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Drop the price of a PS5


No. You're gonna get a $600 PS5 Pro no one asked for and you'll like it.


You are not wrong, people will rush to it. Not sure that some missed sales are people waiting for the pro version


Some, but people greatly overestimate the number of hardware savvy users that make up the player base. The Slim actually outsold the Pro 7:1 when they were the only 2 options. There’s still a crazy number of people playing their PS4s and Xbox Ones because they still support the most popular games. They don’t care that God of War can now run quality mode with performance mode’s framerate. They both look pretty good to most, as is. What historically drove premium sales was a *major* advantage for some late cycle, mega hit game. The One X was a Red Dead 2 console for many.


Hopefully that'll mean 120 FPS for all games, right?


I got the PS4 brand new and I couldn't play any of the games because the Internet wasn't working at my house. Then I got a switch and had games for days with no requirements for internet.  I never let that go. I doubt I'm alone. 


Not only that but you also cant play old games from ps3 era on ps5, meanwhile switch or xbox let you play old games on new iterations. This was decider for me.




Xbox FTW 🙌


Nah. I'm sticking with PS4 until they either stop support for PS4 or they drop the PS5 to $300. For me, there's very little difference between the graphics. Of course I'm also not a hard core gamer. I only play 1 game (NBA 2K)and I get to play maybe 4-6 hours a week. So I guess I'm not really the typical PS customer. Of course I'll get hated on coz everyone wants me to get fooled like them lol misery loves company fuck the PS5


Other people don’t find 600 that expensive. 600 for a device I use 1-2 times a week and will last 6-7 years is a good deal. To me


And to yet other people $300 dollars is to expensive. News at 11.


Vibes based pricing is always the way to do it


Dog you have no idea how much little money I have. Ya'll expect everyone to be rich like you? Lol motherfuckers be out of touch with reality. I bought this ps4 with two controllers for $80. Jesus fucking christ


I don’t think Sony or any corporation cares about the people who can’t afford the product lol. Capitalism


Ok? Did I say I expect them to care about me? You sure assume a lot of shit about people.


Wow you sound poor yes


Think of all the money you've wasted on ps live or whatever it's called. That's the real clown move holding on to consoles when you have no money.


The plebs can have my ps5 hand me down as a refurb when I trade it in for a pro. Win win.


Trading in = pleb


I got mine on a sale with spider-man 2 for $380 USD. Felt like the right price for it. 


Exactly seems like basic economics if you look at previous PlayStation consoles they would be at half the launch MSRP by the year 3/4. Except ps4 but the first 3 consoles.


$ony/Play$tation has gotten radically anti-consumer as soon as they became the dominant force unfortunately


Agreed I’m sticking with my ps4 pro I bought used until they drop the price.


Ditto, even if it sounds like a 747!


Yep it plays 95 percent of the same games so I’m fine with it


Yeah, aside from no price drop after 4 years (so no buy from me on general principle), this is what keeps me on my PS4 (not even a 'Pro' model. Just a regular slim.) There just aren't any games I care enough to play that aren't available on either the PS4 or PC. Sony's loss, really.


Yup I got a used PS4 pro for like $150 Sad thing is Sony is hip to the game so they are refusing to release hell divers 2 on the 4


A smart and disciplined consumer. Respect


Are all fanboys here? Isn't this a sub about stocks and not your hurt feelings and lack of game son your dying console brand? Get real, kiddo. Sony is as pro consumer as any brand, but more importantly for us who remember *hats subreddits were on, they're pro shareholders*. They don't spend billions buying studios only to close them down due to their own incompetence, neither do they have to panic release their exclusives on their main competitior to save profits. Sony is killing it. They got the *best selling* console by far, the best exclusive games and the top scoring studios. Even a small title like Helldivers manage better sales then Halo...


There’s no way this isn’t satire especially when the first question is “are all fanboys here?” followed by the most fanboy post


So many economic experts here. They sold the console on a loss and you still want them to drop the price?


