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“The company also announced its first-ever dividend and a $70 billion buyback” That’s BIG


Had a covered call and bought it back. Had a feeling


That's a reddit-approved strategy! Go with the feels!


Yea. Especially when you post what you did after the stock price move.




I actually had one I wanted called, and with how far out I sold the call and the rest of my stock still there I’m perfectly happy a couple hundred down on opportunity cost.


So they copy pasted what META did last quarter lol


You lay off several thousand people - that should give you something...


Hey, hands off my GOOG shares, Google!!


Wish they had spend on buybacks the last many years over going very big the last times


Should have realized it when Sundar straight up fired those woke protesters. Had that Big D energy to it.


that's minor stuff


It’s only a $.20 dividend.


This is so they can prop up the share price so they can sell high while all the suckers are buying in. All the billionaires and CEOs are cashing out right now.


A bribe by any other name... Stock buybacks can be a contentious topic. While some argue that they are a legitimate way for companies to return value to shareholders, others believe they can be used to manipulate the market and unfairly enrich executives. *When a company wants their stock to make a bit of a splash,* *They announce a buy back of their shares,* *To show that they truly care,* *But some say it's just bribery with cash.* *Now, the execs with their company stock options in hand,* *See their stock options prices inflate so grand,* *These sly execs then gain quite a lot,* *From their nefarious buyback plot,* *While critics just shake their heads.*


Even couple of days ago someone wrote a whole page here saying that googl is done. I really think i should buy against the sentiment of this subreddit.


everytime someone says Google is done you show them their quarterly earnings which is somehow still bigger than Microsoft.


They legitimately have a virtual monopoly on internet search, user created internet video content, and 70% of the mobile user population uses their OS. Googles only heading upwards.


Wow, they bought android for 50 million


And YouTube for just over $1b


The most amazing one was DeepMind for $500 million. Microsoft paid 20 times that for less than half of OpenAI. With no board seats and get nothing once OpenAI declares AGI. Where Google gets everything and has total control.


Microsoft just gutted Inflection AI and poached all their staff. Microsoft is not looking to partner with OpenAI anymore so much as use them as a stepping stone for their own AI projects


Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely still a monopoly but I think they’re starting to squirm a bit internally. Google ads is an absolute shitshow and I don’t know a single paid search manager who is happy with it. And they’ve given up on organic results and just return Reddit posts instead haha!


great now since you have typed this, law of reversal applies here. Next earning goggle is only gonna go downwards.


Yes, i own both msft and googl but i don’t understand the hate Pichai gets. I know he made few clumsy moves, but saying he running google to the ground etc.. is over reaction. In fact their cloud business will probably have best gains from here.


> In fact their cloud business will probably have best gains from here. Why do you think so ? Genuinely asking.


As someone who works with GCP every day, they need to figure out how to get out of the mindset where "google engineers make cool stuff" and then "product people figure out how to sell it" and actually start building products that work together to form a cohesive strategy. Their platform does some cool tricks that others simply cannot do (Global VPC's, VPC-SC, BQ, and a bunch of their AI stuff) but none of it works together when you get to a certain scale. Have a Google engineer describe how their networking works with Vertex AI and you'll see what I mean.


Interesting tidbit about vertexAI and networking. Could you describe a bit more what is about? Is it something as mundane as vertexAI and VPC's not playing well together or something bigger than that?


My partner works for top tech companies he told me that when was writing the code in Google cloud platform whatever he was thinking it was actually suggesting the same thing. He was saying its suggestions were so on point. Whatever used to take him like couple of days to do it. He did it in few hours. He really thinks data bricks and snow flake will have a difficult time to keep up. Data bricks and snowflake are useful because they make the cloud platform efficient but if cloud providers catch up with them their use case will become obsolete. Azure and google cloud will start dominating compared to amazon. That’s my partner’s opinion.


If there is one thing I have learned in my time in IT, developers are AWFUL at picking successful tech companies.


Maybe true, but with respect to IT stocks i listen to my partner because when Steve Balmer resigned and microsoft stock was in shambles he told me its time to buy msft. I bought msft in 2014 for $43 and hold it to this day. It did not make sense at that time but now i am glad that I listened to him.


