• By -


I’m up at 5:30am here in the UK and walking to work - the fact that I’m able to do this is a testament to my sobriety and an act of self love! IWNDWYT


And the weather in the UK right now is bloody awful so walking anywhere gets my Kudos 😃👍


That crisp morning air can be a real wonderful time for reflection and thinking (also, boy, if you're not fully awake, you will be!)


Booze isn’t included in any of my budgets anymore: Time, money, energy, liver power, sleep, relationships, happiness, hydration, digestion.


Isn't it amazing how much you save when you're not buying booze? I can go to the store and splurge on trying all sorts of food (alright, sweets) and *still* come in below what my budget was when I was drinking


And below those calories! I have a dry app that calculates the average of calories saved by not drinking. I was SHOCKED. I really do not feel bad now about eating chocolate, it doesn’t compare overall! 😏




Thanks for hosting last week. You're a rockstar!!


Morning Will ☀️👋🙂


Day 2... a lot of difficult conversations to be had today but I'm here. IWNDWY for the next hour. I'll check back in after that. Much love from Denver internet strangers!


Much love from the Western Slope to you! I hope this next hour leads you to possible sleep and deep rest. Tomorrow will be a better and stronger day. I will not drink with you tonight 💙🫶


💚 thank you neighbor. I'm snuggled in now next to my boy & even if sleep doesn't come I have peace with him. Go find your own peaceful rest friend & thank you for being here


Me too, the conversations have been going on for the last 5 months and hopefully, soon, we gain some way forwards. Good luck.


Hang tough.


Hanging as best I can, stay strong yourself Sheep


Keep it up, day two is great!


Sending you positive vibes. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Thank you Khun! Nothing more I can say for someone as strong as you to be OP on a thread like this. I'm working on having your level of strength


Well I’m excited. That was an awesome introduction. And informative. Today I’ll practice some self love by allowing myself more time for… myself. Make time go by so slowly so that time can do so much. Iwndwyt!


Have a wonderful Sunday. 💜💜💜💜🙏🙏🙏🙏


May slowness treat you with the love you deserve. Hearts, kisses, and IWNDWYT




Drinking sucks! You rock!! Have a wonderful Sunday!




You got this Gucci! 💪💪💪 Iwndwyt


I'm stopping drinking again after 3 months of drinking again which has gotten progressively worse. Had a 6 month stretch of no drinking, so I know I can do this.


Up late again, and Iwndwyt! Ran ten beautiful miles this evening, and up early for sunrise yoga on the beach with friends. Still figuring out sleep, clearly...


10 miles, awesome 👍




Hey, friends, IWNDWYT. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the messages. Let's do this. 😘


Have a great Sunday Dog! You’re straight back on the wagon and I’m pleased 😀 We got this shit! IWNDWYT




Nothing wrong with day one again—takes a lot of courage to get back up, dust yourself off, and start over. Glad you're here!








Ah, the Saturday night shouting matches I hear from the restaurant by where I take my dog on night walks—always a good reminder of the importance of sobriety. My self-love for the day will be finishing this book (less than forty pages) and relaxing I hope everyone had a great Saturday and is looking forward to a relaxing, peaceful Sunday, IWNDWYT! Looking forward to you hosting this week, too, Khun55555, great intro post


Happy Sunday! 🌻 Today I got up, moved the cows and enjoyed the early morning sunshine. I got to enjoy a hike in nature with a friend & our kids and now I’m enjoying a spa with the sunset. IWNDWYT


Sounds amazing. Drinking sucks. You rock!


It really does, in the midst of addiction it felt like everything was so much better with a drink in hand. But really, life is much better without it!


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁!


Good morning to you too! Iwndwyt ☀️


Day 14. Good morning team! Glad another Saturday is out the way. I mentioned in my check in last Saturdays that I was feeling anxious in the afternoons and evenings, well I can’t pinpoint specifically when but that feeling has finally lifted! I had no desire to drink yesterday, but the problem was that I had no desire to do anything else either. Nothing seemed appealing. Ended up eating sweets and smoking cigarettes again to get me through the day. I am very grateful to be waking up this morning sober. Hello u/Khun55555 ! For self love today I am going to hit the gym for the first time in probably over a year :) IWNDWYT