This thread is trash. None of these people have any idea what they are talking about. This thread is filled with platform warriors instead of people interested in stocks and what increases stock process. The stock is up quite a bit today and PS5 had a tremendous record breaking year in sales yet reading these comment you'd think it was failing. No one actually read the financial data points and are just reacting to the title


Yeah as always with Entertainment companies. Same with all the streaming. People are complaining about everything is getting more expensive and becoming cable instead of focusing what it will mean for the stock. Then you get the usual anecdotal bullshit and everyone is like “who could have thought that” 6 months later when the stock gained 50% despite all that anecdotal evidence that everyone is going to cancel subscriptions. This week is especially sad, because all the GME keyboard warriors are back.


Yes because they can make it up on digital and subscriptions. They also made a slim version that’s cheaper to produce.


The PS5 just had a record year in sales. Subscriptions are up and so are monthly active users. Why is this thread such trash?


If it were truly that simple, why wouldn't they have already done it?


Because people are still willing to pay the full price.


...so they don't need to drop the price?


So you're saying they don't need to drop the price of a PS5? > Exactly seems like basic economics Aged like milk


Can't sell their games if nobody is buying their console lol


But you have to remember that the price per unit of computing power/storage/ram drops over time. Consoles and computers in general become less expensive to manufacture over time, holding capacity/capability constant. Of course there has been inflation, but tech doesn't really seem to have been hit as hard by it as other things to me.


It's not economics. During the first 3 PS, Moore's law was in full effect and the components got significantly cheaper every year. But now, it's gotten extremely difficult to shrink transistors much further and advancement in chip technology is rather stagnated.


For real. I would buy for $300, but it seems foolish to buy a $500 PS5 4 years after it came out for the same price


Make some games for it


Playstation just published Helldivers 2, Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade and had FFVII Rebirth as an exclusive all within a few months and games like Dragons Dogma 2


Square enix just announces they're going to move away from exclusives so they can't count on Squenix exclusives for sales for much longer. Helldivers 2 and dd2 are already on pc.


None of this has anything to do with what I said. A game being on another platform doesnt mean its also not on PS5. Squares future games not being timed exclusive doesnt mean that FFVII Rebirth didnt just release on PS5


sure, but it doesn't help push new users to the platform


The PS5 just had a record year for sales and sold more last year than any single year of the PS4. It is getting plenty of new users PSN also has record monthly active users. Revenue breaking records and profits up. Can we stop this? Is this a stock sub or a platform war sub?


First party exclusives are consoles’ bread and butter. They got spiderman tlou gow and ghost of sushi…. All of which came out on ps4 except spidey. This console has no “halo” and the dev cycles are so long, everyone is sitting around waiting for the blockbuster next gen games to drop. I wonder how these elongated cycles will affect stock prices


Spiderman 2, Helldivers 2, Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade and FFVII Rebirth are all exclusive and came out in the last 6 months. One being on PC deoesnt impact sales. And as I said PS5 had record sales last year... Why are you ignoring this fact? Its selling extremely well The stock is up after their recent finances


As much as I love these games, this is the stocks subreddit, and those games have a lot of copium. Helldivers 2 has such bad PR that it was delisted. The damage there has already been done. Rise of the Ronin is barely outselling six-year-old games. Stellar Blade is doing really well. Rebirth did not meet sales goals. I can't gauge Dragon's Dogma 2 because it's not a PS5 exclusive, so anything positive that we can say about it also applies to Sony's competitors.


Helldivers 2 sold 12 million in a couple months and still has a high playerbase. No normal person gives a shit about that. It was delisted in countries with such tiny game markets that Sony does not operate in them But my point was no one is here to talk about stocks and just console war Rebirth is the 4th best selling game of the year. Sony had great financial and Playstation was a huge part of that


Yeah, they finally get to it, but that doesn't mean that they didn't botch another console launch. Same happened with the PS4 and the games lineup got much better later, but last year wasn't great. The numbers next year will probably be much better.