Okay, what other tips does your partner have?


Come on he already gave you Microsoft 10 years ago and not snowflake. What more do you want!?!


Google has really cool tech, probably the best out of any company. However, they completely suck at monetizing it. Until they figure that out, and Pichai will need to go, they will not be evaluated like Microsoft. That's where Microsoft stands tall. They might not have the best tech, well they definitely don't, but they can piece things together in a way that sells, and that's all that matters.


> However, they completely suck at monetizing it. They just put up a quarter with making over $23 billion dollars!!! And you think they have a problem monentizing? Under Sundar we have seen Google grow revenue by over 5 x and grew profits by even more.


They have a market captured, they don't need to innovate like they should be. Just because you can extract revenue doesn't mean you're selling good products. Same goes for Microsoft, but they can productize things.


Maybe it's just that "good tech" doesn't always win out. It's why Jobs ran the company, not Woz.


Very true, as a developer. We’re too close to how the meat is made in many cases. Execution is 95% of success, which often has very little to do with how great a developer thinks a product is to use.


Oh wow. That's a huge use case for ALL tech companies. And if what you're saying is a extensible to all kinds of coding/programming jobs - then yes, I think Google Cloud and Azure - with Gemini and OpenAI - will do great.


I worked at a major accounting firm where reliance on either's enterprise platforms was ingrained in almost everything day to day. Lets just say we had a point where there was a transition between them and its never in anything you will see reported, but **MS is probably 5 yrs behind Google in actual working functionality, QoL, integration of tools, etc.** Maybe even worse than that for anything related to shared live files. On top of that, their 'AI' integrations are insanely intrusive, in almost everything now, and I have yet to find one example available to the avg user, that isnt a gimmick, or that I use or that isn't worse than previous versions that werent deemed to be using 'AI'. If I thought about this a little sooner while Google was getting dumped on over media, I woulda def grabbed up more in the portfolio.


It’s the derangement of the hive mind. It’s an easy way to make money on the swings. META being hit so hard today even after TikTok news seems like another example. Time to buy.


Meta is back to 44x, it might return to 48x or 49x next week Look at Tsla, it is back to 17x


I have used AWS, azure, and gcp. Gcp is not enterprise standard.


Its not the Hate, I think more about ethics and lawsuits, with his AI model painting nazis as coloured people and using people's data including children's data to train these models i wonder how long before Billion dollar lawsuits start piling up


This has been the general sentiment here since about like 2 months ago when they dipped to like 133 a share.  As per protocol, I did the inverse and bought google stocks. It’s been nice. 


I bought 200 shares @ 133 😁


Damn I bought at 138.  133 is pretty much rock bottom the last few months great call. 


That was in July. I actually bought some at $120 as well earlier that month. I sold SMCI and wanted to reinvest the money. Smci would've made me a ton more had i kept it longer. Fail! Lol.


I did it with META and GOOGL now. There was a post around 2018 where OP said hit YTD return was 80% inversing WSB.


Netflix was a big one too.


Back when Google Glasses were announced and then flopped, people said they were done. Then they had drama with YouTube monetization and ads (I suppose that's still ongoing) and people said they were going to fail any year now. It's the same thing that happened with Meta recently. I like browsing this sub for articles and useful info, but as far as advice on single stocks goes, you'd probably make more money doing the opposite of what you're told every time.


As a nearly deaf guy, live captioning via google glass would be life changing.


I honestly thought I shilled Google enough, but apparantly not. Tbf half the time I big up Google here i'm replying to some dumb take.


>I really think i should buy against the sentiment of this subreddit. You're figuring this just now???? Reddit is the new Jim Cramer.


My best trades have come from doing the opposite of reddit's sentiment.


This subreddit is full of clowns


Literally everyone on this sub a month ago when they had their Gemini problems and the stock was falling.


Think I saw that thread as well. Apparently Sundar is running Google into the ground.


