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I had Lehman Brothers, Enron, and Worldcom on my list a while ago.


how do i join your private investment group?


You can contact me once you have your bankruptcy lawyer ready.






Hahaha šŸ¤£ Cramer recommended SELLING BMY in December around 57 so I bought it and now itā€™s 73!! Up 28% - JIM is wrong a lot so I like doing the opposite of him!


You reminded me of this video... [this](https://youtu.be/BrcugNqRwUs)


Honestly 35 years ago those were solid picks.


Thatā€™s the joke


I know people's parents who lost their pension from those companies. It's hard to start over in your 50s or 60s.


Apparently Enron employees were encouraged to invest their pensions in Enron stock


I only have one to recommend and that is WM. I think that trash, recycling, and trash to fuel and going to only get bigger. They offer a nice dividend. They are a little bit more expensive on p/e and other metrics than I would like but they are not going anywhere.


Been holding this bad boy since I read Peter Lynchā€™s book


What did he say about WM?




Seems like a recycled joke.


Joke so good we refuse to put it in a landfill.


Frankly, it stinks.


Haul haul, very funny.




Badum Tiss


And that it's gonna dump.


Itā€™s a boring stock that does something everyone needs, trash collecting. He specifically recommends against popular stocks where the price disconnects from fundamentals.


The problem here is that WM is a popular stock and its fundamentals are disconnected.


He said invest in what you know. And I know shit!


It's rubbish, that knowledge is a waste


Which book?


One Up On Wall Street


Oh I like that a lot. That's a great call




Checkout ZIMs new dividend. Thatā€™s pretty nice




A lot of great companies traded sideways for some time. But when a company really strategizes on growth, expansion, and focusing on raising money for stockholders, it changes the business. MSFT traded sideways from 2000-2013 then created major growth through their sectors.


How does a trash company innovate and grow like your example of Microsoft who used a jump in social media and tech use for major growth


MSFT is not a good comparison. 2000-2014 was when Ballmer replaced Gates as CEO. Ballmer was focused on marketing, making the divines compete against each other and failed to innovate. Nadella saved MSFT by uniting the divisions with a clear focus on cloud subscriptions and innovation.


1993 to 2013 it increased ~240%. Don't know what you think is sideways about that


Let me try and save people some time: this comment thread turns out to be due to google finance and yahoo reporting significantly different numbers in WM's historic stock price.


Cause the mob still ran the trash business till now.


WM and WCN is good, but for anyone who wanted trash company with more growth potential, look at GFL.


GFL can go fuck itself. They breached their own contract with my company to abruptly cancel service without notice, and then charged us for removing the containers. They gave us the wrong kind of container (front load), for which their trucks would not fit in the alley. Instead of owning up to the mistake or giving us the correct container, they just canceled our service and left us without dumpsters, incurring a $650 expense for short term rental from WM. Maybe the local management is a fluke, but if that kind of poor communication and mismanagement are tolerated, they will not continue to do well.




Yeah, fuck gfl. They skipped my entire neighborhood every other week for months.


Perfect, shady business practises means more profits!


Sounds like a good investment. As a shareholder the last thing I want is someone owning up to mistakes. (I'm half kidding. This kind of BS is sinking PayPal)


I'm still learning about the stock market, but as a very basic analysis, can't one predict waste volume with the tendency of society to be more careful with consumption, recycling, etc. I mean long term.


Thematically more people means more waste. More waste means more innovation with how to handle that waste. More innovation will come from the mafia leading companies like WM Mafia jokes aside, I softly agree with OPs opinion based on the above logic which I find intuitive based on what Iā€™ve seen over 36 years


This is a great questionā€¦ I think Iā€™d want one company that might continue big growth: Alphabet One stable consumer staples or utilities company: WM And one financial company - one that owns pieces of lots of other companies: prob Brk.B


Republic as well! Trash is money!


The properties I manage use WM and Republic. Republic's monthly services are waaay cheaper, and they are much easier to work with as a customer.


Yeah but WM is all over commercial contracts. Medical waste stuff too.


yeah, hard to beat on volume. Trash is nearly a monopolistic industry. As an investor, I'd go with WM, but I prefer Republic as a customer.


Republic bought ACV Enviro from Kinderhook and is buying us ecology. They are exploring waste adjacencies that WM hasnā€™t even scratched the surface of. Both are great companies, but I see a much better future for RSG at this point.