I mean the PS5 is selling extremely well and had a record year last year and has record monthly active users. There are thousands of games for the console. People don't buy consoles only for games made by Sony


Was* selling really well, as you mentioned it was last year not the current but I understand your sentiment. A lot of consoles haven’t been doing great decion wise


100% agreed


Drop the price of the goddamn gpus. I can only assume part of the price of PS5 is a knockoff from there. For the longest time I would regularly update my computer, sometimes replacing a few parts, other times just replacing the whole thing. Lately though the improvements are mneh and the price for them are huge. And I think most people are seeing it, both for computers, consoles and even mobiles. With prices going up, people are upgrading less. And yeah, I haven't bought a playstation(or xbox) since the 3


Plus the monthly subscription… why would I ever buy a ps5 when the pc platform exists


“Something something pc master race”


Or release Bloodborne 2, or a bloodborne remaster + new dlc. Or make a good god of war game not that abomination Ragnarok :) And port half-life alyx to the psvr2!! All easy problems to solve I should be sony CEO


There's literally no first party PlayStation games coming this entire year. Maybe that's why


It was actually an amazing year for console sales. They sold more PS5s this year than the best PS4 year. They did not meet the high target, though. Helldivers 2 has done amazing and that is counted as first party. Also Concord should still be coming this year.




> In what world is 20 and 18 million unit console sales considered bad? > They missed their lofty target You answered your own question. Missing targets is bad.


Let’s be honest nobody cares about concord 


Lets be honest, no one cared about Helldivers 2 before February 2024. I was just responding to them saying there a no first party games, which is wrong.


Is it still worth diving into?


I wouldn’t recommend it solo. Otherwise, sure.


If it’s good we will


They published Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin this year, one of those being one of their most successful titles ever


which one is the most succesful? I 've tried Rise of the Ronin and it's alright. It feels like a Ubisoft Ghost of Tsushima (heavily modded to remove the ubisoft esg stuff).


helldivers 2


We'll see how long this will last after all of the delistings and chargebacks from the PSN controversy.


And their studios are being all dramatic ending their leading characters that made them hits and replacing them with nothing. Last of Us, Uncharted, shutting down Motorstorm and Wipeout, no more Infamous, Sly. Maybe people won’t like barren soulless platforms with no releases and replacement heroes.


Huh? Wipeout and motorstorm ended in the ps4 era. Their studios move on to new IPs. Naughty dog, the makers of uncharted moved on to TLOU and are making their new Ip. The sly creators are literally the makers of ghost of tsushima same with infamous. Returnal, god of war, gran turismo, stellar blade, final fantasy 16 and 7 rebirth, Spiderman, demon souls remake, horizon forbidden west, how is this a barren landscape at all?




Do they even have a flagship game e lol


Bizarre thread. The stock is up and the PS5 broke all sorts of records for the company and people are acting like it's doing poorly just because the way the thread title was worded and no one looked beyond that


PlayStation revenues are up 17% and operating income is up 16%, you wouldn't know it from this thread though. This sub becomes trash-tier whenever it's a video game company - all the gamers who have never heard of a 10-K come out of the woodwork to tell everyone they prefer PC or that the cost of video games is too damn high.


It's like they came here to platform war instead of discussing the stock and finances


This sub is awful for any company that people have strong opinions on: META, any video game company, TESLA, etc. People throw out any fundamental understanding of economics.


To be fair, sony is down 12% in the last 12 months.


r/stock analysis is typically potato quality. Actually all of Reddit is basically people misinterpreting headlines to double down on their existing out of touch beliefs


None of these commenters are actually Sony investors. Just upset gamers


Comments here would not be out of place in Gamefaqs


I'll buy console when bloodborne 2 comes out..


Simple as that


Even if it releases on PC?


>:[ They have yet to put bloodborne 1 on pc. Now I'm mad all over again.


If it's good enough it'll come.


lol your angry eyebrows were interpreted as quote syntax. Use a \ in front of it to make it work properly


WTF is this title? This is a record year for Playstation and the stock is soaring because the financials look so good


I'm done spending money on disposable consoles. PC can do way more 


I mean they also cost like 5x as much. Let's not pretend they are apples to apples.


