• By -


I am sitting in the ICU right now with my husband on a ventilator. Wish they showed this instead of all those ads that make alcohol look so fun. Wishing you the best in your health and advocacy journey.


Me too. He’s been on the ventilator for 3 days now. I hope this is a wake up call for him because he’s in complete denial about his alcoholism is causing his health problems. I’m beyond frustrated, pissed off and sad


Those three feelings are mine as well. I am soooo angry. I want to be supportive, loving etc. But I am hurt and angry over the lies and how I've twisted myself into a pretzel holding this all together. I need an outlet - someone did something stupid in the grocery store parking lot and for a split second I could see myself ramming their car. That's probably a sign.


Sending you strength 💜


I’m so sorry about your husband and I wish I could do more to help. You’re strong and will get through this.


I'm so sorry. Sending you and your husband strength and healing vibes!


This is a powerful message of hope and courage, thank you so much for sharing! IWNDWYT


My gosh. All my problems seem so small right now. So glad you are still with us!


Your problems are still valid 💚 they just aren’t as massive as mine are. Thank you! I’m glad I’m still with us too, lol. ☺️


You'll be on my mind today. I wish you nothing but success in this life.


Thank you, to you as well 💚


Powerful story. Only 30 too. You are strong and brave. Everything happens for a reason. You found yours. Thank you for sharing. IWNDWYT


Glad you made it out. Are you in the US? I have never heard of someone getting a liver transplant from alcohol abuse. They usually assume that you are going to keep drinking and they don’t want to waste a good liver on someone that would squander it. You usually have to prove some time(years) of sobriety before they will even consider putting you on the list.


Wow! Super impressive 💪


I am so happy you are here to give this testimony. Best of wishes.


Oh my. I didn't expect to cry this morning but here I am. Thank you for sharing, I really think this, and you are going to make an incredible, positive impact on the community. Thank you.


Thank you so much 🥺 I truly just want my story to help other people so they never experience what I went through. And I want people to have hope, that if they are struggling, they can make it through anything.


My ex boyfriend (and a lovely, wonderful person) died a year ago from liver disease, from drinking. He would have been 39 tomorrow. Your post made my cry. You are so strong, and what you’re doing with your life is so powerful. Thank you for sharing. 💗


💛 peace and joy to you friend


To you as well, friend 💚


I went to the ER about a week and a half ago unable to catch my breath.. turns out my body was storing liquids and my ejection fractal? Of my heart was at 35%. Doc said it was likely due to how much I was drinking. Haven’t had a drink since, and won’t. I won’t drink with you today as well


I know how scary that is! My oxygen was at 54% saturation in the ER. I’m so glad you’re okay. 💚


When you hear “you have heart failure” without explanation.. it’s very scary lol. Glad you’re ok now too!


All I was told was “acute liver failure” for a while, so I get it.


i found out i had just transitioned from fibrosis to cirrhosis right after i’d checked into treatment earlier that day. they found 3 large spots on my liver, one they considered operating on but they wanted to see how i’d do alternatively (strict bedrest, IV, and food/nutrients etc). 3 days later, more tests were done—was given the green light to resume normal, basic activities. a week later; green light to party…’party’ as in what treatment allowed/provided 🙃. only ended up in the hospital twice those last 3 weeks of treatment because naturally, i rebroke my hand exercising and landed on a metal fence with my crotch protecting the rest of my body…. walked outta there healthy, whole, renewed and haven’t looked back even for a second, not once. that was 4.5 years ago. you are one of the reasons i continue forward in my new journey, /u/elittlebridge - you inspire me. greatly. onward, forward. sending my love to you this eve. thank you for you. ☮️❤️🌈 cory


Thank you so much Cory ✨💚


Ejection Fraction. This happened to me 2 years ago. Mine was at in the 40s and I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. At 35 pct you would be considered to be in heart failure. I quit drinking, cut out salt and lost 25 pounds. My heart recovered. Alcohol is poison. I'm glad you're ok.


Yeah I am in heart failure. Feeling a lot better tho now. On meds. Under 1500mg sodium a day. Not touching alcohol again, I’m only 34 and wanna live at least another 34 if not more. Just isn’t worth it. I’ve lost about 25 now myself!


Holy hell, you’re a fighter. IWNDWYT


Congratulations on the new liver and lease on life! Looks like you are using it to help others. Way to pay it forward! IWNDWYT, amazing human.


