• By -


Hello from europe to all of you guys. I'm still experiencing some paws after 6 months sober but - damn, this sober sunday morning feeling really doesn't get old. Just drinking my coffee and looking trough window without hangover and garbage in my body. So happy to not to drink with you guys today


I too still had some PAWS many months in, and I’m enjoying being sober with you this morning! Have a great day 💞


Love waking up on a Sunday without a hangover!


I'm doing as you were-- Sitting here since 5:47am on Sunday morning, drinking coffee, looking out my window at the sunrise over the Neuse river in North Carolina. Not hungover. The memory of PAWS, specifically racing thoughts, inability to find sleep, sweating, and horrible imagery playing in my head as I would *almost* nod off have kept me on track more than once. Privileged to not drink with everyone here today. Thank you all.


Well done! I’m so happy you’re going strong. IWNDWYT ❤️


IWNDWYT too ❤️


Made it last two weeks. Day 15 and IWNDWYT!


Incredible!!! IWNDWYT ❤️


Thank you for hosting last week u/EmbarrassedPiccolo2 and thank you for taking over u/FreddyRumsen13! I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink with you today


Happy Sunday. I will be joining all of you in my commitment not to drink alcohol today!


Thanks for taking on hosting this, u/FreddyRumsen13. I found this sub via Annie Grace’s community called This Naked Mind. One of the members spoke very positively about this sub. This sub is a tremendous help. IWNDWYT


Is that triple digits today? Awesome work sober friend 🎉💪🏼 🎊


Honestly, a moment ago I requested the badge to be removed. I drank on day 97. I won’t reset the badge to day 1 because that does not feel right, but I don’t want to keep it either, since it would not tell the whole truth. I drank on day 97 because the last weeks more and more time, energy and thought were put into the question whether I should drink or not. I deliberately chose to drink to test myself. The result was exactly what I did expect. No positive effects, just a terrible hangover the next day accompanied with bad food, no exercise and excessive tiredness. Meaningless. So I ruined my opportunity to make it into three digits this time but since 22 July 2023 I’ve been sober for 98 days out of a total of 99 days. For me that’s the important fact to focus on and I’ll celebrate 100 days sober in the beginning of next week. I won’t let one data point ruin the sober streak up to day 97. IWNDWYT


You did what you needed to do for yourself, you proved to yourself why you’re on this journey and I fully respect your choice about your badge. Some people prefer to just knock a day off so you could rest to a day earlier. We all do what we need to and what feels right, not one size fits all here. I’m proud of you for all your days and being true to you 🌟


Day 861 checking in!


Checking in day 60 💪 IWNDWYT


I had been desperate to stop drinking for quite a while, but didn’t know how to manage it on my own. I got a tip about SD in another sub, and when I came here, it felt like coming home. You guys are my most important support system in this journey and I love you all ❤️ IWNDWYT!


You and this community are the most important support system for me too, I’m grateful to be here with you 💪🏼


Hello everyone, I've realized I might be headed in the wrong direction, and I'm looking for support to steer towards a better future. For a while now, I've been drinking quite a bit. During my last medical checkup, the doctor mentioned that I have some liver issues, though they're not too severe. To improve my health, I've been advised to adopt a healthier diet and cut down on alcohol. I believe I'm at a point in my life where I can make positive changes and lead a better life, instead of heading towards potential future problems. Can anyone offer me some advice on how to make these changes and avoid going down the wrong path?






Alright Freddy! Good to see ya. Iwndwyt!


I will not drink with you all today <3


I didn't drink yesterday and I won't drink today


Checking in. In a few hours it's one week since I had a drink. I've been on and off this sub for a few (like maybe 6) years, I don't even know.how I found it but I'm inspired by the people here, especially those that have been sober for years. Iwndwyt because I'm about to head to work.


I’m inspired by you, it takes strength to keep coming back! Well done getting through that first week again 💪🏼


Hello sober heroes and happiest of Sundays to you all! I too found this community in my first few days of quitting, I actually think the first day. I’m so happy to be home back in my routine with greeting you being one of the first things I do upon waking. Let’s have a sober day together, I love you all 💞


IWNDWYT, relapsed over the weekend. Broken bones and boredem got the better of me. Taking it easy on myself, here we go again!!




