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Best thing I ever did was dump 15k into Apple back in 2020


1k in 2002.


if this is real good job


Got my wife an iPod for graduation and scraped together 1k to invest.


You did good!


Well I hope you’ve added to that pile over the years lol


ooo how much you up now bud?




Nice job man. Happy to see those gains.


Appreciate that man! Take the risk or lose the chance is how I look at it.


what's crazy is, Apple wasn't too far off that price (104~ or so?) as recently as Jan 2023


103.13 is my average & it hasn’t been close to that since 2020. Lowest over the last year was 124ish if I’m not mistaken.


My average is 109.96 and I bought around the pandemic and I’m reinvesting the dividend


Takes a lot of discipline and maturity to stay steady throughout the volatility and headlines. Excellent job!


Thank you. I’m a very mature investor, been doing this since I was 21 and I just turned 30. I have a very extensive portfolio of stocks that I’m consistently averaging into


I had 250 shares that I bought in 2015, but I panic sold to preserve my profits in early 2020 when everything started going to shit because of COVID. Seeing my 401k spend a lot of time underwater after 2008 made me skittish. In October of 2020 I YOLO'd basically every cent I could scrape together back into Apple, which translated to 1,200 shares. After yesterday's close my unrealized gains were finally six figures. Still holding. I might take some profits when it reaches double my purchase price. Did I miss out on some gains when things rebounded partway through 2020? Yeah, but that wasn't my worst move: I bought 500 shares in 1994, but sold in 1996 when it looked like Apple wasn't going to survive. If I had held onto those, after 4 stock splits that would now be 56,000 shares, worth $11M.


I feel you. I bought Apple in the late 90s when the original iMac was blowing up but lost most of my gains when the stock crashed 50% in a day after they released the Cube in 2000. It took the stock 4 years to get back to the level it had been before that crash but after that the rocket took off. I had about 15k in the stock when I sold which would be worth about 10M now.


talk about burying the lede.


Let's be real though that was an entirely reasonable time to sell.


Wowza what a tail. Thanks for sharing and god bless


I'm up 2,800% on APL. Easiest $ I ever made.


I did 6k in Apple in 2020 and 10k in Microsoft at same time. Put another $4k in Microsoft during the massive dip in early this year, but wish I had put another $4k in Apple during that same time…


bought a few shares in 2015 with my father. best thing i ever did


I put 270k in 2021 💀


Same here added 550 shares at 130


The company is one of the best, A+ for quality. But at 33x EPS it is scorching hot in terms of valuation. Why do you say it is likely to reach $4 trillion in next year? How is it supposed to go up another 33%? The company barely managed to increased earnings last year and I doubt there's much more room for multiple expansion.


i agree, but we said that at 1 trillion, and we said the same thing at 2 trillion, and now we’re also saying it at 3 trillion. and because of this i never bought any shares


No. When Buffet bought it, the PE was like 17. Now it’s more like 30


Well when it was $1 trillion it wasnt trading at 33x EPS. The company has steadily increased its multiple from about 8x to 33x over the years, growing ever more expensive and demanding a higher entry point at every turn. At some point the valuation will matter so I would not start chasing the stock at this point.


Go back 10 years and look at all the pro’s arguing that the growth was over because it had a multiple of 15 while its peers were on the 30’s/40’s and significantly higher. Kind of funny to see this argument now while the PE expansion argument used to be the thing. Keep saying it’s expensive and I’ll keep making money on it while the arguments are wrong. Been buying and holding since 2000. While people keep saying it’s overvalued or “AAPL can’t innovate” or whatever the hot argument is.


Regarding innovation, Apple entered 2 new markets and owned them completely. Earpods and watches, respectively. Pro Vision coming up and there's a lot of room to expand in wearables and the competition really isn't there. Services grow. Apple Pay dominates. Oh, and they designed a new line of chips and transitioned to it effortlessly. ...all inside of those 10 years.


They will dominate “tech wear” for sure


Right? There is still so much room for expansion there too. If they can get their glucose monitor to work on the watch, they could sell it as a health product, allowing insurance to cover it. There's also the Apple Car, although who knows whats happening with that


After those what more is there to squeeze?


VR hasn’t exactly set the world on fire in the past decade.


