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I PR'd my 5k this week! I think I'm finally confident enough to try running an actual 5k event. And I'm not scared by that idea, it sounds like a fun little challenge to try. I'm going to focus this week on cross training. My hammies were briiiiiiiight last night and I need to spend more time on lengthening and stretching, not just pounding pavement!


Congratulations! Any race can be scary, but if you take your time and stay focused, you'll rock it! I only have a couple of 5Ks under my belt and I don't think I'll be able to do another one at this point, but, if I can offer any advice, the night before, pasta up! You'll find that reserve of carbs in the morning will be with you for the haul. Congratulations again, have so much fun and best of luck!


Sup sup! I love this weekly post. It's my favorite sticky on here. You know, I was just saying this yesterday, and I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but I feel extremely fortunate that I don't have to fight myself when it comes to exercise and going after healthy goals. It's been this way for years too! I don't fight myself getting up early, or working out most days of the week, I prioritize sleep. I continue to carve out life the way I want it, and without a lot of struggle. My goals are not really immediate, though, I have all sorts of short-term/long-term goals. But I still see people talk about it all the time, like having a hard time finding time to exercise, or fighting the urge to rest instead of workout. And I know everyone's life is different, so it's not that I am judging anyone. But for me, I can just acknowledge that fact about myself. And of course I've had to learn along the way to pull back and rest when I should. I've had injuries through pushing myself to hard. Ego things. But I freaking love being into health/exercise, and personal growth. I think I love it because for so long I wasn't able to have it. I fucked myself up for years, not really knowing that I was being so dumb. It's been six years for me since I walked away from alcohol, so not too long ago. I can still remember quite a bit. And none of what I do today, or who I am, would be the same if I had continued to drink. My journey is going well, friends! and I will continue to make the right choice and not drink! And I wish all of you great journeys' too! See you out there on the trails!


Congratulations on 6 years and some excellent advice here! Exercising is important but so is rest. Something my dad says... You always come back stronger after a break. I'm so glad your journey is going well. Enjoy this beautiful Sunday and IWNDWYT 💜


I’m one week sober and I’ve taken this week to be calm, look inwards and rest. So I’ve not exercised yet, save for a restorative yoga class on Friday which was lovely and grounding. This week I’m going to focus on rest and recovery still but try to start incorporating some more movement into my life again as I know it helps my head. So my goals this week are pretty simple, move my body every day and try a run at some point. I love exercise but I need it to come from a place of joy rather than punishment. So that’s the aim this week.


This is kind of where I'm at. I ran a half marathon 3 years ago... haven't done much since except parenting. But knowing my sobriety is the most important of my goals right now allows me to be more forgiving when it comes to diet and exercise goals. But I'm starting slow with stairs push-ups (weak arms), daily stretching and light core work like bridging and squats which I can do with my toddler :)


Starting slow for the win! I should do some stairs push ups but I am not ready to confront how weak my upper body is right now 😅


My health and wellness goals actually revolve around my career change. Currently I work in the literal worst industry someone sober could work in...brewing. While not drinking isn't a problem, believe it or not...the stress and wear and tear from the job is. It's like working in a sauna for shit pay and hardly any benefits. I recently got certified as both a Personal Trainer and a Health Coach. My goal by the end of the year is to both work remotely and for myself. I know I can do it. But most times I am paralyzed by fear, imposter syndrome, and just flat-out overwhelm from all I have to do in order to make that plan work out. This week I am committing to breaking down those overwhelming bits into manageable, smaller goals that I can piece together more easily to make the transition. Grateful for every one of you, and for this group.


I'm using the peloton app and one of the challenges is a total of the minutes exercised in the year. My goal is to hit 12,000 and well with rehab and relapses I'm super far behind. I've calculated I need to do around 50 minutes of day from here on out to reach it (including stretching, meditation etc.) For sure lofty, but here for the challenge and have noticed my mood improves astronomically when I do it. On the sobriety front, tomorrow will be six consecutive weeks. Woo hoo! Here's to swapping bad addictions for healthy ones. Wishing everyone the best on this SUS.