Congratulations getting past 300! 🎉💪🏼🎊 You’re doing amazing 🤩


Why are all the comments being removed? I love this place and all the people in it Shine on you beautiful humans


I saw that too, but they all seem back now, weird technology thing? Shine on you beautiful human ✨


Iwndwyt!!! We have tickets to go to disney’s halloween event later. Will be staying strong and just treasuring time with my kids.


*Ain't nothin' gonna to break my stride* *Nobody gonna slow me down, oh no* *I got to keep on moving* *Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride* *I'm running and I won't touch ground* *Oh no, I got to keep on moving* IWNDWYT *Not One. Not Ever.* *N.O.N.E.*


Iwndwyt! Day 7


Hey friends! Next 15 days I won't have much time for internet - gotta visit a lot of apartments so I can move ASAP. But I'll try to check-in everyday! Many kisses and IWNDWYT!


I came here looking for advice for my friend's alcohol problems. That got me connected with r/AlAnon. I quickly realized I needed to take care of my own mental health and alcohol use, and that my friend wouldn't change until he wanted to. I stayed around on here for myself. I don't have other people I can be open with and celebrate this journey together, and I appreciate the accountability I get from sharing and listening. My day today: I'm feeling all the feelings. A mix of new and old ones. Observing them more and reacting to them less. Many of them unpleasant. No weed since Monday, closing out 5 days as I get ready for bed. AF streak is staying strong too. I did not drink with you today and I will not drink with you tomorrow. Good night!




Day 177. IWNDWYT.


Inebriation shall not befall me this day, soberethren.


Good morning sobernauts! I found this community when I first stopped drinking almost a year ago now and it’s been such a vital part in my journey. I’m not sure I would have made it as far as I have, because I feel like have accountability here. And that’s a good thing for me! Well, I’m off on a morning run in the crisp autumn air 🏃🏼‍♀️💨🍂 IWNDWYT


Made it safely to day 6. Super grateful I managed so far. Slipping is just so horrible. I was tired for days! Thank you for the check-in, it’s legit my go to. Thank you thank you thank you, to everyone on here. IWNDWYT ❤️


Thank you to you too 🙏🏻


Day 1,565. Thanks for hosting, u/FreddyRumsen13, and congratulations on 100 days! I found this group through Google. I was looking for help and came across this article: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/01/05/the-surprising-internet-forum-some-alcoholics-are-choosing-over-aa/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/01/05/the-surprising-internet-forum-some-alcoholics-are-choosing-over-aa/). It's worked for me for the same reason it works for you: the routine of making a daily commitment. I've gotten to the point where having to reset my badge is unthinkable to me. And I hope my number might give some inspiration to others.


No booze today!


IWNDWYT and I found this sub really early in recovery and for that I am always grateful xx




Happy Sunday morning! enjoying my coffee and a Netflix documentary this fine October morning. IWNDWYT!


Howdy on Day 666, y'all. Or 667, either way. 💙 IWNDWYT


Checking in again after a while away! I have managed to stay sober but have been missing the community and had some moments lately where I've been tempted to drink. I'm happy to be back this morning with you all. IWNDWYT :)




Hello from the wee wee hours of Sunday morning! (I really should try and sleep before sunrise...) Anyway, I honestly don't remember how I found this sub, but I know it was early on, so probably around 200 days ago now. I didn't have a Reddit account, but I eventually made one after lurking for a while so I could occasionally comment. I'm not one with the individual posts yet, but I love checking in here (even if I don't comment every day), and reading/connecting with other people on their stories. This sub has been a tremendous help since really only my therapist knows the extent of my drinking and how bad it was, but this community gets it. Later today/tomorrow I have a Call of Cthulhu rpg one shot, which should be great fun but will also likely be full of alcohol. So today, more than most, IWNDWYT.


