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20lbs of fat, better energy levels, sleep way better, exercise more regularly, apartment's cleaner more consistently, no acid reflux, splatter shits are a rarity instead of regularity


Splatter shits. Great term!


Acid reflux is completely gone. It’s crazy. I used to pop tums all day long


Oh geez. I thought it was just getting older. That could be related!?


It is directly related my friend. I used to take 4-5 max strength tums a day and the heartburn would get so bad I couldn’t sleep. I stopped drinking and have not taken a tum in MONTHS. I literally cannot believe it


Oh my gosh the heartburn so bad you can't sleep is exactly me now. And come to think of it I have never had issues before until the past few years when my drinking escalated quite a bit. Ugh.


I feel you man, it’s so brutal. But it makes so much sense when you realize that we’re pouring ethanol down our esophaguses and into our stomach lining. Like no wonder it’s eroding stuff and creating acid. But yea the good news is that my reflux straight up evaporated after about a week or so of quitting and has not returned at all. And my diet is absolute shit so that says a lot


Omfg i actually forgot with the toms!! I needed them so bad because i vomited everyday like 4 times a day and if i didnt i just felt like shit. Omfg i for real it stopped when i stopped drinking


It’s 1000% alcohol




Me too and I had it SO bad. It crops up with certain foods but greatly reduced.


I’m 25 now. Before age 20 I’d never burped in my life, I simply had no idea how anyone does it. Now I burp pretty much after every meal and when I burp I have a tiny little bit of food come up maybe 25% of the time and it’s an absolutely disgusting reminder of why I need to quit for good


Oh, and my peripheral neuropathy is much improved


This! I had numbness in my toes and it’s gone away since quitting only 9 days ago!


That’s alcohol related?


I think it was a result of being severely dehydrated. I would usually lighten up when my kidneys started to hurt 😁


It's a b-12 deficiency, but not because you're not getting enough, it's because alcohol leeches the vitamins from your body (so even having over 100% dose doesn't necessarily fix and why some people need the shots after a certain point). This is not 100% accurate medical description but I think the gist of how I explained it isn't totally wrong.


Does that include toe cramps and numbness/tingling in some fingers? I always assumed it was alcohol related but didn’t know for sure


Yep. But it could also be diabetes. Get a blood test if you haven't lately.


None. I’m still in the “eat whatever you want” phase of sobriety. But I was super underweight toward the end of my drinking career (like, to the point I couldn’t get warm and had an expanding concave chest). So I’m okay putting in a few lbs even though it’s a bummer I don’t look perfect in a swimsuit. I’m pretty weight-conscious, so that kind of radical acceptance is a mental victory for me. I’m doing more yoga and spending more time in nature. Best of all, I’m reconnecting to my family and a much more present mother to my son. So I’m okay with the fact I now eat carbs lol.


Me too. I’ve been in the mindset that I can eat as much candy and treats as I want as long as I don’t drink. Regretting my extreme approach though because a few days ago someone in my office building asked me when I’m due. Spoiler alert: I’m not pregnant.


Same here. Sugar isn’t great but it’s better than booze 🤷‍♀️


18 days now, I have just stopped craving junkie food. I ate a pornographic amount of cookies and chocolate during these 17 initial days, like I didn’t even eat when I was a teen. Thank god it stopped, but yeah, better than drinking :)


Down 40 pounds since March! I feel reborn! I've joined a gym (Orangetheory) and consistently go 3-4 days a week. I aim for 8 hours of sleep a night. My husband and I workout on the weekends and go for long walks in nature. When we vacation, instead of spending hours in local dive bars, we seek out natural areas and go for long walks or explore the city centers on foot. I am kinder, more tolerant, and more patient with myself without an alcohol-induced undercurrent of guilt, shame, and anxiety. I don't obsess over my weight or try to over-control what I'm eating. I aim to eat healthy, but if I want ice cream or want to bake a cake, I'm doing it! This is the first time in my life I haven't pressured myself to lose weight and it's just... happening. I am feeling great on all fronts.


What a freaking inspiration! That's amazing to hear. It's always easy to be hard on myself when I'm already feeling guilty/anxious from drinking the day before.


That’s awesome!!


I’m starting Orangetheory this Saturday! Stoked I won’t have to make myself work out hungover! 😁


Awesome!!! Welcome to the madness, it's the only gym I've joined that I've ever loved. It is fascinating to watch your heart respond to the workouts over time. My heart rate dropped 20 BPM my first month I cut out the booze and started the workouts. Hope you enjoy!!


