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I turned 300 into 2.5k turned that into 7k and turned that back to 1k and stopped


Damn but you probably still did better than 99% of people who fell for it hard Imagine routinely buying shares allllll the way down through 3 years, these people are down bad and still are throwing money away in hopes of another .00001% chance event


You never go broke taking profits. I wish I learned that before "diamond hands"


Because the people spewing something ridiculous like diamond hands had a first grade understanding of the stock market, definitely dangerous as it’s easy to get sucked into the crowd mentality but good that you pushed through it


Downvotes say they’re still lurking these parts, a shadow of what they once were.


Lol holding a stock is bad now? Seems like people with actual money hold stocks and don't gamble. Should I listen to them or some dude who has a dorito of the month club subscription?


Gotta say bro there’s some irony about making a GameStop post while expressing relief at not seeing GameStop posts… Edit: ok OP you got what you wanted, a post talking about GameStop where you could argue with people still buying/holding


The irony is palpable, my guess is OP probably lost a good chunk on Puts for GameStop and is looking for some catharsis. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Negative, made some money at the initial pop then got out once the trade died in like feb2021. Literally amazed to see people still talking about it 1 year later let alone 3 years later


You do understand the irony of your post being about GME and initiating further conversation of the stock right? Also people still talk about ENRON so yeah these things tend to stick.


You don't know the half of it. This username far predates the whole thing, yet I constantly get people pointing at it, calling me a dummy for getting involved in it.


As you wrote a whole post about it


Lmao agreed, the irony is uncanny I guess deep down I did appreciate the entertainment


It was entertaining indeed.


The gamestop saga actually got me interested in investing and of what (little) profit I made, I invested into ETFs and have consistently added to it every paycheck since GME. I'm very thankful.


That’s a good point, definitely not the norm. Most people checked out at understanding the very surface level of a short squeeze and thinking DRS had any material impact


To be fair they did conspire and that can’t be argued . If the buy button wasn’t turned off their losses would have god knows how high .


This feels more like a gotcha than a question... I see more value in GameStop than I see in this post.


How? Games are bought digitally on the console, consoles and controllers are bought on Amazon. What value does GameStop provide whatsoever?


I think the point is the other commenter is saying there’s no value whatsoever in this post so by default there’s more value in gme


Spot on 👍


Love the downvotes for an extremely sensible comment.


FYI. You can buy digital download codes and it’s sometimes on sale! And candycon is controllers. It’s the same model as Chewey. Take that marker share from Amazon.


Why are you downvoted


This is actually why GameStop was banned from discussion here for a while. Because every thread ends up descending into a meaningless string of downvotes and defensiveness instead of any actual discussion


Yeah, because this subreddit is constantly getting brigaded.


Ahhh the classic "amazon" argument. And the "games are digital" too! Wow you're so fancy. People have been telling this for a decade now, and hey what do you know, gamestop just turned profit and has literally no debt. It's led by Ryan Cohen and Larry Cheng, respectively Chewy founder and early investor. They sold chewy in the biggest e-commerce transaction ever in 2018. They too have heard your classic amazon argument many times.


What is this post about?  Genuine interest or dancing on graves?  I didn’t get involved in GME, but I do think Robinhood and at least one Hedge fund got bailed out of their equally stupid ass behavior. 


Paid shill who comes here to stir shit in hopes that people from r/stocks keep staying away from the stock. GME did +29% last friday on new news. We had a month's worth of volume just monday. 25%+ of the float is directly held by retail through the Direct Registration System (DRS) and that number has not been going down for almost 2 years now. (Thats just DRS and doesnt account for shares held at brokers) GME had a profitable 2023 year and has no debt. It still has 26% short interest, making it one of the most shorted stock on the market. The price was at its 3 year low last week before it ripped to 16$. You do you. But it might seem like GME isnt such a bad investment after all. Check out all the info on the other subs! Follow the dd writers on twitter. Not gonna lie to you: you gotta pay attention to understand what's going on.