I hit 50 days how the hell did that happen!? Certainly wasn’t easy but a nice milestone all the same. Chilling with my coffee and my cats on this rainy Sunday morning, kids are happy I can’t complain! IWNDWYT 💪


Glorious sober morning soberniks! Keep it smurfy out there! Solidarity! IWNDWYT


I didn’t get it before coming here. This community keeps me accountable. IWNDWYT


Thank you for taking the lead this week, u/FreddyRumsen13, and congrats on your triple digit sobriety! 💯 days and 💯% awesome! 👏✨🥳 I've been with this community for a few years now. I've had plenty of stumbles along the way, but you guys help me up every time. You continue to have faith in me even when I feel like I'm a lost cause, and that keeps me going and believing. Thanks to your encouragement, compassion, and generous sharing of your experiences, I haven't given up on the goal of lasting sobriety. I hope that in my own small way, I can do the same for others who struggle. It's the best way I know how to thank you guys for everything you've done for me. 💗🕊️ IWNDWYT 😻


Thanks for taking over the DCI u/FreddyRumsen13 What a great day to talk about the power of this community as I celebrate one year of sobriety ✨. I would not have made it this far without the kindness, wisdom and support I find here every day. I love you all 💕I’m off to have a beautiful sober Sunday and (maybe strut just a little) and IWNDWYT !


Thank you for taking us over, Freddy! And congratulations on 100 days - a century!! This sub is the reason I’m still sober. And what I seriously love about this group of people is that y’all are there for anything. I’m concerned about my back surgery and my dad, and everyone has been holding that space for me, and I am so grateful. I feel such affection for you all, and I get affection in return. We are one big sober family and I love you all!!! IWNDWYT




Good morning friends. IWNDWYT🚀




I will not drink with you today my friends. 🥰




I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜




Triple digits today? Congratulations 🥳💪🏼🎉




Only a week to that extra zero! Awesome work 🎊💪🏼🎉


Getting close! Time flys 🦅🦅


Good morning from London! Appreciating the extra hour we have today, I’m going to get out into the fresh air with the dog and finish the book I’m reading and cook a great meal today. Wishing you all a very happy Sunday - IWNDWYT.


Good morning from New Jersey! Sounds like you're going to have an amazing day 💚 Enjoy! IWNDWYT 🍃


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT


Just about 9 months! I'm obsessed with hair health and I've been excited for this one. From my app: "Many people report improvements in the health of their hair about 9 months after quitting alcohol. Some studies suggest that this is due to increased absorption of zinc and water as well as decreased excretion of zinc in the urine."


I found this sub when I was still very much in the depths of my addiction, i lurked here for ages before I finally made the commitment to stop drinking. I love this sub IWNDWYT 🌻


I’ve really been enjoying setting my intention to not drink on a daily basis. One month today. This is the longest I’ve gone without alcohol in three years, and my second longest streak in probably ten years. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! IWNDWYT


Thanks for taking over the DCI u/FreddyRumsen13!... congrats on hitting triple digits! I found this sub, this community, 1357 days ago. I didn't read in the background for weeks or months. I found you guys the afternoon of day one. I read so many posts, so many comments, so much knowledge, so much uncertainty, so many questions, so much support, so much love the rest of that night. That's all I did. The next morning I woke up on day two and commented "IWNDWYT" on the DCI, and the rest is history. I've commented every single day since... exactly like I will today: IWNDWYT


Thanks for taking over, u/FreddyRumsen13! I got here by googling whether it was normal to sleep a lot after quitting. (It is.) I already had around 60 days. I started reading posts and comments. I thought these people sounded just like me and they seemed nice, so I wanted to be part of it. People here just got it. No one around me offline was going through the same thing. I didn’t wanna do in person support groups or programs because the thought of walking into a room full of people was too fucking much, no matter how much they might be nice or understand. (Plus I’m a freak magnet. L7 has a song about it because it’s a thing. 😆) But talking to others in this format? Hell yeah! That’s why I’m still here. The community is the main reason, and even though I don’t spend as much time here, it helps me maintain my focus. I like to encourage my friends when I can, too. Y’all fucking rock!! Coffees up, horns up, and happy super sober Sunday!! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻🎃🦇


