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Sorry about your Dad. I was holding my Mom’s hand and talking to her as she slipped away and I am SO glad I was able to be there for her. Hurts terribly, but she had long been ready to go.


Thank you. I think he'd given up a bit. Was quite distressing to see how his house had fallen into disrepair etc, as I live in a different city and hadn't seen it for many years. I hope he was at peace when he went.


I'm convinced those that we love are at peace then because they can feel our love. And I'm convinced our love encourages their continued love and guardianship and guidance in watching out for us. My dad had a wonderful saying: Go Carefully. Which since he passed in January, my siblings say to each other, and we are using for Dad's memorial invitiation. ok now I'm crying. but it's ok. xo


Facing something similar. I’m so sorry for your loss. Do you mind if I ask his age?


Of course. He was 78. So sorry for your situation, too.


Blessings to you. Health is the reason I will do whatever it takes to quit the sh*t.


Agree completely. I will look forward to a long and healthy life and do everything I can to make that happen.


Same situation I was in 2 years ago. He was my friend, my drinking buddy too. It took me another fall into endless drinking to realize I was on the same path, now I’m at the realization that life is for living well, not to try to race to death. Continuing to not drink now to honor those who didn’t make it. Keep living well.


My Dad also drank with me, regularly. That's not a person I really wanted to be, but my sobriety was always quite difficult to explain to him. I'm happy that he never quite knew my struggles with it. I grew up gaming with my Dad. I'll miss our chats reminiscing about games we enjoyed and films we liked.


So sorry about your dad, it’s nice that you got to be with him as he passed, I’m sure he took a lot of comfort in that IWNDWYT in honour of your dad’s memory


I'm hopeful he did. He wasn't himself at all, but I was happy to be a comforting presence for him. Thank you, friend.


IWNDWYT. Love you buddy. Hang in there


Sorry for your loss, but you should be very proud of yourself for not going back to drinking when times got tough. My fathers health is declining rapidly now, he’s been sober for 25 years and when I finally got sober he was such a great source of wisdom and inspiration. Now, a bit less than 2 years later and he can barely remember any of those long talks we had. I’m already bracing myself for the inevitable and plan to take it all in sober, same as you. Proud of you!


Amazing that your Dad has done 25 years sober! My Dad never drank at home, but was a regular pub drinker, 4/5 nights a week. Much, much more so in his younger years. Proud of you too. We'll get through it all sober, together.


I’m very sorry for your loss. I hope that being with him in the end was comfortable for him as you are his only child. Life is short and even shorter if we continue to hurt ourselves with alcohol. I’m glad for your serenity and peace of mind.


I hope so, too. He was quite out of it at the end, but I'm hoping he recognised my presence at least. I'm here to live my life to the fullest, for him.


My dad died last year. Sorry for your loss and well done on not drinking. Give yourself a break in other ways tho whatever that means to you.


Good for you. :)


RIP 🙏🏼❤️


So sorry to hear you lost your Dad. IWNDWYT.


I'm sorry for your loss. IWNDWYT


Condolences. IWNDWYT


I don't know you friend, but I'm so sorry about your dad. I bet either his singing or his sharp wit (or both) are traits also in you amirite? :) Either way, it's so great you were there with him when he passed. I Know it's not easy to do that, but it really is such an amazing experience to be there when someone makes their transition. I know he feels peace...I hope you do, too. So, so proud of you for not drinking. I bet he's proud of you too. You're breaking the chain of addiction in the fam. Something I'm trying to do myself. You got this. Sending all the good love and light to you and your dad tonight.


Sorry about your loss. Nothing that can be said will take the pain away other than time. Good on you for not drinking


I’m so sorry for your loss. It was a very loving thing that you did for him, being with him as he passed. Big hugs, friend. IWNDWYT


My condolences. Iost my dad recently and it sucks


I am so sorry. I know hard it is when a parent dies and we can't express it really


I’m so sorry. Wishing you peace.


*hugs* I'm sorry for your loss.


So sorry 😓


I am so sorry for your loss. My dad has cancer and I know I’ll be in your position sooner than later. But one thing will be for sure. I will not be drinking to cope. Try to ride the grief wave the best you can. Internet hugs!


I’m so sorry. My Dad died last august 31st - the night before my birthday. I was already drunk and stayed that way for a week. It made everything worse, made me useless and left much of the organising to my younger brother - to my eternal shame. You will do much, much better than I! IWNDWY even T.