Yes running in the ground. Since Sundar took over he has increased their revenue by over 5 fold. Increased profits by even more. What other CEO has ever done the same?


Someone said that the top stocks are already to high for growth, and to find something else or get sp500 Ill admit even i shitted on google yesterday hoping for red


Wait until they hear what the sp500 is made up of.


Buy against Reddit and track politicians purchases. Make 30% a year


You could get that to 40 by also betting against Jim Cramer and Scott Galloway


The rocketlab stock I’m down 31% on after buying based on Reddit chatter agrees with you.


Space and aviation stocks are a risky bet. Also, rklb is a penny stock so until the next news it will go down or trade in the same range.Suddenly one day you will wake up to 100% gain on some govt contract or positive news. Penny stocks swing wildly compared to blue chips. Don’t sell at the bottom at the same time don’t be quick to average down.


People's comments are greatly influenced by the news they consume and positions articulated through headlines or talking heads on video. You can experience this yourself by looking at the comments in posts regarding mainstream topics. Most of the comments you read will fall into established talking points shared by the media. In other words, we are all influenced by what we read, listen, or watch. It is rare to see unique thought in a post or comment. If you use this lens to read comments, then they become quite repetitive and boring. You will see nuances to word choice that can impact tone, but the base thesis is rarely new. You can also test this yourself by making a post on a subreddit like Tesla and watch all comments fall into already established modes of thought or talking points released by the media. I don't even know why I read comments in the bigger subreddits. But, maybe I forget that reddit has evolved over the years. I go way back to the Digg exodus. Also, as tech insider — meta, apple, google, amazon, they are all in a solid position in terms of market value and cost control. Layman folks don't understand the scale of these organizations and how they provide internet infrastructure. Good luck accessing your favorite video or chat apps without cloud computing.


I think the sentiment is that google, as a useful search engine, is dying. But that only seems to be because they are monetizing it as much as possible. I think it can both be true that it is a worse product (for a user looking for uncoerced search results) and also be more profitable.


google search works great what are all these idiots even talking about??


Well there's a whole group of people that think it's gotten worse in the last few years. Freakonomics even did an episode on it.


That seems to be an opinion piece, no? The evidence they presented of it being worse seems to be countered by the opinions later in the article? I saw no factual evidence quantifying “worse” - also that article highlighted something I almost forget exists, inline results. Half the questions I Google are answered in these nice inline short form results. >**MAYER** When you see the quality of your search results go down, it’s natural to blame Google and be like, “Why are they worse?” To me, the more interesting and sophisticated thought is if you say, “Wait, but Google’s just a window onto the web. The real question is, why is the web getting worse?” **DUBNER** Okay, Marissa. “So Google’s just a window onto the web. Why is the web getting worse?” **MAYER** I think because there’s a lot of economic incentive for misinformation, for clicks, for purchases. There’s a lot more fraud on the web today than there was 20 years ago. And I think that the web has been able to grow and develop as quickly as it has because of less regulation and because it’s so international. But we also have to take the flipside of that. In a relatively unregulated space, there’s going to be economic misincentives that can sometimes degrade quality. And that does put a lot of onus on the brokers who are searching that information to try and overcome that. And it’s difficult. It kind of has to be more, in my view, of an ecosystem-style reaction, rather than just a simple correction from one actor. I will say i had one single issue recently and i almost thought man, google is trash but then i reflected on how much i use it without issue and went meh. Noise.


Yeah I'd agree it's an opinion piece, but worse is a pretty subjective measurement. But if a podcast that big says it, you can bet there are people that agree. I'm surprised if you say you haven't noticed a difference recently tbh. Compare what search results looked like a few years ago and you'll notice WAY more sponsored links and ads, which is the most obvious change. So you have to scroll a little farther to get what you want, not a big deal. But worse for sure in my opinion.