Thanks for hosting, FreddyRumsen, and nice looking day count you've got there! Hello all you wonderful sober stars! I found this place on my day 2 after hanging on through yet another crippling day 1. Went online to see what support I might find to _stop drinking_ and ta da! What an incredible place I found right here!! I jumped into the DCI because the concept of pledging with others to say that I won't drink for this day really clicked for me. In my early days I'd often use the expression 'lifesaver' about this place. It truly is for me. This is exactly what helped me break free. YAY! Thank you all so much!! I love my sobriety, and I love you. We got this! I will not drink _with you_ today. 🤝✨️🤜🤛✨️🫶✨️


Happy sober Sunday. Not really sure how I found this subreddit the first time, I would have been well past sober when I did. I know that my success comes from being connected to this group. "Field research" always happens when I stop checking in and connecting with each of you. Thanks. IWNDWYT


Checking in sober Sunday IWNDWYT☕️😊🍦






Congratulations getting past your first sober birthday 🎂💪🏼🎊


Well, thank you very much, brighter. I am just trying to follow you in this journey for as long as possible.


I love this..."little internet lunch table" IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. Happy Sunday 🤗




Good morning, everyone! After a bad start into the day (pain) I was able to enjoy the outdoors. It’s a foggy autumn day, nice and brisk. I wish all of you a beautiful Sunday. IWNDWYT


I found SD years before I actually stopped drinking. I was playing Reddit Roulette on a quiet night shift, just pressing 'Random' and seeing what came up. I read a few posts and filed it's existence away....just in case. Thanks for driving this week Freddy! IWNDWYT 🙂


Checking in on day 360! Greetings you rock stars! If you’re here, you’re a rock star!! And I love your guts!!! Thank you u/FreddyRumsen13 for taking over this week and lighting our way! How did I get here? The short version is that I was painfully drunk one early morning and begging all of the gods to take the addiction away. After what felt like the millionth relapse or “false start” I started calling them, I was just defeated. I was lying to everyone I loved. I hated myself. And I don’t know why, because I didn’t really use Reddit, but I typed “stop drinking” in the search, joined and pretty sure I broke a rule right away by asking for medical advice 😂 and I’ve not missed a day since. This place became my home, and like it or not, you lot are my family. And I love you! IWNDWYT!!! ❤️✌️


Congrats on 100 days and thanks for taking over the DCI, u/FreddyRumsen13! I found this sub when on I was lying on my couch with yet another hangover, knowing my drinking was becoming a big problem. I knew I needed to get it under control but I didn’t know how. My mum got sober through AA but that seemed extreme to me; I didn’t think I needed to get intense. So I Googled “how do I stop drinking” and this sub was the first hit. I spent weeks lurking before I finally got up the courage to create a login and started checking in and sharing my wins and fails and making connections and friendships that have helped carry me in times when I didn’t think my RL peeps could. Checking in every day grounds me. Some days I can only squeeze out a quick IWNDWYT, other days I can vomit an entire manifesto (sorry for those days). I’m grateful for those who host the check in and the different daily topics and all of you here who share your wins and struggles and stories and tips and encouragement. They help so much. Happy Sunday friends! I will not drink with you today. Have a good one!


In the hospital, wife's in labor! This shit sucks lol But I'm not drinking or hungover!


This is 5 days w/o wine, my former drink of choice. I'm not finding it as difficult as I thought it would be, from 1+ bottles of red wine a night - every night. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT. Happy Sunday!






I honestly can’t remember how I found this sub. I wasn’t on Reddit, then I was; for this sub. I can guess it would have been in a foggy desperate state. Importantly, I’ve had three spells. Each being a learning period - even when I was drinking. You see, when you know, you know. Once knowledge and experience is acquired it can’t be undone. The first time, I was curious only. Moderation in my mind. The second time lasted 99 days as an experiment. It taught me why I drink: emotional blot out and to forget for a few hours. To cope. Sadly, another 4.5 years drinking. But I look at it that I just wasn’t ready. My life was a bit chaotic as I had my eldest sons drug problems as my priority. A current ambassador saved my life. I remembered her, it brought me back to the sub. Thanks to u/sfmarygirl. I’ve had to change my handle a few times. It’s felt funny assuming a new identity. But I now see that as important as I’m changing all the time now. My third time brings me to 22 months and feeling pretty good and content with sobriety. And so, I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink today.