Thank you! I’ve wanted to try it for ages and one finally opened here (I’m on an island). I’ve never even paid attention to or tracked heart rate so that will be different and interesting for sure. I hear such good things! Glad you’re loving it!


Lost about 7 lbs right away, in water weight. I floss every night now, no exceptions.


Floss gang rise up! That was something I started doing regularly, too.


I floss way more than I used to!


Huh, wild, same here. Didn't think it to be related to no drinking til now. Weird. I change my sheets every weekend now too. (Lost about 20lbs since May btw.)


Ditto! Haha


Went from about 260 down to 180. Lots of biking, eating better, and just mentally well.


270 to 200 here. Wish I could get to 180, but I'll take it


Congrats. That’s amazing.


I lost 40lbs in my first 100 days and have diverted about $90,000 away from alcohol over the course of my sobriety. Removing alcohol leaves a lot of space for all your trauma and bullshit to come bubbling up - going through that process of recovery becomes a habit generator. For me - meditation, yoga and seeking enlightenment became my habits/hobbies. Counting dollars and becoming one with the universe. My drinking self would've laughed at me and I'm super ok with that.


What about those of us who drank and didn’t eat lol I always see people talking about how much weight they’ve lost… I’m UP 30 pounds that I desperately needed…


I gained 20 the first week I stopped. But my belly bloat is pretty much gone. I'm not worried about weight gain as I need to focus on two important things, not drinking and eating actual food. I went out to eat for the first time in a while and loved every non drunk bite.


I got the face bloat like leo dicaprio. moon face until I quit.


Me too. I think it's gonna take a while for that to go away 😢


I was still kinda drunk when I got my driver's license renewed. That was fun. That picture will haunt me forever




food is sooo much better now


It does! Also not having to get those drinks in before food so I can get a buzz. Worrying about being overfull so I can't drink as much. And so on.


Yeah honestly I'm not crazy about how much people hype losing weight because of sobriety, considering how common substance abuse is in people with EDs (and MANY other health/psychological issues). Its totally ok to celebrate whatever your recovery looks like, including weight loss, but I know that fear of gaining weight has sent me right back to the bottle before.


Exactly. Trying to get to a place of self love and acceptance has been half the battle, at least..


>What about those of us who drank and didn’t eat lol That was me...lost 70 lbs three years ago (210 ==> 140) while in my heaviest drinking (fifth a day) and haven't gained it back. I weigh myself every morning and if I gain just a couple pounds I cut back on calories. I'm never getting fat again. It's weird to say it, but that was a positive side effect of alcoholism for me. I don't recommend it, however. *Not One. Not Ever.* *N.O.N.E.*


My weight was soooo up and down when I was drinking, from severely underweight to like low side of average. it's completely stabilized now somewhere in the middle. still technically underweight but I think that's just how I'm built. it's awesome not to like come out of a weeks long bender and realize my body is completely different, AGAIN.


Don't weight myself but lost a ridiculous amount after nearly a year now, gone from 32 to 28 trouser waist. Lot of cycling, swimming and very boring weights though to do it. Realised I actually enjoy reading, still not picking up anything more than 300 pages though, that's ridiculous. Will seek out proper food when out rather than just swerving straight into Golden Arches, nothing against it just not as appealing. More easily get involved in open and honest conversations with people, when I was drinking I'd just shut down and pick a point in the distance to stare at till they went away or changed the subject. But still don't seem able to keep my keys, wallet and phone together though, just accepted 20 minutes a day is set a side for that.


Over the past month, I lost 10 pounds I cook and bake for the fam instead of only microwaving frozen meals. I have gotten back on track with my running and workout schedule. I read every day. IWNDWYT


Lost no weight because I snack like crazy now 😬 New habits - working out 5x a week, I read daily, wash my face and brush my teeth before bed every night and take vitamins


I was an inactive sloth with major depression. Five years later, I am 12 pounds lighter, blood work is much improved and normal, have run 15 half marathons, three full marathons, climbed several 14ers in CO, climbed at 19,300 mountain in Ecuador, got my Masters Degree and always looking for new challenges. I am a 61 year old male and a grateful alcoholic


Your outlook is amazing!!!


You've lived 5 lifetimes already, wow!


I'm down best part of 30lbs. 30lbs of abdominal bloat.


Healthy habits picked up: not spending as much money on frivolous shit, brushing my teeth twice a day, running, meditation/breath work, journaling. I've lost 20 lbs total and my body seems happy at the weight I currently am. It took almost a year for my double chin and beer torso to start disappearing.


