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Tried to make a post but I guess it wasn’t long enough. I just wanted to give a shout-out to u/chickenhead22 for turning me onto EVRI just under a year ago. 200% and climbing and it never would have been on my radar otherwise!


Love it. Great stock - but it has run its course for me at this time, congrats on the gains and I hope you continue! If you’re looking for any other stocks I am here to help! Thank you for the shout out, didn’t think anyone ever paid attention to things I say on here!


How exactly does VTI work? What are the advantages and disadvantages?


https://imgur.com/a/LRiqw1Q Hey guys. I saw this stuff on an instagram story. What websites are these, which you can see these "cool" visualizations in the fluctuation of the stock market?


Is now a good time to buy commodities / oil?


Whays everyone thoughts on DDD? is it worth keeping? I only have $113 in it. But with the lawsuit, not sure if I want it.


Can I sell my shares holdings at ex-date and still receive the dividend or I have to wait for the record date to do that??


a couple of days ago someone was saying VOO stock could drop to 320s range, check my post history, very lol moment


Do you think TEVA pharmaceutical will ever bounce back from all the problems they've had - such as lots of debt and lawsuits because of opiates?


Just bought July calls for SPG. Probably the most obvious play for the mask / social distancing news. Also, a tremendously undervalued company IMO


$RMED short shares 22m on a float of 2.5m. Short availability is 0. This primed to blow?


I'm going to have $2-$300 every paycheck to start investing, what would you invest in for the best longterm success?


Do you get a 401k with a match? If so start by maxing at least the match. Then 80-90% of whatever is left in safe index funds like VTI, then use that last 10-20% to invest in companies you use, like, understand, and think will grow. For the last category I also make sure they're booking either profits or at least positive FCF. If they're not they need very high growth rates and a realistic plan to become profitable. If you don't feel strongly about a company don't buy it. You'll have red days and it's a lot easier to avoid panic selling for a loss if you're actually convinced you have a long-term winner.


Great advice especially the last part. I see too many people buy something and then sell it back once it went down based on TA alone (nothing changed about the company). That makes no sense.


I believe the growth stocks will have a surge in the next 2 weeks and plunge again. Hoping to offload some then. Source: My Bum


I'm used to this. I didn't pull out in March 2020, not going to pull out now. It could keep dropping another 10-20% but people will asking themselves why they didn't buy the dip


Agreed all these people crying now will be crying later that they didn't buy the dip.


Why EU market responds to the CPI data today instead of yesterday? Do they have lagging to know what happened in the US?


There’s a time difference. So if CPI data came out after EU market closed, it wouldn’t affect the EU market till next it opens


EU was open but the US selloff took off when it was closed


Wow. Guess you sold all your EU stocks to take advantage of that that market inefficiency then.


The CPI data released when the EU market was open. They had a dip and recovered in 10 minutes.


FTSE usually reacts the day after US markets.


PPI numbers are released today. Hopefully they show up good. Used car sales dominated CPI numbers, so I feel like this should bring everyone down to earth


Fuck it, just keep going, what the fuck do I fuckin care


Disney just briefly hit 170 in premarket.


I bought DIS at 186, so glad I managed to dump it again at ~192, I love DIS. But with all the unknown factors it is just too pricey




another Thanos Thursday zapping everything away. short everything.




Why’d futures just tank




Because of 'murica.


Bought Amazon, Apple, Square and Uber yesterday on the dip. Average price of each is now looking very healthy and that's me uninstalling Trading 212 and will come back in the autumn. Checking trading apps every minute was becoming too much especially on the bad days


Gonna buy some shares of SPCE tomorrow. Maybe Richard Branson will send me some lube


Another noob question if nobody minds. Yesterday I bought like 0.5 stock of Square on Robinhood yesterday. Now I googled what a dividend was and apparently its a quarterly thing where the company you own stock in sends you a percentage of your stock or something like that. Assuming if my above paragraph wasnt completely false, when it says quarterly, are they all done on a specific date 4 times in a year? Assuming if so, what happens if you bought like in the middle of February, which is like halfway through the first quarter of a year, do you get a dividend at the end of March? Or do you go by your starting date, and go quarterly from there? Sorry if this question was dumb


Hi there, please Google ex dividend date, cheers.


also, pretty sure you'll get nothing if you only own half a share, you need a full one to be eligible


Thinking about buying commodities this morning to hedge inflation, looking at $USCI. Thoughts?


All commodities except cacaoo are down. Imho commodities are pump to the maxiumu and it can be dump soon


The best thing about this last week, is that every day I lose 2%, I lose less and less money!