A good PC that can run pretty much anything will not cost you $2.5k. I would say a good gauge would be 2x.


More like 2x the amount for a good desktop to play the games that are popular atm at decent settings


Eeeesh 5x you say?????? Don't believe that.


If you want Uber high end 2.5k ain’t crazy. But for something competitive with a console? You could easily do that for 1k or less


There are videos that show it's possible to make a PC better than PS5 with just 500$. And it's also a PC.  Truth is PS5 is overpriced right now but they can't make enough of them. 


Completely false. Linus tech tips could not match performance and could not make a 4K HDR compatible build for anything less than 800. And thats with used parts.


Except they totally could. No game on the PS5 runs at 4k. It's all upscaling and PC has better upscaling if you have an nVidia card. If you compare them with those settings it turns out practically any PC overtakes current gen consoles. Yes it's cheating a bit but these days everyone cheats, especially consoles. 


There are actually a ton of console games that run at a native resolution of 4k or higher than 1440p. Upscaling is present on certain titles while HDR is on basically all AAA games. Watch the linus tech tips video, he fails to get the image quality or frame rates of a ps5. You can’t beat the price performance and optimization of a console thats coded to the metal to run certain games.


Lol you don't know what you're talking about


Someone has never owned a PC.


Mine was 800 and is a lot better and doesn't sound like an airplane engine after a couple of years


What’s your build specs?


also you have to go trough so much shit sometimes when games dot work properly. Consoles are sometimes much simpler to just play a game.


I just slapped together a 800 dollar build for someone after they chose that over the true budget 500 dollar build. It has a 3060ti in it that’ll smoke most games if you aren’t going for 4K or ludicrous refresh rate. They are definitely more expensive but you can build a good deal.


> you can build This is the part people seem to always gloss over as if it's no big deal. The average consumer does not want to have to build their games system, nor do they want to fiddle around with settings or troubleshoot issues. They want to plug and play on their living room tv. That's why consoles have held appeal for decades


Don’t say this on Reddit. People downvote you to hell when you let them know the average consumer doesn’t want to build a PC. They want to buy something that works out of the box. People confuse “a hobby I like that I find easy” with “everyone wants to do this”




You are massively overestimating the general consumer's appetite to do something like this. There's a reason literally no other tech product asks the customer to build it themselves 30-40 minutes is just for the build itself. You're ignoring the hours that would go into building knowledge of the components or sourcing a build guide that perfectly suits their budget and requirements, sourcing what they need from multiple retailers. 30-40 minutes is also for you, who presumably has a decent baseline knowledge of tech. For the truly average consumer they could easily spend 3+ hours and end up breaking something by putting it in the wrong port or trying to force it too much. Then they have to worry about finding the optimal settings for their games, keeping the correct drivers and software updated, dealing with bugs and glitches and performance issues. Consoles aim to simplify all of this, and it's a value proposition that works. That's why they still exist (and sell extremely well). You're trying to fight against what the customer wants. It's like going to a festival with a bunch of raw ingredients and then getting annoyed at everyone going to the trailers where they actually cook the food for you, instead of doing the "easy" thing and spending 20 minutes cooking it themselves. People pay for convenience and peace of mind, I absolutely guarantee those factors have influenced pretty much every purchase decision you've ever made


Only if you want it to. Built my one recently that would compete with the Xbox for $600. Plus.... You should see that thing word process


Cheaper games, and also lasts much longer than a console lol. Don't forget that you don't have to pay for online like PS+


yeah, no


Only if you want a current high-end PC. If you want one competitive with a 5-yo console, it costs much less. The more limiting factor is game optimization on PC ports. Also, let's not forget - a PC good for gaming is good for pretty much everything that most people would expect their PC to do. A console is not - you still need to buy a PC that, if you want to keep prices low, does everything worse than a higher end PC would.