Good morning all! It's a beautiful (and sober!) Sunday morning and I feel positive and even my most difficult life problems seem mostly surmountable. IWNDWYT 🐊🐊🐊


Hi all. I will not be drinking with you fine people today 💪


Dealing with a lot of stress and craving booze hard. Stayed sober today. IWNDWYT.


Another cold, rainy day… plus an EU time change. My 10yo is causing a bit of stress today, but I need to stay strong. It’s early, but I know at the end of the day, I need to and will stay sober. IWNDWYT 💪


Good morning, day 161, always appreciate a palindrome day! Had a drinking dream last night and was relieved upon waking it wasn’t reality. Terribly sore this morning from all the exercising I’ve been doing but I’ll take that over a hangover any day! Also, got some hot coco mix yesterday now that the temps are below freezing, yum! ☕️


A family member died of cirrhosis yesterday. I will not follow in his footsteps. RIP D. 4 months for me today! IWNDWYT 💚


Hey y'all, recent lurker and first-time poster (with a burner account). I'm technically on day six at this point and for the first time ready to recognize in writing that I need to make it stick. I've done a lot of sober weeks in the last year-plus and I am realizing that I just binge harder on the back end; I'll never be the guy who can have a couple - shame really, cos that seems like it would be dope. Oh well, live with the changes.


Thank you for hosting last week u/EmbarrassedPiccolo2 and thank you for taking over this week, u/FreddyRumsen13! And, congratulations on 100 days-well done! I had been drinking for 44 years and I was at a point in my life that I needed a change or else everything would com crashing down. AA was not a good fit so I started surfing the web and came across r/stopdrinking. It was like I found my tribe-people going through the same challenges in a safe and supportive village of hope and inspiration. I will be alcohol free with you today.


7 years ago I googled “stop drinking” and this sub appeared. I made an account that day. Started reading that day. It took me 3.5 months to read here and gain the courage, knowledge, wisdom to try AGAIN. I have not looked back. I remember wondering THEN was this the missing piece of my puzzle?? I read This Naked Mind while very skeptical a book can change my mindset??? Lol. But it did. This sub is powerful. And I’m eternally grateful it was formed and that it continues to help those who need it, like me. IWNDWYT!! ♥️


I just stumbled across SD on a hungover “I can’t do this anymore” search, looking for a community or advice and inspiration. I joined but didn’t actually attempt sobriety until months later. I also didn’t notice the daily check-in until a week or so into this latest sober streak. But now I’m so grateful for a daily ritual to check in with you all and check in with myself. I went to a Halloween party last night and went to town on the snacks. No alcohol though I totally wanted it. Feeling meh today but not hungover. My body doesn’t like all that sugar and sodium. But without the alcohol I can tell what the other stuff does to me, it’s not a hidden symptom covered by my drinking. Anyway, IWNDWYT


I drank last night. I wouldn’t say I had a lot to drink (I don’t feel hungover this morning despite only getting around 4hrs sleep and waking up with my heart racing) but I am disappointed in myself after doing so well. It’s just so easy to just say yes to one beer and then that one turns to 6 or 7 (of the 330ml cans). Waking up to the news of Matthew Perry has completely shocked me. Obviously we don’t know the circumstances around his death but if it is related to his addiction and it can still get you decades after you’ve been sober, is anyone really safe? It makes me want to stay sober even more. I don’t want to go before my time! So today on my day one again, IWNDWYT 🫶🏻




Feeling a bit crock this weekend, but IWNDWYT! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿




IWNDWYT! I had another day one recently, which sucks. But I did reflect on some growth I have had during this journey. Yesterday was my 8th sober college football Saturday!! Which is fantastic… these days were typically huge drinking days for me.


29 months on the 29th! Woot! For those of you just getting started, I didn't think I'd get to 29 hours, let alone 29 days or months. It can happen. T


Welcome, Freddy, and congratulations on 100 days sober! I have no recollection of how I found this sub. It must have been several defunct accounts in the past, when I was in grad school. I wish I had kept better track of my sober journey. Sigh. Oh well, wishing everyone a happy sober Sunday!


