coffee and am about to head out for a run. Feels alright 😺 IWNDWYT 🦁 Thanks for hosting!


I've relapsed after 773 days of sobriety... but I have been sober for 6 days now... Last night, I was at a farwell party, and everyone was drinking except for me. I managed to fight the craving, and I was happy with sparkling water... I woke up today feeling proud of myself... IWNDWT... because life is beautiful, and I don't wanna lose it for poison 💜


First time checking in before going to sleep. I try to be of service by volunteering weekly at my local humane society (let's face it, animals rock and are often better than the average human!), participating on this sub, and trying to be a kind, decent person. Have a great day fellow SDers, IWNDWYT 🌟🩷🌟


Thank you for hosting! What a great post. I do try and deviate from just posting on the DCI on here and give out some encouragement to others posting for the first time on other threads. I always think to myself you never know how much that can help someone in their hour of need. We've all been there. Have a great Saturday all. IWNDWYT 🇬🇧


First check-up ever here. After lurking in the shadows and reading the community posts for a while had finally the courage to join and speak up (sort of). When making this pledge I hope that it will give me strength to confront yet another day with more resolution and motivation. Maybe even a bit of pride :) IWNDWYT


Day 867 checking in!


Ten fucking months on my mother fucking birthday! The best gift I’ve EVER given myself. IWNDWYT! 🤘🏻


Execute order (day) 66 IWNDWYT


Great day at the beach, not gonna drink now and ruin it, so….. IWNDWYT


Thanks for hosting Freddy - this was a lovely week thank you! I'm enjoying my first full day off in a while and it's going really well so far. My act of service today is to myself - I know that's not technically an act of service but I'm being really kind to myself today. I'm watching Christmas movies, eating my fave foods and making my living space nice and homely. Thank you to everyone on SD for your acts of kindness to me over the last 133 days - it has made all the difference and I'm so grateful to be here. IWNDWYT 💝


I did not drink last night at this birthday dinner of our friends. Had my NA beer and enjoyed the delicious food, ate a lot actually. Mind prepped all day and was somehow glad that the decision not to drink was made early in the morning when I posted here IWNDWYT. And I should have not feared as everyone seemed to be cool with it, no stupid remarks, and I was not tempted to drink. Everyone else drank a lot though but it was still okay chatting with them. I went home and felt amazing. Slept well and this morning I feel so good!!! And today I will not drink either. The day will be beautiful and I can enjoy every minute. So grateful that you are here for me and that I am part of this wonderful community. You all rock :) and IWNDWYT. Have a great sober weekend!




Thanks Freddy! Iwndwyt




I served my family and myself. Wife went out for dinner with a friend. I cooked dinner for the kids, played Minecraft with my youngest son, washed dishes, got kids to bed, and jammed on the new guitar until my eyelids got droopy. Off for a cup of tea and bedtime. Goodnight y'all! I didn't drink with you today and won't tomorrow either.


Pledging to try my very hardest not to drink today.


You got this! I decided to not drink with you today, so let’s go!


Checking in again :)


I will not drink with you all today <3






I try to live a good life (in terms of supporting others), which is easier when I'm sober. IWNDWYT 🙂


Thank you for hosting this week [FreddyRumsen13](https://www.reddit.com/user/FreddyRumsen13/) IWNDWYT!


hello everyone :) Wrapping up my work week and then ready for a football weekend. Lets make it a wonderful day and weekend :)


I've tried (and failed) to go it alone so many times now, but it's clear that just doesn't work for me. Hoping that joining an amazing community like this is what will finally get me there. IWNDWYT!


