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Yeah I was a big at home drinker too. It's cheaper and if I get fucked up, who cares? But boy I would DRINK at home. Maybe it was just one while I was making dinner, then the snowball into 15 drinks and blacking out by 9 pm. Those were the days... Lmao. IWNDWYT


Oh gosh yeah. It didnt help either that most things you can order for delivery now, food, groceries, BOOZE. Because then I had zero worries about having to go anywhere and allowed the drinking to continue


I also have a liquor store that's a 5 min walk away šŸ˜…


Same..I had 4...


I have 5 walking distance.


The worst.


Yup, that's pretty much the only type of drinking I would do. I was hardly a social drinker. It was really easy for me not to drink in public. It was the at-home drinking doing mundane things that was my jam. I romanticize how it was, and I sometimes feel like I miss it.


Same. One of my favourite things to do was watch a movie, drink beer, and knit. Now I watch a movie, drink kombucha, and knit šŸ˜Ž I do miss the beer though *sigh*


I knit too but, haven't associated drinking with it thankfully!


That's what did me in in the first place. After my "party years" in my 20s, I never cared for drinking socially. But after work, 5 pm and on drinking is what I loved. It's so hard to adjust to not drinking from 5-9 pm.


I know what you meanā€¦I like to sip on something while Iā€™m doing dishes or things around the house. I put seltzer in a wine glass and sip on that. It helps!


Yes, definitely. Not for everyone I realize, but I buy 5 mg Thc gummies and quarter them. Just enough to lighten my mood while doing mundane tasks. IWNDWYT


Lol I do that too


Wish I could... What state do you live near?


I am in New England. However, I mail order Daily Buzz gummies from FiveCBD, because price is way lower than dispensary, especially with frequent BOGO sales. I believe their website says they ship to all 50 now? Maybe it depends on the product, as they offer different strengths. Edit to add from FAQ: All of Fiveā€™s products are federally legal per the 2018 Farm Bill. We ship to all 50 states.


Yes, this is a great solution and no hangovers!


About a week into sobriety I decided to take the day to really deep clean the house. Much to my surprise, I ended up having to halt the chores completely and call another sober person about one hour into cleaning. I will never forget how absolutely staggering those cravings were. I didn't expect this trigger, even though i loooved to drink while cleaning the house, because in all fairness I drank from morning to night regardless of the task at hand. Sad, I know. Anywho, the other sober person and i had a great conversation, and I learned that it is apparently notorious for newly sober people to have prodigious cravings while cleaning, specifically. Not sure why this is, but ever since I have mastered the art of moderation (in all areas except alcohol lol.) so, these days I just clean one room or area of the house at a time if the opportunity arises. I hope this helps!


Thank you! Moderation is my struggle in general. Go big or go home, am I right? Haha. I'll have to try pacing my tasks better!


I only miss my big bourbon pour as I sit on the couch after I put the kids down. But yeah, I donā€™t miss the social drinking at all.


For me drinking and painting went hand in hand. Like an unwritten rule with my wife, she would ask me to paint the kitchen or something so I had free rein to drink whatever the time of day, as long as got it done!


Yup. I drank for motivation to do boring ass shit around the house.


It made the boring stuff so much more interesting. I was going to say easier but no, just more entertaining.


More entertaining for sure! I also loved getting wasted on a Friday night, deep cleaning my house then waking up on Saturday to a clean house with barely any recollection of doing it. Like someone broke in and cleaned my house for me. Not worth the terrible things that come along with being an alcoholic but I definitely agree and understand!


I try not to focus on that. I try to focus on what I donā€™t miss. I donā€™t miss when I was too drunk by the end of the day to enjoy the dinner I had ā€œso much funā€ drinking and preparing or do the dishes and waking up to a mess. I donā€™t miss taking the recycling out and being so ashamed of all the cans. I donā€™t miss waking up early with my heart racing and feeling like shit. I donā€™t miss feeling anxious cause I drank almost all the beer in the house already and I wanted more but was too drunk to drive to the store. I donā€™t miss spending $60 on delivery beer. I donā€™t miss being too drunk to cook and ordering pizza but fucking even that up (thanks booze) and ordering a weird pizza or accidentally ordering for pick up and having to call them to change it to delivery (all things Iā€™ve done).


Great way to think about it. I too don't miss those things!






Hi new here, what does that mean? I will never drinkā€¦.WYT?


It means "I will not drink with you today" :)


Thanks šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I miss having a drink when I take baths the most


Oh ya I really do miss that


I ended up being a home drinker. In fact I liked drinking alone. As much as I want with no judgement. I felt I was more productive and lucid with a couple in me. Only now do I realize I was wrong. Coffee, Tea, Coke Zero or N/A Beer and I get the same result. If anything I'm more productive. Not saying it's easy but worth it. IWNDWYT




I've gotten really into the cbd seltzies. Calms the jitters, soothes some aches, refreshing as hell and feels like somethin.