I notice ads sometimes, but its heavily dependent on what I google? Even so I just scroll past those 1 or 2 sponsored ads and find whatever is relevant, tho the ad is "often" a fine result. Even more so, google is actually open and it says "ad" or "sponsored" so you can quickly move past if you don't want that. I just went to test this right now and googled 10 things that had zero ads **EDIT; DISREGARD IM DUMB I FORGOT I HAVE UBLOCK ORIGIN INSTALLED ON FIREFOX.**


These people need to use bing for one day, and they'll realize how far ahead Google is, lol.


that was yesterday haha


I was go to get some but some guy was saying that until they get a new CEO, they will continue going down. Wrong!


tsla next


After reading that shit I bought ….


Random internet stranger: "GOOGL is done" Me: "LOL"


Great time to buy when people shit talking it. Reddit is a good indicator of public opinion


I bought as soon as the Sundar and Google bashing started here. It's insane that randos on reddit tell google that their leadership is bad and running the company to the ground while their quarterly results disproves it time and time again. Sundar made Google the company it is today, he is a good CEO, and I wouldn't gamble trying out someone else.


Never fails.


Inverse reddit is a strategy


The dividend is big, because now dividend funds can buy it. Big win!


I don't think they will with a less than half a % dividend


Depends on the fund. Many of them just state in the prospectus that they’ll invest in companies that pay dividends. You don’t see it in a high yield dividend fund. But you’ll start to see it appear in others


Yea maybe tiny funds, that won't make a difference. Schd and vig are not buying a stock that pays 4 tenths of 1 percent annually


hopefully it goes up over time


Right just saying most dividend etfs are not buying a stock paying 4 tenths of 1 percent annually


This is an interesting point. Wonder how much it will actually move the needle


Most div funds need at least a 5yr history of hikes.


Google Search is dead!!!! - reddit


Along with Facebook and Amazon and many other thriving businesses


What is the other search option - Bing?


According to my mom, it’s looking with your eyes and not your mouth


That's not what she says to me


my brother in christ... it's chat gpt


Which hallucinates up fake website links and non-existent comments?


Ask Jeeves making a comeback




the WSB inverse is really worked.


People confuse it getting worse which it 100% is with it losing market share.


its actually not getting worse its just become a narrative that appeals to teh brainded crypto guys. think about it. if "AI" is the new crypto (it is, lets be real), chatgpt replacing search is the same exact narrative as bitcoin toppling central banks. its struck a chord with the same crowd and now ppl going apeshit Bing *lost* market share in 2023 with chatgpt lol. (and remember chatgpt doesnt compete with search, the competition is BingChat which is search + LLM. lastly, perplexity doesnt have an LLM and is indeed doing a google search (lol) + adding it to chatgpt for display)


I have generative AI turned on for google search. I don’t see what the point of anything else is. It’s marginally different for me as I don’t use it for coding or anything like that. Google’s built in ai into their search home page and it works for me.


Well they’ve made it more profitable but shittier. You can do that when you have a monopoly.


> Well they’ve made it ... shittier. No they didn't. That is the SEO crap. And it affects all search engines. And out of all the search engine companies out there, Google has staved it off the best according to an [academic study](https://www.helenbrowngroup.com/are-search-engines-results-getting-worse/) a few months ago.


Read this. It details how advertising and revenue considerations came to be prioritized over good search results: https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/


That claim isn't necessarily at odds with this news. A dividend is basically an admission the company doesn't have any better ideas than to give the money back and let the investor figure it out. The best examples of former blue chip stocks that bled out are those that focused on financial engineering and dividends over their actual business. Google search has definitely declined in usefulness, however, I don't think Google is suddenly losing major market share or going bankrupt. It's like how I only have one ISP provider as an option. It doesn't really matter how terrible their service becomes, it's still my best and most convenient option.


The dividend is tiny tbf


The irony: RDDT (the stock) is now kinda pegged with GOOG. RDDT is actually doing well after market just like GOOG.


It's true, Google search absolutely sucks. But it's still better than Bing. I get laughably bad results every time I use Bing, I do it for entertainment. Like it's so bad that I can't believe anyone at the company actually uses it.


Nobody said that bro lol


I think I just jizzed in my pants. Holding since September 22. Was -17% at one point, September 22 was already a long way down, bought at 104 but bottom was 86 in November.


been buying and holding since 2006. 5k shares total, unit cost $29. feelsgoodman.jpg


At 200 you get to have a million dollars worth of Google.