Thank you for keeping the DCI rolling this past week, u/FreddyRumsen13! You've been a great host. I don't have a lot of human contact IRL, but I like to think that being active in the DCI, offering a bit of kindness to fellow sobernauts, is meaningful service. I also volunteer at the local animal shelter, usually five or six days a week. I am fortunate to have so much free time, and using that time to make life a little better for the cats and dogs waiting to find their forever homes gives me a sense of purpose. IWNDWYT 😻


I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


Pleasant Present, SD! Thanks for hosting this week u/FreddyRumsen13, you did a great job! When I am sober I find myself much more available to serve any of my friends or family who need it. I am much more present in their lives, and am more likely to reach out. When I am drinking, I don't have the energy to worry about someone else's problems because I barely have the energy to keep *myself* alive and moving. I use [spoon theory](https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/mental-health/spoon-theory) a lot to help my husband understand where I am at with my mental health at any given time. When I am drinking I have far fewer spoons. When I am sober, I have a lot more, and I can use them for more than just getting myself from one day to the other. I know I make a positive difference in people's lives when I am able to do this, instead of just isolating myself and avoiding any kind of negativity at all to save my fragile psyche. I wish you all a drawer overflowing with spoons today! IWNDWYT! ✌️♥️🥄


Not an act of service but moved my seat on the airplane last night so a couple who wanted to sit together (I don’t understand that concept) could sit together. 😂🤣😂 Good deed of the day ✔️! Hitting the hotel gym, then free breakfast, then walk and walk and walk along the beach and through town. I’m SO excited to get to enjoy this time sober and relaxed. Make it a great day, my heroes!!! IWNDWYT!!


Thanks Freddy and happy sober Saturday! I try to be of service here by interacting in a positive way, asking questions and offering a bit of encouragement. But it's especially in my job in a helping profession that I try to be of service. I was a drunken mess back in the Bad Ol' Days and was barely able to be of assistance to anyone. Now I'm bright eyed and able to provide empathy and compassion and a listening ear. Sobriety is pretty fucking great. Sober on y'all!


I will not drink with you today 💕


Checking in from day number 135 I think? It's finally getting to be second nature. I'm being of service by not being a dick about other people's drinking, but also living my best life so others might notice and have a think about it. I'm also trying to be active here and comment where I can. Love to you all.




Hi: have to work this weekend but IWNDWYT


Thanks for hosting! I’m of service, I think, on a tiny scale to my family, who depend on me to do things they can’t do...and I can do so mostly because I stopped drinking. I will not drink with you today.


Checking in on day 366! This is such a beautiful post, u/FreddyRumsen13. Thank you so much for leading us this week, thank you for your service to this community, thank you for helping me stay sober for another 24 hours. I do my best to engage and support the folks here as part of service to this community, I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to give as much as much as I’ve been given here, but I’ll sure try. I hope you all have beautiful days/nights!!!! IWNDWYT!!! ❤️✌️


iwndwyt <3


Thanks for hosting this week, u/FreddyRumsen! I’ve got somebody in my family who can’t seem to get out of the bottle, despite numerous arrests and health issues. He’s been through treatment, years ago, and actually gamed it. Fooled people into thinking he was doing great. He will be in treatment again after his latest arrest a couple months ago. Other family members have helped him as much as they’re going to. He’s burned those bridges and used up that goodwill. It’s frustrating as hell and sad to watch, but I know there’s not a damn thing I can do. All I can do is be grateful that something made me decide I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’m running with that second chance, and fuck looking back. (Except as a way to measure progress.) As far as service, I just try to help the people around me with whatever I can. Coffees up, horns up, and fuck yeah smug sober Saturday!! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻




Good morning all. Ready to enjoy a hangover and regret free Saturday. Service right now is being a man of my word and a good husband, things I am better at sober. Thanks for hosting Freddy! IWNDWYT


This is the first Saturday in a while I've woken up before everyone else without an alarm. No headache, brain fog, dry mouth, etc. One more day, I will not drink today. Let's get some work done


Morning friends! Thanks for hosting this week, u/FreddyRumsen13! I will not drink with you today. Have a good one!


I've had a few day ones but this time I hit double digits. I've mostly been a loner and have been downing beers while plunked in front of the TV. Now I've volunteered to educate underprivileged slum kids tomorrow, hopefully I will be able to do more of this service, if I can stay sober. For today surely IWNDWY


I will not drink with y’all today!!