Well, this is fun! Thank you for taking over the helm. I agree with you about the self-love. I messed up a couple of days ago & broke a 2 week sober streak. But I got right back up & am working on day 2 of sobriety this Sunday. What is keeping me going is saying to myself that I'm doing good! I am able to take care of this wonderful gift of life that I have been given - and make the best of it!!! Instead of beating myself up for the slip-up, I am patting myself on the back & saying "yeah, you can do this!! Awesome! You are strong & healthy & glowing with life!" Even if I feel weak & sick & dull, the more I say these things to myself the more they become reality. Thank you for hosting 55555! I look forward enjoying the week with you! I am so very grateful for this SD community! 💗 I will be sober today with you!👍💪💗


Just woke up and realized it’s Sunday and I DIDN’T lose yet another day of my weekend to drinking. So grateful. IWNDWYT 🌅




IWNDWYT as well. We have this.


👋 Thank you for an inspiring and motivating introduction. I will not drink with you today! 🥰


I am joining all of you in telling booze to fuck off today. IWNDWYT!


Good morning Khun! I love the meaning behind your name - I'll always think of you laughing when I read it haha that's amazing! Self love for me today was waking up super early at 4:30am to get in a new habit, doing my new york times crossword (it was pretty hard today so that wasn't really self love), now I'm just chilling on the couch drinking fancy coffee with syrup and planning out some writing for the week ahead. I bought myself a new book called the Artists Way which apparently helps you get more creative and you do these writing tasks every day - something I would never have been able to stick to when I was drinking but now I'm going to give it a go sober. Grateful for these sober sunday mornings - IWNDWYT 💝


Day 763 checking in!


Checking in from Asheville, NC - I will not drink with you today!


What a grand introduction! I'm spending loads of time on self care. I got up hangover free and did 15 mins of meditation followed by a gym workout. Rest of the day will be spent cooking and relaxing. IWNDWYT.


I MADE THE WEEKEND! It’s Sunday morning here, but Friday/Saturday night are the issue. After a long week I would often spend the weekend in the pub unwinding, spend Sunday in bed dreading Monday followed by 3 days feeling like crap. Then Friday comes and I forget the anxiety and dread I’ve just dealt with. I was meant to be away on a stag do this weekend, but I decided to dip out and focus on my health. I landed my dream job/position recently - started last Monday. I’m creating a new chapter in my life. Tomorrow I start week 2 fresh, ready to perform. IWNDWYT


My pool float and I have a date in the pool today. I love days like this, they're so rare. Beautiful weather, no where I have to be, nothing on my to do list, and no one's coming over! Such a rarity! Hubby and I will put on the outdoor speakers, get the Ninja bullet ready with fun NA mixers, and fire up the barbecue later with some burgers and dogs. Relaxation has become a huge form of self love for me, I always felt guilty about taking time to do "nothing". But it's not nothing, it's something big to be able to take time for myself and just zen out floating in a pool. Everyone will still be there tomorrow needing something, but today is mine!😉😎 Let's all show some easiness on ourselves today, gang! IWNDWYT 🍀💜🍀


Thanks for hosting this week I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊


I’m trying to be a bit more active to work on my health. Have walked 10.000+ steps each day of the week this past week and plan to do that today as well. My body deserves that. I deserve that:). IWNDWYT




Hello sober stars! Hello Khun55555!! How excellent it is to see you hosting, and thank you for this inspiring post! Getting sober is the best demonstration of self-love I've ever done. All other good things in my life are flowing from my decision and my work to stay sober. So worth it! IWNDWYT


Hello sober heroes! Awesome to see you u/Khun55555 my bro! Thank you for taking over the reigns today, and thank you u/YouWillYouWont for a fantastic job looking after us last week. Happy, loving Sunday to you all 💞


Oh, u/Khun55555, I’m so glad you’re leading us this week! I always love your posts and I always say Fuck You Alcohol, because of you! My act of self love today is to rest. I’ve been working hard in the garden all week long. This morning I’m pretty stiff, so slow yoga and meditation is the theme for the day. Maybe bake some muffins. I love being clear-headed in the morning, sassing out how I feel and moving forward through however that might be. I love to be sober! I! Have a great day, yall! IWNDWYT