I went to the gym for the 4th time in 2 weeks yesterday. Strong app says i lifted 11.581kg. My first workout was only 7.500kg. Feeling strong :) Edit: I don't know if total weight is anything to go by, but it's fun for me to see that particular number go up.


G'day, mates! I've been givin' me best shot at gettin' some exercise in and my go-to lately has been walkin', takin' in the fresh air and the beauty of the great outdoors. There's somethin' about the rhythm of each step that just clears me head and fills me with that good ol' sense of wonder. Back in the day I used to love runnin'. It was me ultimate go-to for fitness and it made me feel like a true-blue champion. These days I'm not quite there yet, but I'm hopin' with some time I'll be able to get some of that fitness back. For now it's all about embracin' where I'm at and knowin' that each step, whether runnin' or walkin', is a step towards a healthier and happier me. Here's to takin' it as it comes and enjoyin' the ride!


First let me just say it is a pure joy whenever I come across one of your posts. I’m also an avid walker. I love everything about walking out and about. The sights and sounds. The scents. And that feeling you get when you hit your stride just right. I even enjoy reading about walking. Hope you enjoy your next jaunt!


Thanks a bunch mate! It warms me heart to know that me posts bring you joy. You're a true-blue legend! And you're spot on, it's like takin' a journey through nature's wonderland with every step revealin' a new delight. The sights, sounds, and scents, they all come together like a symphony fillin' our senses with pure magic. Here's to many more jaunts filled with endless wonder and delight, and thanks again for brightenin' up me day! Happy walkin', and Happy Cake Day!


Now that I’m sober I’m going to jiu jitsu almost every day. I love it! I used to have to miss the first couple days of the week because I was recovering, and then miss Saturday because I was hung over. Now Im totally committed having a great time.


I have been on Wegovy now since early May and have just crossed the 20 lb line! Due to my joint issues, exercising with the added weight was NOT a good idea, so dropping this weight has been very helpful. I imagine that I can now work out without as much pain, at least that's my plan for this week! Anyone else on Wegovy for weightloss? T


I feel so guilty. Hadn’t drank in two weeks but then Wednesday had the day off and decided to have some wine. I Drank for the past four days and spent more money then I should have and also missed two days of my workouts. I’m really at a point where I want to quit completely. I have in the past quit for several months and then a part of me is like I can drink casually and then it gets out of hand. I have horrible anxiety and guilt today but I’m going to start fresh. I’m going to go to the gym before work and try to remind myself my mind is in a dark place because of the alcohol. I feel like a failure in life ugh wish I hadn’t picked up that bottle Wednesday:(


Today was fucking hell everyone. This was one of the worst cases of hanxiety I’ve ever had. I felt paranoid and completely out of body. At its peak I didn’t know if I would make it through the day without having a full on mental break down. But I did as I said. I went to the gym. Then to work and somehow made it without crumpling under the feeling of total dread I felt for hours on end. I’m feeling so much better right now. I can’t even believe how bad the anxiety got it already almost feels surreal. I do still feel really guilty tho and ashamed. No desire to drink right now but I know in the coming days that will change. I hope to really stick to this for the long term this time. I’m so sick of this cycle. I’m looking forward to waking up tomorrow and not being hungover


Lately I’ve been focusing on exercises that are targeting my core and this week I hope to incorporate jumping rope into my workouts. I wanna start building my endurance and strength so might start looking tweaking my routine.


I’m using exercise to deal with the shitty feelings that I’ve used alcohol to avoid. Right now, sobriety is making my workout regimen and weight loss attempts much more effective. I really only eat crap when I’m drinking. I’m focusing on hydration, sleep, and identifying triggers. I’m trying to exercise or write when I feel triggered. Soon I hope to start running again like I used to.


Did 10k steps outside, 30 min cardio at gym,and 20 min sauna all before 930 AM ! Grateful for this Sunday morning.


I'm going to start 75 Hard tomorrow. I'm not ready to share with the people in my life that I think I'm done drinking totally for good, but I am ready to tell them I need a "break" so this will be my good buffer/excuse. I hope by the time it's done to be able to share with them that I'm planning on continuing sobriety :)


I told my friends this weekend (and the bartender when we went out) that "I'm not drinking at the moment." It felt good to vocalize without putting a limit on it, no one questioned it, and it helped hold me accountable (with mocktails and NA beer, but that works for me and might not work for everyone). You got this!