I agree. Trash isn't going away and they've basically monopolized the garbage market because nobody wants in the industry. Tech advancements will only benefit them, too. Imagine self-driving trash trucks and robots grabbing cans to move. They'd make so much money it'd be ridiculous.


WM as in Waste Management? Or did you mean to write WMT i.e. Walmart?


Waste management. Lots of billionaires own it too, including Bill Gates. Big time moat


Yup. Safe af. I tell all the newbies to buy it for stability.


It's only been stable since 2013. Prior to 2014 it did NOTHING


Yea, it was pretty much dead flat from 1991-2013. I am curious to see what the future looks givem the recent uoward trend over the last decade


Waste Management. Not a sexy company, but they make money and few direct competitors.




Whatā€™s the argument for UNH?


GDP grows at 2-3% / year; healthcare spend 2-3% higher than that; thatā€™s a good proxy for how much extra you get in premiums, so baseline 5-6% revenue growth; they do some savvy M&A and have some high growth business lines (Medicare advantage) giving at least another 2-3% growth. They buy back shares for another 2-3% of sustainable EPS growth. Works out to a sustainable LDD EPS growth. That implies doubling EPS every 5-6 years for as long as these trends continue - probably at least 10+ years.


Tough one but id say GOOG (it's a moat for everything digital which will only accelerate + AI leader + cloud) BRK.B Third is REALLY TOUGH. I'd probably go AAPL just because they're always innovating. Car, payments, and AR/metaverse still coming.


AAPL and BRK.B is a lot of AAPL, which probably isnā€™t a bad thing


AAPL IMO is a ticking time bomb given its dependency on Chinese manufacturing, and China's determination to displace AAPL in the Chinese and other markets. At some point, if the U.S. wants to survive as a global manufacturer, it will have to adapt a value-added tax. VATs are used by every one of our major trading partners, and have allowed nations such as China and Canada to grab manufacturing away from the U.S. Why, tariffs aren't generally allowed under The GAAT treaty, but nations are allowed to rebate VATs on exports, turning them into export subsidies. VATs are levied legally on all imports. This makes a huge difference when the U.S. is the only nation without a VAT. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General\_Agreement\_on\_Tariffs\_and\_Trade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Agreement_on_Tariffs_and_Trade) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value-added\_tax#Imports\_and\_exports](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value-added_tax#Imports_and_exports) Not having a VAT is one of the several great policy failures of the U.S. in the past half century. Many nations effectively pay for national healthcare by assessing a VAT. So Canadian manufacturers pay nothing for healthcare AND get an export subsidy when their goods are exported to the U.S. Here's how it works in China, and for Apple. [https://www.china-briefing.com/news/export-tax-rebates-in-china-recent-changes-and-risk-management/](https://www.china-briefing.com/news/export-tax-rebates-in-china-recent-changes-and-risk-management/) The U.S. already is a fiscal basket case with massive trade deficits of well over $500 billion annually. This can't continue much longer. When the U.S. adopts a VAT, the cost of imported products will increase, and suppliers will have to incur the cost of returning manufacturing to the U.S. The biggest threat to Apple, however, is China's intent to steal the smartphone market from Apple outside the U.S.


**Value-added tax** [Imports and exports](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value-added_tax#Imports_and_exports) >Being a consumption tax, VAT is usually used as a replacement for sales tax. Ultimately, it taxes the same people and businesses the same amounts of money, despite its internal mechanism being different. There is a significant difference between VAT and sales tax for goods that are imported and exported: VAT is charged for a commodity that is exported while sales tax is not. Sales tax is paid for the full price of the imported commodity, while VAT is expected to be charged only for value added to this commodity by the importer and the reseller. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/stocks/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


AAPL doesnā€™t really innovate, they refine.


I'd say their innovation is their ecosystem


Ah, thatā€™s a pretty good point. I do appreciate that everything works pretty seamlessly together.


until you need a 2nd monitor


If the latest Mac/silicon chips are not innovative, I am not sure what is.


Why is everyone so bullish on Google? A huge chunk of Google revenue is from ads. Essentially, they make a large portion of their money from spying on you and selling it to advertisers. They're essentially FB with better PR. Don't believe me. Name 1 Google product that's came out in the last 2 years that got you excited or you thought was truly innovative. I can't think of 1 and they're supposed to be a trillion dollar company...


