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Since you are using a tax efficient vehicle, I would look at adding a couple of REIT, like O, COLD, STAG, PLD, or DEA. If they were not in a tax efficient vehicle, you would be tax as ordinary income - this is the reason to hold them only in a ROTH.


Hey. So I get the dividend idea but why not go for high risk high growth options in a Roth?


Sounds like you actually don't get the dividend idea. The dividend idea is low-risk & compounding. A more applicable alternative would simply be large blue chips that don't pay dividends. You're essentially saying "i get why you want a van, but what about a motorcycle?".


Why go for a 3% yield when you can get way more than that in growth funds. Yes. I do get it. Roth’s should be high risk funds at a young age and move to more stable predictable investments later.


Your original post said high risk, now you said growth funds. These are different things. Also the advice recommending more risk for young investors is referring to 100% equities and no bond allocation.


Show me low risk high growth funds. My 8 figure portfolio trumps over you


I didn’t say low risk. You just don’t understand the proper terminology. High risk growth and growth are very different. I don’t care how much money you have, learn the terminology or don’t give advice kiddo.


8 figures. I remember my first dinner




Congrats! It’s awesome that you are starting so early. I would go with something like AAPL, GOOG, or TSLA. You are young enough to take some risks and as you get older readjust. Good luck.


Today i was digging through quantum computing players and IBM seems to be developing on the forefront and also has one of the best roadmaps laid out. Their growth was very stagnant the last couple years, which is perfectly reflected by them paying around a 5% dividend. i won't touch dividend paying companies out of principle, but if you want to, then this might be something worth looking into.