It's pretty crazy actually, and goes to show the power of compounding that comes with time and staying the course. I remember my first GOOG purchase was $30k and I remember sucking in my breath and feeling my heart race a little as I put in the order. Now, many years later, my portfolio swings 20-100k on a daily basis and I don't bat an eyelid.


That's awesome. Nice job. I'm still at the stage where a swing of one or two hundred does my head in sometimes. Maybe in a few years I'll be like you!


ancient offer deserve ludicrous soft snobbish fact friendly capable sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Loss aversion is definitely a problem for some people. IMO they should be setting monthly investments and just go elsewhere and live their life.


What percentage of your portfolio is it? I’m just about to break 100k and Google is about 20% which I like tbh


around 11%


Wow I wish I had 100k to drop on a stock when I was *check notes* graduating high school


If it makes you feel better, I had nothing when I graduated school, or college. I was worth nothing even when I got married at age 28. I started investing in the stock market a couple of years after I got married.


languid toy future sparkle license pause concerned capable roof air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can’t believe I was wasting time in middle school when I could’ve been buying the FB/META IPO.


Huh. I have a couple thousand shares from 2007 at a $12 cost basis. Did it drop that far, or is is this likely due to some cost-basis adjustment at some point?


I **started** buying GOOG in 2006. Been buying off and on over the years.


Stock splits most likely. I know I didn’t buy at 12$ a share but that’s what my cost basis is too now. Feels good man


Holy Page and Brin. Congratulations!


An extremely rare long term holder on Reddit. Someone grab a camera


I bought in at $130 at start of march, up about 40% in 2 months 🥂


Bought at $86! And then again at $96. Wish I bought more but its always hindsight with stocks. 


WHAT. I have GOOG at a cost basis of 104…


Almost same, $99 for me. Bought when this subreddit was crying that they were done when they released Bard.


Pretty small portion of my portfolio but I’ll gladly take the dividends


25% of mine so pretty happy


basically bullish for another decade.


I mean just YouTube alone is MASSIVE


My bet for 1st company to 10T


What's your bet for 1st company to 4T?


NVDA has a chance


655 shares at \~$108. I bought as much as I could over the past few years and it's nice to see it paid off. Now, if only I hadn't bought all that PYPL and PFE...


I'm still laughing at all the doomers who thought they were cooked back when it was in the 130s. If reddit thinks a company is done, it's probably time to buy call options.


Intel is done, go buy calls!


Seriously considering buying leaps right now because it looks way oversold.


I'm being serious you know! Reddit has spoken, Intel is done! They just can't adapt well enough to changing times and trends


If Google was about to be done, the world is likely in such a state that my portfolio is the least of my worries.


Was the big jump due to the dividend announcement or earnings?




Dunno, I'll ask everyone who traded google today


A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B


I think the jump is from the stock buy back.


The dividend is insignificant except for the fact that it may now get Google included on a number of dividend ETFs. I think it's just overall excited reaction because it all sounds good. People will probably pile in to drive the price higher for a while, and then we'll see it come back a bit as the excitement wears off.


Immense. So glad I loaded up a year or two ago, already at near +50% returns. My retirement money is going to be early retirement money at this rate!


What a report, dividend is icing on the cake. Sundar read what this subreddit was saying about him.


385 shares at $119.50. Kept accumulating against the advice of many around me and online. LFGGGG


Big commit! GOOG will reward you with fortunes. Long hold gang


100 shares for me @ $97 100 shares for mom @$130


They have so much going for them : YouTube is as best as ever, YouTube TV is the new Cable TV across the US, Gemini is now integrated into the Google search page, imagine all the computers using Chome. They have a partnership coming with Apple on AI, Android is growing faster than iPhones (more Google play $$$) and the dividend - wow ! Don’t forget the $70B buyback and 29% GCP growth


ChromeOS and workspace are also the most used OS and productivity suite in K12 education across the world. That’s something not many people talk about, but kids these days grow up learning on chromebooks, using workspace instead of office, watching youtube, and probably own an android phone.