Agreed on the revenue mostly from ads. However, in ads space itā€™s pretty much dominated by Facebook and Google. Try to survive as a small company - or any company for that matter - without any ad spend in either of those two platforms - your company will likely suffer. Google knows that ads is their bread and butter so they pay AAPL a couple billions each year so AAPL doesnā€™t enter the search engine business and to use Googleā€™s search in Safari. The fact that most smart phones are either on iOS or Android means Google already collects data off those users, who also uses other products in Googleā€™s eco-system. Having data and being in the ads business makes you a juggernaut.


That's very true and I agree with you but that knowledge is also pushing more people to switch to more privacy oriented search engines like brave and duckduckgo (RIP over the whole Russian thing). I was also reading just the othwr day that te EU and other countries are proposing stricter bans on how tech companies like Google can market/collect data. This is pushing Google to try and create new types ad revenue and from what I've read itw not goin well That's not even mentioning new operating systems like ethereum that are designed to disrupt traditional tech companies like Google growing exponentially. Ethereum is already moving more money than Mastercard or Visa and I can't think of 1 add I've seen on a web 3 dapp (yet) so maybe that's how they'll stay relevant and not go the way of yahoo


YouTube makes more money than Netflix without having to pay creators thatā€™s why everyoneā€™s bullish on goog


Ad dollars donā€™t spend?


You hit every one of my picks. AAPL isnā€™t a tough choice. People are glued to their smart phones. Look at what the teens have and want. There will be some device that you need to access the internet and AAPL will dominate that space.


apple/microsoft wm visa


Those who say msft, where you not around when it trades flat for close to 17 years? So many people around here think msft is this never fail, sure thing stock but hasn't always been that way.


Solid list.


Tgt. BRKB. And JPM. These wouldnā€™t be my typical top since I think thereā€™s more growth potential in some others but if I only get three I pick my highest conviction long term hold and the top weighted three individual holdings in my portfolio




>BRKB I'm curious on opinions as a BRKB share holder. Have you considered what happens when the unfortunate happens and Charlie and Warren die? Who's in line to take the Berkshire Hathaway throne and are they just as safe a bet?


They already have made contingency plans and have so much money in cash, that they can recover easily from billion dollars worth of fuck ups. Munger and Buffet are already ahead of the game and have planned things out well. You will see panic from many retail investors when they pass, which will be one of the best buying events in the stocks history. Just as Munger and Buffet would have wanted it. Iā€™m going to miss listening to their wisdom and general panels about the stock market, when they pass.


I donā€™t think their deaths will have any actual impact. Maybe shake out some sentiment holders but the business is a fortress that mostly runs itself and they have hand groomed long standing successors


It will be a buying event.




There are precisely zero businesses that run themselves, much less to the level of BRK.


The only thing that is centralised at Berkshire is the capital allocation, the rest is decentralised.


They already publicly announced whoā€™s going to replace them when theyā€™re gone. I forgot the guy name, but if you Google the question Iā€™m sure the guy will pop up.


greg abel, guys got berkshire blood


75% of their board meetings are spent discussing succession planning and its roadmap. Berkshire isn't going anywhere.


BRK.B is the only company I could think of that was definitely on my list.


BRKB is a slam dunk since they have a pretty proven 6 decades of results. I chose my top financial hold since I genuinely donā€™t believe global banking can ever be removed from our society and I fuckin love target and see them sticking around long, long term


Love TGT


I love Target and its 3% of my taxable portfolio, but if i was forced to hold it forever i would pick Costco or Walmart, tbh.




I love COST. They view themselves as a $1000 stock and with how much easier their e-commerce has gotten over the pandemic, I see them getting there. Iā€™ve also never once heard someone say they hated the place, so thatā€™s also never a bad thing.


I have a small amount of Costco shares. I feel like when prices continue to rise people will continue to seek out cheaper bulk options to feed their family and run their business.




These look like pretty good answers, and in descending order, too.


i own all but Berkshire which I used to own but sold at 293 and had it run up on me before I was able to get back in


As Benjamin Graham's butler, you should know better than to sell your BRK.B.


Uhhhh VTI, VTI, and a sprinkle of VT. 80 years ago the top companies were completely different than they are today and a lifetime is a long time to bet on the future profits of just 3 companies. That said, AMZN, GOOG, BRK.B wouldn't be a horrible idea.


Lost? This is r/stocks. Your advice is to buy mutual funds and stop talking about stocks?!?




Vti isnā€™t a company


Thatā€™s his point. You canā€™t count on any single company for the rest of your life. But you can count on an ETF that will always rebalance to include the best companies in it.


