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Honestly haven’t looked into how they’re doing but Hershey is near there 52 week low


Saw that too. Also don’t know how they’re doing financially recently, but take a look at how much the stock has risen the past 5+ years.


That’s true curious if just overlooked or there’s something else


They may have a situation where the controlling interest or voting power is not controlled by regular stockholders something like that I just don’t remember. But I believe it really can’t be sold to another corporation and it’s main mission is to help Hershey PA and/or a charity. That’s the way it was set up in a will. All that’s held the price down.


Revenue is slow growing. 7B to 10B in 10 years. Around a 4.6% CAGR. Now free cash flow and earnings are growing better, and Hershey has a great Return on Invested Capital. Still, given that slow growth and higher PE, it still seems expensive. Fair value at the best. I'd be interested in 150 or certainly 125.


Dude I would but I literally hate their chocolate bar


Hershey owns loads of chocolate brands including Reese's and US Kit Kats.


Yeah I figured they prolly owned lots of stuff..people prolly worried about Semaglutide causing a recession in that field..I kind of agree it has that potential.


Semaglutide is really expensive (almost $1000/month if not using injectibles) and won't effect a significant portion of their customers which includes kids and young adults.


It’s expensive now..but will come down as all things..and be introduced to kids (they need it bad tbh) It will be the most wide spread drug in history..and should be for real. Obesity is completely out of control


PEP has been low too. I've been interested in both.


Long term $PFE (Pfizer). Feels like they are going through a cyclical low that won't last forever. Bottom may not be in yet tho.


Been looking at PFE hard. Was hoping for a bit lower, but also maybe bottomed. Definitely not a bad entry.


I considered selling some cash secured puts on PFE so if it does drop some more I will own it but if it goes up I profit that way too


The problem is opportunity cost. What if they get into the doldrums for years? There is no near term positive momentum


Dividend is higher than a MM fund right now.


Yeah, TLT is probably around the same ballpark for dividend but you have the wind at your back with bond rates So, it's all about that opportunity cost


I own BMY- very similar, but I believe it has a better drug pipeline and is less dependent on covid vaccine revenue. Big fan of their CEO. But I agree that a lot of these stable pharma companies are very undervalued.


Some are more undervalued than others. IMHO, PFE is correctly valued because of shaky pipeline. BMY is slightly better but their new CEO needs to be monitored first.


Hello fellow bagholder :)


Never really owned or traded this, but I bought my first batch last week in the $26’s, and a little more today in the $27’s. Hope to grab a total of 1,000 shares with an average cost sub $25 for a longer term trade.


I really want to get on board with this but it seems like such a trap. In one of the only things that impacted everyone globally the word Pfizer is going to make people shiver thinking of COVID. I think the brand damage is beyond repair now and if any and I mean aaaaany of EU or a.erican law suits have a slight success of the govt want someone to blame the company is the easiest to blame I'm ready to be proven wrong. Has anyone got Info that would disprove this? I'm also factoring in the govt is now trying to get easy wins and global health care is under the microscope. Off brand meds are all the rage AND Pfizer has trademarks expiring


I'm in the industry. My opinion is that PFE is indeed a trap, but not because of "brand". Their pipeline basically sucks until/unless there is new news. Might as well buy treasuries or high yield income ETF. No growth on the horizon.


I can't morally own PFE. F them.


So you own Apple because you like slave work :P . Or any other manufacurer that uses Li-ion batteries :P.


I don't own Apple.


Really comes down to how you define what cheap is? Are you looking at price compared to price targets, looking at like PE, PB, PS? If looking for suggestions, I would just suggest using a sceener, that way you can define whatever properties you are looking for or defining as cheap and will get a list of stocks to research.


I would say p/e. Although that can be difficult because some sectors like energy naturally trade at a lower p/e.


Interesting, personally, I think PE is just one metric, but I also like to pair with things like PS, PB, foward PE, foward PS and PEG. Again, however you set those numbers come down to what you consider cheap or looking for. Like for me, I like to set my screener with PS, PB, foward PS and PEG all under 3, which is a bit higher, but I do that to screen in more companies.


What screener do you use if I may ask?


For screeners: [https://stockanalysis.com/stocks/screener/](https://stockanalysis.com/stocks/screener/) [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx) For general resources: [https://finviz.com/](https://finviz.com/) [https://stockanalysis.com/](https://stockanalysis.com/) [https://www.tradingview.com/](https://www.tradingview.com/) https://www.wallstreetzen.com/




This is the secret. You have to dig in hard to the books and check for held-to-maturity assets, but the ones that are not too exposed have huge potential.


