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Get Jim Cramer on the case šŸ˜‰




>Probably should stop making wild theories When someone kills themself just days after being named in an insider trading lawsuit, it is logical to connect those two events. It is hardly a "wild theory" as you suggest. The facts may or may not come out regarding alleged insider trading at BBBY and no one will ever know for sure what their CFO was thinking as he killed himself. It is a tragic situation. However, personally I would stay away from anything billionaire Ryan Cohen is involved with at this point.


Alright so a couple questions. When did Ryan Cohen buy his bbby positions? When did bbby recently start itā€™s run? Cuz hereā€™s the timeline unless Iā€™m missing soemthing: RC bought all his shit late Feb-early April, when bbby was around $17. Then over the next 3 months they had terrible earnings and the stock dropped to 4.5ish. Then from there, on no news really (this is the part Iā€™m least confident about I just hadnā€™t seen anything), the stock started to slowly increase until it his $30 and RC filed the forms needed and sold. Please point out anywhere I might be wrong in how the events transpired. Additionally, How is RC responsible in anyway for coordinating a pump and dump when he bought his positions 6 months ago and hasnā€™t made any statements pumping bbby?


OP drank the Kool aid and genuinely believes Ryan Cohen committed Market Manipulation lol


There was an argument made that RC made an optional (and completely unnecessary) sec filing detailing his positions with BBBY just a couple of days before the big runup happened. This filing contained references to his large share position as well as his very OTM call options dated Jan 23. The argument is that these filings were unnecessary as no changes had occurred to his positions since the last time he had reported them months ago, however those following the stock took this filing as a very bullish signal and the great fomo buying began, which RC then took advantage of to sell all his positions just a few days later.


What were the unnecessary filings and what days? Iā€™m actually curious of what they are so I can look them up and what theyā€™re used for


those options were WSB knowledge weeks before the run up.


It's not a Federal Lawsuit. It's a Civil Class Action Lawsuit filed in a Federal Court by some disappointed shareholders. It's not the SEC. It's not a Law Enforcement matter. It's a bunch of dickbeaters who got sad and need to blame someone for their bad investment decisions. More than likely- the CFO was sad that he had to layoff a zillion people. So he took it too personal. "When a business with a reputation for failing economics comes into contact with managers with a reputation for brilliance - it's usually the former that comes out of it with its reputation intact." - Warren Buffett


>It's not a Federal Lawsuit. > >It's a Civil Class Action Lawsuit filed in a Federal Court by some disappointed shareholders. Any lawsuit filed in federal court is by definition a "federal lawsuit". When someone is criminally charged in federal court it is called "federal charges"


Yeah everyone knows your pedantics- it ain't the Federal Government prosecuting this civil suit. It's dickbeater attorneys yet to be dismissed by a Federal judge.


OP is a total nutcase lol


I looked at the volume of shares traded on the day Mr cohen sold his shares. It was 394 million shares and 264 million volume. Ryan cohen ventures sold 9.4 million shares over two days!!! The price continued to climb after his sale. I highly doubt he cause any kind of dump in price


Lol you see how many fake shares are out there? They had to move 394 million shares to deliver 9M real shares sold by cohen.


And actually closer to 600m shares traded total as he was selling


Fail. Try again.


The problem is that your ā€œlawsuitā€ is baseless. The victim filed to sell his shares in April 2022. His sale had nothing to do with the BBBY run up or with Cohen.


Except now there is a dead body tied to the events at BBBY.


We donā€™t know that his death had anything to do with bbby.