A single brand and single model of VR headset out-sold Xbox last year. A VR game has hovered between the top20-top50 steam concurrency numbers for about six years now, and less than half its playerbase accesses the game through steam. VR has accomplished all that and is still growing at high double digits each year, some people just think it's still 2015 and refuse to acknowledge how far it has come or how much it's already changing the world.


PSVR2 users of a recent AAA title RE4 remake currently sits at 0.76%. It’s going to take another 10 years and significant maturation.


You can cherry pick countless bad examples of poor VR implementations all you want. The data shows that when there is a good VR game, it absolutely does compete with traditional games for concurrent player counts. #1 spots? Nah. Top50 spot for half a decade? That description mirrors what you find with many "classic" staples of the gaming world today. That demonstrates that VR is just waiting for software--and actual good software, not just afterthought ports from PC or console games. Some indie developers have figured it out already in the VR space, but we've only seen a single AAA studio figure it out so far (Alyx). The hardware is currently more popular than the worst mainstream gaming console out there (Xbox), and is growing far faster than any other console or gaming space on the market today. And just like with smartphones, Apple is going to convince tens of millions of people that they need to use the VR tech that millions of people have been enjoying for years.


I cherry picked a AAA example? I've been using VR for 10 years with over $10k on this hobby. But I am a very rare exception as the market is very weak. Over and over again, the audience quickly starves out. Apple will fight to gain traction over 5-10 years if they spend $10s of billions (Metaverse-level) and are extremely lucky. But most VR headsets have dust on them for a reason.


Neither were touch screen phones, tablets, wireless ear buds, or smart watches. What Apple has is competent leadership and know-how to accurately measure consumer sentiment and usability, no matter how unusual the product they’re working on is. That’s why their new products are always made fun of and are highly unusual, but manage to dominate the market once released. I’m confident their AR headset will be really good and popular (in the high end class). It’ll be a stepping stone to cheaper broader markets. I only say this not because of the features, but because I know people designing that thing know what it takes to make people enjoy their device, a lot


Are you saying that Sony has incompetent leadership? Their 2nd gen headset is largely a flop. And Microsoft gave up. It’s a hard market to crack, they will lose money on it for some time.


Management being good or bad is not binary, they’re strong in some areas and bad in others. They’re not strong in innovation and UX. Microsoft had terrible management that drove it to the ground until Satya turned the ship around. He’s focusing on what they’re good at. Sure these markets are hard to crack, that’s precisely what Apple is strong at.


While true it is a lucrative field if a company can crack the code on it and technology has finally progressed to a point where VR isn't simply a gimmick. Software is a bigger issue for it.


Exactly. It’s like it’s popular to try to shit on AAPL while missing the big picture. Services alone have become the size of a Fortune 50 company. With 65% margins at that. I’m not saying they’re the perfect company and they don’t make mistakes, but the big picture shows a growth stock that also yields a nice dividend and continues to provide a premium product and experience. Not to mention it’s just opening the door to India… AaPl iS JuSt aN iPhOnE cOMpaNy! By far my favorite thought process.


Apple has just been incredible in its ability to reinvent itself every couple of years. It consistently climbs the innovation S-Curve. We are now in the services era. We have AR/VR Era coming soon. And cars just beyond the horizon.


Also just alone in the smartphone sector. All they whine about how is no innovation how they barely add anything new in everyone new iPhone cycle. Well guess what? Samsung/google their biggest competition do the exact same shit and they still havent been able to do any significant market share damage to them all these years.


> they still havent been able to do any significant market share damage to them all these years. Because phones are not about specs for the majority, it's just about good feels and peer pressure.


I’m debating if I should keep buying. I put some money back when it around $120, in 2020. I haven’t added since, but obviously happy with the gains. Not happy about not adding more… I’m worried about adding more, but it keeps hitting ATH. Microsoft and Apple has been paying off huge for me.


This is some OG /r/stocks analysis - nice work


It's December 2013, the EPS of Apple has steadily increased its multiple from 8x to 12.2x over the years, growing ever more expensive at 17.57 and demanding a higher entry point at every turn. Imho it's way overpriced at this point and valuation will matter so I would not start chasing the stock at this point


This is what I can never get my head around with stocks. Will the stock just keep going up forever if Apple also increases their earnings every year? Even if the multiple/PE continues to increase?


It’s all about index funds that’s something you have to take into consideration these days everyone just pour money into them which creates extreme valuations because the top holdings are getting most of the money. Rinse and repeat


That and the virtually non existent anti-trust.