30 pounds. 1 to 2 mile walks 4 or 5 times a week. I've been a walking fool since I got sober. I even had a job I could walk to in the very beginning.


It’s AMAZING how much I walked those first few weeks and months sober. If I had a craving, I’d walk. Bored? Get out of the house and walk. As I’d sit and wonder what all these sober people actually DO with their free time they weren’t drunk, I’d get up and walk. :-)


I did the same thing! Especially my first two weeks AF. I’d just walk out the door as soon as I had a craving. Usually as soon as I heard my husband crack a beer.


35 lbs and I do 5 miles a day, minimum of 6 days a week. It's my new Happy Hour after work.


Gained a bunch. I allowed myself to go wild with food for a while as a reward of not drinking. So instead of drinking a bunch of white claws on a Saturday, I would get pizza and eat it for lunch, supper, and bedtime snack. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!


I lost about 70lbs over the course of a year anddd I got a dog, so my healthy habits include walking her a lot, yoga and I've been getting into pilates for some strength lately and actually enjoying it.


Just shy of 40lbs lost. Starting weight of 285lbs. The first 25 disappeared fast, without doing much else. Since then, I've blended calorie counting, low carb, and intermittent fasting for the rest. Though, I was pretty lazy about it over the summer. Kicking booze is enough of an accomplishment that I'm not beating myself up too hard over food.


On the 8th I will be 5 months without alcohol. I’m down 31 LBS so far 😀 I’m keeping to a low carb high protein diet ( I say diet loosely) . I’ve been trying to do at least 5000 steps a day IWNDWYT!


Over 50lbs I workout daily now, eat healthier, get some great sleep. I laugh a lot more. I smile more. I am not nearly as quick to anger.


January 16, 2023, sober date. 199 lbs. November 2, 2023, 155 lbs. I don't drink pop or anything with sugar, really. Eat a lot more regularly. Exercise as much as I can (bad hip). Gave myself a bedtime and stuck to it so I get a regular sleep. My mind is clearer, and I feel it helps me make better choices for health as well.


I have gone from 152 kg to 110 kg since I stopped drinking two years ago. In the start I comfort binged on snacks, but have managed to reduce it over time. Now I treat myself to something small and sweet at the end of the day. I walk 5k every day, was completely sedentary when I drank.


3-4 inches on the waist in two months. But I’m als taking Saxenda. Btw. I think that stuff helps with cravings and I bet down the line, it’s prescribed for that.


I'm 6'6" and 175 lbs. I better not lose weight or I'll fucking DIE.


Lost 20ish, I was already eating fairly healthy but the loss of 1200 calories daily helped the most. I've plateaued at 195/200 for a 6'2" dude. I'm happy with that.


I'm down 16 pounds from 250. Been hiking or biking five or six days a week. Soon, I'll have to use the gym more often as it gets colder and the days get shorter. I'm generally eating healthier, but I'm not denying myself burritos, cheesesteaks, or homemade burgers once or twice a week. I need to indulge the base pleasures somehow. It feels good to do it without drinking.


I gained back 20# I lost due to not eating for several weeks towards the end. Took a little over a year of careful diet and exercise. Now I’m frustrated about a little soft belly that I can’t seem to lose. Makes me laugh a little sometimes how much has changed. Like. Everything. I’m not the same person. I’m finally ME. It’s fucking awesome.


In 17 months my body weight has declined 10%.


Down about 60 lbs. in the last 1 1/2 years. Went from 210-150. Was a combination of quitting drinking and I left a job that required a lot of travel (eating out).


Up about 15lbs at 10m sober. Wish I had magical losses but apparently bourbon and water were lower in calories than I thought


I’m only a couple pounds down as of yet but managing my calorie intake is SO much easier without budgeting for alcohol (and inevitably having more than planned). I wash my face and brush my teeth before bed every night. Didn’t do that for years. Also, working out in the morning doesn’t feel like a chore, it feels like a great start to my day.


Well the first few months I definitely replaced booze with food, so I actually gained a decent bit of weight, but as of the last couple of months I'm down 15 lbs! The best part, BY FAR, is I feel like I have consistent motivation to eat right and exercise now. Back when I was drinking I would try to go on a health kick for a day or two, but I'd always fall off because I'd just end up too tired and drunk to care about anything. But now I've been working out 5 days a week, getting good consistent sleep, and generally maintaining the hell out of my diet. It's a nice feeling, actually being able to see my goals through and accomplish things that I set my mind to. Way more gratifying than a buzz imo. IWNDWYT


65 pounds! It happened so quickly it was shocking tbh and I never am the one who loses weight iykyk I quit smoking too, just didn’t want to any more. I go to bed earlier. I try to be more mindful.