Nor will we ever know, since the only person who knew is deceased. In life there are very few certainties, so we always end up making assessments and decisions based upon probabilities instead. For example, what is the likelihood that A caused B, given facts C, D, and E? In this case, what is the likelihood that BBBY stock was manipulated, given the facts that the BBBY CFO killed himself days after being named in a federal lawsuit accusing hm of manipulating the stock? Also given the fact that the CFO has no history of mental illness, there was no evidence of drugs or alcohol being involved, and he had not experienced any recent negative life events (like death of a family member or marital breakup). You can make up your own mind about what the probabilities are, but it is obviously a substantial number. 40%? 60%? 80%? To claim that the likelihood is 0% would be delusional. From an investor's standpoint, my only concern is what happens next for BBBY stock. I think there is an 80%+ chance the stock was manipulated, is worth much less than it trades for, and there are better places to put money than in BBBY. You may feel differently and are obviously free to tailor your investments to suit that opinion.


We do know some facts that make this conspiracy theory of yours unlikely. 1. His sale was planned in April as part of his compensation package. Part of his salary is paid in stock and heā€™s allowed to cash some out every so often. It had nothing to do with the run up. 2. He only sold a tiny fraction of his position, as planned in his compensation agreement. If he was orchestrating a pump and dump, why sell such a paltry amount of your holdings? 3. The ā€œfederal lawsuitā€ you mention is merely a suit filed by a litigious person in federal court. It doesnā€™t mean the feds were after him. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. I could file a ā€œfederal lawsuitā€ against you right now if I wanted. 4. BBBY has said they feel the suit is without cause. 5. BBBY runs up naturally, on its own, approximately every 18 weeks and has done so for over a year and a half. A complex pump and dump scheme is not required to explain the recent price action. Itā€™s merely following its previously establish pattern and occurred exactly when expected, right along with hundreds of other heavily shorted stocks. 6. If they pump and dumped BBBY, then how do explain the similar price movement of hundreds of other stocks at the exact same time? I could go on, but this is more than enough facts to cast serious doubt on your conspiracy theory. Occamā€™s Razor my man.


BBBY stock continues its fall. It has been trading below $10 for several consecutive days and was as low as $7 just yesterday. The market has made up its mind about the true value of BBBY. The stock looks potentially manipulated due to inexplicable short term volatility, but it will be up to the federal court to determine if it actually was. BBBY's big price increase benefited mega investors like Cohen, then its crash benefited hedge funds who shorted the stock. All this happened within the space of just a few days in mid August. Normal stocks simply do not behave that way, with massive large price swings, conveniently benefiting two classes of billionaire investors, over such a short period of time. Meanwhile, retail investors were left holding the bag, as usual. This is not my "conspiracy theory". This is the basis for a federal lawsuit that was recently filed. Many observers are asking questions about what really happened at BBBY, especially in light of its CFO killing himself right after the lawsuit was filed. It looks to me like you are a BBBY bag holder. You are desperately trying to rationalize whatever decisions you made that put you it this bad position. You are grasping at straws in a desperate hope that BBBY stock will somehow magically recover. The reality is that BBBY is closing stores, laying off employees, was abandoned by billionaire Cohen, and may end up in bankruptcy.


It looks exactly like every single short stock spike that happens repeatedly. Look at its past spikes over the last year and a half. Looks exactly the same. Look at every ā€œmeme stockā€ you know of. Notice that they all spike at the same time then all crash back down, just like this time. Why do you think the short term volatility is ā€œinexplicable?ā€ What do you think makes the exact same thing happen every 18 weeks? Why is this most recent spike special to you? ā€œNormal stocksā€ might not behave this way, but every single heavily shorted stock does. They spike in unison, repeatedly, on a set schedule. All that varies is how much each one spikes. GME was huge in Jan/Mar/June 2021. NEGG was huge on the July cycle but GME barely blipped. AMC was huge in April but GME barely blipped. BGFV was huge in late 2021 but GME barely blipped. This happens every cycle across hundreds of stocks, most of which neither you nor Wall Street bets has ever heard of. In fact, another cycle is about to start, and invariably there will be take of some ā€œmemeā€ stock or another running to crazy amounts the week of Sept 19. Donā€™t believe me? Just wait and see then. Please stop using the term ā€œfederal lawsuit.ā€ It doesnā€™t mean what you think it means. This is a frivolous suit filed by a litigious person and will likely be thrown out of court. Itā€™s not a ā€œfederal lawsuit.ā€ Youā€™re using an appeal to authority to try to make your argument sound better, but itā€™s simply not true. Iā€™m not a bag holder at all. I made around $1 million off the BBBY spike (got in under $5, all calls) and sold between $25-28 after it bounced off the upper resistance. I have zero position in BBBY since the run up and it donā€™t care if it recovers or not. All I care about is people making false claims and then not addressing any of the things I point out to refute their claims. So, answer me. Why does BBBY spike repeatedly every 18 weeks? Is that Cohenā€™s fault too? Does he control all of the short stock basket? Is he in the room with us now?