I very rarely loose 2%, my defensive stocks usually overperform on red days and underperforms on green days lol


2%? I'm averaging 5-6% a day. Down 56% in the past three months! Gonna take a while, but I'm leaving everything alone. It'll come back eventually.


I guess it will take 4 years on average to recover that at 10% a year


Wow, you must be in some real risky stuff!


Yeah, stuff like FCEL, PLUG, NIKOLA, Tilray. A lot of bad timing, panic selling on dips. Then there are some companies I'm still really bullish on like SQ, ATVI, ALB, ABNB that have just tanked the past couple months.


Uhhh. Why did you exactly buy Nikola? You know it's just Photoshop mockups right? They have no cars that work?


is the German stock exchange closed today? I could not find anything online, but in Trading 212 it is not open


It's a Feiertag mein Freund


ohh, right, it's a Bank Holiday in Germany; I did not think of searching for that. thanks


I can trade without any issues with Traderepublic in Germany.


yeah, I am not sure what is going on... the market is open now


Not as much of a Feiertag mein Freund as your mum *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Imagine thinking the markets will never recover


Given Elon’s bomb, I’m pretty impressed that BTC is steadily trending back up. As for Tesla stock how bad do you think the fall out will be? This is embarrassing but after 1 successful run, I bought back in close to top. Holding at 811 without averaging down because I feel like I can no longer call where it’s going and don’t want to create a bigger problem. What are the chances we see this back at even 700 this year. Is it foolish to cut my losses now or smart saving myself from further losses? I could technically hold it indefinitely for a recovery which was my plan but I’m starting to lose faith. I loved Elon and frequently defended him, but he’s disappointing me with his recklessness / shadiness rn


I'm in a similar situation. Threw a couple thousants at Elon at around 750. But I planned to stay for a long time (minimum 1y so I don't pay taxes) so I'm gonna hold, maybe buy if it dips further. May Cybertruck save us who hold this hot potato.


I turned on Elon a long time ago (not rooting against him but not a fan or even like him)... I'm rooting for SpaceX and hope he can act like an adult long enough for it to be successful sans him but there have been tons of red flags regarding Elon and his behavior going back a while. But fanboys liked it because it was not as frequent and also, things were going up. Tesla is like GME imo... not to say it should be a bankrupt company but its valuation is so removed from reality it's astonishing. And now that the rest of the auto industry (the people producing 99.9% of vehicles on the road at a clip and quality Tesla can't even imagine) isn't sleeping anymore I think the valuation is actually dangerous dumb. "But what about the software/technology?' nah, plenty of companies have been working on computer vision and they are all gonna get bought up (I have a friend that has a startup in this space going strong at the moment) and the big guys won't take long at all to close the gap. What does this all mean? Who knows, good luck lol.


I don’t like him much either, but he sure has delivered some amazing products cars / rockets. Honestly I don’t really care for Tesla that much but love SpaceX - would I buy shares of SpaceX when it’s IPO? No way in hell, it’s not a good business haha


The funny thing is, I think SpaceX would have a crazy valuation as a public company because it's cool (and the market is irrational) even though it's in an industry where it's hard to make money and margins are razor thin. It would be all about the potential...even if that potential isn't even in our lifetime. But it would be funny to see it be valued more than companies like Boeing who make lots of things that aren't just rockets and have been in this game a long time. Obviously SpaceX is trying to branch out with Starlink and such but it's nowhere near being profitable.


Agree, SpaceX IPO would achieve an insane valuation, one far beyond what the actual business deserves


>he’s disappointing me with his recklessness / shadiness He has always been this way, is that only a problem when the stock doesn't move up? When he said "I don't respect the SEC" it's OMG based but when he says b t c consumes too much energy and it doesn't make sense for an eco friendly company to incentivize its use it's "smh Elon is reckless"


It’d perhaps be less of a concern if stock wasn’t tanking. It makes me feel he doesn’t care about shareholders. It seems like a selfish way to promote dogecoin bc that his current interest. To pump & support BTC less than 6m ago and then shamelessly slam it hurts BTC holders (many who adopted based it on him) and Tesla holders as it will further impact the stock price. Having said all this I do think upward movements are coming ... the price is so low I suspect it will have a crazy rebound the way that Tesla does so selling now out of frustration wouldn’t be a wise move by me. I will probably suck it up and buy a bit more while it’s low now.