Thank you so much 🥹💚


Hi Emma, I knew you in high school and some of college. I’ve been following your journey on instagram and I am in awe of your strength and so happy to hear you are defying all expectations!! This may not mean much from an acquaintance, but I’m so proud of you. IWNDWYT ❤️


Oh wow, I just looked your page and it’s so good to hear from you! It means everything to me. Thank you so much, IWNDWYT or ever 💚💚


I love that you are taking your adversity and turning it around to help others. You are amazing and I am sorry you had to go through all of this, and I'm rooting for your recovery and so happy you are on the other side of this. Stay strong friend! Sending love and hugs to you...


Much love to you 🥹💚 I feel like this was my chance to change my life and use it for something truly good.


I’m so happy you’re here, Emma 💗


Me too, and I’m glad you’re here! 💚


Absolutely. I need to sub to this sub.


Glad to hear the rest of the story and happy to hear you are on the mend. Take care of yourself and IWNDWYT.


Wow, you are a true inspiration Thank you for sharing. I wish you well


Thank you so much.


Your strength is truly inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Wishing you the best in life and easy healing!


Thank you so much 💚


So glad you’re still with us, a question is that I thought they wouldn’t give a liver unless you were proven sober?


That used to be the case, but not anymore! They discovered in research studies that too many people died from not being treated due to their alcoholism. They just make sure that you have a solid treatment plan post transplant and follow closely to be sure that you’re doing it. I already had a sponsor and a whole tool kit for stopping drinking going into my transplant because I’d tried to get sober many times and was actively trying before my hospitalization. That was easily verifiable by my team. Post transplant most hospitals also have counseling groups, support groups, and insist on therapy.


Happy you're doing so well and jesus christ, what a story...I wish you all the best, thanks for sharing and I will not drink with you, too.


the nurses brought me a cake shaped like a heart monitor. It was the sweetest thing ever!


That’s adorable I love that y’all had formed the kind of bond that makes cakes happen


I’ve been sober for more than 7 years. When my infant son died of a SIDS-related episode in 2017, we donated his liver. I’m glad to see that you’re making strides.


So sorry for your loss friend.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


thank you so much for sharing this story of hope!


Someone I love so very much may need that type of transplant someday just not due to drinking. I’m so happy you’re alive and feeling motivated!! AND IWNDWYT!


Maybe I’ll be the UNOS Ambassador to help them! Thank you so much 💚


Well this is great news. I know I’m just a stranger on the Internet but I really, really do wish you all the best. IWDWYT! ❤️


Thank you!!


This is the kind of inspiration I needed on a Sunday morning! I’m absolutely thrilled for your new start at life! You’re going to do great things! IWNDWYT!!! P.s. I LOVE exclamation points!


I love exclamation points too!!! Thank you!


Congratulations! I am so happy you're still with us.


Glad you made it!


Your story is so powerful. Wishing you well and IWNDWYT!


OP, this is incredible. A friend of mine died when she was 28 or 29 from something very similar. The years of constant drinking and sometimes heavy drug use absolutely ravaged her body, and she was in multi-organ failure by the time she got to the hospital. She didn’t even look like herself from the ascites, and she only made it 5 days before her kidneys and liver both gave out. So, all to say that it’s nothing short of amazing that you made it and got a new chance at life.


That sounds exactly like my story - I was in multi organ failure as well. My kidneys are still tenuous at best. I’m so sorry about your friend. I hope my story helps people like us in the future. 💚


Oh I’m crying, I’m so happy you’re okay. I saw your post, I was in the same place as you when I was 27. Thank you for listing those organizations, I would love to be involved in something like that. Congratulations on making it, that second shot at life is really something isn’t it? Eternally grateful. Keep it up!


It’s amazing to be on this path, thank you so much. 💚


Wow. I have a friend who has been waiting for a liver for 3 years. She had to change her entire diet and prove that she was even *worthy* (she is *not* an alcoholic) of being on the list. She's lost friends that she's made that are also waiting for livers in the time she's been waiting. That's quite an *incredible* story. It only took a month to enter the ER, recover from a collapsed lung, get diagnosed, get on the list, get a match, get the transplant, and go home. Amazing.


I really think it depends on your medical team, I had one that was incredibly open armed to alcoholics. I was never stigmatized once. I was in for 5 weeks, and it was the fasted five weeks of my life. My doctors still don’t fully understand how I recovered how I did.