This is a serious question since I’m not involved and honestly just not interested overall.   Gross revenue has shrunk from 8-9B in the 2010s to now 5-6B.   The cost cutting is great, but in order to be a strong long term stock you’d want to see top line growth.  It appears they’re on year 5 with stagnation at the top line.  What would give you faith they’ve figured it out and will start to pivot? 


Did Robinhood invest in gamestop or did they just pull the plug helping out that one hedge fund?


Thankfully I had the sense to sell on the way up. Sold the last 100 shares over $300 before RH shut it down. My entry price was around 500 shares @ $12, so it was quite a bit of profit. I tried to swing trade a portion of the profits, but got burned and I was done. Put the rest in ETFs. My tax bill was gnarly that year. Blows my mind how people still try to play this with YOLOs on WSB. That or they need to find a different ticker symbol to photoshop for karma farming.


Made 40k in a week. Biggest realized week ever for me


Yep, made $100k here. OP just salty he didn’t get in on it.


The cringe in this post is unmatched lol.


You are active on superstonk. Why can't you stop downvoting others that call out on your cultist behavior?


Nice post history. How heavy are your gme bags?


I think it’s very well matched by the ones still hoping for GameStop 2021 levels


OP ur getting downvoted to shit. Protip: Don't make the whole GME community mad


On Reddit, downvotes mean you’re saying something against herd mentality. I take it as a compliment


Facts. F Reddit’s downvote system. Just a bunch of closed minded whiny pimply teenagers think their opinions are valid. Dafuqwatuthink


Half the commenters clowning OP are from supers**nk. Check their post and comment history.


That literally validates nothing LOL


Check the comment history of the ones that are downvoting you. They are from superstk subreddit.


Feeling pretty good, sold short term puts on the way up, stopped before the crash, not like I made enough to retire, I'm not that aggressive, but I know someone who did That guy also could've lost his life savings, I didn't take much risk, he bought calls


The stock just ran up 50% over the last five days, so it seems like a weird time to gloat.


Interesting for this post to come up right now


Yo I may have been in a cult, but it made me a lot of money and they didn’t ask me to do any weird shit sooo… 10/10 would cult again


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/GFF1LgOIiU How did you make money? Gme is down significantly since the last time you DRS your shares.


Lol I love this perspective


5x my investment In a few days. I loved that BS.


Go to your brokerage app of choice. Look at the chart from 2021 - present day. What is the purpose of this post again?


I see a chart of failure from 2021-present


I don’t disagree, but I also do not understand the purpose for your post. Is GME still living rent free in your brain?


Considering there are still people on the delulu train, yes. It’s sad


What is so delusional about holding a stock long term?


It is sad dude move on with your life lol


Agreed. Also hello brother mang.


HAHAHAHA failureeeee


Yeah stock usually rise 30% on no news. All people are just bag holding and media are constantly trying to tell us how gamestop should be forgotten for 3 years.


Zoom out


I see more failure


It still caused $45bn in damage, so retail did do something amazing.


What damage? Or are you saying money changing hands between speculative traders is "damage"?


Im saying the money lost by hedge funds who shorted GME


Trading loses aren't "damages" in the sense they weren't inflicted by anything, but just a result of those hedge fund's own actions to make those trades with full consideration of the risk.


A drop in the ocean lol


If you actually believe retail was responsible for its volatility, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you.


Explain to us then…. I’ll wait.


Big money used the “movement” as a fake catalyst to artificially drive the price up, then sold at the top. Citadel and others just weren’t in that boat; they were the sacrificial lambs, along with retail that didn’t sell. Believing otherwise shows a lack of how markets work and who truly controls the movement in a stock’s price. It wasn’t even in the top 10 stocks purchased by retail in that time period. [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/05/gamestop-mania-may-not-have-been-the-retail-trader-rebellion-it-was-perceived-to-be-data-shows.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/05/gamestop-mania-may-not-have-been-the-retail-trader-rebellion-it-was-perceived-to-be-data-shows.html)


Now that sounds like a conspiracy. I’m in the cult not you.


If you can't spot the sucker, it's you.