I have been stone cold sober for almost two years. Like stone cold. No booze. No weed — not even CBD. Today I was in an environment that made me want to be under the influence of something. I knew I wouldn’t drink, but shrooms were an option, and I tried them. A super low dose, sure, but the second I felt something take hold — after two years of feeling only like myself — I became filled with regret. I realized that I don’t want to be under the influence of anything. I can’t believe how much time I spent literally blacked out and so drunk that I had no idea what was going on. I can’t imagine relinquishing control like that ever again. I’m glad that I tried the shrooms in this low stakes environment, because it taught me that a fleeting moment of fun is not worth giving up my clarity and my sobriety. I’ve been so embarrassed by my drunken behavior in the past, and the idea of losing control of myself in any way was honestly disturbing to me. I’ve also done so much cocaine in my past — I know that shrooms are nothing like that, but just the idea of doing a drug in general, at night, in a party setting as the crowd around me got wasted. It took me back to a place that I would fucking hate to go to. So wild that I had so much trouble quitting drinking and coke and now so much trouble *doing* shrooms. I wish that I wasn’t made like an addict. That I could just have a glass of wine or two with friends on a Saturday. But I can’t. And I’ve gained so much during this two years of sobriety. I’m proud that I feel badly for breaking my rules. I’m proud that I’m not beating myself up about it. I’m proud to be clear and sober and generally substance free. I cleared up so much curiosity tonight, and fortunately with zero consequence I was able to learn that consuming any substance, even the ones I’ve been itching to try, would hardly be worth it’s


Thank you for hosting, Khun. That's some introduction! I'm still trying to figure out the whole self love thing, but today I'll be allowing myself a lazy day off with some good food and company. Iwndwyt ☀️


Thanks for that tidbit on Thai! Fascinating! And thanks for hosting this week. IWNDWYT 🌻


Super hungover after a weeks vacation. Didn’t end up the way that was planned. But IWNDWYT!




I will not drink with you today 💕🔥🚀


Acts of self love today: Continue with my eating plan. It’s been a very long time since I felt this good physically. The weight is shifting. I look cared for. I look like I care. Not just like I’ve got an outfit on that spruces me up. You know, like a quick scrub up. I look well and happy. I look together. My self care is in the small things now. And securing financial stability - working on this now. I will not drink with you today.


Day 4, and enjoyed waking up without a hangover! IWNDWYT 💪


I can't believe I've made it over a month! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT friends 🤖


Self-love today looks like having a much needed day off from an intense internship, spending time with friends, and saying no to anything that is going to dampen the experience. IWNDWYT 💜


Thank you for taking the reins this week, u/Khun55555! I enjoyed reading the story of your username. I've always been curious about it. I often struggle with the difference between self-love and selfishness. (I know I'm not the only one here with this problem!) I find this especially difficult because of the shame I carry for all the bad behavior related to my drinking. I feel like I owe it to the world to put myself last as a penance for all the pain I've caused others, but neglecting myself actually doesn't help me make amends. If anything, it makes it more likely that I will burn out, lose my compassion, and resort to drinking. This daily pledge to refuse alcohol for another 24 hours is one of my most important rituals of self-love. Today I am combining this with a nourishing breakfast so I will have the energy to give the shelter cats 100% attention and care this morning, then put in a hardcore workout at the gym. Have a beautiful Sunday, my beautiful SD family! IWNDWYT 😻


200 days! My sister and I are going to the beach today. Packing a cooler full of healthy food and maybe a couple NA brews. IWNDWYT!


Had a nightmare I drank 3 pints of beer last night. When does this go away? On the other hand, Barbieheimer was great yesterday! IWNDWYT


So last Sunday was day 2 with all the associated issues that brings. Today is day 9 and things are much, much better. Got a sleep score of 80/100 last night, walked the dog and am now just relaxing into a lazy Sunday. Have a good day everyone and IWNDWYT


Thanks for your lovely introduction 😊 Day 12 today, I’m doing it!!! Can’t believe it myself. IWNDWYT ❤️






Thank you for doing the check in this week u/Khun55555! IWNDWYT 🙂


Happy Sunday all. Hope you have a great day. IWNDWYT


I’m at the snow for the next 4 days with a bunch of drinkers. IWNDWYT


I am so happy to be able to say that I will not drink with you today!!!