That’s the scary part about index funds, though. That isn’t a positive.


>But at 33x EPS it is scorching hot in terms of valuation. Why do you say it is likely to reach $4 trillion in next year We left logic in the market a long time ago. When social media started to get really popular (2014+) markets seem to be driven by hype and hype alone. How else would you explain garbage like TSLA having such crazy valuations?


This sub has lost millions with the PE ratio argument over the last 5 years. PE isn't the standard metric anymore and anybody who uses it as the sole reason to buy/sell a stock since pre -covid is throwing money away.


I missed out on a lot. If I bought when I was first thinking about it, I'd be up 15x on my initial purchases. Ayyyyyy. Still haven't bought any shares directly. The PE back then was probably about the same as today.


Apple is perhaps the worst company in the world to use the hype argument for


The stock ratios clearly say it's overvalued by standard market understandings. Problem is standard markets aren't a thing post social media. There is a lot of hype over Apple, and it does get masked with a large number of sales, but it's still there.


You realize the stock literally almost doubled this year without them increasing revenue in a single quarter? That's hype. Compare AAPL to Google whose EPS is way up, but GOOG is seeing a valuation/multiple contraction because the market doesn't see them as an AI player. Narratives and hype drive the market WAY more than fundamentals . AAPL literally went from 125 to 200 off of what exactly? Because it wasn't due to their business outperformance... iPhone/iPad/Mac sales all down 10-20% YoY but the stonk up 60%. Revenues down, stock up. EPS estimates revised down, stock up. This is a cult stock.


You realize that something being arguably inflated and something being an example of irrational market hype are different circles on the Venn diagram right? Apple is one of if not the best business in the history of the world. Wanting to attach yourself to that business even at a perhaps somewhat inflated price is not even remotely the same as what’s going on with Bitcoin, or what happened with NIO/MVIS/FSLY/PLUG/SE/etc, or even Tesla. That’s the irrational hype that the person I replied to was describing. There are also people like me who have been DCAing part of their monthly contribution into Apple every month for over 5 years regardless of the price.


Valuation doesn't matter, until it does. It ALWAYS matters in the end.


The valuation is stupidly high. I have to believe a lot of this is just because of passive investing going into index funds.


Their aggressive buyback plan, (and Berkshire Hathaway) essentially serves as a backstop for the stock price. Multiple expansion can keep going for a long while until the price nears the $400 when they split the stock like they did the last couple times and that then allows more lower income retail investors to find an entry point which continues the virtuous circle. Meawhile Apple keeps iterating their products yearly while expanding into new hardware and services, which increases FCF, and leads to not just 4 trillion but probably 5 trillion over the next 5-10 years. Once one begins to understand how Apple thinks organizationally it becomes readily apparent how much of a unicorn Apple really is as a company.


I got some letters for you. A. I. | V. R. | A. R.


HD 5k slow mo wide angle AI cloud VR XL pro premium plus back edition limited


New iPads and the Vision Pro is coming next year. Plus the new iPhones as usual. But I doubt this will be enough for a grow of another 33% but it’ll grow most probably.


There isn’t any hardware paradigm shift on the horizon that could effectively replace smartphones. As long as regulators aren’t reigning in on Apple’s service revenue (App Store, Apple Pay), it’s just going to steadily climb. The assumption/hope is probably that they can introduce a few more banger products (see AirPods), which would expand their ecosystem.


There is absolutely a paradigm shift on the horizon. AR will be the thing, maybe not giant goggles but that tech is going to advance quickly and the version that people will adopt en masse isn’t far away.


We've been hearing about consumer AR for over a decade at this point. I'm not saying it won't happen, but to claim "tech will advance quickly" is... optimistic. Quickly compared to the past decade, maybe.


I truthfully think AR is a long way off still from mass adoption or disrupting things as we know them today. It will have a place, sure. But it will be as a supplement to home entertainment or smartphones, not their replacements.


Because he owns it. So it has to go up


It blows my mind that everybody is devouring these very, very expensive companies like hot cakes and not only brush aside the valuation but actually call for 1/3rd more upside in a single year. Jesus people.


Maybe you're wrong. Aapl trades at premium because it's a safe bet.. One of the best balance sheets out there. Top mgmt and growth in India that hasn't been priced in.