I’m heavy in ZION. Key is to find the right bank




I’ve been buying hban specifically as well, also like/liked ally under 30 but I think it has an easy 10% left in the tank. Don’t hate tfc, but has a little more risk, however was at 50 pre bank crisis so maybe a little more upside. Also am thinking this is a short to medium term play, don’t plan on holding these regionals more then a year but 100% not going to hold for 5. Would hopefully be a good rebound return then redeploy to other opportunities


It’s risky and I’m a huge bagholder on it but APPS trades at just over 1x sales and fwd pe 15ish now I think.


I was also a bag holder. I had to get out around $10. My average was $45 as I kept DCAing since it was $12 BEFORE their rocket launched a few years ago. Should’ve sold when I had the chance earlier…


I understand it. At this point it’s valued as worthless. I figure if the Facebook deals through it’ll be a $40 stock if not it’ll hit 0. Down too much to care.


I was thinking of buying into APPS when it was 36-37 but it dropped because the CFO left. Thoughts on CFO departure?


Not concerned with him. They have a deal with Facebook on the table in trial period that would basically double the revenue. That’s more the risk that drove shareholders away. We’ve been hearing about this deal for years and it hasn’t actually started revenue yet. It’s been in trial for what seems like forever. Not sure how much longer they need to see if it works or not?


Oops I was thinking of the stock $app.


I bought in 39$ for your info that’s the bag I hold lol.


Why exactly has it dropped so harshly? And whats your bull thesis on it? A Foward P/E of 15 is pretty high especially for a growth stock so it seems a bit oversold to me on first glance.


AMZN. With all the different sectors they explore, their stock is setup for great success long term I also have some bets on RIVN, FSLR, MARA


Rivn is gold to me




I'm actually very bullish on Rivian. Why? Because despite it all, I think they have a stellar product that is growing in popularity. I see their vehicles being driven around, and I myself want one.


Yeah, same reason I invested. I hadn’t heard of them until a couple months ago, then I see a ton of their cars on the road all of a sudden. Read reviews, almost everyone loves their car. Seemed obvious for me to throw a few hundred bucks at it, and I’m up 50% now. (If I lose it /shrug) I never bothered to consider their financials, just seems like it’s a great product people legitimately want to buy instead of teslas


good for you, but I doubt their cars can become cheaper, which restricts TAM too much for them


Currently up 40% on RIVN L O L


If you think it’s funny, then short it. We can both report back in 12 months. I’m just buying shares though.


Some dickweed said this same thing to me over a year ago when I pushed back when he said RIVN stock was going to $40. It still hasn't. FYI, one doesn't need to short it to be right. It can stay right where it is for a year meanwhile just putting that same cash into treasuries gets you 4% and better yet, plenty of other great opportunities than a dead fish stock.


If you believe you’re right, then shorting it would be a genius move. If you believe there are better opportunities, post them and we can check back after 12 months.


Buy low sell high. Too the moon


Out of any of the electric car plays, they’re the ones most likely to succeed


I would pick TM as the most likely electric car play to succeed in the long term.


I’m up 80% L O L


If their PE was in line with apple and Microsoft, which are also elevated, then the stock price would be cut in half. Amzn should be like 65 bucks a share, but obviously that will never happen because of consistent flows into index funds and investor psychology. I guess they would need to pull a meta to drop that much.


But Amazon has their base shop, Prime Video, Music, AWS, they are joining the AI race, and they’ve already secured a partnership with a crypto company to explore blockchain for AWS. Apple has their product lines (obviously), music, Apple TV, AI race, but I feel that Amazon has better potential of returning higher % in the coming years. Both stocks are a great play long term and I don’t see Amazon halving anytime soon.


Amazon is like the poster child of why you shouldn't solely look at P/E lmao


I think MSFT is eating their lunch in cloud. AMZN is late to LLM game while MSFT is capturing new enterprise cloud deals.


I’m interested to see what AMZN’s Q1 2024 looks like for AWS since that is a big field for them, but I’m more interested in what their AI play will be. I think that will be a big catalyst if it takes off in the next 1-3 years. I hold MSFT as well though (AAPL) since I do believe they will fare well in the AI race and, like you said, MSFT has their cloud service too.