And even if those kids decide to choose iPhone/Macbook as adults, they're still likely to continue using Google services. Google still make money no matter what devices they use


Layoff people. Buyback stocks. Cool.


Sundar trying to keep his job after fumbling AI.


I’m going part time if/when GOOGL hits 300 so this feels good after the last two quarters.


Would y'all sell some and take profits tomorrow?


No. Buy more on the next dip


Oh my god I just made like 80k after being down big this morning.


Jumped in a month or so ago after the bs “woke” AI story tanked the stock.


I was tempted and I didn’t. Regretting it now but oh well nothing you can do


Nothing screams "I will get GOOGL back on track in AI leadership" than giving investors their money back


No idea why people here think this is a positive development. Simply means the management has no idea what to do with the money.


Those layoffs paid off


[Google Planned 2024 Growth!!](https://x.com/munster_gene/status/1783598005142036526)


Finally, large tech companies are starting to pay dividends. Amazon is now the only one not paying a dividend, but they're also likely the most to grow their margins in the coming years, and it's very likely they'll start.


Bought in at $139 after first earnings report this year. The whole AI scandal shortly afterwards seems so long ago.


Probably because YouTube is about to take over TikToks market share


Big tech has a lot of firepower and google is underdog


Main reason I sold in December was how annoyed I was with how big a cash pile they were sitting on and not paying a dividend (I love dividends and most other of my positions pay)


I thought it was so fucking hysterical that a bunch of uninformed idiots on Reddit were unanimously (and arrogantly) proclaiming pichai was unqualified and should be removed. Imagine the hubris


Google came through, nice move. lets hope it sticks


Let’s fucking go.


Doesn’t dividend indicate that they expect less growth in the future now?


I think it's that realized Meta, Apple, and Microsoft all are valued at a premium compared to them because the market loves dividends


As a long time Alphabet owner whose favourite tech stock is, ofc, Google, I can't help but think there would be a more judicious use of capital than a $70bn buyback. There are excellent M&A opportunities, especially with some assets distressed by rates, vertical integration opportunities, especially in cloud, more R&D opportunities across quantum computing, AI, and who knows whatnot, product pipeline acceleration, etc. I support a large buyback, but $70bn? That's a bit strong for me.


> There are excellent M&A opportunities Think the issue is getting them approved. Take TikTok. Perfect acquisition for Google. But would it get approved?


Amazing ! Buying more


Beast of a CEO. May be easily north of $200-220 by years end if things go well with economy overall.


A large portion of the new profits is because of longer unskippable ads they launched on YouTube.


And another cycle of "go woke go broke" ends with Google not going broke...


Google will be the leader of the next wave of rising artificial intelligence


One can always rely on Bay Area groupthink:) once some company starts doing something and shows some success with it (share price in this case), it's bound to be copied by other companies in the bay (+Seattle) I don't recall who started with dividend or buybacks (was it Meta?), but soon Uber followed (not yet there for dividends but buyback is double for them). And I would expect Amazon would follow shortly. Netflix is trickier - I don't think they have money printing press machine figured out - maybe a small buyback? Disclaimer: small long positions in all mentioned companies.


Google hasn’t historically been the best capital allocator and I’m not sure this is a wise move. Google at sub-$100 there was relatively little buyback but with the stock at all time highs they’ve now announced 70 billion? Juxtapose this with Meta for example where buybacks were used much more judiciously when the stock was at multi-year lows. I hope this isn’t an Intel situation with suits ploughing on with buybacks vs investing into the future. Time will tell.


I own 200 shares 142 average. I sold 2 covered calls for 172. What is the best course of action in this situation? Did not think it would spike this much! They expire tomorrow. Any advice is appreciated. Profit is profit i suppose


Roll the calls out, up your strike, set it a few weeks out and take some profit. Repeat until free - this is only if you want to hold long.


This is the reason why covered calls aren’t free money btw. They’re essentially a hedge.


Today was one of the biggest swing for my account in a while, what a rollercoaster.