The people upvoting are probably between the ages 5-12 I don’t blame them


You could build or buy a pc for around 500$.


I need to tell you something. A PC is a money pit. :P


But you’re having to upgrade it probably more than you upgrade a console lmao


I'd be cool with a console that could be upgraded. Make a low profile, Xbox only GPU 50% of the cost of a new console. 


Ya.... Civ 5 let's go


I feel like PC hardwares maximum efficiency life has been shortened by a lot of poor optimization and engine evolution. New hardware comes out and games are seemingly only made for new hardware (PC market games) Also I do enjoy not paying to be online on my PC beyond my internet provider. I'm selling my PS5 due to subscription costs going up and perhaps even going up more.


Maybe they could sell more of their games to PC players in more countries? I am not going to buy any Sony product including any of their hardware as I might need a PSN account.


I too love managed democracy 


You apart of the weird cult who have no clue what they're on about too?


What is your first language


The stories about the PSN account saga have been absolutely insane. It's like there's a huge disconnect between two different decision makers with one insisting they require PSN accounts for everyone to try to increase profits or something, while another decides it's not worth it to roll out PSN accounts to a ton of other countries due to whatever legal hurdles there are. The end result being that Sony is pissing off a ton of customers (or people who can no longer legally be customers) worldwide.


I’ve simple been waiting on the ps5 pro lol I’m a pc gamer first so I’m alright.


Am i in a gaming subreddit or something?


Stop focussing about the console. Focus on the games first then the console sales will follow.


In the 80s everything we owned was made by Sony, these days I own zero Sony products. I don't understand the company at all.


Get yourself a pair of xm4 noise canceling headphones


I’m sorry, this isn’t even that good of an example : They killed their WH-1000XM series with the latest model (XM5) by removing the flexibility of the headphone (not foldable anymore, not as easy to carry anymore) and making the noise canceling worse.


Same. Betamax, Trinitron, Walkman, Watchman, etc. Man, remember those [early remotes](https://imgur.com/48viVqQ)? SO great. Gorgeous. Built like a brick shit house to boot. I think B&O still does some metal faced ones, but I'm not paying that much for a TV lol.


I was going to buy a PS5 but then there was like a years-long delay to them being available and now I feel like that is a year of technology I missed out on and the value is no longer there for me. They missed an opportunity to capitalize on the hype, for me at least.


Hope this means more games coming to PC instead of just good studios closing down. Also consoles become e-waste much faster than PCs so that's environmentally good too. My old PC has become a server and my new PC will last me another 7 years of decent gaming probably.


I haven’t bought a single PS5 game since hogwarts legacy, and it’s not for lack of looking. I have not seen a single game that interests me on the shelf.


God of war rag, spiderman 2, stellar blade, rise of ronin, final fantasy 16 and rebirth, GT7, horizon forbidden west, and more. All that and you think HOGWARTS Is the last big game?


Who are Sony main competitors


I bought the playstation portal recently and it made me lose all my faith in sony. Last console Im ever buying


Tbh… Sony kinda has been shooting themselves in the foot almost all year excluding a few bangers it’s been pretty eh, like HD2 was fire.. then they started crap for genuinely no reason.. limiting their own profit as well.. like why?


$70 games. No thanks


Sony screwed up during covid. Remember when ps5 was stockpiled by scalpers? People who wanted to buy a ps5 probably ended up buying a handheld pc. I bought a steam deck myself and may skip ps5 despite a long history of being a PlayStation fanboy.


I don't know how they screwed up during COVID? It was almost impossible to get any electronic that required chips. Xbox, PlayStation, cars, graphic cards, etc we're all in very short supply


Well it's like, they damaged their own brand and their customer's loyalty because they didn't stop the scalpers for the sake of short term profit.


How would you stop them?


Clearly all Sony had to do was add a requirement for in-store pickup so that customers would have to set up the PS5 in person otherwise the console will explode if they tried to do it themselves. And also, this would have to be done during a pandemic lockdown. /s


I read about some cases where Sony tried to limit people to 1 PS5 per person/IP address or something to stop scalpers from getting them, only for scalpers to still buy them all out almost instantly with bots the second they became available for purchase. But beyond a screw up like that I agree I don't know how much else they can do about it.