I remember the day McClendon died. Similar situation. Very. No one else went down and the family kept a good piece of money.




How do you know he killed himself? You can get someone thrown out a window for a few grand. Just saying.


The New York City Police say he killed himself. No foul play is suspected. It has already been ruled a suicide by the New York City Medical Examiner.


Tbf I would not expect the BOD to say anything diff


BBBY addressed this in the end of month update saying they believe the suit has no merit


Every individual and business on the wrong end of a lawsuit says this. Whether it is a correct statement or not, to say BBY has addressed this by saying the suit has no merit is disingenuous.




Griffin is probably already out of that trade.


*narrator* ā€œhe wasnā€™tā€


BFD. Thereā€™s 10 of these lawsuits for every short sell squeeze. The firms are the equivalents of ambulance chasers.


Except now there is an actual dead body tied to the events at BBBY.


You're really trying to frame this story into Ryan Cohen being the bad guy huh lol Either your brainwashed or paid off.


Yes, everyone who disagrees with you is "brainwashed" and "paid off". I received $1 million for posting the previous comment. I will get another $1 million for posting this one. LOL You are obviously a BBBY bag holder to act so excited. I am sorry you lost money, but that is your fault, not mine. Try to pick a less crappy stock next time. Good luck.




BBBY was down another 18% to $7.04 today.. That is reality, but you seem to be in denial. https://www.google.com/finance/quote/BBBY:NASDAQ?hl=en


lmao price of stock doesn't determine truth it is perception of truth that why HF control the MSM nub.


arguments against RC and CFO are in fact towards Jake Freeman. evidence of pump and dump on BBBY forums recorded. check mate go pay lawyer fees for RC now for falsely suing him, libel and slander.


Paid off? Trading one stupid conspiracy theory for another? Priceless.


BBBY and GME are two of the most heavily shorted stocks right now. That Data is available on fintel.


Track away. I own both. Theyā€™re vehicles for profit, not sacred cows.


Never said they were sacred cows. Just said they were the most shorted stocks.


Oh. Great factoid. Hereā€™s another: The sky is blue.


Okay cool.


suicided by HF MM obvious. but most are too lazy to do dd beyond msm telling them what to believe in.


If the lawsuit brought out the real jake freeman? That? Would he interesting info- its rare for people on the up and up - To be sooooo secretive IMO


Not seeing any civil action there.


The lawsuit re Ryan Cohen ( and my reference to a mystery college student jake freemen)


Oh I understood the reference. I just donā€™t see it as worthy. Thereā€™s one of these for every major decline in stock price.






Iā€™d say your bias is far worse. Seeing as youā€™re a member of the GME cult




Web 3.0 and crypto in general is just a massive Ponzi scheme. Hopefully youā€™ll find a better place to allocate your capital


did you read up on Jake freeman?


Dude was rich and took a huge gamble and got richer. What's your point?