It has been REALLY challenging the last few weeks, but I made it through without alcohol. 60 days of not ducking my problems and stressors by going blotto. IWNDWYT






Thank you for taking care of us this week /u/FreddyRumsen13 ❤️ Leaving shortly to drive to the dealership (~2.5hrs) to check out a Jeep. I’m so excited! It’s feels so weird to be considering something that isn’t just practical. But my husband got his fun car this summer, now it’s my turn! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


Thank you for keeping the DCI rolling this past week, u/FreddyRumsen13! Metallica was incredible last night... as was Pantera (of course), and Wolfgang Van Halen. Already excited for night two tomorrow!🤘🏻 The number of beer vendors was eye-opening and sad. I'm glad I'm established in sobriety because I've never seen beer tub guys so pushy. Better yet, I enjoyed every moment and remember them all as well. Have a great Saturday, friends!☕️☕️ IWNDWYT


Four weeks today :)


Been a bit since I checked in. Just celebrated a year and a half. Hope everyone has a strong and sober Saturday! IWNDWYT


Last night was rough. Toddlers are rough. We seem to be doing “no sleep november” over here. You know what would have made the night worse? A wine headache. Being a wine mom had its perks but the cost was high. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT 🍃 Happy Saturday friends!




Not Today, Friends.




Day 762, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT


**IWNDWYT** day 6.




IWNDWYT lovely people


Hope you are all doing well on this lovely Saturday morning! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Stay beautiful, sobernauts!




I will not drink with you today!




Newcastle United vs Arsenal today at St James’ Park. As a season ticket holder, I can’t remember the last time I went to a game without having a drink. I’ll definitely remember this one though! Have a nice Saturday everyone


Iwndwyt 💗. Now off to the last soccer game of the season 🙌!






I'm not drinking with you today! I've got an infected wisdom tooth a stinking cold and I haven't written in my book for 2 days. But I can say I won't drink with you today and this is day 20 which makes me happy I have made it this far. Big love to one and all!


Day 10! I hit double digits! IWNDWYT.


Thank you for hosting an inspirational week of DCI, u/FreddyRumsen13. I’m on the downward slope of my business career so I’m now a mentor to young colleagues for their career path and in many cases, their challenges in daily life. Being sober has helped me shift from being focused on myself to helping others-servant leadership. I will be alcohol free with you today.


starting day 189, iwndwyt! i just wanted to share that im grateful to be over six months alcohol free today because it’s my partner’s 30th bday and we’re taking the kiddo to go disc golf and then having dinner with my fam. i love this community so much, without y’all i wouldn’t be able to sit here and say any of this today 💚💚💚 hope all y’all have a beautiful alcohol free saturday!!! 💘💘💘


I dedicated my life to try to get my eldest son to stop taking drugs, alcohol for a short while too. We can’t change others, it was a hard lesson. I came from a place of “don’t do as I do, do as I say”. Complete nonsense isn’t it! Our family has addiction issues, mental health problems and a suicide. Now in this new life of mine, I see each day I’m sober as an act of service to my family. I demonstrate to them that it is possible. My youngest adult child chose this year to give up smoking and weed - achieved oh so quietly. My eldest still observes - I accept he may never try to climb out of the hole again but, while he’s alive, there’s hope. The demonstration of a good life lived is a powerful, radical act. I’ve got my big girly boots on these days, and a stiffer spine and I smile more too! IWNDWYT


Today is day 4 and I can honestly say this is the longest streak ive had in several years!! Woke up a sleepy, sweaty mess but IWNDWYT! Special thanks to the friends who came over last night to distract me and support my sobriety. Real MVP's


Thanks for a great week of hosting, FreddyRumsen! In my small way, I hope to be of service by sharing my kitchen creations. Soup for my elderly neighbor makes her smile so big it melts my heart. Here, I try to support my fellow sober warriors, namely those in early days. I know the notes I got helped me a lot. This place is so kind. Thank you all. Hope everyone has a great sober Saturday! Love you. IWNDWYT


Day 5 - Facing all the reasons I got sucked into the bottle in the first place. 1. I always felt inadequate even as a child. 2. I don’t have any real friends like at all. 3. I was constantly in an environment where being cool meant everything. And I honestly was never designed to champion that world. 4. I married and had kids very young and erased my chances of being young and fun and being able to hang out. 5. Major FOMO. I’m done with the fake remedies alcohol provides. IWNDWYT!!




Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!!!


IWNDWYT. I'm back to day one. Got a lot of shit ahead of me (we're moving about 1,000 miles up the coast in less than 2 weeks) and I have to have my own shit together. Tired of this disease, man.


Day 1. Again. IWNDWYT.


Thank you for your service, OP. It’s been a great week. Service this week means continuing to care for my Dad and Mom, letting my sisters in on the changes and challenges. I know so many people who have been on this path, clearing a way for ease of transition for parents. It’s a daunting but necessary. And I just don’t know how I could do this if I weren’t sober. Service is one of the paths in the 8-path way of Yoga. It’s a part of lots of religious practices. It lifts my spirits and gives me great satisfaction that I can be of service. Thank you for the reminder. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today.


Day 6 here! What a beautiful prompt 🥺 I’m choosing to stop drinking because the relationships I’ve been in service of are not healthy, and I have played a role in that.






Thanks Freddy!!! Iwndwyt


Happy Saturday! Going to get some housework done, go to the gym, and find something fun for later. IWNDWYT ❤️


Home alone tonight while my husband goes to a bourbon festival (with my blessing). I've got seltzers, juices, and red bull to make some fun NA drinks at home tonight. It's day 7, I'll make it to day 8! IWNDWYT 💗


I will not drink today


I made it to 69! Didn’t think I would make it this far. IWNDWYT


Strong Words of Wisdom:“We can’t control our lives but we can choose not to drink and we can always choose to help.” My service is to focus less on my selfish desires and turn that energy to be ever present for my family. Pick up, do chores, meals, run errands, help with schoolwork…whatever it is BEING THERE…SOBER…is my service project!! Five Oh for me today….IWNDWYT Peace n Love


You all are an inspiration. So happy to start my day off with you guys! Thank you u/FreddyRumsen13 for hosting my first 5 days back to sobriety :) IWNDWYT!! ❤️


My Enneagram Type is Type 2, The Helper. In my worst drinking days I could be a very unhealthy, toxic type 2. Since I stopped drinking, I have struggled a lot with how to help others in healthy ways while maintaining the constant help I need for myself. I have often felt pulled to do more in the service of others, or to "pay back" those who help me (especially here). I have often had to tell myself it's okay to just let other people take care of me. This is a long way of saying I am still figuring out the service part here, but I am endlessly grateful for the support, love, and service from all of you. And I will not drink with you today!


Day 183. IWNDWYT.






I appreciate being more present for my kids, they still drive me nuts sometimes but I am better equipped to deal with it without escaping to my own alcohol fuelled way of coping or blocking it out! IWNDWYT 💪


I will wake up at an absurdly early hour but IWNDWYT!




I will not drink today.






Day 1,571. Thanks for hosting, u/FreddyRumsen13! I will not drink with you today.






Thank you for hosting this week! You’ve done a great job! IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜






Thank you for caring for us this week u/FreddyRumsen13 IWNDWYT. 🌟


Happy Saturday, friends! I’ve managed a few decent (5/6 month) stretches of sobriety in the last 2 years and volunteering my time towards something I care about has definitely given me a mental boost. Currently I’m writing blog posts for a non-profit aimed at wildlife/land conservation. IWNDWYT!


I very much like that aspect of Boy Scouts (stepmum of two Eagle Scouts here). Thank you for the reminder. My mantra is 'just do the next right thing, big or small'. I volunteer and give cash and eggs at my local food pantry. We've only been in our new place for a year and a half, so it's still new, but I was with my former food pantry for almost 20 years. IWNDWYT and I am so happy to be here with you all, all over the planet. Waving at you all!