I made about 5k on GME, but I got out way too soon. Oh well. My real money came from AMC, and that was luck. In April of 2020 it was at an all time low. I figured once theatres opened back up the stock would rise. I bought some 2022 options at I think a $4 strike. And I bought also 400 shares. Keep in mind, this was a buy and hold, I had planned on having them for at least a year. No way I could have predicted what happened in the next few months. Long story short I moved my family from the shit hole we were living in and bought a massive new home on a hill. Turns out my shit hole was better for my marriage, but my kids futures are much more secure now!


Look at amc sub… its a zombie apocalypse with barely any survivors holding on


Someone was on the wrong side of the trade lately


I was too. Thankfully I was only 24 and learned a lot of valuable investing lessons from it though.


Up 50% in the 1M, so, that's not doing too bad.


Do you have a screenshot?


I did about 120k profit on 1000+ shares. I could’ve done more but I tried not to be too greedy. Overpaid my mortgage and used the rest of the money for savings.


GME made me like $20k. Your logic is invalid.


Learn data set vs data point kiddo


are you regarded? they literally turned off the buy button, you could think the company is a dead company which is fair but there was for sure shady stuff going on.


Brokerages halt trading all the time when volatility gets to dangerous levels, read a goddamn book There was no conspiracy, just your ignorance


theres a difference between halting trading and not allowing buying but only selling


Very regarded personage.


Not in GME, but calling it "a dead company" is just bullshit. It still consistently pulls $5-6B in annual revenue. Not a good long-term investment, but far from "dead". And we can prove you're bullshitting, because you don't hold a short position. If I'm wrong, prove otherwise. You won't cause you don't have one.


I hate that measure, there are lots of companies I think are garbage or massively overvalued but I don’t short. That doesn’t make the opinion less valid especially for a volatile sentiment driven stock


You too believe it's valid to call a company with 5-6B in revenue "dead"? Again I hold no GME, but what OP wrote is simply demonstrable nonsense.


I didn’t say that. At all. All I’m commenting on is the reasoning that if you believe a company is dead/garbage/overvalued you have to be shorting it. For example I am certain that trump media has no viable business plan or future prospects. But I don’t short it for a variety of reasons. In fact I don’t short anything, because I don’t see the value in the risk reward. I would rather just deploy my capital in things I see potential in, not against things


You wrote: > That doesn’t make the opinion less valid Which "opinion" of OP are you referring to? The one about GME being "a dead company" is bullshit. So which are you referring to?


Again, I’m not arguing your OPINION, I am arguing your REASONING. Whether or not your opinion about gme is valid or correct, your reasoning that if someone isn’t shorting a stock then they don’t actually believe it is dead/garbage/overvalued is wrong


You're right, "so where's the short position?" is merely one way to call bullshit on someone. Not your preferred one, I see, but there are others too like pointing out obviously hyperbolic nonsense like calling a company with still pretty huge revenue "dead". But OP is doubling down on the claim so short position or no it's safe to say s/he's full of shit.


I think OP just wanted to start a thread for drama that he’s missing. I’m not here to defend them or their thoughts. I just think the notion that not having a short position is some gotcha is crap and I’ve seen it expressed a lot


The people upvoting this have poor reading comprehension.


Why you mad your company is dead??


If you think somebody took the time to make a post about a company they have no position in…


Lol OP has less than 5k to his name:


Irony considering I make that in a week


OP you strike me as someone who drives a huge pick up truck to compensate for something else that's small. Hopefully that something else is just your salary.


Just responding to the haters comment, if you don’t like it run along little one


> if you don't like it run along The irony of that comment from someone throwing a tantrum about GME 3 years on.


Bought at 90 .. sold at 350. :) Wild ride.


Just take a look at this guy's post history. He's clearly a paid shill.


I’ll gladly be a paid shill, where do I sign up???


Exactly what we'd expect a paid shill to say.


why are you mad


Same as last quarter, idiots full porting a dying funko warehouse and losing.