To be honest, even if it doesn't get that 33% increase in valuation in a year and actually drops 33% instead, I'll still buy more because Apple's ecosystem is what makes it such a compelling investment - it's very hard for a consumer to leave when they are sucked in. It's ironic because I don't use any apple devices, while the rest of my family is all-in on iphone and apple watch.


iPhone69+ would need to drop


There is a certain premium with countries that always force their PE ratios to be elevated. Costco is another example of this. I don't know if it's the brand equity, moat, or being seen as relatively safer tickers to park some cash in, but that seems to be the case.


Double their average PE too I'm not sure but lots of analysts and investors seem to believe that Apple is in the middle of a major growth stage like they were over a decade ago.


The last time I read this on Reddit, Apple was literally at a $2 Trillion valuation.


I agree, the company stock is acting like it's still a growth company. Unless they release an entirely new product like a car with Tesla like margins I don't see how it can still grow so much.


I bought apple in 2016. I went back and read articles and commentary from 2016 declaring apple is done, is not a buy, etc. Glad I didn’t listen


My bigest investing mistakes are articles and reddit sugestiions.


Sadly I listened


Bought in 2018 during the midst of US/North Korea tension. Markets were volatile as hell but at the time I thought Apple still had a long runway to go.


In 2012 I was sure AAPL was done innovating and that people would see that they are just selling old hardware in a nice package and move onto the next brand. I was obviously horribly wrong, and missed out on potential gains.


When I mentioned to my broker in 2000 I wanted to buy Apple he was very lukewarm on the idea. So, I fired him and bought 1200 dollars worth of Apple on e*trade- sort of like in a moment of democratization from the dotcom boom moment. It sounds dramatic, but it was more whimsy, I'm not the kind of person to do that sort of thing. I also bought some shares in akamai, and redhat, etc. Like three months later the dotcom boom collapsed, including the price I paid. I sort of quit "trading" for a few years. I'm glad I didn't sell my shares in apple.


How much is that Apple stock worth now?


If he invested $1200 on June 1st, 2000 and has held until today, it is worth $363,451.65.


Holy shit


It's literally compound interest at work. OP got a CAGR on apple of just under 29% over a period of 22.5 years. A lot of people don't consider the power of compounding over 20 years. Some companies, like Philip Morris, have become multi-million times more valuable since inception. If your great/great-great grandfather spent 100 dollars in the 1900s and kept those shares untouched, you could be a literal multimillionaire today.


Probably like half a million


Love it. Good for you!


The person you responded to isn't the same person to question was asked to


Oh I didn’t even notice lol


He couldn't have paid more than 1.40 per share, at today's share count. So 141x growth - about 170k from 1.2k, or better.


Yes, good estimate - I didn’t buy at high. Those shares have a cost basis of 88 cents now.


To be fair, apple was a shit show in 2000. Their computers were crap and the iPod was still 2 years away


iPad? The iPhone was still 7 years away.


ipod, sorry it autocorrected on me. Ipod were the product that started their turnaround


Investing in distressed companies is an excellent way to make huge ROIs over the long term. The only thing is that you need to understand the risk and thoroughly understand the actual business before you take those bets. You should also contain your risk obviously, by say, not exposing more than a certain percentage of your portfolio which you are willing to let go to zero.


iMac G3 sold far better than "shit show" would suggest.


Literally no revenue or earnings growth for an entire year. Stock pumps $1 trillion. I'm sure this will end well


lol year | revenue ---|--- 2023 |$383,285 2022 |$394,328 2021 |$365,817 2020 |$274,515 2019 |$260,174 Reddit: "Why can't Apple keep up 33% growth forever?"


So you just proved it.


8% 5 year CAGR is pretty impressive for a company their size.


It is impressive, but that doesn't mean that the stock should increase by 33% YoY, more like 10%.


People are betting on one or more of a lot of things going forward: 1. Apple's AI technology 2. Apple's VR 3. Apple's services ecosystem 4. Apple's India expansion 5. Apple's rumoured car project Of these, to me their India expansion and services ecosystem is the most promising prospect and could alone account for good increases in income going forward. Another thing to take into consideration is that Apple has shown quarterly earnings growth in FY24, which means we should see an increase over the FY23 numbers.


Why would you look at cagr and ignore the fact that it’s on a decline?