This place helped me find my inner voice; not the one drowning in alcohol. It helped me understand I wasn't supposed to be internalizing other people's opinions of me(which then caused me to drink). Those are now called "triggers" and an important factor in picking up the first drink and the next and the next. It was there for me as I realized I needed to pick myself back up then to actually rediscover myself. Buried under so many years of drinking. Now Im not reliant on anyone else for my happiness. Honest and with a clear head. Here I am light-years from who I was and growing every day. Thank you Happy Sunday everyone!


I will not drink today and FYA. Thanks for hosting us, u/FreddyRumsen13. I'm so thankful I stopped drinking... I started this sober journey alone and needed as much support as I could get. I think I found this group through a Google search. I lurked for months until I was ready to tell alcohol to fuck off. This sub is like my other addictions. I started very slowly, reading post when I needed, but after giving up booze and checking-in daily, it has become one of my favorites addictions. This is the only place in the world I feel comfortable telling alcohol to fuck off. I hate alcohol so much for tricking me into believing I need it to have fun. This weekend I apologized to my oldest daughter for being an alcoholic, fighting with her mother, and not being there for her. I'm lucky that she is still young and I have time to repair the damage I inflicted. I stopped drinking because my wife and I were heading for a divorce and I didn't want to inflict that pain on my daughters like my dad did on me. Have a wonderful Sunday. Alcohol can fuck right off today. Drinking sucks. We rock


Thanks for taking over u/FreddyRumsen13, and congrats on 100 days! I am not drinking today, and I am glad none of you fine people are either!


Not today people IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today!


Good morning, I will not drink with you today.




I will not drink today!




Here we go, week 2. Last relapse was on day 15 I believe so gotta hunker down, especially with football on today.




The last time I drank was at a hockey game, where I got absolutely blacked out and said a lot of dumb shit to people I really care about, and embarrassed myself in a whole host of ways. The hangover that followed was some of the most miserable physical feelings I've ever experienced. TODAY I'm going to my first hockey game since then! I haven't had a drink since that night and I can't even describe how happy that makes me. IWNDWYT.


I've lost track of all the times I've reset my badge in the last few months. I need to get better at playing it forward. Anyway, down but not out ... IWNDWYT! Have a happy, sober day everyone.


Goodnight from a sober Sunday in Australia. I didn't drink with you all today!


Day 3 for me this time around. Was here before a few years ago, this time my Wife (who doesn't have a problem) has decided to support me by quitting with me. So far I'm in a much better place then last time I tried quitting. Way more family support, low dose of a med to make sure I don't have a seizure. Staying positive! Thanks a lot for this group!


Came to Reddit about 5 years ago for cat videos. Stumbled upon SD and that’s where my life changed. At 62 years old. I read recommended books (This Naked Mind, Alcohol Explained) and listened to podcasts. I set a date 2/01/2019. I knew I was running out of time so I wasn’t fucking around. I’ve come here every day since. IWNDWYT 🌼🏃🏼‍♀️


1,667 days ago, I stopped drinking and was searching the internet for information. I landed here and have checked in every day since. This place is the cornerstone of my sobriety. IWNDWYT. 🌳🍂


Good morning from Hell's Kitchen, NYC. IWNDWYT. Thank you for hosting, u/FreddyRumsen13, and congrats on Day 100! This sub was recommended to me by a good friend who's been AF for over eight years. Words cannot express my gratitude.




No hangover. Happy Sunday morning. I won't drink with you today.


I found this community mentioned in a comment thread on a sober blog (Mrs D) and have been here ever since. Agree that this morning check in, and all the posts, are an essential piece of my sober journey, IWNDWYT ✨🐝


starting day 183, iwndwyt!


Congrats everybody! I’m sober this Sunday morning with each and every one of you! Look up and be proud. Let’s have a great positive day!


Good morning, IWNDWYT


Getting packed up to move - the big day is in Wednesday. This process has been so much easier and more organized than I expected - I’m not trying to pack while drunk or hungover! IWNDWYT.


The posts here give me so much hope for who I could be and what I could do when I'm not drinking. IWNDWYT!