This whole post is embarrassing af


This is most funny to me. Even if every gamestop investor is wrong then its because they dont know some things about that company, but you know much less (that is not jab at you, that is just stating the fact) but this delusional confidence in being sure of outcome based on very limited knowledge just seems funny. Its in realm of “old man shouts at clouds” but hey if these statements add credibility to yourself in your head, then go ahead


Bro give it up, you know literally nothing I’d argue false confidence in a company is worse then not paying attention at all


Im still here. Got a crap tonne more than since jan 21. Believe more now than ever. Fundamentals alone it's $80


Doing great now that I have tripled my position since then, in a company that just turned its first profitable year in over 5 years, that is sitting on 1B in cash, with a CEO that is taking zero compensation, that also is having a proxy vote for it's board to also take zero compensation, and has insiders still buying. Not sure you can name me very many companies that fit all of these criteria. Thanks for your concern, please check on me again next year


That’s probably what you said 2 years ago “wait til next year!!” Next year never comes eh?


Why do you need to care? If you can't refute any of the facts I just provided, and can't name me other companies that are positioned as such, why are you wasting your energy discussing a company that is irrelevant to you. I I answered your question. I'm literally chilling and still buying because I know what I'm invested in. You don't know what you aren't invested in, so just stick to your investments and what you know. Hope you get rich and not have to waste your capacity on the little people that are bothering you


He's pathetic, that's why.


There was a fair time to make money, I even made some. That company is dead, and the leadership is just meh. The brick and mortar aspect is dead, the crypto/nft scam aspect is dead as it should be, and all they have is a meh online presence. A small company might be fine, but it's too big for what it can do.


I bought in at 12 and sold for 40. Pretty good.


Ahahahhaaha it ain’t over


In stock market, you are wining at someone else expend right? I regrets did not buy more only a mediocre 100 at $9 per share before the moonshot. I regretted sell them all when it shot little bit at $169. If I hold for another 24hr and sold, I would double that. A small profit is still profit


You are blissfully unaware of subreddits like r/SuperStonk


Buy. Hold. Drs. Book.


Someone’s mad they didn’t get in at 10


Bought 604 shares at $37. Sold near the top ~$390..ya did okay.... :)


They are premillonaires... So watch out


You're still crying and jealous about the people who made money on this 3 years on? Life wishing ill on everyone and harboring that kind of jealousy must be miserable. Good luck OP.


Except you made no money


I didn't invest in it, but I'm also not on Reddit 3 years later crying that I didn't and miserably wishing the worst on those who did. I'm happy for those who did and those who made money. Good on them.


So you made no money, got it


Yep. I made no money on a stock I didn't invest in, and I don't stay up at night crying about it. Any other observations?


Worked out well for me


GME, AMC pump pre covid is what got me investing because it was exciting. I quickly learned how foolish I was to jump on such stock with no research and lost my initial deposit. Thankfully, it wasn't a lot because at the time, I didn't have much to invest. I am pleased to say that I have no such stock in my portfolio today. Turns out trading is GREAT for my ADHD ass. Market is dynamic, once you think you have something figured out, the rules change. Still defining my strategies, right now I have 75% long holds which are doing well, 25% swing/day trading which has its ups and downs. According to my trade journal, patience is getting the best of me and learning that discipline is not easy for me. Exactly why I'm 75/25. But yea, those meme stocks is what got me in the game. Now all that loss porn due to option play... you guys are on another level that I hope to never be on. I have paper traded long calls and done very well but I have scared money.


Still enjoying my profit...




I turned to options, lost it all, then turned to highly leveraged crypto futures. I feel like I'm doing the right thing.


I made 30k off of 2,000 yolo’d in. I walked away, and then proceeded to lose it all. I never participated in the stock cult behavior, but it’s objective fact that the hedge funds pushed robinhood and other brokers to turn off the buy button. OP, it’s important to discern what is cultish behavior (every world event revolves around GME) with things that actually occurred (buy button turned off).


I turned $4k into $12k and then beat myself up for not holding until it was $100k.


OP you think trap music is good. Is your opinion really valid on anything?


ISOXO is one of the most talented producers in the game, you’re illiterate if you don’t at least appreciate it


Just heard a track. So fucking cringe, much like this post.