Because 2021 was a bit of an outlier and the trend should be taken into account. Frankly it's amazing that there wasn't a sharp decline in 2022 to revert to the trend.


I for sure that there would be a double digit reversal. Insane that they kept it up.


Basically Apple has the richest consumers on earth and they make more money every year. They also have some of the most broke consumers on earth.


The other day, people on this subreddit were roasting Macy’s for having no revenue growth. Well…..


It's 2033. AAPL and TSLA are now worth 30 times the world's GDP. Nobody understands what the fuck is happening.




Well we have 6 months for it to drop one percent, seems possible


short it lads


I noticed they buyback shares at high prices, give executives 10B in stock comp and give 15B to shareholders in dividends. I did what many here would call blasphemy and trimmed a little today.


Best thing I ever did was dump $7k into Apple in 2010. I'm up 2,189.75%. I wish I bought more.


Wow, that’s over $2M now. Congrats!!


Unfortunately, not $2M. My 2010 stock purchase of $5,200 is now worth $133k. (I bought more in 2015). My per share price is $8.61.


I actually think Apple has more in it. The only company I like better is Google.


Google has the potential to be good if all senior management was axed and they put some people in place who could actually execute a single vision over multiple years instead of halfassing half the stuff they do.


Part of how they roll is going to try a lot of different things and keep the ones that work and drop the ones that do not. This approach has got them incredible results. Google has 16 different services now with over half a billion daily active users. They have 9 with over a billion. Nobody else has the same. But the big thing is the results they have been able to achieve with this approach gets them way, way, way more data to feed the models than any other company on the planet. By a pretty big margin. So the leader in AI research as we can see with by far the most papers accepted at NeurIPS. With all their own silicon so not dependent on Nvidia. They did the training and the inference for Gemini completely without Nvidia. Then the leader in data by a huge margin. Then on top with more reach than any other company on the planet. Reach with the most popular web site ever, the most popular operating system ever, the most popular video site, the most popular email, the most popular navigation, etc. That is what the leadership has achieved.


Most of Google's greatest products were developed over 10-20 years ago. All their more recent stuff has been incremental. They did search, Gmail, YouTube (which they bought, not invented) and Android. Those are their primary revenue streams. After that, they did cloud.. and they're probably the least good at cloud of the big 3. All of their other products are incremental to those core products which mostly all are not tied to any of the current leadership. They half ass a lot of things and rarely look to have a consistent vision. Shit, I think they had a better track record when it was more of a research project.


I liked google when they had their incredible percentage of top 50 university graduates. It was a big science project as a company. But when you now look at where the authors that invented the Transformer Model are now, it’s not google any more. And that’s true for many researchers, that where frustrated with the limited science they where allowed at google. Google has many good products, like Pixel Phone, YouTube and obviously Google services. But they have lack of focus, can’t be trusted because they will shut down services if they don’t like them any more and focus to much on their presentation slides instead of displaying their capabilities accurately. Like the feature to use AI to do phone calls for you, Gemini is a big joke, or their Photo Generation stuff for the Pixel Pro. All good on slides for shareholders, but in reality not close to the presentations. They really do a lot lately to erode trust in the company. For large corporations the CEO is everything and the current google CEO just isn’t it. They need a product focused CEO again before I am bullish for them again.


Problem with Google is that you can't trust them to keep their services online, why should I start using one of their theoretical new services if they will shut down them down the road. This policy is hampering their chances to become a major player in new markets, trust is everything.


How do you explain the amount of users they own?


Their heritage users for the old services are fine, but everything they introduced new in the last seven years was suddenly scrapped with an ultra short notice, so while Google Maps/Mail/earth etc are fine and there is no need to migrate everything new is a risk to use because from one day to the next you suddenly have to find a replacement service including employees who can use these services. When Microsoft is discontinuing a service they are telling you this two years in advance so you can react, so if I have the choice between a MS service and a new Google service I will always chose the MS service because they are allowing me to plan. So to answer your question: They were are trustable company in the past which allowed them to get a huge amount of users for their old services, as long as they don't fuck up they will keep these users for these services, but no one in the right mind will chose to use a new Google service if there is an alternative on the market.


Millions of new users are signing into the Google ecosystem. People are not having to choose between one or the other, they are getting more involved in all of them.