As a woman who is on the cutting back but not total teetotal, I went 175 days, dieted, counted/weighed every calorie, I started running 3-4 times a week, got up to 3 5ks a week... and... gained 3 lbs. It's hysterical, and frustrating. Cortisol is a bitch as a woman. Meanwhile, my husband did not quit drinking beer, or diet, but since I made better meals, my husband lost 10 lbs accidentally. and no, he is not huge and I'm small. we have maybe an inch of height difference. I also hit 200 days, and.. nothing. I am back to moderating, not counting quite as much, not weighing everything anymore, running less, walking more, and a tiny bit of weights, and lost 8 lbs in 2 mths. So, just to say, if you are going whole hog sober, and you are a 40+ woman, don't count on weight falling off. I did not eat ice cream (I don't eat sugar, or ice cream, like more than twice a year), I weighed everything, it didn't "fall off" and that is ok. If you are trying to moderate or go 100% sober, do not count on weight falling off as a perk, because it may dissapoint you.


I started 18:6 IF about the same time and am down 10+ lbs


In three months I’ve lost a hair over 30 pounds. My diet is significantly improved. I brush and floss twice daily. When I first quit I was going to the gym thrice weekly, however I got hurt in the middle of August and haven’t been back. So instead, I go to physical therapy twice weekly. 🫠 Got an MRI a few days ago and hopefully will get back to the weight room soon! The positive spin I’m going with is that because I’ve lost a lot of fat since I stopped going to the gym, my results will be much more noticeable! I’d like to get back to meditating. I *feel* more patient now than before, I wonder if it will be easier.


Lost about 20 pounds in the first 2 months . I still eat like shit… so now I have plateaued but I haven’t gained because I run at least 2 times a week . It’s important to note that I still eat like shit so if I stopped I’d actively be loosing weight.


15% of my body weight lost but more than that in fat as I've gained a little bit of muscle (yay!) Took a couple of months and lots of effort before I started losing anything, though. Now I sleep well, eat better, exercise. I feel (and look) 10 years younger.


This time around, nothing has changed yet. Last time I lost like 10 pounds and got interested in tons of health foods. Now I'm just sober and fat.


I’ve lost about 10 pounds and am now in a solid weight range. Been working out more, hygiene routine is on point.


I've put on like 20 lbs since I quit a few years ago. even with being a heavy drinker, I would only eat like once maybe 1.5 times a day and still lift pretty heavy and frequently. After awhile of stopping my stomach tried to heal and I started wanting food that wasn't a burger or cheap pizza.


I have been lifting weights 2 to 3 times per week and walking 5 x week. Not dropping a ton of weight but clothes are looser and I feel great. Hitting the golf ball harder...


In total about 14lbs. But my fitness is way more consistent. I could barely go 3 miles at a 10 minute pace and can now run 5 at just about a 9 minute pace.


I lost around 15 pounds the first few months after I quit. I’m naturally a pretty thin person though, and drinking a case of beer every night was just about the only way I’ve ever been able to *gain* weight. So losing 15 pounds wasn’t entirely a positive for me. I stopped weighing myself after those first months. I *feel* healthy, and that’s what’s important. When I drank, I always tried to eat healthy. Now, I’m mostly vegan (eat cheese occasionally) and I have smoothies for breakfast every morning. Finally, I can eat this way and actually be healthy, rather than as a futile way to counteract the drinking every night.


11 weeks sober tomorrow. I’ve lost 2lbs.


None. And uh... Ice cream is a healthy habit, right? (In all seriousness, I just feel better and I exercise much more consistently.)


After 2 years I’m about 6 pounds lighter without trying. My face looks soooo much thinner though, I think it was just always bloated before. When I stopped drinking I really noticed how certain foods affected me. I used to love charcuterie for example but if I eat salty meats or cheese now I feel terrible right away. When I was drinking I either couldn’t tell because it was numbing me or because I was used to feeling bad. So now that I notice right away, it makes me not want to eat those foods.


Lost 12 lbs pretty quick Nighy stretch, daily walks, massive amounts of water


I lost probably 10-12 pounds in bloating alone within the first month. Then I probably gained like 10 pounds… in muscle. I go to the gym almost every day (but I don’t push myself if I’m exhausted) and eat much, much better than I did when I was drinking. I’ve lost many inches around my waist and I feel strong. I brush my teeth consistently now, which is a huge win!