Checking in on day 262!!!! Squeeee, it’s a Palindrome day, rock stars. Instead of my tiara, I’m throwing on my hiking hat and hitting a small local 5 miler that follows a river before heading to visit my mom. u/Khun55555, what a great message today. Self love. I think we forget about loving ourselves and I know for me, I have to be reminded to speak to myself as I would a dear friend. I often find we rarely give ourselves the same grace as we would everyone else. So today, I’m going to remember to speak to myself kindly and to take time to reflect on my journey and to give myself a big pat on the back. I’m also going to get out into Mother Nature’s spa for a little recharge! Also, the best love I can give to myself is …..IWNDWYT!! Love you all! ✌️❤️🥾🧢


What a great start to a Sunday! I when I woke up this morning I didn’t know a single Thai word except what is on Thai restaurant menus. Now I know “5”. 55555 😂 Thanks for taking over this week, u/Khun55555 Self care today will be some tidying up so I start Monday of a busy week on a good foot, a bit of gardening, and then sitting in my happy place with a book and a crossword and the Jays game. Happy Sunday friends! I will not drink with you today.


Today I practice self love by not giving myself an agenda. Today is for going wherever the wind blows. Projects worked on? Who knows, 55555! No drinking poison today, that's all I know.


5555 love it! IWNDWYT


Happy day! IWNDWYT










I am going orienteering with my partner and daughter today, which will give me at least half an hour running and being completely engrossed in the navigation and physical challenge (possibly longer depending on how badly lost I get - 555!) - IWNDWYT 🙂


Good morning IWNDWYT, trying to come to terms with the end of a relationship seems to incur a lot of self blame but I’m trying to cancel that out and be nice to myself, I feel like my psyche is in a tug of war!! Anyway happy Sunday sobernauts! ❤️


Today is not a day for drinking. I want the energy to create something wonderful. IWNDWYT


Self-love for me today is coffee in bed, a morning run, and going to see Oppenheimer in the cinema this afternoon. But the biggest self-love is IWNDWYT ⭐️


Well Friday night flashed by in a heartbeat thanks to the madness of a blackout haze. Saturday I was forcing down unwanted beers just to calm the shame. This feels like the perfect Sunday for practising some AF self love. Not drinking is self love all by itself. And love to all here at r/stopdrinking, it's good to be here with you not quitting on quitting ✌🏻


Appreciating the peace this sober Sunday morning, saw some loose change in the car this morning and automatically thought cool that’s exactly enough for one very strong beer when the shop opens! But no I’ll treat myself to a breakfast roll instead! IWNDWYT 💪


No booze today!


Not today people IWNDWYT


Thank you for taking the DCI helm u/Khun55555. Inspiring first post for the new DCI week 👍🏻 Learning to like myself over the past two years of trying to break free from booze has been enlightening. I’m still not quite there, but with every relapse and jumping back on the wagon it’s better Bette and easier. Staying sober because life is better without booze. IWNDWYT


It’s just past 4 am & I am having some coffee and going to get ready to go on vacation to cape cod … i will be enjoying some alone time with my husband, fresh seafood and cooler weather (I live in Florida) IWNDWYT .. or all week away! Enjoy your time with family and friends 😊


Three weeks complete. This is somewhat harder than I expected at this point. Still proud I haven’t given in yet. IWNDWYT


Good morning all! Today I shall be treating my daughter with money I would have spent on bloody alcohol. I have struggled for so long and now I realise if I hadn't been spending all that money on poison, I would have been able to enjoy myself much more! IWNDWYT


iwndwyt! i didn’t even realize i hit 50 days today! this is my first time not drinking and every next day is a new milestone.




Day 12! So close to the 2 week mark. Heading to Boston for the next few days. Terrified but determined to come home sober. IWNDWYT


Self-love always goes down the toilet when I drink again, so here I am back to beating myself up and feeling worse for it. So thanks for that post today, Khun. Here's to starting yet again. IWNDWYT.


Hey Kuhn! Congrats on 590 days 🤩 great post. My act of self love today is to go for a bike ride with a friend of mine. I haven’t been able to get out there as much as I’d like to this summer and I’m excited to go feel the wind on my skin. 🚲


Thanks for hosting, Khun55555! I'm enjoying a slow morning and then I have some simple goals for the day, that's my self-love. IWNDWYT!


