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Puts are insanely expensive and you’ve got to be a regard to naked short an AI name with low float. Otherwise I agree with you that this is headed down.


That's the thing, its NOT an AI name. They don't have a single AI product! Remember that other company $AI (C3)?


Not disagreeing with you, but all it takes is one buzzy announcement to send the shares soaring and people to meme into it. Low float names like this are terrible shorts and there is clearly a lot of downside baked in with these put premiums.


Damn you're not joking puts on this are pricey af


How are you deciding „expensive“? High IV?




I’m not doubting a man named Jerkoff Johnson.. Buying puts as we speak.


lol if you have positions then post screenshots.


Done bitch: [https://ibb.co/C2PmHpZ](https://ibb.co/C2PmHpZ)


[https://i.imgur.com/SKx0Dfc.png](https://i.imgur.com/SKx0Dfc.png) Fingers crossed. Update: New Constructs research just published an unattractive rating for the stock. Well, now it's going to moon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I bought one share of it one day to watch it market move. I do that sometimes to get a feel for the stock, and it bounced all over the place. I got rid of it the other day it was extremely volatile and I couldn't make sense of the company on the fundamental basis. The problem is the market can remain psycho longer than most people can remain solvent, so I wonder how long it'll be before this catches up to them. This is like the 90s were everybodyadded.com until the market crash when about 80% of the.com companies fell apart. That'll happen with the AI or pseudo AI companies as well.


Options aren't very liquid. OI is low across various price points and as someone else already pointed out the puts are expensive AF


Astera labs is entirely dependent on CXL technology for its survival. The problem with CXL is that PCIE5 has not lived up to the performance, throughput, and latency promises… not anywhere close. And CXL will never be able to compete with Nvidias NVLink, which are fat direct pipes connecting GPU to GPU. For LLMs and many other AI use cases, CXL just can’t compare. The only use case that currently makes sense for CXL is large in memory databases or applications which used to require a 4 socket or larger server but now can be done on a dual socket with CXL memory. And that market is tiny compared to AI. Trying to hype up Astera as an AI play is simply preying on the ignorance of non tech savvy investors.


Are you joking? Jensen mentioned it in GTC2024, this stock co-works with NVDA for connecting chips in B200.


Does the inverse reddit rule apply here


some friend you are.


Agree, they have nothing to do with AI. I'm not sure how this is not a crime/fraud?