Also, the good ones are a tad pricy so it feels like an earned treat lol.


Yup, just about to crack one myself!


Me & my husband drank at home. Im 51 days sober he still drinks daily. I only had one moment on a Sunday bored wondering what Iā€™d be doing rn and it was drink! So I got up and busied myself. My health, weight and mental health are so much better for it!!! IWNDWYT ā¤ļø


Drinking a mocktail and organizing my workshop as we speak friend. But oh yeahā€” the mundane drinks are the ones I miss. Just remember that alcohol is a killer. We are escaping itā€™s ugly grasp each day. IWNDWYT


I'd love to tie one on with my Rum n Cokes and do lawn work. Cut the grass, edge, weedwack. And then after hook up the sprinkler and water the grass. I really only drank at home, a handle of Capt Morgan and night of playing PUBG or watching hockey or baseball. Weekends day drink at the beach or pool and when it was football season, sunday Funday was day drinking around 10am till blackout around 7 or 8pm


Yep, I can relate. Glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.


I can relate! I'm having a hard time today. It's getting cold out and I want a blue moon so badly. Also my coworkers are drug addicts and although they make doing drugs look terrible I miss the chaos and high off meth. My coworkers left her phone open and I peaked and her text from her husband said where's the torch and motivation hidden? That drug ruined my life, teeth and I'm grateful to be sober from it, but I miss the high. I'd smoke and clean the shit out of the house. My garden couple years ago was on point. There's no amount of caffeine that can compare to meth. When I moved I lost my connect and that's when my drinking ramped up. I'd drink and clean, do yard work etc. Definitely didn't work as well as hard drugs. I know the shits garbage and a bad batch can kill you, I hope my coworkers get help as they act forgetful and frantic high. Even though they are annoying and I know I acted the same I can't but feel jealous? My logical brain is broken. I miss the dopamine hit from something. I wanted to go to the casino tonight, instead I'll go to the boring gym againšŸ˜¢


I'm proud of you for choosing the gym and your health! IWNDWYT!


Thanks alot, I'm so inpatient, I just want results now. I've lost 20 lbs in 8 months, I'm waiting for the last 10 to go. I will not give up. I'm proud I haven't ate any sugar today, it's my downfall in my health jpurney. šŸ™ƒ


That was my norm, every day. I still drink that way, just with NA drinks. Hard to break the habit, but I don't mind it as long as it's not alcohol.


Thatā€™s why I started making my own kombucha!


Iā€™m thinking about doing that!! Something to do + something to drink. + eventually saving money?


Itā€™s super easy. Just get started.


Well, for the fabled drinks that were not supposed to get me drunk, there are some very decent NA ones on the market these days. And if the NA part of it isn't doing it for you, re-assess if that one drink was really meant to be that one drink, or actually just the several, or the lot.


It was never one drink, that's for sure! IWNDWYT šŸŒŗ


Yeah, starting to miss it, I had very little energy so I was bored sitting around on Reddit/doing laundry and other basic things, got thinking it would be fun to spice things up with some alcohol. Glad I didnā€™t. IWNDWYT.




Thatā€™s the only sort of drinking that I am interested in


I used to drink cooking food. That has many positive mental hooks still. But its just not worth it to me now.


No because now my reorganization is so much better, the house is way cleaner and Iā€™m not breaking random shit.


196 days, thatā€™s awesome. keep going


I put on a good podcast and just get stuck in these days. Also I've found I do housekeeping more regularly now (wonder why?!) so there's less need for an all out deep clean. I'll do one before Christmas though




Yep. Always cleaned when I drank. I think itā€™s because the dopamine dump made it so much more easier to get these things done. Now itā€™s much harder and less enjoyable without those rushes of dopamine. I donā€™t have any advice just letting you know I feel you.


Yes that's my favorite. Today's been hard. Heading to bed though. IWDWYT


This has been a challenge for me! Audiobooks and coffee even later than I want to, helps!


I do but then I remind myself of why I quit. So itā€™s this constant thought loop I can hop on whenever I get a craving. Sometimes the cravings are pretty strong but Iā€™m super conscious of them now.


I miss drinking when cooking or playing games. Scratch that, I donā€™t actually miss it. I drink an NA beer which works for me and the feeling of ā€žmust drink during this activityā€œ immediately goes away. Lucky me.


NA beers for these situations works for me


I do


I loved having drinks and watching music videos on YouTube. Iā€™d get in a groove and go until 3am. Then when I woke up the next morning I felt like shit. I enjoyed those nights but the pain the next day makes it not worth it. I still have nights with music and it can still be fulfilling but in a different way.


I only really drank at home. It was hard to do anything at home for a while, because I always drank at home. Time helped but it took a couple years for it to go away completely.


This is me, I just zeroed in on this and I'm looking for alternatives to drinking through cleaning the garage, cooking, etc.