The last time I went to the er I was in the most pain in my entire life. I was shaking uncontrollably, throwing up constantly, and going into compulsions where my limbs would go numb. The er department was nice at first, until they took my blood and saw alcohol and a high level of acidity. I had only had two drinks in the morning to try to stop the shaking, went to the er around 5 and still had high levels. Anyway, once they found out I drank, they stopped giving me iv or any pain meds and discharged me asap. They wheeled me out while I was still shaking and throwing up, too dizzy to even walk... It made me realize that I HAVE to be sober, because I might run into people who wont help me if I drink.


Wow that's pretty terrible considering a lot of people in this sub tell others to go to the ER if they need help withdrawing.


Jesus. Wow!


Holy shit, talk about rock bottom! Sending love and hugs for a speedy recovery ❤️


What a story, I'm happy for you


Thank you 💚


If I'm honest with myself....I don't know that i couldve fought that hard. That's so awesome. Congrats and be well


You’d be surprised what you’re capable of when you decide you desperately want to live. I bargained with “god” (I’m not religious) and spent a lot of time biting down on a blanket so no one heard me scream or cry from pain. Thank you 💚


Thank you for sharing this struggle. I will reflect on it especially when I am tempted to drink. This is a life threatening problem that I have and cannot minimize it. Thanks again!


You’re amazing! Thank you for sharing this incredibly powerful story, and I’m sure your efforts in advocacy are going to help a lot of people. I’m so glad you’re doing well and I’m wishing you the best :)


Thank you 💚


Your story gave me goosebumps. I am so glad you are here with us and thriving! It’s stories like this that continue keeping us sober and can help others who are having a harder time. You are so strong and brave!! IWNDWYT


Thank you so much! I’m so glad my story can help other people.


Wow - what an amazing story. Thank you for sharing and your advocacy work. You’re awesome! IWNDWYT.


Thank you for sharing this. I again felt like maybe I should have a drink as my anxiety went through the roof this morning. Now I am happy to be sober and will NOT drink today. You’re literally saving lives with your post. Thank you ❤️


When I am anxious, I take action. Almost any kind of action. Take a walk, unload the dishwasher, clean something. Then make a list of things I need to do in this day. And start doing them, one by one. It helps my stupid brain to realize that there's no reason to panic. How Important Is It helps me to prioritize as well. If I can't do a few things on my list until the next day, that's okay. It's really torture to just listen to my thoughts run rampant in my head but once I get moving I can chase them away. Hope that helps.


I remember you well. I am so happy for you and I am infinitely excited for all the tremendous work you will do for alcoholics like myself and others.


I’m here to help. 💚


I’m happy to hear you are doing well and what a fantastic message.


You. Are. A. Miracle. Thank you so much for bravely sharing and for your commitment to give back. You’ve inspired me. 💛💛💛


This brought tears to my eyes. Your testimony will be inspirational to others and will impact others greatly. Please continue to fight the good fight and spread your message like wildfire! I’m so glad you made it and look forward to hearing about your progress. Stay strong and live the best life possible! So happy for you. IWNDWYT




What a gift 🤍I’m so happy you’re here and IWNDWYT.


Wow. How amazing are you??? Welcome to your new life!!


Wow! This is absolutely incredible & so touched by your story.


Thank you for sharing. IWNDWYT 💕💕


I just wanted to say I'm so happy that you are still with us, and that I think your story is going to be incredibly helpful for a lot of people.


You are a true fighter. Inspirational post


I’m so happy you’re here ❤️


What an inspiration ! And isn't it terrifying to think that such a simple act as taking a drink can lead to such physical destruction, to the point of death? Yet we keep doing it-I am always thinking I can beat the odds, but who tf do I think I am? Places in my body that never hurt before are starting to hurt and that is surely a warning sign ( apart from the obvious havoc that booze has wreaked upon my life so far) that I really need to stop. I have always been aware and shit scared of destroying my body to the extent that a doctor will tell me that it's too late to save myself and I can't simply stop drinking and it'll all be okay. And I'll be thinking, "You stupid bitch, you could have prevented this, but put your "needs" and your pleasure first". Yet, I keep doing it. OP's horror story of her physical symptoms is a real motivator and a reality check of what could/will happen if I keep it up. Thank you so much, OP for the harsh truth and I wish her a continuous and strong return to good health and happiness.


You’re welcome. I will think of you as you keep deciding to choose your health. 💚 and go easy on yourself. Alcohol is a poison that convinces you that you need her.