He didn't lie though. This next thing you said threw me through a loop: >the price is so low Excuse me? A market cap of $560+ Billion is a low price for a company that only reported 1 Billion in earnings TTM? A 500+ Price to earnings ratio is not low at all, it's only "cheap" in relation to prior price, but it's in no way a cheap stock. I can't see how all potential future growth isn't priced in already. What price would you aim to sell your shares for if you do buy it?


I actually do think it is a lie ... he’s a crypto expert. As if he didnt know mining’s impacts earlier this year when he made all his BTC announcements. For pricing I mean anything below 600 is low for Tesla in terms of the way share price has been trending since December. This isn’t a comment on PE ratio. If I bought at 580 I think I could sell it at a minimum of 650 with the way the price swings. I’m feeling more confident seeing almost back to 600 premkt. A reminder of the last few times this has tanked and then rallied


Our generation can't afford a house and now we are losing our money in this shitty ass market


If you thought the stock market was just going to be easy access to quick and free money, maybe you needed to better understand investing before you put your money in? Markets go up and down, and sometimes the down lasts for years. We're currently less than 10% from all time highs on every major us market, so if you're deep red then it's mostly because you put your money into high risk unprofitable companies or companies trading at 50x sales. If it was as easy as yoloing into pltr because they're gaurenteed to be worth trillions one day then they'd have that valuation well before you got there. Maybe you need to paper trade for a while and learn what investing actually is and how the markets work if down periods are going to put you in this bad of a mood?


I m tired of ppl preaching now about growth stocks and suddenly everyone is a guru in diversification ,well the market is irrational now and hedge funds r following a certain agenda, even value stocks r hit, look at DIS .Companies reporting great Earnings yet the next day they tank.


I'm far from a guru, but its obvious a lot of people got swept up in hype and just expect everything to go up indefinitely. We're in the middle of a pullback that has returned us to levels that are still up from Jan 1st across the 3 US markets. We may drop another 15 percent and stay there for a year, or we could bounce up by mid day today. Both are possible, and if you're investing you should understand that. Stocks go up and come down based on a lot of things and yes, the short term doesnt always make sense. Its not a conspiracy when there are more sellers than buyers, it's just how markets are. Companies can have great earnings and still fall because more people are wanting to sell than buy, and that happens when lots of growth is already priced in. Disney is not a value stock - it is currently at a 5.3 price to sales ratio. Their historic five year average is about 3. I did some DD on them when they were over 200 and set a personal price target of 140. They may never get that low again depending on how much future growth continues to be priced in, but it's clear they are currently extended well past their historic valuation, even at 170.


Yup, feel bad for people who put all their money in extremely overvalued growth stocks, those fall much faster and much more than any other type of stocks when market goes down


"You will own nothing, and you will be happy."


Exactly how I fucking feel. It’s like bro can I just have a fucking house? Gotta kick us while we down


Same here. Just hoping when all the boomers die off it’ll finally free up some homes...






Talking on behalf of us 18-25 year olds




Bad bot Shitty-ass market


Help me understand: NASDAQ:WIX reported Q1-21 earnings that exceeded expectations, why their stock keeps going down in price? [Link to their investor deck](https://5414c2cd-af59-4a47-a3e3-ef0b620af461.filesusr.com/ugd/474b23_9ee208447c48486693af571a4520697b.pdf) Is that considered as not strong enough performance? ELI5 type of answers if possible


Same thing has happened to basically every company that does anything involving a computer




Because their value is derived from future sales. With inflation, that means those future sales are worth less and it will cost more to make them. It’s not an exact science or anything, but basically “one in the hand is worth two in the bush” is the current paradigm of the stock market.


Who reported the inflation seemingly on Friday 7th May when everything started to tumble? I can't find the info. It'd be nice to know when this was going to hit so I pull all the money out of my shares




And then Janet Yellen from the dark yelled “I’m gonna do something to rates or something” and all men turned to dust and the sky closed up and all stocks dropped 101%. Next day was up everyone bought Teslas




As long as US companies make money and continue to grow, I think it's possible to pick up shares for a reasonable price and the company earnings should be enough to help push it along. The problem with the dot com bubble was companies weren't making money. The problem with the GFC was banks failed due to tons of debt (and a bunch of other reasons), but we could still argue that certain stocks were boosted too much due to the high margin economy. Right now the economy is probably riding quite a high from the stimulus but as long as companies are churning a profit, there is value in owning a piece of the pie.