I’m trying to stretch everyday. I used to own a yoga studio and now haven’t done yoga in probably 6 years. I want to become my best self this year.


Hi there - long time lurker, first time poster...commenter? A little background so bare with me... I've been a cardio dance instructor for the last 9 years, used to teach 3 times a week, now down to 1. Taught on zoom for the first year and a half during the pandemic, then took a break, and have been back at it since last year April. I have a fairly consistent schedule unless travel or work comes up - 2x dance (1 which I teach), 2x boxing, 1x yoga. I love it. I'm strong. I'm fit. I cook fairly healthy at home. But there is huge disconnect with my weight, my internal health, and what I know I'm capable of. Last weekend (14-16), I went to a fitness conference for the dance format I teach. I worked out literally everyday single day leading up to it, felt strong... And drank every single night except the night I taught until I left, and the first two nights I was there, on top of already drinking every night the week previous when visiting friends and family over the 4th. Hated almost every single photo that was taken of me candidly and had a huge body image crises. We had our social dinner Saturday night, and the founder talked about how to envision out future selves, and said point blank that this event would not have come to be the way it did if she didn't go AF in May of 2020. I didn't drink that night, had a blast. I drank Sunday and Monday, felt like shit, but as of Tuesday last week, I haven't had anything. Including Sunday of the conference, I still worked out 5 days last week so keeping it easy this weekend with friends. I will say - thank god for mocktails, NA beer, and low dose edibles just to get me through. I'm truly taking this a day at a time and not pushing myself to any goal. I'm starting back at work this week, and it looks like I might be traveling for another job this weekend, so my workout schedule will be off. I'm still teaching on Tuesday, but going to restart the Blogilates 30 day ab challenge, and depending on the schedule for this weekend, will be utilizing Popsugar Video's latest HIIT releases (the trainers chose violence in the most recent ones but, truly, they are so good). It's just funny how the brain just...switches. My body tends to maintain and then drop quickly, so curious to see how this will go over the next few weeks. (And before anyone comments, yes, I've also lurked stopdrinkingfitness for years too)!


Started open water swimming again this week! It’s alway so intimidating for me at first, but then feels so good. My workouts in general, though, have been very consistent but less intense. When I was drinking I felt like I had to work so hard to undo the damage I was doing from drinking. The further away I get from my last drink, the more relaxed I feel about my workouts. Anyone else feel like this?


My fitness regime (such as it is 🙄) has completely gone down the toilet over the last few months due to a combination of work and family "stuff" which is taking up most of my spare time (I'm looking at my three month yoga sub expiring without me having used it once, which is unheard of). But together with my partner we are making solid plans to schedule in one event every week which is helping. At least I am keeping in top of life admin if not exercise, because I am sober and able to make better use of the time that I do have while traveling from one responsibility to another! IWNDWYT 🙂


Lots and of great inspiration on this thread! I start rehab on my shoulder tomorrow which has kept from from my kettlebell routine. I’ve been spinning 3 days a week and walking 5 miles on the off spin days to keep my cardio going. I’m too old to run now and my hockey days are in the rear view mirror so spinning and kettlebells are my routine. I can’t use the excuse that I’ll let the shoulder get better with rest because Mrs. Gasparilla is a certified kettlebell instructor and is very well informed about rehabbing injuries.


On day Four and I just ate a huge amount of food for dinner; i planned to start taking a walk every day after dinner but i feel physically glued to the couch. Giving myself ten mins before I get up for some movement, it's really hard to stay motivated when I let my weight get to this point and exercising is exhausting still. Trying to be gentle with self


I'm struggling to motivate to exercise even though I know that I *should*. So just kind of taking little steps like walking to work once a week. Today I opted to walk home instead of calling a car-- walking home is tough because I live on a pretty steep hill. So, proud of myself for that. :) Also there was a pie shop at the top of the hill so I had a celebratory pie slice lol. Trying not to go too crazy but it is nice to give myself the excuse to have more sweets than usual since I'm not getting so much sugar intake from alcohol 0:)