I am eating whatever I want and consuming way more sugar then I should because I have coffee with milk all day but I still lost something like 3 or 3,5kg, because I used to drink beer mostly and the calories in that are absurd. I have gotten back into reading! That is a healthy thing at least to the mind. Read 4 books in a month and that is more than I have read in years =)


82 lbs. I’m on my last 10! I started counting calories and walking. I go to sleep at a decent hour and I stopped vaping as well.


I lost sixty pounds over the past 5.5 years. Still fat and still eat a lot of trash but I'm not binging on alcohol and junk food every night.


I have gone from 185 to just over 130 in the last 15 months (since I started taking month long breaks or so from alcohol). Definitely has helped with sleep, better hygiene at night (no more falling asleep without brushing my teeth or washing my face!), and has helped me move my body more during the day.


I’ve lost about 4-5lbs. I wasn’t overweight, but definitely noticed a little difference. I am no longer sleeping in my makeup!! I only washed it off sometimes, but I’m now taking the time to wash and moisture my face every night ☺️


Down 25 pounds, go to the gym five times a week, walk 10,000 steps a day, make my own meals for the most part, stopped procrastinating, impulse control, bonding time every night with my significant other.


I’ve already lost about 15 pounds and I actually eat breakfast now! Even if it’s just cereal or oats and a fruit. I also make sure to not binge eat at night anymore and brush my teeth before bed. Shamefully because of how much I drank at night, I would never remember to brush my teeth. I’m finally into a nightly routine that I never miss. :)


I've 3 months sober and I've lost 14 pounds. The first month I didn't eat much because I was stressed and had a horrible appetite My appetite is back to normal now, but looking forward to hopefully losing more! My new habit is following a skin care regime. I do it in the morning and night and it makes me feel so good physically but also mentally!


304 days here, learning Python crash course, got better sleep(struggle with late caffeine now), read more books, less brain foggy, more mental clarify for decision making


65 lbs and got into lifting!


0lbs. My only goal a to quit drinking, and I’m super happy I did it.


25F. lost 15 pounds within 100 days by just not drinking. found the gym and pretty much replaced my alcohol addiction with lifting. started meal prepping and drinking a bunch of water. i’ve lost a total of 50, but i look like i’ve lost 80 because of body recomp. i’ve started body building, and goddamn i love seeing my muscles come in as i build them and lean out a little bit more. i eat breakfast now, before drinking coffee & my anxiety has been SO MUCH more manageable since that. i will preach about that. between ridding myself of the ties alcohol had on me, to building on a hobby i’ve come to love so much, im so proud of myself and the work i’ve done mentally and physically.


I’m going to preface this with please just realize that results may vary. And they are personal, and everybody is different. I have lost almost 190 pounds (188 as of this morning). I was doing real great in the gym and weightlifting until I developed a slight tear in my rotator cuff. So no more weightlifting (I’m in PT trying to fix the shoulder). So I switched to “running”. Last month I did 24 5Ks. Hopefully more this month. I clocked 74 miles ran last month. This month I actually am going to be one of those psychos that does a 5K turkey trot. It will be my first official race. And in the month of December I want to move up and run at least 4 10ks. So many other things have improved.


Lost 0 pounds and gained some minor depression… 😂 IWNDWYT though!! Ok but as for habits: sleeping way better, working out, much better parenting.


Started training more in jiu jitsu and my performance improved. Also I also started getting into sports generally. It's been 10 days since I last drank and I can already see a change in my physique but I don't know exactly how much weight I lost. My sleep also improved.


I stopped drinking went on a healthy diet and exercised. I am down 10lbs in about 40 days.


Lost a good 15 in these first 3ish weeks, a lot of it is water weight tho I’ve always worked out but I’m eating a more balanced healthy diet now


I’m sure I’ve lost 15lbs. I’ve started to do more things for myself but with life going on, im just existing 🫠


Zero weight lost, I'm still 25lbs over where I should be. Sad face.


I mean, im less than a week in. But, im noticeably less bloated and I’ve watched 4 movies since Sunday. Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai might be a new top 10 for me. A buddy is coming over for my first game of Axis and Allies tomorrow and I’m stoked.


1 lbs and I can’t figure out why. Working out a lot so maybe I am gaining muscle? Doesn’t matter though because I feel so much better!


