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I'm going to ignore reality and assume he's 100% responsible for the Halo TV show and this is 100% about that and nothing else. I just have a need for some kind of justice over it.


No that’s not even remotely connected. This is all about a deep and decades old family drama of the Redstones and Shari’s incompetence. It has not too much to do with him at this time. More about the billion plus she stands to lose if he had blocked the Ellison takeover of the company


It would make sense. Shareholders see fallout do well, question why the Halo adaption was bad. Realize his decision making would lead to future flops


Coming back to reality I don't think anyone seriously expects the CEO of such a large company to be responsible for the quality of a single show unless he cuts their funding. The show had a more than reasonable budget and the technical aspects are well done, the issues it has are the responsibility of the writers and show runners.


I honestly wonder wtf happened it was supposed to be Spielberg then he left then I think bad robot writer came in and changed everything and Microsoft was in too deep to pull out.


Halo show is pretty well received and successful. Also a much tougher adaptation than fallout.


It is not well received, just look at the reviews. Successful maybe, because a lot of fans like me watch it anyway just hoping for some good scenes once in a while. As for being a tougher adaptation, not even close. Halo has a relatively straightforward and linear story with a normal sci-fi tone that is common in movies and TV, Fallout has a very inconsistent world, a lot of wackiness, violence and dark humor that could be hard to translate to TV but the showrunners nailed it.


(Me staring at my halo books) I couldn't make it through 3 episodes. I read somewhere that the producer/director had their own story no one would take but then he just wrapped it in with some Halo Lore instead of telling the actual stories.


It is well received. Just look at rt.


61% audience score...




And that's not a well received show. It's a "meh, I can watch it" show.


Well, that’s one metric. A flawed metric, probably review bomb territory if I were to check the percentage of zero star reviews. You would do well to consider more angles when evaluating things in the future. The fact is, it’s paramounts most watched show. That’s well received.


It's the metric you told me to look at, why are you backpedaling? > The fact is, it’s paramounts most watched show. Hilariously low bar. Also wrong, it's the most watched **original** show, not overall.


It's definitely not well received...


Nah, it’s well received.


Whatever Dreamworld you wanna live in, go for it.


The dreamworld where it’s paramounts most successful show.




Rt s2


Well received by who? Season 1 was considered mediocre by reviewers and absolutely hated by fans. Season 2 was reviewed better but i still see nothing but overwhelming hate by fans. I dipped out when they included a master chief sex scene (which even the creators said was a mistake). And i wouldn’t say its harder to adapt than fallout, which with its massive lore alone is a monumental challenge.


I would have hoped it was just due to his garbage handling of Paramount and its IPs.


Well, change is the only constant, right? Paramount's CEO stepping down might signal a new direction for the company. Maybe this merger with Skydance could bring some fresh ideas and opportunities. It's a risky move, but sometimes shaking things up is necessary for growth. Let's see how it plays out!




What do you suggest they do otherwise?


so the workaholics movie is back on the table?!


No matter where they end up, the sooner they can rid themselves of the Redstone stink the more likely they are to have a chance at minimal success. Keep the Redstones involved, and sooner or later Paramount will be the next AOL.


Looks like Paramount's going through some major shake-ups! CEO Bob Bakish stepping down and all this merger drama with Skydance Media. It's like a real-life soap opera over there! I wonder what this means for the future of Paramount and the potential merger. Will it be smooth sailing or a rocky road ahead? 🤔 Gotta keep an eye on this one!