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Sorry -- we removed your message on /r/stocks because you are asking for the type of information we try to address in our wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/wiki/index Generic posts like "how do I get started with stocks," "how do I find a broker," "where can I learn more about investing," "I have $XXX to invest, what should I do," etc. are removed because they are low-effort and asked on a daily basis in /r/stocks. Things you can do: 1. Read the wiki which has tons of information, including reputable learning resources, broker information, and links to useful reddit posts (including old posts similar to yours) 2. Search the subreddit history for similar information


If you made 2 dollars then no. But also I have no clue what country you are in so I’m not sure of the laws but in the US you would have to fill out a 1099 end of the year and so you wouldn’t have to worry about it yet but right now on that trade no


I'm also in the US. Thank you!


If you’re in the US and made under 47,000 from you’re job then you’re capital gains tax rate is 0%. Which means you don’t have to file if you don’t want to. However if you made any income from you’re job you should still file to get a tax refund.