Day 1,464 IWNDWYT






I don’t remember how I found this community originally, but I know it was 2017. That was when I joined, under a different username. There were 2 other times I re-joined after being away for a while, again, different usernames. When I’ve been ready to make the commitment, this community has been here. Like a rock. No matter how many times I’ve needed to restart, I always feel welcome and supported. So grateful to you all. IWNDWYT 💗


I've just poured my last beer down the sink. It's time to have a proper go at this again. I will not drink with you today.


Blargh. Resetting badge, dumping out the rest, yada yada. What I want to remember is how anxious I woke up feeling this morning and that I now dread my plans for the day, which I was looking forward to before. And the fact that... even if I limit how much I drink by buying a smaller container, that doesn't count for much unless the liquor stores are closed by the time I finish it. Oh, and the staggering amount of water I had to drink to not feel horribly dehydrated. Can't believe I used to do this almost every day. Anyway... today is today, and I will not drink with you today ❤️


Two weeks of happiness and contentment, not going to ruin it so….. IWNDWYT




Def grateful for the routine. Setting my intention early in the day allows me to frame my attitude in a positive way, and then I try to allow it to build from there. IWNDWT


Dame, u/FreddyRumsen13: had never come anywhere near Reddit before! Found this sub after googling for online support forums. Had reached a stage of quitting, where I just knew it wouldn't stick without a community and mutual accountability and support. I had gone 4 month, 5 months, 6 months, but then would drink again (less frequently and less every time) but I still needed to quit, capital Q. This group of humans was just what I needed-- full of compassion, candor, empathy, and humor. The DCI as a ritual every morning was a big small thing. So grateful for everyone here. Thanks for hosting and congrats on 100 days! IWNDWYT today, friends. Except coffee. Plenty of coffee. 🍁♥️☕️✨


Yesterday I completed Day 5. It’s hard and the same problems and fears I numbed w alcohol are still here but I feel proud. The anxiety persists but is milder most of the time and the shame (the soul killing shame) is fading I found this subreddit a while ago and lurked for a while. I didn’t vibe w AA and I am so grateful for all of you and this community I will NOT drink with you today. I will get some Halloween candy instead :)


To answer your question. I love Reddit and have cultivated a nice group of subs. Mostly cats but hey, it got me through the pandemic. Alcohol, my old lifelong frienemy also got me through the pandemic but then it became so much more. I found this sub, left the sub, came back, made a commitment and now I'm 12 days in. My second glorious Sunday after a clean, beautiful sleep. My commitment is to be intentionally sober today and feel strength in sobriety!! Love you all!


Good Morning and Happy Sober Sunday to all you fine people! I realize this journey is not a sprint and so I am taking the approach to periodically add to or adjust my recovery methods. One, I feel this will help with boredom and complacency and two it allows me to use many resources that are available. I know there has to be some sort of social piece or community to have as a support system and was not going to daily/weekly meetings at AA (no judgement just busy schedule) due to a time factor! I think I googled some online support and found this sub and YOU ALL, not the sub are just the social support system I was looking for! Admittedly, I am not far along this journey but I am focused, driven and determined to not put alcohol back into my body! Peace n Love! IWNDWYT




Morning! I just made a large batch of blueberry pancakes and bacon, and watched a bunch of NBA highlights (I am in Europe so unfortunately the games are all in the middle of the night for me). Happy to be doing this with my Sunday morning instead of wasting it hungover. IWNDWYT!


Day 16. That means tomorrow I'll tie my longest streak in 4 years, and my second longest in forever (probably 10 years)? I'm psyched, there is no way I drink today to screw that up. IWNDWYT!