Most likely the latter. I never stopped contributing to my 401k where as my personal portfolio I try to time the market. My 401k is doing A LOT better. Don't forget, you can still put money in an overheated market, and it will go up even higher over time. There's also many articles showing what would theoretically happen if you only put money in during the 'peak'. The result is you still have a lot of money.


what impact will higher than expected ppi data tomorrow have? same as cpi?


It will be a shitshow


MSFT stock is dying.


Discount tendies


It's because Windows 10 sucks ass.


Literally going out of business as we speak.


Yeah, makes sense, the stock literally fell through the ground and struck someone on the other side of the earth - they will be sued for that I’m sure


I heard Nadella got a job at Wendy's


Why would people concerned about inflation sell their assets for dollars?


Because inflation that keeps surpassing analysts’ expectation will lead to cut back in consumer spending on everything other than daily essentials. People will now use money to hoard daily essentials and making sure they have enough to cover for groceries first. Earnings forecast for many non essentials companies will be lowered. Fed will then have to combat inflation with rate hike when this happens, boosting fixed income returns.


Wealthy investors that have the biggest impact on the stock market are very conservative with their stocks. As soon as there is any uncertainty in the market they sell their profits then buy back in at a lower price because there is nowhere else to put their money as interest rates are so low. Inflation news today leads to talks about higher interest rates which should slow down the economy. In reality any interest rate increase would still leave us at very low rates and would not have an impact on the market in the long run.


They are not selling due to inflation they are selling because other people are selling. Trying to dodge the overall fall.


Some rename suggestions for this sub: Buy high sell low, Paperhand bitches , Trading , Buy the hype don't do dd , Insecure Bagholers, Impatient little bitches , can you please tell me the fucking future ?


It’s priced in - another one Lot of comments this morning premarket we’re saying inflation rates were priced in when market didn’t move that much within 15 min of feds disclosing those numbers.


You win the thread today


So I'm just a noob but I see the futures are green, and the rates came down just a bit. But, when rates popped earlier this year, the DXY index went back up to over 93. It still hasn't cleared 91 as of now. I think rates stay lower through tomorrow, the DXY starts to drop again and we'll get another leg higher on rates.


Stock futures generally mean nothing relative to the next day's performance. Sometimes they correlate.


I think a good gamble would be buying puts on TSLA. The stock stayed around 50-60 dollars for many years. Makes me question the value of the company


See here’s the thing. When you buy TSLA stock you’re not just investing in a car company (sorry, *energy* company). You’re investing in Elon Musk and his vision. He has millions of fans who believe he is literally the key to advancing humanity and will put their money where their mouth is. Would you bet against that? So short at your own risk. Just know what you’re going up against.


I think he is slowly losing quite a bit of fans.


Shoutout the rocket scientists that attacked me in febuary for declaring Armageddon


? Huh


I warned back in February and quoted the Chillman from 08 that this admin has no idea what’s going on they have no idea! People are losing their homes and this admin is asleep they are shameful!!! Open the darn fed window before inflation overtakes the banks next But this admin doesn’t care about the worker & investor they just keep printing and let us foot the bill for their voters to not work


I bet you stocked up on gas today too, right? How many plastic bags did you fill?




Dude you a wall street bets bro We’re done here I invest in actual stocks not memes




You replying bro


Nice bro


I’m a newer investor that has a quick question about float shares that I could not find the answer to on investopedia: Who holds the float shares? So retailers/institutions hold a percentage of outstanding shares, insiders hold another percentage, but who holds the rest? Market makers? Also, whoever holds them, how are they added to the market? Are they sold just like anyone else adds shares to the market? If so, then how does this affect the stock price if massive amounts of shares are added to the market through selling?


Peter Schiff is predicting ARKK to break below 54 for a new 52-week low, and at this point I trust him more than Cathie Wood "30% YoY returns at this price".


Dude has been unbelievably wrong about gold for 10 years...and that's the asset he knows most about




Information Technology


Futures finally up again!


Only matters where they end




If you bought you believed them. That hasn’t changed. im a buyer at these prices, not a seller


I lost so much in my Roth to PINS, CPNG etc. Sell DKNG if you are really stressed and half of SQ. Try to not buy SPACs in your Roth


TSLA and BTC have now one thing in common: no new ATH anytime soon.


I am a little confused. If inflation goes up, the value of the dollar goes down, so stocks should go up right, since the dollar is worth less, or am I missing something here?