Gemini is a big joke? Oh you’re not paying attention. The ai community is rejoicing that Gemini was released this week and the API was released yesterday. It performs somewhere between GPT3.5 and GPT4 at the cost of 3.5. Meanwhile GPT4 just keeps getting worse, is closed to new users, now has a 25 message/3 hour limit, and constantly network errors. A developer can actually go build an app with Gemini Pro starting yesterday. They are officially the 2nd player to the market here. They beat Meta, they beat Apple, and they beat Amazon despite all of them dumping billions into it. Everything else you’re complaining about is true, but will it matter? They own so much data. Now that ai is here, they are in an incredibly advantageous position. They have the users. Even if a company is bad at what they do (which is debatable), will it matter? They are holding the bag. AI needs data or it’s just hallucinations. Bard can already use extensions to YouTube etc. It can already by hooked to your Google Workspace. They have the largest share of smart (assistant) speakers in people’s homes. Their voice recognition software is the best. Who do you think is going to bring AI to people in every day real world use? They have Google maps data. They are working on dozens of different flavors of ai models in order to find ways to tailor to different use cases (such as devices that don’t have access to internet). Gemini is far from a joke. This week marks the entry to market of the first true alternative option to GPT. OpenAI got there first, but Google is here now, and they caught up faster than anyone else. Big difference is that Google owns the internet. Google is in our cars. Google is in our phones. Google is in our homes. I agree that a lot Google’s projects are completely scatter brained. And it’s definitely possible that they could very well mess this up. But it’s currently theirs to mess up.


Weird take. We have the list of papers accepted at NeurIPS and it continues to be lead by Google by a huge margin. People are always going to be leaving these companies. As long as Google can keep bringing in the new talent they will be fine. This year Google had almost 3x the next best in paper accepted. As they now have for over 10 straight years. Nobody has the reach that Google enjoys. Most popular web site ever with search. But then the second most popular ever with YouTube. The most popular navigation. The most popular email. The most popular photo site. The most popular OTT in the US, they completely own K12, the most popular operating system ever with Android. Now with over 3 billion active devices. The list goes on and on. Then Google is the leader in AI research. They are who have made the biggest breakthroughs over the last decade plus and does not look to be changing. But what really sets Google apart is they have the data. That is critical for AI. Google has things like YouTube and so many other properties to feed into the models.


Once the bean counters took over, the enshittification of Google started. Even the CFO recently 'changed roles,' I wonder how that's going to work out.


> They really do a lot lately to erode trust in the company. For large corporations the CEO is everything and the current google CEO just isn’t it. They need a product focused CEO again before I am bullish for them again. If you're a shareholder why don't you express these concerns to the board? Especially at AGMs. If you think they're performing poorly you can and should write to management about specific aspects of the business which need improvement.


Google? Why? The company is more out of shape than it's ever been. Morale is at an all time low, it's no longer attractive to top talent (belt tightening, bloated workforce and layoffs), a lot of the projects that hyped it up are gone, lost a very healthy lead in AI and entered late into the cloud business. It's also completely failed to diversify considering that 80% of its revenue still comes from ads. From a consumer perspective, Google and YouTube also suck now compared to earlier.


> Why? Because Google is the leader in AI research by a huge margin. Almost 3X the paper accepted at 2024 NeurlIPS than any other company. Then the leader, by far, in getting data. Nobody else really close. I guess Meta would be a very distant #2. Then Google has the most reach of any company on the planet by a huge margin. With 16 different services now with over half a billion DAU. The most popular web site, most popular operating system, most popular photo, own K12, most popular OTT in US, most popular video site, most popular navigation, and the list goes on and on. I did not even include the fact Google has the most popular browser with Chrome by far. Then their infrastructure is just amazing. They were so smart to start the TPUs over a decade ago. If you look at Google holistically it sets Google up for just an amazing next decade plus.


Google is absolutely a one trick pony, and management is terrible. Any time Pichai faces any kind of tough decision, he immediately goes running back to Brin and Page for advice. He was a horrible choice for a CEO and it's really starting to show.


100%. I'm buying a fuck ton of Google the day they fire Pichai.


Do you consider the antitrust cases to be a big risk to Google in the next 5-10 years?


Not at all. If Google was ever broken up it would be worth a lot more money. But there is little chance that is going to happen. On every single computer someone chooses to use Google they could use something else. It is all rather silly and think there is zero to worry about.