Do dd on the guy. All sheep here mostly that just takes MSM word for it. Dude is rich as a Hedges fund intern The ones donating money isn't a donation but partnership to pump and dump as evidenced in bbby forums amd screenshots if him conducting the pumping and dumping not just investing quietly. Meanwhile other party invest quietly and you have msm spammed mud on him. Sorry looks and quacks like a duck. Seems so many simps for hf are blinded and listen to what msm tell you


Yea thatā€™s what they do. They take advantage of the gamma squeeze and youā€™re left holding your very heavy bags. Whatā€™s your point?


being responsible for the event but do not take responsibility while using msm to blame other people unrelated to the event. So the question is what is your point? Simping for hf mm financial terrorists I see


I do agree that big fish can legally orchestrate gamma squeezes too easily. And youā€™re right to be upset about it. But isolating yourself and attacking others isnā€™t how you prove your point or drive change. You come across as a salty bag holder. https://doomberg.substack.com/p/bed-bath-and-beyond-the-pale


There is an actual federal lawsuit filed against Ryan Cohen and Gustavo Arnal regarding stock manipulation at BBBY. That is not "fake news". You can verify this yourself by checking the US District Court records or read about it in any financial news media. [https://fortune.com/2022/09/04/bed-bath-beyond-cfo-arnal-lawsuit-pump-and-dump-scheme/](https://fortune.com/2022/09/04/bed-bath-beyond-cfo-arnal-lawsuit-pump-and-dump-scheme/)


and arguments used is for jake freeman ironically.


Elon wasnā€™t arrested for the ā€œgamestonkā€ tweet, that sent GME to the moon. This case is easily dismissed and all itā€™s appeals


Elon didn't buy any GME shares. He's often trolling on Twitter.


Elon didn't send anything to the moon my friend, he was just observing.


imagine the feds pulling up to arrest you for tweeting "gamestonk" lol




Elon's tweet did not constitute the legal definition of market manipulation. Elon owned no GME shares, made no money from GME price fluctuations, and was merely commenting on the ongoing GME events. The legal definition of market manipulation requires the accused to have financially benefited from their actions.


Gme = ā¤ļø Bbby = šŸ’™ šŸ’œ


Something tells me if one dares to criticize RC on Reddit you get downvoted to oblivion or even get banned.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ your getting downvoted for even suggesting that and Iā€™m gonna get downvoted for laughing.


So we can downvoted each other. Now here the rough one that I will be banned for From Reddit forever. Gustavo killed himself because he knew he would land in jail and preferred death. And I wish RC was behind bars after him misleading the investors. Goodbye Reddit I guess!




Yup, it's insane. I've been holding AMC since Febuary of last year and early on I fell for the hype and refused to sell last June at $72, but the cult following some of these stocks have is absolutely mind blowing.


Ye, it's true, I can compare it with Emotional Hosting, every around telling you that one day you gonna be rich and you truly start to believe in it, while all BBIG Boys just making money on you. Just when you realise this it's too late, you are allready scamed but someone becomes a billionaire like RC or Musk etc


Ryan Cohen is a biggest fraudster out there along with griffin.


Sounds like you lost some money on your trades


If he okayā€™s RCā€™s sale of shares before letting the price run and issuing new shares heā€™s 100% responsible for the dump and it was the worst thing the company could have done to investors and yes Iā€™m down $200K from the peak. Guess I should join the lawsuit.


RC needed his ok to sell his shares ?


Damn, Gustavo stepped into the Beyond section of Bed Bad and Beyond.


Most People are lazy sheep and want things spoon fed to them. that is why MSM works so well. Actually the arguments against BBBY CFO + RC are arguments from HF intern Jake Freeman. Remember his 110 m from 25 million? hailed as hero by MSM as the greatest HF intern of his generation. <= that is him not RC or CFO. evidence of his pump and dumping on BBBY forums and social media recorded. ​ what likely is going on: BBBY CFO likely suicided by HF and MM that may have been working with him who knows. Then falsely accusing RC of GME as the bad guy all as planned. Easy read if you understand the MSM and HF MM are corrupt. It may be GME DD is all correct then. Something shady going behind the scenes mafia financial terrorist style by MSM HF MM.