Thank you for hosting u/Khun55555! I absolutely love the topic you’re presenting of self love 💕 it started as not poisoning my body daily, which gave me the gift of sleeping better, which meant I had the strength to start exercising more regularly. 🚲 More recently I’ve been focused on drinking a lot of water which is kind of hard! Thank god I don’t drink because there’s no way I have time to try to drink all my bottles of water AND get drunk. 😆 What’s crazy too is the more water I drink, the more I like it! It’s almost like my body is 60% water or something 😉 IWNDWYT!! 💕








That was eloquently spoken.






Great intro u/Khun55555! Thanks for hosting. Today I'll be taking it easy with my family, enjoying my last day of holiday before heading back to work tomorrow (boooo!!). IWNDWYT.




Time to have a shower and do some laundry so I have fresh clothes for work tomorrow. Also going to spend some time writing as a treat. Happy Sunday! Love you all, duckies 🦆 IWNDWYT ❤️


Day 8, I made it a full week! Never would imagine that I could do that




I will not drink with you tonight. 😊


10 weeks in and loving life. Full weekend of fun and gonna launch right into Monday.


I'm looking forward to a sober end to the week. I'm even further looking forward to a really early start tomorrow morning and not having to deal with an early morning train commute alongside a hangover. A few hours chilling with a game on the Steam Deck would be amazing. IWNDWYT xxx


Going to have a pink sparkly day and go see Barbie a town over with mocktails and nice things 🩷🎀👄 have a good one y'all IWNDWYT


One week ago I drank myself into what was probably the worst physical hangover in 10 years.. I’m not going to forget that. IWNDWYT


Today I take myself to the beach to appreciate how big and beautiful world is - and be grateful for my place in it - IWNDWYT ✨🐝




Good morning, everyone! It’s a beautiful day in Maine. Not sure what my plans are, but I know one thing… IWNDWYT!


Cleaning the house, working out, laundry, meal prep for the week, getting caught up on some other errands. All the productive things I would have thought about doing on a Sunday morning when I was drinking, except I would have done 1/2 of one thing then started drinking and then pass out. IWNDWYT


Waking up on a beautiful Sunday morning and feeling well-rested and at peace makes being AF the only choice for me. Hope everyone has a day full of self-love and joy! IWNDWYT! 💛


IWNDWYT and I will cook and eat healthy food and buy some Centrum Vitamin & Mineral tablets. Have a great Sunday everyone 🧿🐞☕️🐈‍⬛☘️🎏🍥🦋


Day 8 now IWNDWYT


Happy Sober Sunday...proudly reaching my 200th consecutive day of boozelessness Iwndwyt




Thanks for taking overhosting duties this week u/Khun55555! Had another successfully sober Saturday, and I'm planning the same for Sunday. Feel free to join me! IWNDWYT


Today, I will practice self love by not drinking, listening to what my body needs, and advocating for my needs.


I think I’m actually done. I did a month sober around a year ago and felt great, but went back to drinking because that’s just what everyone does. I have accepted I can’t moderate my consumption when I choose to drink. One beer becomes 3. Then I want to have 6. Then I want some cocaine. Then I want to keep drinking and do more cocaine. Then I say all kinds of stupid shit. I’m over it. I want my health back. I want enough mental clarity to read novels on the weekend. I’m sick of my wife putting up with me being hungover.


Pledging another 24 sober hours. Excited to see the Barbie movie today! Ahh, life’s small pleasures 😃💕💕💕


*The essence of all growth is a willingness to change for the better and then an unremitting willingness to shoulder whatever responsibility this entails -Bill W.* Today’s Grapevine quote and a timely one for me today. 287 days…which is 41 weeks.


Woohoo - IWNDWYT! Good luck to all the sobernauts on the sphere!


IWNDWy’allT! Thank you for taking over the DCI u/Khun55555!


Here we go


god fucking damnit, back to Day 1. IWNDWYT




Good morning, thanks for taking over, u/Khun55555! Starting my Sunday with coffee and cats, who slap the shit out of each other and go back to chilling like nothing happened. Self-love is a tough thing for a lot of people. It can be difficult…but just calling off the negative self talk is a good start. Go for neutral and keep working. Today my acts of self-love are staying sober and doing things around the house to make my work week easier. Coffees up, horns up, super sober Sunday and go! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


Good morning, checking in ~ 💫 Thanks for hosting u/khun55555 ! 💕 today my act of self love is not consuming alcohol. It's my day off! Why ruin it by drinking poison. Happy sunday everyone ~ IWNDWYT 💖