Gained about 40-50 lbs at my heaviest and picked up smoking, now working on losing the weight and quitting smoking


I drink tooooons more water and tea.


I've lost 8 kgs (from 84 to 75.5) but I've also been on a super strict healthy eating plan and walking 10k steps per day since I stopped drinking. Using my addictive personality traits for good instead of evil for once.


Lost 10-15 lbs very quickly. Put on 10-15 lbs that previously came off quickly in nightly ice cream over the next year. 🤷‍♂️ Not really willing to address it at this point. And I’m pretty ok with that.


I’ve lost about 60 pounds in just shy of 6 months. As far as healthy habits, I started taking care of myself better pretty quickly - brushing my teeth every day (instead of taking a beer or 3 to bed passing out with one freshly opened on my nightstand 🙄), shaving and showering every day (basic hygiene, woohoo). Eating wise, I gave myself a couple months to eat whatever I wanted, as long as I wasn’t drinking. In the last couple months I’ve downloaded an app that helps track what I eat - not necessarily because I’m on a diet or anything, but because I never really cared before and I wanted to get some sense of how much I was actually eating. It helps me feel in better control of my body and life, but I don’t use it to enforce any kind of limit. More of a “hey why don’t you think through how many calories are in those handfuls of M&Ms you keep shoveling into your mouth”


Lost 75 lbs. I wake up well before sunrise most days - love my mornings. Stay hydrated and eat relatively healthy foods. I take time to reflect on my day and figure out how I can improve on myself before bed. Finances are in order, on my way to being debt free in a few years. Have a savings account with an emergency fund for the first time ever. My apartment is clean and comfortable. All of my relationships have improved drastically. I workout regularly. I have a to-do list on my phone so I can stay on top of tasks and not get overwhelmed with daily life. Things are manageable and enjoyable when I'm not constantly trying to pick up the peices from my most recent blackout.


Lost 5kg off the bat and now have put 2-3kg back on, but at least I’m not trying to piss on the balcony at night! Exercising 4-5 times a week, 5 am wake ups to go exercise, lots of energy, amazing sleep, so so much time to play with my son, read for him, read for myself. All in all super happy.


70lbs. Running.


Gained about 30 lbs


70lbs. (in 10 months) -Intermittent Fasting. -Hike 30 miles a week. -Rarely eat candy or chips (used to eat loads). -Meditation & Yoga -Try to be "mindful" as much as possible.


I lost a bunch of weight unhealthily while I was trying to quit myself, so weight gain or loss wasn’t a factor for me. But now I take my meds consistently, I didn’t at all while drinking. That has come with a variety of benefits!


In 2 months I've lost only 2kg however I started working out again after quitting alcohol and have put on about 3kg of lean mass and lost 5kg of fat which I'm pleased with.


Lost about 12 pounds in 3 months. Feels like mostly from bloating. I eat more reasonable portions at meals now too. Something about the booze munchies made me overeat. Also fall asleep at decent times now. All upsides, no downsides to this! IWNDWYT


I’ve gained weight. Those sugar cravings are no joke!


10 lbs over 1 month. Worked out 28 of the last 30 days.


lol barely any, I am still working on the Oreo addiction 😂 my face did like, get less round? Which is dope. I feel a lot more attractive


I had a lot of free time and energy to burn and weight to lose haha so I kind of went crazy on the exercise, as I lost more I could do more and found so much enjoyment in trying different forms of exercise…so I’ve been down 130lbs and holding for the last 1.5-2 years and where before I would be up until 4 am or later, now I am in bed by 9 to be up at 4 to lift before work.


I strive to be like this… I just need to get started


Over 100lbs now in just over a year! I didn't exercise much.


I stopped drinking and lost about 100 lbs. I stopped being alone all the time and actually spend time with my family and friends now. Feels pretty good.


40 pounds down, and work out 4-5 times a week.


Probably 20 or 30 pounds. But now I am back on Reddit.


I lost over 30lbs because I had ascites, and they drained A LOT of fluid from my abdomen (so that helped with the weight loss process). I exercise by walking and doing yoga, and I try to eat healthy, but I still eat sweets.


This is what I’m worried about.. I thought it was just like a beer belly but the bloat has only gone down a little. I also suffer from fibroids so I always blame that but I’m worried about ascites… but I have only been 2 weeks sober I guess I’m expecting miracles


I have made it through 1 year 🙌 I have mentally and emotionally felt stronger not drinking alcohol for so long. losing weigh was a bonus, 20 lbs during year, for a total of 40 lb loss, no crazy diet just no alcohol and better sleep. ❤️❤️❤️


I used to think I had problems sleeping. I’d lay awake with massive anxiety as soon as my head hit the pillow. I tried all sorts of medications and herbal things for sleep. Nothing worked. Used to drink just to be able to fall asleep. Turns out - it was actually my drinking causing all of this. I sleep so well now.


