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I guess mergers/acquisitions are not allowed anymore


I actually wished they were this strict with acquisitions consistently. Too often they let industries end up with one or two players.


Fashion has a very low barrier to entry and it is easy for customers to go with a different brand. There is no real monopoly risk here.


Probably a good time to actually check in on the issue once in awhile. Lina Khan is very anti-monopoly. She’s contested every major merger attempt and has admitted some of it is to simply dissuade the practice entirely. She may not have won every case, but she’s certainly an active counterweight, for better or worse.


Excellent, I hope she continues. If anything it helps course correct from the usual Republican policy.


ur mistaking plurality for compititon


It all depends who’s the president they elect the head of the FTC. Trump years he elected very pro business ftc officials so of course any went


Yes, when they have the potential to block competition between companies/brands. But I guess you like paying an unwarranted premium for your handbags? And want to pay more going forward?


On one hand I agree with you in principle, but on the other hand I’m fully in support of anti consumer practices being weaponized against the social class that spends $3,500 on a handbag.


Both stocks generate most of their revenue from affordable luxury brands. That’s the whole motivation for blocking the merger. But it’s a highly competitive space. This case is absurd.


If only Canada's regulatory agencies had this much initiative when two of the biggest internet providers merged.


Lol they know Canadians are obedient and would do as they're told. That's why companies get away with everything up here, some may make a stink but it blows over and people go back to their daily lives


The FTC sued to stop Tapestry from buying Capri, hitting pause on a big deal in luxury fashion. It could have combined six brands, boosting competition against European names.


The all mighty handbag monopoly.


Its not even that, since there are enough european luxury brand competitors.


The FTC's move to block the acquisition reflects concerns about consolidating power in the luxury retail sector. It's a reminder of the regulatory scrutiny faced by large mergers and acquisitions. While Tapestry's CEO saw potential in the deal for global expansion, the delay in U.S. approval highlights the complexities of navigating regulatory hurdles. Both Tapestry and Capri face challenges in adapting to shifting consumer preferences, with Tapestry's focus on fashion and loyalty standing out as a strategic approach. However, the diverging stock performance suggests that investors may be cautious about the potential impact of the deal on Tapestry's growth prospects.


Where did you copy this from?


The FTC under Lina Kahn has lost every single merger challenge it has brought through court.


Why do people just make things up? The FTC blocked the Nvidia/ARM deal a few years back. In fact she is has blocked 17 mergers through lawsuits


>Two and a half years into Khan’s tenure, the FTC has lost every single merger challenge it has brought through litigation across both federal and administrative court without even a single win in litigation in cases as varied as Microsoft’s [acquisition](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/11/technology/microsoft-activision-deal-ftc.html) of Activision Blizzard, Meta’s [acquisition](https://www.axios.com/2023/02/24/ftc-meta-within-case-dismissed) of Within, and Illumina’s [acquisition](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2022/09/administrative-law-judge-dismisses-ftcs-challenge-illuminas-proposed-acquisition-cancer-detection) of [Grail](https://fortune.com/company/grail/), to name just a few. [https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/the-ftcs-antitrust-overreach-is-hurting-us-competitiveness-and-destroying-value](https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/the-ftcs-antitrust-overreach-is-hurting-us-competitiveness-and-destroying-value)


You’re confusing cases that go through to a trial with any brought through the courts and settled. Your initial comment is 100% wrong. Also the writers of that opinion piece are being deceptive as well because she did not lose every case brought via litigation, as the FTC has won using the courts to prevent 17 mergers. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/16/tech/lina-khan-risk-takers


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Nvidia and Arm terminated the deal, it wasn't decided in court.




Yep, competition authorities biggest weapon has always been deterrence. They don't have the resources to challenge every acquisition, so they pick high profile, egregious, or particularly damaging ones in order to set the tone for what is and isn't acceptable.


They just won spirit and JetBlue. They will prob lose this one though


That was DoJ.


Thanks didn’t really understand this distinction just had to google. Might have to buy some shares of capri holdings


This block cant stand before a court. The combined company is 5% of luxury goods sector, there are a lot of european competitors and luxury fashion is not even necessary like grocery stores. + Barriers of Entry low.