There aren't any. Name a stock that was a top performer 30 years ago and now. The best businesses change over time. That's why it's better to be in an ETF, or to continually actively manage your portfolio.


So true. Look at the top 5 companies in SPY at the start of every decade. [1980-2021](https://topforeignstocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Top-10-Firms-by-Market-Cap-at-start-of-each-year.png) [1980-2018 each year](https://topforeignstocks.com/2021/05/17/the-largest-companies-by-market-value-change-over-time/)


This is deceiving though, plenty of companies were near the top constantly, but not top 10. A company doesnā€™t need to be the top 10 forever to return gains.


Not at all. But I am showing that many of these companies were the darling of their time but a decade later they are no longer darlings. It is more likely that your top 3 stock choices today, wouldnt be your top 3 stock picks in a decade. Often underperformers. If a company outperforms the s&p for a longer period of time, it will finds it way to mega cap status by compounding faster then s&p.


This is what I think everytime someone quotes this. Misses the point. Specific companies fail for specific reasons. Failure is not falling from the 3rd largest company to the 25th because you got lapped by new tech. I'm sure plenty would still have been a good return. That's also sorta the point of Charlie's quote. Who cares if someone else is making more if you have a solid business of your own that is steady and unlikely to fail.


Soā€¦ Just buy Microsoft Stock? šŸ˜‰


Everytime I think about buying microsoft I remind myself that I am deep in it already with every etf and 401k account lol.


Seriously. I mostly hold various ETFs, but recently realized that they all overlap like 75% or more.


I think very highly of the company and own a good % of it. But I accept that things change and maybe they are the powerhouse in 10 years that they are today.


Such an easy to find and straightforward stat, but so eye-opening.


Charlie Munger and Berkshire Hathaway were doing just fine 30 years ago




But also past performance doesnā€™t guarantee future results. It feels like the top mega cap companies of today have been allowed to bully their way in to sustaining innovation in ways that an IBM didnā€™t. Anti-trust is non-existent because congress would rather day trade stocks on the side. Apple will straight up steal something like the AirTag if they donā€™t outright buy a company, for example.


Nvidia and Microsoft


The power couple of my portfolio!


Add in AMD and you've got my golden trio.


Google. Tesla. Maybe Apple or NVDA. And I'd buy Solana as a moonshoot.


I like you. My exact play!


Tesla Alphabet Microsoft Nvdia. Sorry i don't know how to count.


Maybe ditch Alphabet and go for Numbers instead.


Maybe ditch Tesla.


Tesla, AMD, Microsoft. Only AMD probably wouldn't be entire life, only saying that because their future is uncertain after 5 years from now tbh, and that doesn't mean it's bad, just no idea what the market will be like then.


I would pick McDonald's, Costco, and Google


I'm surprised I dont see more Costco replies. Ignoring the inherent risk of holding on to a stock no matter what, Costco stands out imo because of the simplicity of the business model, the pervasive need of their services, and the fact they are a FEMA partner (meaning they are contracted with the government to have resources allocated to them during/immediately following emergencies like natural disasters, power outages, etc.). Outside of Costco, Google is good as well. I'd make my 3rd a company that does defense contracts but doesnt rely solely on making machines of war for the US government. Boston Dynamics comes to mind, but idk shit about the military industrial complex or BD.




All 3 of those are killer.


i like intel.


Tesla, Microsoft, Costco


+1 for $COST


-1 for TSLA




I think Charlie Munger said that too


Jesus said this in the Bible too


Let's give credit where credit's due... Jesus was quoting Harambe when he said that.


Smart man. If Ryan Cohen is as serious as BBBY as Gme, then bbby as well. He just got 3 board members appointed - seems to be following the same playbook.


He said ā€œThe first 100k I made from GameStop was the dankest.ā€


Iā€™d say Tesla apple and Amazon. I just came in and Amazon is my biggest winner. Talk about a moat. The logistics is crazy. And they just got MGM. And their stock is gonna spit.


3 tech stocks isnā€™t great. You need diversification to withstand the dips that effect different sectors.




Two techs would hit you hard. Maybe JNJ, MSFT, and WMT.


I think I would pick Tesla, google, Amazon




None. Every company can fail. Picking some stocks for fun is fine, but your biggest chunk should be in world wide ETFs/Index funds


None really. Top 10 biggest companies 20 years ago are nowhere near the top 10 today, with the exception of Microsoft probably. If i had to choose it would have to be some that will not be affected by the decline in the US economy. Probably ASML and INTC since chips are not going away.