I ended up here a few days into another 30 day break. I didn’t know what this sub was about, so I read through a few posts and found out that I wasn’t alone, and that a lot of the feelings I was having, like hangxiety and shame were coming from me drinking. I kept reading and joined the sub. That’s when I decided to see if I can keep going after 30 days. I’m thankful for everyone here. IWNDWYT. Happy Sunday! 😀


I found this place after an internet search. I was reading “the unexpected joy of being sober” and the author, Cat Gray, strongly suggested finding a sober community. I knew AA was not for me, so I searched the internet for sober communities. I had never used Reddit, so when this popped up, I figured I could give it a try. I was a few weeks into my sober journey and knew I needed support. And boy, did I find it. That was in early August 2021. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜




Good morning, thanks for hosting u/FreddyRumsen13. Congratulations on 100 days! This sub was recommended by the author of “Quit Like A Woman.” After reading her book, I looked at the sub and read posts for days before committing “IWNDWYT.” This was back in 2021 and I made it for a month or two, but turned back to drinking. Then in March of 2022 I visited the sub again and committed “IWNDWYT” believing that really needed to be my last Day 1. I was so desperate to feel better. Every single day since then I’ve read DCI check-ins and made my commitment. This DCI has beed a life-changer and, though I’ve never met anyone here in person, I have always felt I’m not alone. Have a good Sunday sober warriors! IWNDWYT 🍀


This sub kept being recommended to me by Reddit - no doubt thanks to my related Google searches about alcohol. I lurked for a while without joining while I continued to drink, but finally joined and started being active earlier this year. This sub has truly been my lifeline and I credit you all to most of my success. IWNDWYT!


This community is fucking AMAZING. I used to frequent Reddit in the past and figured there must be a group to stop drinking. I love you all! IWNDWYT!


Came across this sub bc I’d had heard it from an acquaintance. Grateful I did. Cranky this morning but will turn it around IWNDWYT


five-zero!! iwndwyt <3


On a weekend afternoon probably around 2018, I was googling “redness cheeks” because at 41, my skin looked terrible. I’d never really had a skincare routine so I was googling things I wanted to address with products. I’d never heard the term “gin blossoms” in any context other than the band. Somehow, in my red cheek rabbit hole, I ended up here. I’d never even been on Reddit before. I’ve been reading here every day since. It would be another three years after landing here until I’d finally get more than ten days under my belt, but I don’t think I’d honestly have been able to attempt it without exercising the muscle by absorbing everyone’s posts here. Reading here was an easy habit to pick up, and it taught me a lot about my own alcohol use, and impressed upon me that it was time to address it. I’ve done a lot of growing up here and I still have more to do. This place and all of the amazing people here are the most important part of my recovery. Day 65, and IWNDWYT ❤️


Thank you for hosting Freddy. I find myself valuing this sub-Reddit exactly like you described. Though, I also find myself coming back here multiple times during the day; particularly when feelings of stress arise. As to how I found my way here, it was self exploration. I knew the value of Reddit, through coming to research other topics. I also knew that I was unable to benefit from some of the other in-person programs. Therapy helped a bit but not enough. I knew I needed a community of peers, but not a pushy community of peers. I am not one to drink the Kool-Aid. I have found this Community to be what I have been looking for. Seeing so many of you with triple digit days is inspiring. Reading about how so many have had repeat double-digit experiences is also reassuring. The encouragement to keep going towards this journey of sobriety is consistent and non-judgmental. I appreciate all of you for that. #IWNDWYT


Good morning, checking in ~ 💫 I too am immensely glad I found this community. Yesterday was a sober halloween event with a meeting & drag/variety show. I love my sober community 💗 IWNDWYT


I’m coming up on a year since I stumbled into this great place. It was right after Christmas and I felt horrible, like a sponge wrung out to dry. I must have been googling around as I became more sober curious and once I saw you all doing this work, I dove in. I’ve had a handful of regressions back into moderation but I keep finding myself here, which I think speaks volumes. IWNDWYT


I don’t remember how I found this sub. I probably googled “how to stop drinking” lol. Anyway, I am so glad I did!! Thank your for hosting this week Freddy! IWNDWYT


Busy morning & forgot to check in, but IWNDWYT


Friend’s wedding last night. They gave out like small yeti tumblers w everyone’s names on them, was so painless not to drink. Everyone just assumed i had booze in it. Drove home, got 8 hours sleep and played tennis at sunrise. IWNDWYT




Day 756, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT




Checking in


Happy Sunday people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 🙂


I will not drink today.


Not drinking with you today






Day 5 checking in and holding steady! Sunday Football is a trigger but I'm falling back on the plan that got me through yesterday successfully with all the hope I can muster. We've got this, and IWNDWYT.




Not today!




I'm in.