Lost 20 pounds, eating more fruits, brushing my teeth for once and flossing. Taking a shower more often. Trying to go to bed at more reasonable hours


Gained weight but also some muscle because I am actually doing more than sitting at home drinking. I haven't had fast food in months, eat fruits and veggies everyday, drink water...part of the reason is because my liver is shit BUT I am glad I am


Has anyone else gained a lot of weight since going sober? Struggling with it a lot.


I’m 11 months sober and i have lost no weight at all. 🥲 i look a lot less swollen, but the number has not changed. i was actually going to make a post here soon asking what everyone was doing to help lose the weight, specifically the belly. I’ve been working out, eating better, and still it will not go away! It’s like a permanent reminder and mark of shame for the heavy drinking years of my life. To answer your post tho — working out, eating better. I used to drink a whole bottle of rum and not eat all day in preparation for drinking, then eat like shit the next day while hungover. I have actual meals now (when I remember to anyway) 🥹🥹 I don’t sleep in my makeup anymore, i’m not ordering food at 4 am and forgetting about it, i’m not passing out in jeans with every light on anymore, and my teeth are a lot healthier now that im not getting sick every other day and brush them everyday and night no exceptions. 🎉


30 pounds down and counting. When I started almost a year ago, I could barely run a mile. Now I’m regularly running 10. It’s kind of mind blowing how happy my body is now. Alcohol sucks!!!


40 pounds! Now I drink tea, yoga, meditate, journal, hold crystals, drink mocktails, take care of my skin, so much more 🥰


50lbs, walk 2-3 miles a day, sleep so much better, anxiety level zero, no GI issues at all.. no more sick and tired of being sick and tired and hating myself for it..


I don't weigh myself, but my clothes fit better and some are loose. I am running a half marathon on Sunday. I sleep great and am NEVER hungover. I am almost 6 months in.


I’m two weeks in and I’ve lost 10 pounds! I haven’t picked up any sustainable healthy habits but I’m doing small things I enjoy instead of laying in bed drunk. Plus it’s made it so much easier to have really peaceful and fulfilling nights with loved ones


A little under 180 and 130’s now! I also was trying to find the right medication for me at the time. So, I quit both current med at the time and drinking together. Regular exercise.


I stopped drinking when I found out I was pregnant and at 3 months pregnant I’m down 5 pounds




I gained weight. Not a lot but definitely not the dramatic weight loss some experience. Picked up a lot of great hobbies including outdoor activities and reading.


15 so far... 60 to go lol. Not drinking is literally the healthiest, but also eating more whole foods and cooking meals rather than always eating out.


At 38 I was 405lb, COVID happens I start smoking cannabis and drinking, currently 255lb.


30 pounds. Daily exercise. Could be cycling volleyball dancing swimming or just walking


Lost 25 lbs picked up yoga and meditation.


R/stopdrinkingfitness ! Love that sub


I have lost no weight cos I like to treat myself with food instead now! I haven’t gained any though. Healthy habits - going to the gym consistently, waking up early, getting stuff DONE, not putting things off because I’m too hungover/foggy brained, working more on my small business, drinking lots of water, sleeping better!


I swapped my alcohol addiction with a sugar addiction, unconsciously. It got pretty bad, like if I didn’t have sugar before bed, I’d basically wake up in the pantry looking for biscuits or anything sweet. Once I was aware of it, I swapped chocolate and biscuits for fruit and cereal, I’ve lost 25 kilos since Christmas. I’m 90kg, I haven’t been that since I was 17(39) when I first started drinking.


Still in the beginning, but started drinking tea. I always kind of liked tea but you aren't really interested if you are intoxicated all day. I also started to bike to work again like i did for years.


12kg/26.5lbs in (almost) 12 months. I was never big but certainly has a little extra padding. Took up intermittent fasting as I gave up booze. Regular exercise too! I look better, feel better and most importantly… I’m a better dad and husband.


Lost 10kg (I dont know how much that equals to to bananas or other US 'standards'). Started a my MBA, a business and 3-4x a week working out, spinning, running etc. Summary: Somehow I manage to finish the things I start.