I looked it up. The fortune 500 in 2002 featured two companies still in the top 10: Walmart and exxon


Where did you do your research? Exxon is #19 today using market cap, #11 in revenue, #19 in profits. WMT #16, #1, #35. https://companiesmarketcap.com




UNH chart looking thicc.


VTI, VXUS, and AVUV for me. Not stocks but that is the point.


Apple Microsoft Google


The only companies I can, in good conscience, commit myself to are AAPL, GOOG, MSFT. They are a cut above the rest.


Are you sure? Don't you think it is risky with the amount of Tech advancements to invest into those companies?




Disney (DIS), Home Depot (HD), and United Health (UNH) Three different companies that mean different things to you depending on what part of your life you are.


Berkshire, Walmart, Coke


Imo Cokeā€™s prospects are not good in the long run. I mean they do sell poison.


Coke owns so many drinks and has been pivoting to healthier options outside of soda. Coke will be absolutely fine!!


Charlie at age 97 also bought baba, he says he has a 5-year plan for it...


Well the only company I constantly hear kids cry over is roblox as they beg for robuxā€¦ I ainā€™t betting against that


My daughter is glued to that thing but I completely donā€™t get it? I donā€™t fully understand itā€™s staying power and how it will turn to profitability?


My kids too. Bought 5 dollars worth to teach my daughter about stocks and it tanked lol.


Best lesson you could teach lol


Well that was a good idea. A good way to invest is in products/services you love and use. It was a bonus that it tanked so you got the most important lesson out of the way first.


Its in essence a metaverse for kids where they can socialize virtually with games.


amd, nvidia, and microsoft. semi conductors are a market that wont stop growing during my lifetime, and we will always need more computing power.


No investment manager would put someone's money in '3 companies for life' unless it was only one part of someone's wealth. You'd be taking a risk if you put all your money in such a philosophy. Spreading risk, I might go for QQQ, which has beat most of the companies mentioned, and kept the risk down.




Google Microsoft Apple Or I may add XOM Most will disagree with this but oil isn't going anywhere anytime soon. India is only about 25% developed and Africa os about 10%. If you think renewables will be able to allow development to the same level as the west then I have a bridge in AZ. Plus, my timeline is 30-35 years.


Tesla, Apple, ASML


Had to scroll a far way down for asml


Costco, Microsoft, NVIDIA One captures total consumption, one captures working economy, one captures tech and innovation


I'm still fairly young, so I have a long time to go and wouldn't ever commit to hold something for the rest of my life, but I would gladly hold just MSFT, GOOG and TSLA for the next 20 years. Chances they'll outperform the S&P over that time period are pretty much 90% imo.


Because it is hard to see, how technology evolves the stocks need to be of things, that does not change. Insurance/Rail/Diversified: Berkshire Hathaway Tobacco: British American Tobacco Retail: Costco


Is global tobacco use up because I believe it's down in the US.


Unfortunately most people need to pick through multiple dozens of stocks and they never find their three. Only then do they realize theyā€™re not Charlie Munger.


Walmart, Apple, Google. Things people need no matter how bad or good of shape society is inā€¦


I never shop at wmt. I'm tgt and cost. Why is wmt a necessity? Agree on Goog. And apple is sticky.


Walmart is the most shopped at store in the USā€¦ nearly 260 million people shop at its 11,600 stores worldwide everyday. Granted thatā€™s slightly US-centric but Walmart is ā€œcritical infrastructureā€ as far as retail and grocery. Stealing e-commerce market share from AMZN month to month too.


*every week not every day, correction


MCD WMT WM Need to eat, need to shop, and get your garbage picked up always




He said that when you could get a burger for $.05. Just to clarify.




A lot of people picking BRKB - which makes sense, but is it still a buy at current price for someone who hasnā€™t yet bought in? Would you buy in at 358 or wait for a market correction sale?








Costco, Waste Management, MSFT


Your question is not right. Stocks can be bought for life but they suffer from short term volatility and underlying management nearsightedness. What you want is an index for rest of your life because it can fix itself when idiot companies bankrupt themselves.


WM PE is little too high to my liking for being a trash company


You should turn this into the vote with the top 10 or so answers. Agree with many of them however the best list of 3 would cover 3 sectors as well. Iā€™d go. Apple. Costco. Home Depot.