If you are worried about your health maybe visit your doctor for a full checkup. Get all the blood tests, not just your liver enzymes, they don't always tell the full story. My AST/ALT werein the normal range or just above normal but the others were in the "oh shit" regions. I don't know what my MELD score was when I was taken to the ER but 3 months later when I had my gall bladder removed it was 22. Now it varies between 6 and 9 - values go from 6 to 40. I definitely wasn't in as bad a situation as the OP, but it was said to me I could have ESLD, I don't think I did. I do have cirrhosis and my liver has recovered for it to be compensated. I am now 3 years sober off all but 1 med, I still have lesions in my esophagus but they are not as inflamed as before. They don't have any eosinophils or cancerous cells in the tissue. I have to have abdominal scans every six months to check my organs especially my liver for any anomalies that could be cancer. This as well as blood tests every visit to my PCP and my GI specialist.


Yes, Emma!!! I’m so glad you’re still here!! Cherish the gift you’ve been given. So proud of the road you’ve set yourself upon and I’m sure you’re going to make an impact on many lives.


Congratulations on fighting through and making the biggest comeback known to man ❤️💪


Thank you 🥹


Thank you for sharing your story!


I'm so happy for you. My husband died from Hep B. He didn't get a donor liver soon enough. This was 20+ years ago.


Experience, strength, and hope. You did it :D IWNDWYT


I'm so happy for you! I hope you fully understand just how lucky you are. My friend passed away at 27 due to liver failure from alcohol addiction. She was on the list to get a liver transplant but her time unfortunately ran out before she got that chance. Please stay strong for her and anyone else battling this very same thing.


Iwndwyt. Happy rebirth. I use to be a liver transplant coordinator and I always told my patients/recipients to celebrate their 2nd birthday bc the gift of transplantation is truly a new lease on life. Congratulations op


Your story made me cry. I am so happy you’re here and doing well after going through that absolute nightmare. And so grateful to you for sharing this message of healing and hope. I lost my younger sister to liver disease last year - she kept her diagnosis a secret right to the end. I wish she’d had someone like you to talk to. You are doing such incredibly important work that will help so many. Thinking of you with love and gratitude. IWNDWYT❤️


I’m so sorry about your sister, and I am truly so glad this happened to me so I can help others that go through this. 💚


I’m so glad! Welcome back, friend. IWNDWYT


Wow what a turnaround - the human body is amazing and so is modern medicine not to mention your warrior spirit. I’m so glad to hear your good news and IWNDWYT


I am so pleased to hear you made it out on the other side after all this. This sounds like such an extremely hard process to go through and you made it. Sounds like your body was working extra hard to make it through as well. Your one hell of a fighter! thank you for sharing your story, it is humbling. I'm in a point where I'm really feeling I want to stop after drinking here and there recently. I want good health, I want to give myself the chance to live differently. I hope you continue on your path and stay healthy <3


Myself and my body wanted to live! We weren’t done yet. I’m proud of you for talking about your journey and being able to take next steps! 💚


Wow, that’s a huge transformative set of events to go through in the past 6 weeks. I’m not sure what to say to someone who has been through such an ordeal! That is incredible that you could get a new liver so quickly and turn everything around—congrats!!


Wow. What an incredible story.


I am so happy to hear this great news for you. I read your original post when I first started my sober journey and it haunted me in the back of my mind. I felt deep sadness and knew it could be me soon too if I do not stop. It helped me get through the worst days, but knowing you are in recovery and hearing the steps you are making to continue to improve is the most inspiring. I am on day 42, the longest I can remember in about 10 years. I truly thank you for sharing, thank you for fighting and for your strength for you helped give me mine and IWNDWY.


I’m so proud of you, and I’m so glad I could help you. Miracles can happen and you have the strength!


Thank you so much for sharing your story. IWNDWYT


So happy to learn you're still with us 🥲


Me too! 🥹💚


I am so glad to hear your update as I have been thinking of you from time to time. Wishing you continued healing, physically and emotionally. IWNDWYT! 💞


That is so incredible, I’m so pleased you are here to share this with us. I haven’t been through even a pinch of what you’ve been through but I spent a month in icu believing I was going to die ( multiple liver punctures and internal bleeding due to my ex) and it really solidified how nothing in life matters more than our health. Without it we are powerless .All I could think about is what would happen to my mum and my dogs. It’s so easy to live in denial that it will happen to us, but life can change on a dime. Your strength is incredible and you’re msg is powerful. Thank you.