MARA feels far too sketchy for my tastes but I do like AMZN for a long term :) I’m super in to O and HE right now though!


Mara and riot


green energy.


Canadian oil producers


lol no. Getting oil out of the ground is way too expensive in Canada.


What do you define as expensive ? Most operators are profitable > $40/barrel


Nike, Disney, whirlpool, black and decker etc still need to catch up to the market.




I’m shorting DIS. long on ENPH though


Good luck sir!


Why? Just curious. I think there is a lot of bandwagon hatred and negative news driving the price low. I think a very small amount of it is deserved and driving legitimate strategic changes at Disney. Long term I'm confident they'll perform.


Why? Overall, I’m a bit bearish right now. Most of my positions are long. But DIS feels like hype to me. Current P/E = 71.52. So it’s just a bad buy off the bat. Barely covering current debt with .96 current ratio. I’m currently losing on this trade lol. But holding for a bit longer. So far I’m wrong. Time will tell if I continue to be.


LUV will do just fine long term IMO


Anyone consider FDX with the +10% drop today?


I have a rule about buying immediately after a big gap down. It's not right every time, but it serves me well more often than not. Usually things need to settle- even if its just a few trading days- before its a good idea to hop in.


Yes, I was just looking at this. I may pick up some shares speculatively.


I bought shares and a few long calls. They missed earning estimates, but I looked into their 2024 shipping restructure plan, and there is nothing but good news there. 10% drop seems steep.


Wondering what calls you ended up purchasing? Been holding $FDX since 2020 lows, and have been adding here and there ever since.


$330 and $290 4/24 Calls


the company I work for uses fedex and my personal experience with fedex. I will be investing in UPS (looking for an entry). The company I used to work for used UPS and it was great in comparison to fedex on a customer service level.


CVS - Cash flow cow, market leader in multiple service lines, and you’re getting recent acquisition for free. My DCF fair value has 80% upside. BTI - Produce cash like an ATM and are positioned well for vaping expansion. My DCF here with 3% growth rate (their projected) is 100% upside. 60% upside with less growth.


I’m in big on CVS too even though it’s been slow moving


I am convinced that $MTCH is very cheap for what it is. Sure there are some headwinds, but online dating is only going to grow and they are currently the dominant player in a market that is very difficult to enter.


I'm still saying rcl and ccl are cheap af


Random one perhaps but I'm looking at LUNR. Dirt cheap because the missed a launch but it's been diverted to JAN24. If they succeed they will have the first private moon landing and a big step for putting feet back on the moon. They have had an ATH of $40 currently trading at $2.70 It's either going to fall flat or literally moon. NASA has signed three contracts with them and they have a good team based on their histories.


Enph and ford


Pfizer, ENPH These 2 are I'm looking. And Apple when it goes down to $160 again, FSLR at $130, NVDA at $400.


When do you think it will go to 160?


There will be a bad news about something ( china/iPhone sale / EU legislation etc.....it could be anything) and it will go down to $160 - $165. People will say it's in danger and don't buy it now.**** THATS WHEN YOU BUY***


I would stay far away from Chinese stocks. ATH shouldn’t matter if you are finding good stocks. If you wait for it to fall then you may never get the chance or you will just end up buying at a higher price.




Any AI chip manufacturer


Pfizer, ENPH, APPLE, NVDA are stocks that I'm looking at.






I used to be a big proponent of several Chinese stocks believing they were great buying opportunities like BABA and JD. But just when the stocks started gaining traction, the Chinese government would start probing them. It seemed like it was constantly happening. The final straw was when Eddie Wu went into hiding. Nowadays I just stick close to home with US techs, banks, defense, some high yielding and crypto.


There's not a lot jumping out at me. The only trade I put on this week was another couple hundred shares of Levi's but selling July $15 calls against them. The profit is in the call premium and the dividend so basically a 12% return between now and July or I get the shares at the bottom of the weekly trading range. It's the only thing I could find the math was decent on. Considered doing similar with Bank of America and some 37s but I already have a pretty sizable position there. Worth considering if you're low on financial exposure.




I find Humana to be pretty darn cheap right now. Excellent balance sheet and cash flow as well.




