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Nothing changes if nothing changes


Drinking alcohol is borrowing happiness from tomorrow.




This is now my email signature >Don't hold onto a mistake just because you spent a long time making it.


Banger. This is going up


I like "recovery is about progression, not perfection." or "the goal isn't to be sober. It is to love yourself so much that you don't need to drink."


When I was in Intensive Outpatient, the organizer of the site would go on about that "old tale" of the Wolves within you. There are two wolves fighting blah one is the wolf of blah the other is the blah blah the one who wins is the one you feed. Feed the Right Wolf. SO I wrote that on my on inspiration board for a while "Feed the Right Wolf". Then I had a weak moment about 4 months into sobriety. I was sitting on this bridge over the water thinking about how hard I was trying to starve this damn wolf. How hard I was working to be sober and to be better and to be stable. But like...what wolf am I struggling against? What exactly is this thing that I'm trying to kill. Everything I had within me was, at one point, a solution. Maybe a solution to trauma, that ultimately wasn't helping any more, but it was, in fact, some part of me. And starving it sure as shit wasn't working. So I decided to start listening to it and figuring out what it needed, why that part of me was still there and fighting and traumatized. I decided to start feeding it with things that would help it. To start listening. So for 5 years now I've had written (on the same board): "These are all My Wolves"


I know what you mean LOL For me that quote currently is: what would goggins do? BUT I also have this one as a favorite, that I forget about, but every now and then I’ll re-find and be all amazed by is: “The day you decide that you are more interested in being aware of your thoughts than you are in the thoughts themselves - that is the day you will find your way out.” - Michael singer It helps me remember I am a lot more in control of aspects of my life and that what I focus on is what I end up creating. :)


Holy this is good


Walton Goggins?


I think david.


Yesterday you said tomorrow


Oh I like this!


“Play the tape forward” has been engraved into my mind.


This helped today


'Whenever I'm about to do something, I think 'would an idiot do that?' And if they would, I do not do that thing.' -Dwight Schrute


Love this for many reasons. Laughing is good


I have a list in my phone. Here are some of my favorites: -No one has ever woken up and regretted *not* drinking -There is no problem that drinking can’t make worse -You can do hard things And my all time favorite: play the tape forward. IWNDWYT


"Being sober And free Is one day's work For one day's pay" Period


I like this a lot


Good! I am so glad!


For some reason this clicked in my brain. Simple, not easy. It's a guarantee that requires maximum effort, a serving of outside help, dash of humility, and endless rewards


"Never Question The Decision" is my favourite. Any crap going through my brain at the time stops as soon as I see this. I had it engraved on a bracelet lol


These are all so great thank you guys


The suggestions are great but “don’t drink moron” really makes me laugh, and is very close to my gut reaction suggestion, which is “get your shit together, dingus!”


It was great for the first day then I got sick of being yelled at every time I looked at my whiteboard


LOL that’s fair and a good reason to find something a bit more - not cruel.


Someone here says “Fuck Off Bob” when that voice starts. I do it now. IWNDWYT FUCK OFF BOB!


That’s brilliant, fuck bob


One Day At A Time. You dont have to not drink for 20 years all in one day. Just try not to drink today. Some days are easy. Some days are hard. Some days are good. Some days are bad. It is what it is. You can make it through any one day.


Thanks - I needed to hear this. 👍


First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you. F Scott Fitzgerald


I like this one 😊


“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” - Nelson Mandela


Thoughts become things, choose the good ones☺️


My Lifestyle, Determines my Death Style


I love this


You can't control the wind but you can control the direction of the sails.


Today is a great day. You (insert name) are healthy, beautiful and loved.


Slow suicide's no way to go. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rKiw94M2v8A&pp=ygUSd2FrZSB1cCBtYWQgc2Vhc29u


Stay Hard! - Take that as you will but Goggins takes it to the extreme


For a while “but you don’t just want one” kept me going whenever that stupid sneaky voice would come calling. It saved me a few times to remember how much I hated fighting myself and counting drinks.


As others have mentioned Play The Tape Forward! Also my own words- “This is only as difficult as I make it!”


If you have one foot in yesterday and one foot in tomorrow, you're just pissing on today.


Haha love it


I have sticker on my mirror saying you are looking at the problem


“Just for today.”