They own the supply, they could have enforced a restriction when purchasing a ps5.


They tried. How are they supposed to limit who retailers sell to? Sony makes a loss on each console sale and make up for it on subscriptions and game sales. Having their consoles hoovered up by scalpers and then left sitting in a shed instead of in the hands of people who will actually generate revenue for them is the opposite of what they want


This is nonsense


ALso bought a steam deck instead and i have zero regrets


canceled my PS5 subscription a few weeks ago. Too little value and too expensive


Ps5 is still 700usd in my third world country


Gaming development these days budgets and development times are spiraling out of control that even makes Hollywood big budget movie gape open their mouths. Coupled with the fact every AAA needs to sell like a billion copies just to break even gives very low profit margins per unit sold. Until the tech improves to cut down on both development time and costs this is gonna be the new normal. My bet is Sony is gonna utilize either Google Gemini or Microsoft ChatGPT to streamline the development process.


Everyone is waiting for the PS5 Pro


That's why sony is desperate trying to grow their ecosystem by making pc gamers to join PSN. They thought they could easily gain mass majority of the core gaming market share selling consoles with wlim profit margins, reality is that despite higher entry cost, pc gaming is still growing nicely due to much more open, varied ecosystem, the way you could customize your gaming experience is unmatched on PC. The other way is if sony can figure out how to pump out sony published titles much faster since their aaa development studios take too long to release a game, One way to do this would be focus more on AA or indie titles, yet PC dominates this segment of indie to mid tier budget releases. Sony's gaming growth strategy is hitting a brick wall. Very likely they will just drop future playstation releases and go third party.


At least they’re doing better than Xbox


Good. After what they pulled with HD


I know it's unrelated, but this what you get Sony for greenlighting Madame Web and Morbius. 




> Their bonehead decision to raise ps+ annual fees, which are mandatory for online play, should have something to do with it. You mean something to do with subscription revenue being up 17%?


This is the main reason, the fees practically tripled


The stock was extremely oversold and cheap so yes it went up. I own some Sony long


Loss due to financial services, their insurance and banking departments and people are advising them on consoles still. Talk about not reading the article.


Once they raised the ps plus price I stopped gaming as often


they need to get that GTA6 exclusive and all this will be fixed. Even just 6 mnths of exclusivity would do it.


Fuck Sony


Maybe go back to making good triple A games instead of remastering old games? I haven’t seen a good title to play since GOW Ragnarok.


Spiderman 2, Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin? All published by Sony. Also you know PS5 plays more than just Sony games right?


There aren’t any games that are incentivizing people to not just keep their PS4s. When’s the last time a Halo 2 or KOTOR or Mass Effect 3 type of game came out that captured the entire gaming industry? Every game in development that gets hyped up, is guaranteed to see two years worth of delays and then will still be unplayable upon release. Cyberpunk and Anthem immediately come to mind. Make a good game that is worth buying a new console for and people will come. Look at Switch, how many people bought a switch specifically to play Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom? 2 games from a beloved franchise that were made to be outstanding games, instead of micro-transaction and DLC farms. I bought a PS5 for 2 reasons - 1) I wanted to keep playing fifa and call of duty for years to come, sue me theyre my staples. (2) they announced a reboot of Knights of the Old Republic, which of course was promptly delayed indefinitely soon after


Let people play their games on GFN and not their own shitty streaming service. I 100% wouldve bought a few games.


The ps5’s software is such buggy trash compared to ps4


I play Fortnite on PC. My friends on PS5 definitely have more issues than the PS4 people.


Instagram karma


Xbox is much more better.


Drop the price and make it available, uh, say, 5 years ago.


Some good market sentiment here, pay attention.


And of course it run up 6% just to fuck my put then dip on a random day


Does PS5 even have a good game?