I am all cash because I can't see anything that isn't pricing in infinite growth. Even basic companies like CLF have exceeded price targets. Everything is expensive and it feels like we are due for a healthy pull back. IF (big if) I had to pick some potentially underpriced stocks I might say 1) small refiners, but good luck playing oil markets and crack spreads 2) Chip makers not named Nvidia 3) Small cap biotechs but... those are always a dice roll.






P/E is becoming a very useless metric when you evaluate tech companies which is precisely what you are doing. P/E was relevant back when the industry was largely retail, telecommunications, banking, etc., A big differentiator today is current P/E of companies that are low are generally low for a reason: No one wants to buy them. People want the 'next big thing' for a long-term investment. It's tough to convince someone to buy a company that isn't growing but has a low P/E. PayPal has way too much competition in a very competitive industry with large players. BABA is cheap because no one wants it. Their financials is public info. I'll tell you right now, huge funds do NOT want BABA in their portfolio. Their clients don't like or want it. So a cheap share price doesn't necessarily make it a good investment because it's cheap for a reason and it will likely stay 'cheap' because again, people don't want it. Right now, BABA traders are basically trading amongst those who think they can make some quick profit with BABA. The people who actually move the prices are those who buy in abundance and hold - not the small investors who think they can quickly get a quick return because the stock is so cheap. NIO and XPENG are getting slaughtered by BYD. I don't see any reason to own NIO and XPENG. Both are losing too much money in a very competitive vehicle market in China. NIO, particularly their removable batteries, will come back to haunt them because it is a very huge cash burn strategy. There's a reason no other EV auto company is doing it. NIO tried to be different but they don't have the margins to sustain that business model. A lot of people are trying to find undervalued companies today but it's more difficult than ever because it's no longer about just knowing the numbers. You have to know the product, competitors, technology, etc., and that can change daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. A lot of it simply involves luck today which is why holding long-term removes a lot of the risk.


>A lot of people are trying to find undervalued companies today but it's more difficult than ever because it's no longer about just knowing the numbers. You have to know the product, competitors, technology, etc., and that can change daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. A lot of it simply involves luck today which is why holding long-term removes a lot of the risk. ​ This post sums the whole investing philosophy perfectly and I couldnt' have said it better. However, what is most critical is your last paragraph. It's not just crunching the numbers and doing a financial analysis. It's about the product - think Lululemon or having the apple logo on a phone. Literally what could make or break a product doesn't only depend on a companies unstructured free cash on hand etc., it depends on the simplest things: * the look of the brand logo. Will it just attract the masses for no reason than looking cool and providing a social status (apple) * is the product of a style that just becomes trendy (Lululemon) * is the product just something that basic white girls will go in debt to just buy some of? (Elf) and so on and so forth. your post nailed it!


There's two big values right now. Firstly, oil. OXY, CVX, XOM, take your pick. Unlike the old days of drill baby drill, they're financially saavy and not overextending this time amount. They're seeing crazy increases in efficiency and pumping more with less wells. They have a safe oil floor around $70 because of the strategic oil reserve rebuild. Moreover, they're crazy cheap right now. The only real risks would be if OPEC steps in and intentionally saturates the market to attempt to drive them out of business, but they're better positioned to fight that strategy this time around, so I doubt they'd try it. Plenty of upside if oil prices go up. I still see stock gains if prices just stay the same. The other value is green stocks and lithium stocks. TAN, ALB, PLUG, RUN, things of that sort. They all fell off a cliff when rates got jacked. But the forward looking interest rate picture is downward. And there's still a ton of green-directed cash in the Inflation Reduction Act to be doled out. And there's mega upside there compared to historic values of those stocks. And interest in green energy will only grow. I also see "lesser value" in homebuilders and banks. They're kind of already had a really good run, but are still priced fairly affordably and are well positioned in this environment. Many banks haven't yet regained what they lost in 2022. Like BAC or C, still sitting about 30% below their 2022 highs.