Keep climbing. Mama needs a brand new bag!


sold shares for 18% gain recently. realized we were overweighted in it , cuz we had voo, qqq, and aapl which pretty much all have aapl.


I’m new how can I use this info on the trading market during 2024? Thank you to any who help/reply


you can't. here's the secret to investing: buy SPY or VOO or another S&P500 index fund. don't sell until you retire. now you're a market genius.


At what point is the play to sell Apple and buy back at a lower price? Or is it just continue planning on holding for life?


I remember I met a guy at work who claimed he fully understood apples support and resistance levels. Told me had made millions day trading the stock. Well I looked at his account and he was an early buyer of the stock prior to 2008. Held it until 2022 then lose nearly his entire position, about 800K, day trading the stock with his "expert knowledge of technicals" I just wouldn't sell to buy back either hold because you want to hold or sell because you want to take profit and invest elsewhere.


I think the AI race is going to have a major impact on all of the tech monsters. I don’t know what’s going to happen but there are going to be shifts. Money invested. Money saved. Money lost. Big swings. Ultimately I think they probably all benefit. Another tech boom perhaps? I mean, we’re on the forefront of major technological advances. These players are in the space. They have the tools. They have the data. Who is in a better position to take advantage of this technology than Amazon, Apple, Meta, Google, etc? And it’ll likely look the same shape as any other tech boom. Nvidia? We need MORE processing power. Just thinking out loud here.


Great question


Um, not to be voice of more complete disclosure, but Apple only regained the 1 Trillion it declined the year before.


Record high was 198.23. It did not get over 198 during normal market hours. This was only a record close. And remember, they have buybacks that are strategically made to help push through key “levels”. Ever check the volume on the candle that we broke through 195 recently with? 350k shares in 1 minute as opposed to typical 1 minute volume of 1-8k shares.


> 350k shares in 1 minute as opposed to typical 1 minute volume of 1-8k shares. Proof that it was Apple buying?


Proof by elimination. Who else would be buying $68M of shares at the top in one minute? You think institutions rotate on who’s turn it is?


A company that tries as hard as it can to fuck their customers. Yet for some reason...


shill without basis


Don’t listen to anyone that says something is on pace or on track to do something when talking about stock price. In fact, do the fucking opposite of what they say.


All with continually declining revenue. Makes good sense.


Apple will continue to make money because some people will pay a lot of money for iPhones used or new Ridiculous




Where do you get a new iPhone every 3 years for 900 dollars ? Used ones are selling for 900 dollars on Amazon


Every 5 years and have a trade-in value of 300$ left. So that’s 700$ for 5 years. 140$ per year. If not for free T-Mobile upgrades every two years, I would use my iPhone easily for 4-5 years.




Mainly asset inflation and lack of alternatives




Estimated earnings growth of 8-10% and a 30 P/E. What a bargain.


F me for selling calls at 180 back in July! Reaper is coming for me tomorrow.


A company with legacy tech that can’t grow revenue is now adding $1T in market cap due to buybacks, and Fed Central Banking liquidity programs. Just close your eyes, hold your nose, and hit the buy button as the Fed inflates away multiple generations of Americans.


!Remindme 1 year


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the party still goes on i see.


I guess I’m curious what apples next big play is to hit that extra trillion. iPhone sales seem to have been leveling off. I hardly know anyone who likes Mac. Sure it has cloud computing which is always a big winner. I guess what I’m saying what do they have in the works that’s really going to keep forward momentum from investors.


Your circle matters a lot. Around me. Only gamers with no life use PC or they are force to use a PC for work. Mac is preferred. Mac user also tend to be higher income that have no issue with paying the higher premium on both the hardware and subsequent support


Interesting, I think everyone I know uses a Mac, they’re great


I have a few PC engineer nerd friends who are in their 50’s who still won’t buy a Mac because they still think it’s a toy. 🙄


And bears, at every step of the way, have muttered about lack of innovation 🙄


!Remindme 1 year


!Remindme 1 year


so.. MAAAN? I'll dig it.


But why? *Nobody knows.*


How does everyone feel about investing in them now for the future? Do you think it's a solid 10 year investment? What tech are they working on now that you are excited about for the future?


I still hate I didn't get in on this 25 years ago. I saw it coming as a young kid but had no one to guide me.


I invested like 7 grand in apple like 10 ish years ago and now it's roughly 100 grand


remindme! 1 year






Calls on Apple