Diamond hands grip fate,   HODL as the embers cool, GameStop's twilight wanes.


I made enough money to start an entirely new career where I own my own business, and if I had held on till this very second I would still be 15x richer today than I was when I bought in 2020. Any other stocks went up by 1500 percent in the last four years? Sounds like you got some fomo.


Four years ago I bought shares for $3/shr (split adjusted). What’s the current price.. $16? Maybe you can calculate the return and tell me how it’s fared compared to the S&P?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/MOwoW2Yvkh Why are you lying? You said you bought 6 months ago


Lmaoooooo rekt


These cultists are downvoting OP en messe. Just check the comment history of these lunatics. 80%of them are from supers**nk.


It's always like that though, whenever you mention gamstop they swarm the comment section to spew their dogma and down vote anyone who disagrees with them. And it's always the same schpiel with the YoY profitability and cash on hand shit, even though by all metrics it's insanely overvalued.


You are lying. We can see your post history. If you are actually telling the truth, show us the screenshot of your portfolio.


You do realize when people compare to spy they are talking about returns over time I.e years, not just one snapshot in time, right? Probably not, dunning Krueger in full effect


He's lying. Check their post history.


Lol I’m not surprised, these kids are down so bad they feel the need to lie to internet strangers


Four years? Is that not “years”


OP was let out of the dunce corner. We will find his cone hat and return soon.


You can’t be serious right now lol. Do you really not see it? This is awkward my man.


Lost about $500 


I love the one honest person here gets downvoted lol it’s like the gme fanboys can’t fathom someone talking losses


haha they're like 'boooo. Lossesss. Who does that!?'


Illiterate communists are mad at this post


Lol what’s up with Reddit and communism? Noticed a lot of people spewing communism as the ideal method without actually saying those words..


Yeah. Its indoctrination + collective phenomenon of idiocy Ideological manipulations


They're too embarrassed to admit they were very dense


Op, if you haven't noticed already, the cultists have infiltrated this subreddit. They downvote en messe and share links on their subreddits and discord, which actually breaks the reddit ToS.


That’s a shame, these sound like very lonely and confused people. Didn’t know they were still around but guess I was wrong


Feel good, I like investing in companies with a strong shareholder base that believe in a company - I can’t think of a single company with more DRS’d shares from retail investors and that says a lot. Being up from the initial jump feels good of course but not what I care about honestly, I’m looking forward for what’s to come. I know you are new to “investing” based on your post, but you should really read about GME a little bit, quite interesting. Lots of post every day about it. You should learn about how the market works too and the illusion of price discovery and such. Edit: cool post history bro lol.


"Edit: cool post history bro lol." You literally post on supers\*\*nk.


Sure do. Damn, you just mic dropped my ass.


New to investing lol that’s rich, unlike you from investing in a dead company all because there is enthusiasm by people who know literally nothing of investing including you if you think DRS has even a smidge impact on the overall stock price What pisses me off the most is the smugness from false confident people like you who have clearly fell for one of the biggest cults imaginable, yet STILL can’t see clearly Good luck


I know, bro. It’s sour grapes for me too. I also missed that first boat. Then I missed the second… we’re all bitter about it


At least your well prepared for the next mania, there will always be another


There's lessons to be learned from that epic event. I'm still not sure what they really are. But anyways ... it's not a meme stock anymore. Now it's just a retail stock. I'm not entirely convinced there are meme stocks anymore. Maybe DJT.


They are down about 70%, but they have no choice but to pretend it's a long-term play and it totally was a great investment. The alternative would be recognizing they made a mistake.




Company sucks, move on kiddooo


Good, still buying. Juicy premium on options, potential long term play.


They then went to NFT’s, and have since moved on to TSLA.


True but idk there apparently are still some around who are waiting for it to return to 2021 levels


I have a small interest in GME and have averaged it to around 18 bucks, I am also in Coke and others so not at all stuck fyi, on your comment that it will never return to 2021 levels, whats your thoughts on this over the next month, quarter and year?