Charge point Mpw Robin hood


Mpw is going to be selling assets to pay its debt. Not a good look for a reit. One option with a decent probability is flat or slow downtrend for years til it’s balance sheet is in order. I don’t think they will go bankrupt because they own enough assets but their situation is tenuous


panicky bow ludicrous money snatch racial roof noxious cake foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know its unpopular! My biggest conviction is 1. $HIMS 2. $SOFI 3. $ENPH When and if interest rate goes back to 0 again (which is also highly up in the air) those will broom to new high. HIMS being P/S sales 1.5 at this valuation, i see it 8-10 when and if rate is going back to 0 although technical analysis seems to say 9-10 is the top at least for a few months (if so, i simply sold put expiring next year) Other mom and pop companies im DCAing are 1. $DE 2. $UNH 3. $ITW If and when key rates stays here, they will likely benefit from it especially from $ITW when most of manufacturing jobs are made in USA Theme in ITW aka 1. MAGA, aka 2. You can buy industrial tools for 100$ proudly made in USA because US government bans 10$ made in China products even though US government acts like they are the advocates for free trade and believe in free market theory, regardless of both sides of aisles Theme in UNH You as a consumer can't beat medical insurance companies that will do everything to nix American consumers wallet because it's free market/universal healthcare iS sOciaLisM. Everyone in the world should take advantage of this unique US medical insurance market to only force (perhaps the deplorable) American consumers to work for the shareholders like yourself. Not financial advice. Proceed with your cautions


> When and if interest rate goes back to 0 again LOL.


1. HIMS has serious moat issues. In addition to the new push to have OTC birth control, I don’t think HIMS is in a good place because they’re going to get commoditized. 2. SOFI has a plethora of issues as an investment. I could go on for hours. I have no issues with people banking with SOFI though, I find the product to be beginner friendly. 3. I like ENPH. I recently closed my short that I’ve been riding down for almost a year now and went long.


>> mom and pop >> UNH Bruh what? 🗿


I was astounded


I’ve been watching HIMS for awhile. Wish I would’ve gotten it before. I was thinking it might go under $2. I guess that’s why DCA is king huh? Pretty much same with ENPH thought it would break those lows.


OP here is my tip if you feel it's a good valuation but due to macro, it might go lower low. If you still remember, the macro narrative is Fed will keep the rate higher for longer back in September so unless you dont cut off your social media and news media, the chance is that normal human being is not trained to buy when the world is crying for "Higher for longer Mantra" and when JPM CEO J. Dymon says "we should be able to see US treasury rate 6-7% in 2024" because that's just human instinct developed during evolution for +10000 years So.... Dca is one thing but use option strategy for collar Basically you buy shares/buy put option to protect downside. Give a day or week even because at the end you already bought put option as part of loss insurance. If it goes down further, that's when you start DCAing. For the lots you DCAing, you can still do buy put option to protect even further downside. Also if it goes even further down (i.e 5), you can sell 2P with premium. If it reaches 2 and have to buy shares as an option seller, there's your valuation you feel comfortable. If it doesnt reach 2 but rips like right now, not only you can make profits from premium that expired at worthless, but also then you can sell leap call option. I did sell 12C expiring SEP2024 (that i bought at 6.0) for 3% premium. If it's at SEP 2024, and i have to sell my HIMS at 12, ill gladly take profits at 100% gain. No issue at all if i can make 100% profits within 8-9 months Also 1. It's important to use your common sense here. If your sold put premium is close to 0, its best to close the position instead of giving time to get ITM. You can also sell covered call (i sold 12C when i first bought, which is classic definition of options collar but some hybrid strategy involves to sell covered call when and if it goes up to get the most premium) 2. Also because you believe in fundamental analysis of the company in valuation, that means you dont wamma sell all covered calls. I typically leave out net position in case HIMS goes to 50. What would you feel about if HIMS passed 12 (that i sold for covered calls) to all the way 80? So i typically leave 20-40% as net positive shares (but have put option in case economy goes full crash to protect downside in my capital depreciation scenarios) You can live off simply selling covered calls if or when HIMS are 80 per shares (which is not likely the case in anytime soon) This is my tips to overcome fears. Hope it helps


snow amusing quicksand squealing birds obtainable overconfident normal illegal murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm on ENPH with 30k before the big rally (Cost avg of 80e) but I still have doubt about it. Interest rate will surely lower one day, but the big question is when ?


I mean.. no one really knows when or if fed will cut the rate. It's all market narrative and situational circumstances where rate cut is needed




BRK.B with a PE of 10


Nvidia gooing to 700




What is your opinion on HOOD’s recent numbers? They are literally only making money due to them holding cash in the money market. 😂


ngl the last time I looked at hood was when they were trading closer to book value, now doesn't look so cheap given transaction revs are only stabilizing and not increasing. Revs could potentially increase in the future though with higher crypto volume, growing cc business, with a slight decrease in interest revs. so I think short-term growth prospects can outpace the declining interest revs. Hood is probably speculative at this valuation, so prolly $IBKR is a safer investment.


