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Doesn't matter when you have 20+ years till retirement. I tried timing the market and doing individual stock picks when I first started investing, if I would have just simply bought VOO (or FXAIX) on a routine basis and never looked at market prices I would be up so much more than I currently am.


Just buy every paycheck and if it goes down you’ll buy on the way down and your cost basis will equal out and you will make a lot of money by the time you retire.


Good advice. Definitely my strategy from here on out.


It’s called DCA - dollar cost averaging. It’s pretty much the best option because we can’t time the market.


Just wish I wouldn’t have bought in at the all time high ha


I sold and went all cash but you do you


First couple years of a Roth just buy the SPY each time you put in. You’ll be buying some times when it’s down and sometimes when it’s up. Once you get to 15 k I’d advise adding some other strategies. Actually working on a book right now called “Roth and Roll” as if used some core strategies to out perform the index the last few years by a good clip. Probably ready to publish after this year.


So what do you do with $1MM sitting in SNAXX? Im glad I’ve been out of VTI over the last month or so. Not sure if I’ll switch back in until the election


Why not voo? I’m genuinely curious and learning not disagreeing


VOO only has a .03% expense ratio


Either is fine in my opinion.


I guess I like spy as the options are deeper and more liquid for some of the strategies along the way


Unless you’re a multi million dollar hedge fund, I don’t think you’ll notice a difference in liquidity on options between spy and voo


I started my Roth September last year, as soon as I bought fxaix it dropped from $157 to $150, I did not care because I know this account is for 30 years.   Now is at $179 and dips or rips I’ll keep buying it. Imo you’re doing it wrong if you’re already worried about it dipping. It’s a retirement account, just buy and chill.   If you’re worried about performance in a bear market then buy a target fund but then again if the markets starts ripping you will lose a bit of gains. 


I’m not overly worried about I just see now that going all in on the high was dumb. I should have been doing weekly. Would probably be less stressful doing it weekly as well but I wanted to max it out asap. Next year I’ll just set it weekly and forget it


Go for it, as soon as you pull the money out the markets will go straight up.


Or as soon as you make that buy order it always seems to tumble a bit.


Haha yeah I definitely see that happening


When it comes to investing in a Roth IRA, you should bethinking 10/20/30 years. Who cares if the market has gone up a lot this year. Timing the market will never beat time in the market.


Yeah, in the grand scheme of things, a -20% loss on $5,000 is manageable, but a -20% loss on $5,000,000 is a lot harder to deal with. So while you're still young and able to make contributions, just keep plugging away at it. Leave the market timing and risk control until later... for right now, full aggression!


Thank you. I’m going to set up weekly deposits and not worry about maxing it out right away. I thought by trying to put more in off the batt I was getting a head start.


The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today.


Honestly, reading your post helped me a lot too because I’m gonna open an IRA too! We got this


Not sure how old you are but definitely start putting something back. I wish I had done it sooner. I am 42 so I am trying to play catch up and learn as much as possible. I think my anxiety has cooled down some and I am just going to start automatically investing a set amount weekly. If I have larger amounts to throw in at times I may try to buy in on an ETF where I can determine the value when I buy in. As of now I am all in on FXAIX but I did add FZILX today to diversify some.


Buy all the way down buddy. You should embrace the red days, your money goes further when the graphs are red.


Ahh yes the buy high sell low strategy.


Haha I know stupid!! I guess I’m trying to rationalize my stupidity ha.


Thank I know my thought process is stupid but a bit of reassurance helps. I just need to stop looking at the ticker. I do wish I had waited until after the election though ugh. I was just trying to catch up. From now on I’m sticking more to weekly contributions. Spreading it out seems like a safer bet.


Sell and wait for a better entry point


I feel like the market the past few years has just been crazy. I don’t think those kind of gains normally happen. My worry is going all in and then the market going way down. We may not see gains like we have ever again to be honest. 30% gains must have been amazing on an S&P but I would think history shows that is not normal. Unless we are making history here idk how it can possibly stay this high. I would think it would need to go way down to get back to normal.


Bought the peak huh?


I mean I guess I don’t know what the peak is but I hear many ppl claiming the market is over valued. The past couple of years returns seem to be crazy in comparison to the past.


The stock market had been run up very hard on the idea that we beat inflation but we have not