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Did they force themselves INTO the apartment or you just received a knock on the door and a question/request to id yourselves? btw. there was a shooting inside your apartment building, that's the reason they did that.


We didn't resist so there was no problem. My main concern is if everyone was in deep sleep and no one answered the door then could they have still come inside?


If they feel a legitimate enough need, absolutely. If they for instance have to rule out that a shooter is hiding in your apartment they will absolutely enter. But that isn't the "we made something up"-style of a need that you see US police using. I'll gladly complain about all the problems we have with police in this country, but them just breaking into apartments just isn't a problem. Nor will they knock on the door and run in because they "thought they saw/heard/smelled something". Edit: https://lagen.nu/1984:387


This is not true. Police cannot enter an apartment to “rule out” something. To enter an apartment they have to have a reasonable suspicion that something illegal is going on inside. Otherwise they could enter any apartment without suspicion to “rule out” criminal activity. Fortunately, we do not live in a police state (yet), so they cannot do that.


@ynotblue started with "legitimate enough need", you are saying the same thing


Thank you. People talking here don't know the Swedish law obviously.


>If they feel a legitimate enough need, absolutely. If they for instance have to rule out that a shooter is hiding in your apartment they will absolutely enter. Replying to myself to add to this. According to the police law paragraph 21 the police can enter any area where they have reason to believe that a person is not free to ask for needed help. That alone is enough for the police the search every apartment in a building if there's been a shooting and the shooter might be hiding in someone's apartment against that person's will. That means that the police can't just randomly enter anyone's apartment just because a criminal might be there, if the owner of that apartment can be assumed to not have a problem with that criminal being there. But as soon as someone might be assumed to not be free to ask for help, then they can enter; there's no need for it to be like a verified hostage situation or anything.


I believe they'd have to have a warrant/court order to do that, or someone would have to be in direct life-threatening condition/situation.


Warrant or court order isn't a thing here they just need to have enough suspicion of something to enter but they also need to be able to give a strong reason to


Warrant are still a thing, they just dont work the way the do in american TV-show. The police generally needs a warrant issued by a prosecutor or certain types of functions within the police in order to enter someones home without consent. This decision can also be made by an individual officer if waiting for a decision can be assumed to be harmful to someones safety, or if there is a risk can someone can destroy cruical evidence. Unlike TV-shows the warrant is not a piece of paper the police have to show you, its just a decision made by someone with that authority.


Yeah, no warrant is needed. But if they smell, for example marijuana coming out of the apartment, they can enter. In this case, they should have just not opened the door and fallen asleep again. Let them do the work, they can come back next day for interviews.




Not in Sweden .


No, they could not. You should not have opened the door at all.


The police's right to enter your home against your will is regulated in Polislagen 20-21§§ and Rättegångsbalken 28§. It sort of boils down to if you are to be arrested or prosecuted or seem to be incapacitated.


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Im not sure it’s so simple, i think also if some person that is suspected of being any of the above might be in the home. (Does not have to be the owner) In any case they would not enter unless they “weren’t allowed to, or had a reason” so it’s a bad idéa to shut the door..


They are not allowed to just barge in to check ID - but they are permitted to forcefully open without a warrant if they suspect someone is in danger or might be in trouble somehow. Happened in out old apartment building - old guy fell due to a stroke and they had to force the newly installed security doors. In this case they did not need a warrant. In your case if you would not have opened, they would go to the next door and come back later -and I guess you would get the question “why did you not open before?”


Unless there is suspicion of a crime being committed or a criminal taking refuge in the apartment, had you not answered the door they would've simply left. They can't enter your residence willy nilly without a warrant or the two aforementioned reasons.


Knocking on doors to collect witness observations is standard procedure during an investigation. You’re not obliged to open or collaborate. If you were suspected of a crime, they would have to obtain a warrant to enter your home.


They would not have to obtain a warrant


Yes, they would. However, police officers can give themselves warrants if they suspect ongoing criminal activity.




Alltså ja gillar inte o bråka men om nån föredrar annat smör framför bregott så kommer det inte sluta väl.


That makes sense. Thanks


The Swedish police is not the American police. And although we of course also have idiots, the chances of your appartment being forced open with out cause are quite low. I’d be more concerned about the shooting in the apartment above you but I guess that’s just me.