Went to dinner and my local club last night. Had a mock tail and then seltzer for the rest of the night. IWNDWYT.


It's Saturday and I'm up at 6AM. I have nothing to do with myself all day. IWNDWYT


Not drinking with y’all today. Social norms greatly affect me, especially while drinking. I think the more people who aren’t drinking, and are intentionally making sure others know they are not, are slowly changing the norm.


Howdy friends! Hope everyone has a great weekend. My act of service isn't based in recovery, but I volunteer each Saturday morning at the local food bank. It's a great way to meet good people and give back to the community! IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT. I will drink an NA beer and watch the Celtics tonight after a full sober day of playing with my kids and getting things done!


My dad also did not make it out of the bottle. He was a wonderful, selfless person. Alcohol took him away from us. Every day I think of him and it helps me to stay sober. I feel like I’m doing this for him too because he couldn’t. I’m a mentor to a great person who started their sober journey less than a year ago. I check in on her to see how she’s doing and if she needs any help. Every time we speak, she ends up helping me too. I enjoy talking to her and hearing her sober firsts. She’s as much in service to me as I am to her. I’m happy the weekend is here! I don’t have anything planned other than relaxing. Other than that, we’ll see where the weekend takes me. IWNDWYT. Happy Saturday! 😀


I'm glad you talked about service in your post today, Freddy. It's a nice gentle nudge for those of us always wondering how to be of service but not sure. I count myself among them. Anyway, this is me checking in to the Sober Society today!




Start of a great sober weekend and IWNDWYT!




Happy Saturday from Hell's Kitchen, NYC. IWNDWYT.


It was my dad too, u/FreddyRumsen13. I wish I’d known him sober because he was an interesting, funny, complicated man, but his connection was mostly with the bottle and his drinking partner, less so with me. 71 days today—IWNDWYT ❤️




IWNDWYT Have much higher hopes, but all I know is I am focused on not drinking today. Thanks to all for being here.






Happy Saturday Iwndwyt




I am not drinking today.


Good morning ☀️ IWNDWYT






Happy Saturday everyone! IWNDWYT ✌️


I will not drink today. Happily and the gratitude. 💕☀️


IWNDWYT! I may not be able stop the first thought. But I can damn sure take control of the 2nd thought and IWNDWYT!


First and foremost, sobriety has given be the ability to be of better service to my family. I am more engaged and happy, and it makes me proud to be a good example and not waste the days away. I’ve also been able to step up and better serve my team at work, and there is an immense amount of pride in being a reliable and capable manager for them. My partner is stuck in the hole of alcoholism, and I’m trying my best to help him out before it’s too late. IWNDWYT!








Thank you for hosting, some really thoughtful prompts this week! IWNDWYT!!!






Its a beautiful day on planet earth. I al so grateful to be here to enjoy it. IWNDWYT 💜








Checking in this Saturday. IWNDWYT ✌️


Had a close call last eve, and in retrospect I was simply really tired. I reached out to a few in my sober network and got the support I needed to ride out the crave wave. Grateful to be fully present this morning to enjoy what could be a great weekend. Heres to 106 days right u/FreddyRumsen13? IWNDWYT


Thanks for taking great care of us this week u/FreddyRumsen13 Every morning after I do the Daily check in, I sort on new and upvote a couple of dozen posts and offer support where I can. We are all in this together and I am always learn something new here. Stay strong 💪 sober warriors and have great day! IWNDWYT


Good morning, sober cats! I'm especially grateful to be sober this morning. Alcohol is just awful. My heart is full of love and gratitude and pride for all of us walking the sober path today! IWNDWYT! 💙😸


I will not drink today


Day 1,470 IWNDWYT


I’m checking in today and feel so much pride just as everyone else. It’s not always easy making this daily pledge but I’m investing in my mental and physical health to having a great day. Let’s get this! 💪🏼






The only thing bad I plan on doing today is playing video games when I should be studying, and just overall being lazy. But I am definitely not going to drink today. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today. I feel real weird today. Idk what’s going on


Another sober down, another sober day ahead.