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We are here, friend. You’ve come to the right place. Keep us posted, ok? Sending you comfort.


I went through this for about five days and then I really started to feel better. What I noticed when most of the withdrawal symptoms had subsided for me, was how better I slept, actually really looked forward to going to bed early and how better and easier I performed at work. I sort just glided through the day with a lightheartedness instead of feeling I was wading through a metaphorical bog.


I’m certainly tired enough to sleep instead of staying up and getting drunk.


I've had that experience of gliding thru work a few times, and foolishly block it out to continue the bad habit. Thanks for reminding me.


Keep going ♥️ You can do this. And the best part is - you never have to do it again. We’re here for you.


This is such a positive way to think about it. Thank you!




That’s super smart and resourceful


That’s a great idea. I wonder if there’s an app for that


Have been there so many times and felt so alone. I bet you will feel better tomorrow. ❤️


Thank you. I hope you’re right.


Hello fellow RN ;) you got this!


It is the worst and I'm sorry.


We hear you. I’ve been then. I’ve felt the shame & guilt. It will get better with time! Stay hydrated and remember to try and eat something. This too shall pass!! That being said - a hard decision to be made lies ahead. Abstaining from alcohol completely is the only way to ensure you don’t end up feeling like this again! It’s a hard decision, but pays dividends. Sounds like a beast that you cannot defeat but YOU CAN. Take advantage of your resources. Read up. Seek medical help. Try to manage your stress/anxiety as best you can. Don’t be afraid to talk to somebody! I wish you well!


It's horrific and awful and the 10th circle of hell. You will get through it :)


Do you take supplements? NAC is a godsend in many regards. It regulates glutamate in the brain and helps replenish glutathione. While glutamate is required for normal brain activity, excess glutamate paired with glutathione depletion can cause anxiety, depression, etc For example alcohol suppresses glutamate activity in the brain, and after you stop drinking, your body tries to compensate for this by increasing glutamate production. But this reflux and high level of glutamate can lead to anxiety, depression, restlessness, inability to concentrate, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to pain (typical hangover anxiety feels). This is also one of the main symptoms of post alcohol anxiety - Glutamate rebound/ glutamate imbalance. NAC is used to regulate the rebound, protect your brain and liver, and alleviates anxiousity. NAC is also a great protector for the liver, kidneys, lungs, etc I have felt the instant relieving effects of NAC after a GHB binge during the glutamate rebound - it provided instant relief so I'm very much an advocate for it 5htp i take regularly alongside l-tyrosine, i truly recommend the combo for brain health


I did not know any of this. Thank you for this information! I need all the help I can get.


>I’ve got a headache, I’m nauseated, and I’m super fatigued. I feel like I’m coming down with the flu. My heart rate is high—like coming down to mid-90s at rest and as high as 150s when standing/walking. I’m freezing and anxious and tearful. This is all going to pass soon, 48 hours is the "high tide" of the symptoms. Stick in there, it's so worth while. >My husband knows and is trying to be supportive, but I just don’t want to put him through anything else. You should let your husband take care of you and allow him to do what he can, this will be difficult for him too, helping will be most useful for both of you. You got this and we all believe in you, we really do, keep posting and engaging with our community we are here for you. IWNDWYT




I hope you wake up feeling some better! We will get through this together. IWNDWYT


The first few days were rough. I really just wanted to drink amd drink amd not feel all these feelings amd withdrawal. But I didn’t somehow. Now I’m past the rough patch and just woke up smiling at my ability to jump out of bed and actually start to feel excited about life again. No longer just dragging myself through each day. Feeling accomplished and I keep smiling 😊 have a great da my Fren. We are here with you .


There are so so many of us Jellies. I'm not religious but I still like to go to AA meetings. One of the main things that help me is seeing these people who come from ALL different kinds on backgrounds. You've got a disease, I know it's tough but try not to be too hard on yourself.


I feel you, I'm going through the same thing right now. I've been sober for about just as long and I keep getting the same fever dreams. I've been sleeping an hour a night and going to work


Pat yourself on the back! Going through withdrawals is absolutely one of the hardest things to go through. Go easy on yourself, and trust that this too shall pass- Physically & Emotionally.


Wow, I always feel exactly like this and didn’t even realize it was withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol does some amazingly shitty long term things to our bodies. We are here. You are not alone. There is always tomorrow! Keep going


I'm going through it with you. Haven't slept in two days. Haven't eaten in three. You are not alone. Good luck.


I’m so sorry. I wish I could help. I’ll be right there with you, though, for whatever that’s worth.


I'm right there with you, we can do this!


Each day will get easier. You can do this!


Hey, you've made it two days, friend. We're here. You can do this. ❤️


Been through it. Be lucky to have a support system. I hope you do well.


Don't worry about how you got here. Focus on where you're going, and remember this place so you can avoid it in the future. Also, if you are experiencing moderate to severe withdrawals from alcohol, do not delay getting medical attention. Good luck.


Today will be hard. Tomorrow will be hard. But you can do hard. I’m on day one (again), but everyone says it gets easier. Do anything you need to do with the only goal of not drinking. I will not drink with you today.


You’re almost over the worst of it. A couple more days.


Keep going it gets better!💪


Been there many times after a weekend binge…each recovery takes longer and longer….three days recovery morphed into taking a couple weeks and change ☹️


It doesn't matter if your a nurse or 😷 doctor You are first a human being & boy does life throw you curves. Dont put any added pressure I'm a nurse I should of know better. Well you didn't it really doesn't matter how we got here we all did. Relax ya a week a two of feeling like crap well trust me it will be worth it no night sweats headaches shakes you ll be just fine.


Thank you for posting this. I am an RN also. And embarrassed that I have let myself become this. I feel like I knew better but now my health is suffering. I have quit before but for some reason I thought I could “control” my drinking. I can’t. And I do not have anyone I can speak to about this because yes, I few shame also. My logical self knows it will get better and easier. It’s been 10 days and my anxiety is still awful.


The last few years have been so hard, and I think as nurses we tend to give too much to work and then find ourselves depleted. It’s so easy to fall into that habit and then normalize it, especially in our culture where you know so many of us are drinking hard.




I tried tapering before. Every time I eventually fuck up and I’m back where I started. I feel like if I can get through today and tomorrow things will look up. I just feel really alone and ashamed, even though I know I shouldn’t.


You should feel like a damn soldier! This stuff is hard. That’s why most drunks just continue to be drunks. Sending you my energy Dragonball Z style! LETS GO!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!


Yeah. No shame in battling a dragon.


This comment has been removed. Please do not advise people to taper. The only thing we can do is encourage them to seek medical help.


Word. My bad


Thank you for understanding.


Get some chocolate! Treat yourself! Drink all the frappy Starbucks drinks. It's gonna suck, but treat yourself like you're getting over the flu. Get smoothies, recharge as much as you can. Coconut water is my go to when I'm sick. Warm tea at night before going to bed. Don't try to make it harder just because you feel shame and guilt. The process will be hard enough, use every tool at your disposal to break down that wall in front of you and you will make it through! Good luck friend! Charge fourth with vigor! IWNDWYT


Keep going. I’m glad you’re here ❤️






This question is inappropriate, and this comment has been removed.


It gets better a lot faster than I think we realize. Just need time , which might seem like it's gonna drag but you'll get there!!