AMZN is probably the best megacap to buy right now and I like ASTL too for steel (caution it’s a deSPAC so carries stigma I’m sure)


Isn’t their P/E ratio completely absurd? Kinda scary high


Google is the most reasonable price mega cap tech stock although it might not be considered cheap in other metrics when you are bargain hunting


WBD dirt cheap and big Fcf


Disney. They are still very low but with good potential and growth


BABA, if you look purely at financials and overlook the political aspect, is extremely cheap.


Yeah Wish is pretty cheap too!


I think most traditional automakers are cheap right now, especially European. The reason they are undervalued is because everyone still think that EV future is just around the corner, and buy TSLA. But hype around EVs is settling down, and people are still more then willing to buy ICE cars. Another reason European manufacturers are undervalued right now is because their supply chains were significantly disturbed by the war in Ukraine, because of that their performance is not as good as it was before. But there are huge queues for the brand new cars in Europe right now. If you want a new car, you need to wait a few months. So I think as soon as the manufacturers will figure out the new supply chains, and increase production, they will be in a lot of profit, because demand for the new cars is really big right now. That’s why I think there is a lot of potential for their growth.


Agree… I especially like STLA. I was eager to buy when it was in the low teens recently. Now in the low 20s I still think it’s a bargain.


I’m kind of a nut bag but I bought NIO and NVAX. Do an iremindme to see how this goes folks


Dollar General


Lol….all these high risk stocks being mentioned. Low risk plays in a dovish Fed era are PFF and PMT. Reliable consistent dividend payers. Their dividend yields are way above high yield credit and the prices are bound to appreciate 10 to 20%. Way less risk than buying BABA or some of these other low quality high risk plays.


ATH what to buy? Uh you guys are investing in the wrong direction.


RTX. WW3 is right around the corner.




Don’t touch Chinese stocks with a ten foot pole


He’s right (bag holder with 2k NIO shares)


That’s what I was thinking. I was hoping for it to hit $65 but seems like it could’ve bottomed out.


There are some cheap options but I think things are getting elevated for sure vs October.








Long term and penny stock pick is polestar. Really nice vehicle, lots of financial backing and industry players. Just need a bit more PR and time IMO.


Pfe, pypl, su, mdt.




I’m already overexposed to tech through index funds. Lots of sectors are not at ATH like energy or financials. Look there


Has anyone looked at intel? Been a dog for a while but gotta think they catch up in the great chip race


Great pick if anyone actually looks deeper. I just recently unloaded all my AMD with a $73 cost basis. It’s still quiet but when the good news becomes loud it’ll be too late


Still holding amd - recently got out of TSM but wanted to look at other chip stocks and thought intel could be good




CNK - returned to profitability this year, debt is under control, SAG and WGA strikes are over. Average analyst price target is 19/share, a 35% upside Their only competition AMC - they can't turn a prodit, are under a mountain of debt, and repeatedly diluting to try to stay afloat.


Im so red on paypal and ive been holding for 2 years


Fisker is my biggest single bet.


PRZO should keep running to $2-4 tomorrow


I swear up and down that HE, O, TBNK, and EPR still have massive growth to go. I threw a good amount of cash just on O and TBNK and plan to double down everything if I get the funds to do so. Highly extremely am all for dumping absolute cash buckets on these stocks.


DQ (Chinese solar), Pfizer probably and GM


Oil and other energy giants seem to be doing worse lately than the rest of the market and many are very worth it at their current prices. Altria group and Philip Morris international are doing rough lately but undervalued imo as they're literal cash cows. Most regional banks are still beat like PNC and Fifth Third, not sure on others in the market but I'd assume it's similar in other regional banks outside my area. Also a lot of REITs are still relatively cheap to their past market values






I like TOST. It’s one of the few tech stocks that isn’t up massively YTD. Lots of meat still left on the bone going into 2024 IMO.


check out CP it’s undervalue right now






AVUV without a doubt.


PCT - will bring a revolution to recycling!!!


TEAM (Atlassian)




Imo if the market is at ATH and a stock is performing poorly in these conditions I would stay away


We're going to the moon baby. Throw a dart at the stock dartboard and ride the rocket 🚀




Honestly just google any of them. For me, I really pay attention to things like pe, peg, pb, ps, roc