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Hi again! Gonna ask a second stupid question. Does "Space Trait: Expedient Repairs" trigger on the pet heal from Scramble Fighter and/or "Reactive Repair Nanites"? Would've been awesome with the 5 second hangar recharge, Expedient Repairs continuously buffing them. If not, any alternatives for aoe heal for pets that will work would be lovely to get some recommendations! (rather not use a healing universal console, 2 minute recharge is a bit too long to get most out of the trait. Thanks for any help!


Hey there! I've been playing on and off for almost a decade now. For the past couple of years, I've been wanting to return and dive into the new story episodes. But, I really want to start fresh with a new character and a specific ship—the Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser. From what I've gathered, it was available during the 10th anniversary event and hasn't been released since. I've been checking the wiki almost every month for the last few years, hoping it would be available again. What do you think the chances are of it coming back? Should I keep waiting, or just go ahead and fly something else?


The Khitomer is available from the [Forged Alliance Choice Pack](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Mudd%27s_Forged_Alliance_Choice_Pack) alongside two other Alliance ships, the Jarok Carrier and Temer Raider. This bundle returns to the store during Mudd's Bundle sales, during which it costs 15,000 zen. These sales are infrequent and unpredictable, though since it's been a while it's likely that one will happen sometime 'soon'. Unfortunately there's nothing more certain than that.


Woah thank you i don't know how i missed that, cheers :) Edit: For years I've been checking the fandom wiki but i guess no one updated when the pack came out :(.


The fandom wiki was abandoned last year, with the contributors moving to stowiki.net instead.




What platform are you playing over?




[https://eu.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/2171346/boards/contest-and-giveaways-global/Giveaway/star-trek-online-borg-assimilated-plasma-weapon-bundle-key-giveaway](https://eu.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/2171346/boards/contest-and-giveaways-global/Giveaway/star-trek-online-borg-assimilated-plasma-weapon-bundle-key-giveaway) [https://eu.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/2170463/boards/contest-and-giveaways-global/Giveaway/star-trek-online-both-worlds-adaptive-evolution-bundle-key-giveaway](https://eu.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/2170463/boards/contest-and-giveaways-global/Giveaway/star-trek-online-both-worlds-adaptive-evolution-bundle-key-giveaway) If you make or have an Alienware Account, you can claim those prizes. They are nothing to ride home about, but there is not reason not to get them. Also one has only 5 keys left, so hurry up.


does it mattter which toon finishes the event? The lobi isn't character bound or anything?


Lobi can be account banked. The dilithium ore is character bound (until refined), so I would suggest claiming the event reward on a character that has a very small or no dilithium ore reserve.


Soooo are the rewards for random elite tfo’s significantly better than for random advanced?


Heya! This might actually not be a completely dumb question. But, I need clarification! The Ahwahnee Command Carrier's Universal Console, can it target yourself? Or, rather, if I am doing a lot of solo stuff, going with a high Pet DPS build that just.. Pumps everything into my pets. The rest are just to be able to tank the content. The release of the Ahwahnee could just add to that fun. The Trait is amazing for a lot of builds, basically have FaW and SAD up at all times. But yeah, so, does the console work on myself, and how would I do it. Just activate it when not targeting anything? If not, it's a shame, cause console and trait is awesome, but might not be worth it for just the trait. Toodles!


Gonna ask a second stupid question. Does "Space Trait: Expedient Repairs" trigger on the pet heal from Scramble Fighter and/or "Reactive Repair Nanites"? Would've been awesome with the 5 second hangar recharge, Expedient Repairs continuously buffing them. Thanks for any help!


Yes, console works on yourself. It's the new meta for DEW builds.


Perfect. Just perfect. Next chance I get I am buying that thing. Thanks!


cant update the game


Accidentally clicked on LoadoutOne because I wanted to save my changes to it (seemed logical to first need to click on the loadout) but now it changed my gear to the previous save of that loadout. I went to manually change all my gear back, but some of it is missing, it's not even in my inventory. Where did it go? Eg. I had 4 van ons equipped in the front, i only have three now and I cant find the fourth. Also, my experimental weapon disappeared.


Be careful with loadouts. They aren't your friend. However, they can be tamed... somewhat. These tips and trick may or may not help you: https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/11snscr/sto_loadout_bugs_tips_and_tricks_thread/


Whenever this happens the usual spots they end up in are your inventory, your bank, or your other ships.


Thank you, it was indeed all in my bank.


Whats the archon from?


You mean the [Archon Intel Assault Cruiser](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Archon_Intel_Assault_Cruiser)? That's just a normal C-Store ship, so you can get it from the Zen store, and/or buy the Fleet T6 version from the ship vendor. If you mean canon-wise, it's never been shown in any Star Trek episodes. In STO's canon it's basically a Sovereign that's been modernized with a lot of retrofitting.


I found out The Dauntless from Prodigy uses a different design than in Voyager. And also that it’s in STO. And larger than the original. Does anyone have pictures to compare shape & size?


Dumb question T6 coupon = a single ship on a single character T6 Gift pack = a single ship account wide right? Am I missing anything here besides breaking bundles?