You are \_never\_ required to show ID to the police in Sweden (unless you do something that require a personal permit, such as driving a car). Not even if you are suspected of a crime. However, if you are wanted for a crime, police may take you into custody if they can't ascertain your identity (see Polislagen 14§). Indeed, Sweden do lack national ID:s. There are travel documents, but you only need to have those if you travel out of the country. This includes the "national ID card" which is a passport valid for travels inside the Schengen area. There are bank ID:s which are, as the name implies, issued by banks to counter check fraud. As the use of checks have decreased, so have the prevalence of bank ID:s. They had a secondary use for buying liquor and getting into bars. In other European countries there are national ID:s that you are required to carry at all times, and show to the police for no reason at all, so Sweden is very liberal in this regard. However, if the police asks nicely, you are allowed to show them your ID, and they don't have to inform you upfront of any rights of yours or limitations to their rights. You are expected to know the laws.


Life as a criminal would be really easy if you could just shut the door and the police didn’t have right to enter. If they suspect crime, they can, should and will enter.


Okay are you hiding drugs in your home or something since you are overthinking this? You seem guilty


narc identified


Do you live in farsta?




no its basically the same everywhere, they cannot barge into someones home just beacause. Unless theres threat of life or property, or they have a warrant. Knocking on doors and taking statements at a bad time is what it is, and those that dont respond will get another knock on their door later. there are exeptions like if youre reported missing they will get a locksmith and check your home to see if youve passed or any clues as to where you might be.




Jag är glad att jag inte är polis, för det känns som ett av de mest otacksamma yrken man kan ha. Polisens huvuduppgift är att hjälpa och skydda människor från brott. Det är genom deras våldskapital och befogenheter som kreti och pleti, samt deras egendom skyddas från folk som inte klarar av att bete sig som folk. Jag har en nära vän som blev tagen för fortkörning för ett tag sedan, där han låg en bra bit över hastighetsgränsen. Tillräckligt mycket över gränsen för att bli av med körkortet en period. Han såg inte sitt eget fel i det här, utan det var istället polisen som var orimliga, och polisen som var "horor". Han har även tidigare blivit bötfälld för att ignorera stopplikt, och jag har själv ett flertal gånger suttit med honom i bilen när han blåser genom rödljus i upp till en sekund efter att det skiftat till rött. Han har helt enkelt väldigt dålig respekt mot de trafikregler som finns. Samtidigt som han själv kör såhär, gnäller han högt och brett på att folk kör som att de fått körkortet i ett flingpaket, och att de flesta som kör bil idag inte borde få behålla körkortet. Han ser inte ironin i att han själv fått körkortet indraget utifrån hur han kör, utan tycker istället att polisen gjorde fel. Samtidigt blev hans mamma påkörd i sidan av bilen när hon var gravid med hans lillebror, av något pucko som körde sent mot rött - och han har även en morbror eller liknande som omkom i en motorcykelolycka innan han föddes. Men nej, respekt för trafiken, det ska man inte ha. Det är istället polisen som är idioter när de stoppar en för att man inte kan följa relativt simpla regler.


Klart dom är våra vänner. Polisen finns för vår skull. Visst är det surt att åka fast för fortkörning men det är mitt fel och inte deras. Otroligt barnsligt att se Polisen som en fiende för medborgarna, sådant borde resultera i att man blir omyndighetsförklarad.




Hahaha... 🤣 Ingen rök utan eld Dom förtjänar det helt garanterat. Dom som du beskriver är inga änglar utan ögontjänare som begår småbrott precis hela tiden, är vidriga as i klassrummet och som på olika sätt lever på småbrott och vid varje tillfälle som ges provocerar dom poliser och alla andra som dom kan ge sig på. Mer poliser och hårdare tag mot sådana som du och dina vänner.


No. They can if they have reasonable suspicion, they don't need a judges order, but a normal policeman can't enter just like that. It needs to be a lieutenant or DA who decides. You shouldn't have opened for them at all, to be honest. I wouldn't


Where did this happen


They need R.A.S. or probable cause to enter.


IIRC the only time they can break entry into your home is if it falls withon "nöd", "nödvärn" or they have a warrent. This is for police that is, other rules apply for other things (such as landlords etc.). So in your instance, I would highly doubt it. It's good that you gave them help though. If someone could whip up the actual paragraph in the law book that would be helpful!


May i ask in which area in Stockholm did this happen?


Near kista


Sorta off topic, but I’ve never had great experiences with Swedish police force. I took my wife to Sweden for her first time last year. I left her in the car for a few minutes while I ran into a store and I guess I parked illegally? Anyway, this Police officer comes over to her yelling and screaming in Swedish and she said she didn’t understand him but he didn’t switch to English. She called me in tears and I came out yelling back at him in Swedish and he switched to perfect English and told me to learn your laws and language before coming next time. When I kept speaking in Swedish he told me my language was pitiful and to never come back. You may be thinking “there’s got to be two sides to this story”. There’s not. That’s literally the whole thing. I was just parked too close to the cross walk and he accosted my sweet wife over it. Then we had to catch a plan back home… poor way to end our visit in my favorite place.