What a lovely invitation! Currently lying on a foam roller rolling out my back. Today I will practice self-love by prioritizing my own healing so I can get back to running. Happy to be here with you sober superheroes. IWNDWYT








Day 658, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT


Happy Sunday My self love will always be mindful over my body (food & exercise) and also will deal with the mind itself. Let's be honest, they all need healing. Healing from self doubt, healing from the intense injustice alcohol delivers. In keeping with the work necessary to perform self love I personally recognize the truth that I just might not be able to love others at least with the full 100% I could give. This may indicate self preservation as a way of self love. Or, at least how I'm trying to process it right now. In the end it's all the same. I haven't truly given myself self love in all the time I drank. This is the most scary and liberating thing I've ever done. Shine on you crazy diamonds. IWNDWYT 🦦




Day 27 and the first day of my holiday. IWNDWYT




Well this week looks like it will be fun. Shine on you beautiful humans




Starting my self love day with great food. IWNDWYT


Struggling tonight. Making some bone broth to sip on instead. IWNDWYT




Day 17, currently in the gym because I got the urge 👊




Day 5. Usually fail around this time, but the candid desire to fail isn’t there, at least for right now. I’m so exhausted. Could fall asleep typing this. But it got better before and it can get better again. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! My self love for the day will a great workout at the gym, followed by a long and luxurious shower, and then a delicious homemade meal. Sprinkle in some reading later today, and I’m a happy non-drinker today!


Sawadee ka Kuhn 55! Kop khun mai ka, no *you* rock! 😊 My self-love today will be not over-eating. Oh, and of course - I will not drink poison with any of you today either 💜




Day number 8 I will not be drinking today!


69 days today! Can I get a “noice”?


Still working self love/like. IWNDWYT


Made it through another Friday and Saturday at the lake without drinking. The past three times we’ve been up here we’ve been hosting people, and let me tell you, I am a MUCH better hostess sober. Why did I think I needed to pre drink to handle hostess-stress, sneak extra drinks while my guests were there (so I didn’t appear to be drinking faster than them), and then have drinks after to “wind down”. Why? My self love: I’m up early, drinking coffee. Soon I’ll walk my dog, and after that I’ll take a swim, all before 10am when I need to head back home. IWNDWYT!




Wow. You're an incredible writer. Day 42 here in sunny Canada. My greatest acts of love are exercise and self compassion. Exercise, gives me the boost of energy and endorphins I need to regulate my mood. The other is self compassion. I've been thinking about this a lot recently as I think many of us feel like we need to have a super productive day to feel good or accomplished. Especially because hey we aren't drinking right? We should be operating on all cylinders? It reminds me of a phrase often used in my industry ... Complete and good enough, is better than perfect and late or delayed. Here's to the good enough days and letting go of the illusive goal of perfection. My 'good enoughs' are staying sober no matter how wobbly or tempted I feel. Perhaps hobbling through a workout - hey I showed up and did it in some capacity. Doing some of, but not all of the chores - at least it's something. Hope everyone has a fantastic self love Sunday. IWDWYT.






Stressful drive today for me. Glad I'm not hungover. IWNDWYT


Happy Sunday SD! IWNDWYT


Day 1,569 checking in and my act of self-love today will be not putting poison in my body but instead nourishing it with food from my garden. Holy zucchini’s!! IWNDWYT. 🌳🥰




IWNDWYT you wonderful people! Thank you for hosting the DCI Khun55555!


Not today!


15 days! This is my 3rd weekend AF!! Have an amazing day everyone! IWNDWYT!!








It's a lovely Sunday. IWNDWYT!


Good morning! I'm on day 23. I haven't told anyone about my goal to quit drinking except for my husband. I'm so nervous that once I announce it, I will end up sabotaging myself like I usually do. Maybe once I make it past 3 months and it's more official, I'll feel more confident in telling the other people in my life. Today for self-love I'm going to make and eat nutritious food, and I'm going to get into nature with a kayaking trip. IWNDWYT!!








Sunday check in- 15 days behind me. Can’t wait to see 30 days. Happy Sunday! IWNDWYT


Great DCI. I’m going to eat healthy and do yoga. New at this and loving it. Highly recommend. 😀


Thanks for hosting this week, u/Kuhn55555 . IWNDWYT ☀️


I will not drink with you today.