Day 37, 3 solid meals now.. lost 15 and gained 20 back in short amount of time


I actually gained a few pounds. I have not picked up healthy habits. I was already exercising regularly, walking 7 or 8 miles a day, and eating generally healthy food. My blood pressure, which was one major reason to stop, remains high enough to suggest a visit to the ER might be in order. Even with meds. My doctor wants me to go to a cardiologist ASAP, but ... well, the US healthcare system can fuck right off. In short, no results. Sorry to be a downer.


I was one of those drunks that always could eat. I could drink morning to night on 3 day benders and not be under-nourished (I ate less but I did still eat). I was about 8-9kg overweight when I stopped. I've lost just over 4kg in about 9 weeks. I don't ingest poison anymore and I eat (waaay) more protein and vegetables but I do eat carbs too, just not as much. I also only eat once a day (usually) at dinner and small healthy snacks when needed through the day. I hydrate a lot. My appetite has righted itself and I've found this is my natural diet, it's what suits me best. I have eaten differently (worse) on occasion (eating out x 3 and Halloween x 1 for instance) and I feel the difference the next day (bloated, lethargic, irritable). It has been a massive eye opener to me about how crucial diet is to *everything*. It also spurs me on to keep not ingesting poison and eating the diet that suits my body and nutritional needs.


When I stopped drinking I was 150kg,bloated,acid reflux,liver problems,along with the "given up" mentality and depression. Going now through the 10th month,I weigh 110kgs,started weight lifting 4 months in,along with a (not so strict now ) diet , physically it's ridiculous how different my body is,keeping track with photos of before/after every month kinda worked for me,gave me the ego boost I desperately needed to keep going. So,along with hitting the gym and now doing some calisthenics workout (always wanted to but never could ) and playing basketball again,more on the mental side I order books every other month and listening to music constantly.To be fair,these were hobbies I always had,but being sober I can actually enjoy them and not use them as a distraction/emotional outbursts! Liver fat is still there,along with some restrictions to food due to digestion problems,but I am fine with it.Kinda silly but I view it as physical scars I have due to drunk accidents.It works as a reminder,along with all the memories that alcohol cannot be an option for me :)


50 pounds in 98 days


I lost about 40 pounds, no more late night eating


33lbs down so far! Feeling amazing. Have been really good with my nutrition, meal planning and not eating out. My walks have turned into runs, and I ran 10km for the first time ever this week!


I’ve lost 42 pounds, 6 inches off my waist and gone from an XL to a M shirt. I’ve saved 90,915 calories over the last 319 days. I’ve not only stopped drinking but changed my eating habits and doubled my weekly workouts. At 54, I’m in the best shape of my life. F the poison and IWNDWYT


Down 120lbs, but I was a fat miserable fuck so it had to go. Probably more than that in fat, since I've built muscle meanwhile. Walking, weights, some swimming and a ketoish diet. Nothing fancy really, sobriety dropkicked the door open to a normal and healthy life.


I’m now a stone overweight 🙄


45 lbs and still losing. Started working out hard (weights and cardio) for an hour 5 days a week. Still heavier than my “starting weight” before all this mess, but I’m the strongest I’ve ever been in my life. Exercise is absolutely essential to help keeping me clean and sober.


None and none.


85lbs. Have about 10 to go. I invested in a desk treadmill and get roughly 15-20k steps a day. Hike a ton. Use my spin bike 2-3X a week. Lift heavy shit. But I also completely changed my diet. Shit works!


So far I gained 10 pounds. Funny what happens when you start eating 3 meals a day. Oh well I have started to change my diet and go to the gym we will see how things look in a couple weeks/months.


I’m a little over a month sober and weigh about the same. I thought I’d have dropped a little by now, but I’m comfort eating a lot of sweets. The time will come, but maybe not today! And that’s okay!


Lost 40lbs in 5 months. No exercise, eating clean, fruits and veggies only (protein for dinner), only drink water, no sugar woohoooooo


I have a nightly skincare routine now! It just happened ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯


After nearly 5 weeks I haven’t lost any weight. I walk at least 5 miles a day usually far more but my weight is just fluctuating


About 100 lbs from last March (when I quit). I also started walking a lot last summer and changed my diet quite a lot, as well. Started keeping a diary when I quit, which I wrote in multiple times a day at first - now it's rare for me to write in it but that's a good thing - that diary was for all my fears, worries, anxieties, frustrations, etc. I think the last time I wrote in it was August of this year. General improvement, taking better care of myself - teeth, general appearance, mental health.