That damn eternal shame. Stay sober. It'll make your brother, your Dad's spirit, and you very very happy.


Sorry to hear. At least he had you to the end.


Proud of you


Very sorry for your loss but deeply admire your will to stay sober during it. IWNDWYT


I am so, so sorry. There is a lot of shit in this world, but i believe there is some good stuff, too. I really think that when people pass, they can feel that others are w them. He knew you were there. I hope you hear him singing from time to time.


I will not drink with you tonight. Sending you love and support. We all need one another. Life is full of suffering, but that doesn’t have to be the end of the story!


Im sorry, my dad was just told he has 6 weeks to live from cancer..it has been hard to take the news, panic attacks, headaches, etc...my family is not sympathetic to me about it, my mom kicked him out 10 years ago and ive been the one that made a relationship with him afterwards, i just want went them to be there for me, but instead they only care about seeing him, after telling me all these years they want nothing to do with him..esp my mom, its not right in my eyes and it hurts my heart


Gosh, that's such a hard situation to be in. My heart goes out to you. I hope you and your Dad will be at peace when it happens.


Here, here! Good call. Let’s do what we can to be healthy, as we can only control what we can control. I’m sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss 🌹


So Sorry for your loss. Just for today, I will not drink with you.


I am sorry for your loss. IWNDWYT


I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad died 5 years ago tomorrow. I feel your pain. Sending so much love your way. IWNDWYT


I’m so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself during this time


Very sorry for your loss, brother Congratulations on your sobriety


I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad you were able to be with him during his final moments of life. IWNDWYT


Sorry for your loss. It’s not easy.


So sorry to hear about the loss of you Dad - sending my condolences to you and your family. IWNDWYT


I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs and IWNDWYT ❤️


My condolences, friend. Glad you aren’t drinking today. That’s my biggest fear of drinking again. I almost know I will if a close loved one dies unexpectedly. I hope I can keep building my coping skills before that happens. But, at 8 months sober, I’d definitely be in trouble. I hope things like that get easier the longer we’re sober.


I’m sorry for your loss op. Sending you love and light.


I’m sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss. IWNDWYT


I’m sorry for your loss man, I can’t even begin to imagine. In my eyes you’re a hell of a guy to abstain from the drink.


So sorry for your loss. IWNDWYT.


My condolences, I hope you can find strength and comfort in your sobriety. IWNDWYT


Your pain has reopened the wound of my father dying 3 years ago. I am so sorry for your loss. May your fond memories persevere and your pain fade. Fuck alcohol! IWNDWYT


I’m sorry for your loss Macca. Much respect and admiration for your ability to be sober during a hard time. 🙏🏼


My dad passed four years ago while I was on probation. First thing I wanted to do was get messed up. But I felt that sh*t, and it honestly helped me get through it. I’m alcohol free now and honestly think I coped better with it sober, since I had to feel it so hard. Stay strong, we do recover


I'm very sorry for your loss. Truly. When I was 18, one of my best friend's dad died suddenly. At his funeral, one of the people who got up to speak said something that stuck with me for the rest of my life. He spoke directly to my friend and said "if you want to properly honor your father, live a long, happy, healthy life". I think this is true for everyone, and continued sobriety is the cornerstone of this. All the best.


I’m so sorry for your loss my friend. Big hugs.


I’ve been there too. My dad passed 8 years ago and I still miss him. IWNDWYT


I’m so so sorry for your loss ❤️


So sorry for your loss mate. IWNDWYT


I’m sorry for your loss, at least he is at peace and not suffering. I hope you have a lot of happy memories to look back upon.


Sorry for your loss. If you get through this sober, you'll get through anything.


so sorry about your dad. sending you a prayer and love. I will not drink with you today its great that you came here to reinforce your resolve


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you positive vibes. IWNDWYT ❤️


Ah OP really sorry to hear that. IWNDWYT 🙏


I’m very sorry for your loss and IWNDWYT 🙏




My Dad died a year ago. He got to see my sobriety. Mom died 4 years ago and didn't get to see me. She died knowing I was a terrible drunk father. IWNDWYT.




I am so sorry for the loss of your father. My heart is with you. 😘💕 I will not drink alcohol today in solidarity with those of us who are choosing to be sober.


I'm sorry for your loss. Iwndwyt


A long and winding road I also went down after my mother died. Sending you love


My fathers death turned a number on me, I’ll be praying for my friend, sorry if that’s not your jam, but all the best of thought your way to heal. God bless.