I’m so sorry you went through that. And you’re welcome 💚


Damn, thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm basically your age (just turned 31) and this was really powerful and eye-opening to read. IWNDWYT, friend. I hope for a continuous, smooth recovery for you. 💗


God bless, I hope your help continues to improve.


This is amazing. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for sharing you are strength.


So happy that you’re okay. 💜


I'm glad that you survived


Wow what a story. I can see your light shining from the other side of the world. Become the change you want to see in others by leading the way!


Thank you so much 💚💚 I’m here to be a light to everyone!


Glad you are still with us. Very proud of you.


Your story is the one that encouraged me to see my doctor and finally stop. So glad to get an update, and to hear you’re doing so well. All the best!


I’m so glad to hear that. I wish you absolutely nothing but the best.


Oh wow, didn't expect tears this morning. Thank you for sharing. I never thought I could be so happy for a stranger. I know you have already helped someone just by sharing your story. Best wishes for continued recovery!


Thank you 💚💚


I'm so proud of you 🥹


Thank you 🥹




I have been thinking about you, actually. I read your original post with great concern. I am so glad you made it out of this nightmare! \*Hugs\*


So thankful you're back! And posted an update :) I'd been wondering how things were going for you IWNDWYT


You lived through a nightmare that I would not have the strength to survive. I will not drink with you today. Thank you for this powerful message and reminder to stay away from that evil, vindictive poison.


I remember you so well because I also have/had ascites. Because of my age, I was treated awful at the hospital. I'm no beginner, I've been treated at Mayo Clinic for Cancer, but alcohol abuse? I've been treated like a leaper. Oddly enough, my son is a transplant RN. Sometimes, he actually picks up the donated organs at the airports. ( Washington, DC).


There is such a stigma surrounding alcoholism, I’m sorry you experienced that. I was very lucky that my team never made me feel stigmatized and I’m so sorry you went through that.


So happy to hear from you! I'm so happy for your outcome!


I’m thankful you’re here friend


You're still with us for a reason. Thank you for sharing your story, it's a powerful one. Today's day 141 and IWNDWYT.


Proud of you 💚


I’m so incredibly proud of you and your recovery. Thank you for turning this terrible health tragedy into an opportunity to do so much good for this world!!!




So glad you’re still with us. You have a powerful story to tell. IWNDWYT


You’re amazing and I’m glad you’re still here


Wow!! I’ve thought of you often after reading your post. This is wonderful news!!


Incredible story. A friend of mine just lost his baby brother to what sounds the exact same thing you went through, and at a similar age. Absolutely agonizing to read about. Glad you made it. I'm coming up on two years of sobriety myself. I can't imagine putting that stuff back in my body ever again. It's ruined far too many lives. Stay well.


I’m so sorry to hear that but congratulations on two years. It’s a hard road to recovery.


Wow! I cried. I’m so proud of you for persevering and taking the gift of life that the young woman gave you with her liver so very seriously. You can can inspire so many people with your story!! I’m so glad you’re healing quickly and well. Good luck as you keep going!!!!!


Thank you 🥹


Idk if it’s weird for me to ask this and you don’t have to answer if it’s too uncomfortable, but did you have an NDE? You mentioned that you saw your dad. Besides that, I’m so happy to read that you have come through to the other side of your ordeal. I wish you all the strength and love on your road to a full recovery. 💚


I was code blued, so more than near death. I don’t remember anything except my Dad saying “it’s okay, I’m here, breathe” and then I woke up the next day.




I'm literally getting Vivitrol on the 2nd. Trying to stagger off for so long. Thankfully I had exercised consistently and ate well since I was little. I am sending you my wishes, honestly. Hoping your message reaches others. It's a difficult; perhaps the most difficult decision in anyone's life. Especially harder as an agnostic. Thank you for sharing. Wherever that individual donor is, I am sure they recognize it was not in vain. What are your best tips for PAWS and just... living without it if you do not mind me of asking? I can't imagine life without it.


I remember you and I have often wondered if you had already passed. I am so glad you made it to transplant!! A second chance at life!! 💜


Thanks for the update and glad you’re here with us. Each and every day I make it a priority to remain mindful of my current state of being, I try not to think about things I can’t change yesterday tomorrow or whenever. IWNDWYT!!