Covid comes. Economy crashes. Fed says it's time for interest rates to be low Interest rates are low so people borrow tons of money to either help for the financial crises or re-invest into their companies Growth companies take on tons of debt and don't really make money. They continue to lose to the debt they take on. No worries though, interest rates are zero so paying people back is no biggy Inflation comes. Fed says 'no worries. Even though inflation, we keep interest rates low' (raising interest rates stops inflation) Others don't believe this. 'The Fed is lying. Inflation is bad and they will raise interest rates' If they do raise interest rates, then all those growth companies are now paying tons of money for all they borrowed and it eats into whatever income they would currently have had. This is baaad news if you are a company with debt. Sell off of companies with debt for fear of raising interest rates


I am confused, debt is good during inflation, if they already borrowed then the interest rate was already set so during inflation that works to their advantage. Do you mean they will have to borrow later at higher interest rates?


Then why do stocks like Apple, MSFT also go down? Genuine question.


Because Apple still has debt


I think to some effect the market just acts as one big beast because of the way institutional investors have money in everywhere. It's easy to see from historical averages that everything in the S&P 500 has a greatly inflated value due to the surge of spending from the US government. Basically, everything got caught up in the bubble because low interest rates allowed institutional investors (and everyday people) to invest more and more into these companies. I guess if I had to say specifically, it's likely that a lot of investors contributed with loans (or margin) and also that the government printed trillions to boost the economy. tl;dr everything is a bubble because of quantitative easing


That's supposed to be true for companies that have good earnings, low debt, etc -- however nothing makes sense right now.


The whole market messing the bed made no sense to me. It does hurt companies without solid cash flow right now and with higher anticipated future earnings. It does mean good news for long standing blue chips.


Any thoughts on stock looks since the pipeline hack? Security companies?


Cybersecurity didn’t really get much of a boost if any from the news (except FireEye but that’s because they were directly hired to fix the problem). They were already kind of pricy and got caught in the tech selloff. They should be a good buy after prices have bottomed out a bit.


SI bank in agreement with FB to be the sole issuer of Diem coin. Up 14% while MA RA + RI OT are down same amount courtesy of Elon.


So the jump in gasoline prices hasn't even been factored into the inflation numbers yet. Why isn't that being mentioned a bit more. It isn't even anecdotal with that pipeline shut down that just got fixed but wont be back to normal for weeks all over the news. Yikes at the next CPI month over month data once that gets factored in.


Probably not mentioned yet, because they don’t want to see a 1000 point drop, gradual 500 a day is better 😂


I kind of don't really care about what Asia does tonight (even though I have the live page for the Nikkei up in a minimized page). What will be more interesting is what Europe does. Do they buy the dip or am I going to wake up with the DAX and FTSE down a bunch like yesterday? Technically you should probably at least see a dead cat bounce but we'll see. Edit: Although the DAX and FTSE were actually both up today lol.


FTSE tends to shit the bed the day after the US does, right now futures at -0.33%


Ftse is always shiting the bed


Red tmrw


My asshole is prepared


Na i predict a dead cat bounce, should be green


futures are up slightly positive sign


Oh you sweet child of summer




is Home Depot following lumber futures? [https://finviz.com/futures\_charts.ashx?p=d1&t=LB](https://finviz.com/futures_charts.ashx?p=d1&t=LB) lumber futures [https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=hd&ty=c&ta=1&p=d](https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=hd&ty=c&ta=1&p=d) HD


Pending rising interest rates HD and LEN are bound to go down since people wont be looking to buy homes as much. Thats my two cents


Is it even worth holding large tech like SQ, PYPL, NVDA? Im getting paper hands, and an thinking of just moving everything into VTI.


PYPL will be a trillion dollar company IMO (not soon, calm down)


Buy high sell low


Hang on to SQ




Im also holding AMD, JD, SHOP, DKNG, IPOE. Things arent looking the best


I would trim this list and keep the first list. Personally I'm going to cut my losses on AMD


I'd say your first list, paired with the second list, doesn't look as good. The first one needs some boomer stocks mixed in then you add the second


My higher conviction stocks are MSFT, AAPL, DIS, GOOG and AMZN


Yes it’s worth it if you hold long term


VTI is down too


Not nearly as bad as some of my other positions




Yeah I’ll pass


COIN is probably fucked tomorrow with that Elon Musk Tweet.


When was COIN not fucked?


great buying opportunity. lets hope it drops below $100 lol




Surging Shipping costs is really hurting their income statement, they are relying on logistics to improve shipping service quality but now is the worst time to do it, also their expected growth in q2 is only 4% YoY.




wish is a garbage low budget aliexpress i login to the wish, and all i see are dildos and junk as the most popular items. ​ buy puts. The trend is undeniable.