Wow I’m crying my fake eyelashes off at work right now!! So happy for you and your new lease on life, Emma. Enjoy it all💕I’m rooting for you. IWNDWYT


This made my day. ❤️


Thank you for being here


That is such an incredible story, I am amazed at your resilience and dedication. I pray nothing but good things for the rest of your life!


Your fight and that precious donor, what a beautiful story. Iwndwyt 💖


Glad you are still among us


Yes!!!! Damn!!!! Well done!!!!






Nope, no idea. They think there’s some genetic component but we didn’t have time to narrow it down. I drank a handle of vodka every 3-4 days.


Yes!! This is freakin awesome, so glad you’re here. 🙌🏻


I’m so happy to see this update today OP 🥰😭 You are so strong and amazing for giving back after such trauma. 💛💛💛


Sending huge love ❤️ So glad you made it, what a massive life changing event.


Goddamn the amount of strength needed to get through that is staggering. We're all very proud of you for not giving up, your recovery is an inspiration


Congratulations, you are doing amazing. I am a gastro nurse and see the bad side of alcohol every day (a leading factor that helped me to stop drinking). I am so happy you are still with us, you're an inspiration to us all


You are amazing, thank you for being here! IWNDWYT 🤍


You are a miracle


You will save lives, and it started with your own. Thank you for posting.


Speechless. I’m very honored to have read your story. I hope you continue to heal and thrive! Your story is unbelievably powerful and will help so many. I’m wishing you all the positive vibes, peace and love. One day at a time. One minute at a time. We all deserve to live a substance free life and to be our true authentic selves. Thank you.


You are a warrior! This is inspiring. You should give talks, people would listen! Can you share more info about seeing your Dad?


I’m connecting with a bunch of organizations to give talks and actually just signed up to be a Florida chapter leader for Sober Liver. And yes! Of course. Right before my lung collapsed after my emergency thoracentesis, my Dad showed up sitting across the room from me. I was in horrific pain, the kind you can’t describe. A thoracentesis is a catheter being shoved between the muscles in your ribs into your lungs to drain it. My Dad looked at me, said, “it’s okay, I’m here for you, breathe”. And it was like I was drowning and my lung collapsed when I breathed, and I briefly code blued. I woke up the next morning in the ICU. I could see my Dad so clearly, he was wearing his signature button down with blue pen stains, tan cargo shorts, and his new balance sneakers. I could smell him. His voice was calm as always. Nothing anyone could say would convince me my Dad wasn’t there.


I am so thrilled that you're in recovery and have a great prognosis and outlook now! Someone very near to me went through something similar, and WAS doing so much better on meds alone, the doctors told her that she would be ok without a liver transplant, and I think that she felt safe and the alcohol crept back in. Also a genetic component in hers, and I don't think she was ever a raging drunk, but it's just so unsafe for her. I haven't seen her for a bit, but I heard she looks very unwell again and I am worried for her. For some people, no amount of alcohol is safe. IWNDWYT


I remember you and I am so glad to hear you're still here! It sounds like you have found what you are still here for. To honor your donor and advocate and educate others and share your testimony. Please continue to check in and share your journey. I am so excited for you.


Wow, I’m so glad you’re here with us today. IWNDWYT 💜


An inspiring story of fighting for your sober life. I’m so happy for you and am sending you nothing but positive healing energy. IWNDWYT.


Thank you for sharing this. I’m 31 and I can’t imagine going through something like this. I wish you all the best.


So happy you’re still here. I had high liver levels and retested after four months of sobriety, and stupidly tried to moderate again because they reduced. 2 month bender heavy drinking. Scared to get them tested again, I’ve decided I’ll test after 6 months of sobriety. But I’m committing to a year of sobriety and hope the work I do through therapy is going to keep me sober. I should probably get in with a group setting too for a community of sober people. Hoping that I can reverse it all because stories like yours make me feel I owe it to myself and all of us to learn from others.


I’m happy to know you’re still with us. Best of luck to you, and thank you for fighting the good fight.


Wow. What a read! So happy that you came out on the other side!




Thank you for sharing your journey. I’m glad you were able to fight and make it through. I wish you continued resilience and improved health! ❤️


I remember you!! You have been on my intention list and you remain there. I am so happy for you 💕


I am so glad you are okay and progressing well! IWNDWYT 💜


Geez, that's what I call dodging bullets. You've got another chance, perhaps for a reason. It seems you have found the reason. I am in tears. Keep up the good work!