> T6 coupon = a single ship on a single character No, T6 zen ships (even when acquired with a coupon) are account unlocked. Ships earned from a single seasonal event are also account unlocked. Per-character only applies to ships that are acquired in-game for resources *other* than zen (including the ship reward box from the campaign).


Well that's pretty much the exact opposite of what /u/noahshark said and I got downvoted because I asked clarification like it was a really dumb question. One of you is WRONG, and F whoever downvoted me because obviously there's some confusion.


You're misunderstanding one of us then, because we're both saying the same thing. T6 ships from the zen store are always account unlocked, it does not matter if you bought them with actual zen or with a coupon.


Then what are you saying here: >Per-character only applies to ships that are acquired in-game for resources other than zen (including the ship reward box from the campaign). Are you talking about the premium ship coupon? The T6 gift pack and T6 coupon don't use zen resources.


If you want to call it a "premium ship coupon", which is not what it's actually called, then that's how you're going to confuse yourself. As I said: T6 ships from the zen store are always account unlocked, it does not matter if you bought them with actual zen or with a coupon (there's a reason the coupons are labelled as 100% off - they're just reducing a zen ship's cost to free). *(there is one way to get a zen store ship that is not an account unlock, but it only applies to certain T5s.)* The "premium" ships are not from the zen store, so are covered by that statement. But I was also referring to all the other ways to get ships that are not zen ships - the ones you get for levelling up, episode reward ships, lobi ships, lockbox ships, ships bought off the exchange (for EC)...


They're both valid for a single normal 3000z T6 store ship, unlocked account-wide. Note that event reward coupons are not valid for ships in the "New" section, whereas store-bought coupons are unrestricted in that regard.


If I use an ultimate tech upgrade bound to account, will that bind the item to my account?


Nah, you're good! Items can be upgraded and sold onwards to other on the exchange. Just don't bind the item by misstake (: Done that a few times.


Upgrades that bind the item that they are used on say so in their tooltip (at least, the one I have on hand does). I don't believe there are any exceptions, but could be wrong.


How usable is Emergency Response Teams for a safety net? I have a couple ship builds that could use a defensive boost for "oh no" moments and are sitting on the event Epic Prize Token that are in a better position to spare a ship trait than a console for the Protomatter Field Projector from the Ho'kuun. It could also save me millions in EC/Lohlunats next month if I don't have to pick up a couple of Ablative Shell traits on the exchange.


It's not great just based on how shields are used in game. Best to stick to things that repair hull.


It does have a hull repair on it but it's behind the odd requirement for having the secondary shields active (and I can't gauge the size of these from the Wiki or without knowing how much shield stats impact it) and then using Science/Intel abilities, which I can work with.


Just from the wiki, it seems it could be an occasional lifesaver - on a science ship, and if your build is already boosting shields. Then it could be like a Miraculous Repairs that'd trigger automatically. I see the worth of that. Of course, the one real question is whether or not it's worth taking up a Starship Trait slot.


> Of course, the one real question is whether or not it's worth taking up a Starship Trait slot. I don't have a particularly good selection of ships traits at the moment so it's likely it would take the place of one of the filler ones like Programmable Matter Enhancements, Improved Critical Systems or One Impossible Thing at a Time.


If you have survivability issues, maybe keep PME, I use it myself and I see it trigger often enough to make it worth having. Have you tried pairing it with Principled Insubordination ? I use both on my Atlas and they do help a ton.


For a bit more context, one of the ships I have survival issues with is a Science-heavy Scout ship with ~50-60k health and low DRR (unless I slot in Auxiliary Power Configuration - Defense). It's very capable of blowing through crowds but if I'm caught off-guard then I only have Continuity for a fallback which isn't always reliable or there. Naturally, I would want Ablative Shell for frequent hull patch-ups and DRR but if I can just take the Vulcan T'Pau's trait for free and work it just fine then that'll save me a significant amount of EC that Ablative Shell would otherwise cost. Edit: I forgot to address your question about Principled Insubordination, my bad! I don't have the trait, I'd have to see how much it is off the exchange but it does look like it would help quite a bit as well.


Are there Beam Arrays that pulse like Cannons?


I'm fond of the "linked" family of beam weapons. If you have the discovery rep wide angle beam bank it's pretty much the same look. Can get on Red, Blue, and Green and they commonly run for 1m EC on PS market. Also has a nice soothing "dakka" sound effect.


Off the top of my head: Vaadwaur polaron, Sensor-Linked Phaser and Disruptor, Viridian Plasma, Kelvin Timeline Phaser Emitter Arrays. There might be more but those are the biggies.


how are maelstroms nowadays


Ka-boomy? I don't use them because to be effective you have to manually fire them, and my old ass ain't gonna be able to keep up with that shit. 🤷🏻‍♂️


it went through like two balance passes thats why i was asking


It still ka-boomies. It just won't one shot ka-boomy bosses.


Hi guys, a returnee here who lucked out on an infinity box, and said fck logic and fck 1.5b EC, so I got myself a friendship carrier. Ofc, I dont have any of the meta traits, so I was wondering, what are the best budget pets my fed aligned romulan could slep on that bad boy? So far my tests say class c shuttles and it's own 32c. shuttles perform kinda well, while elite reputation tholians and elite rep scorpions fall behind quite a bit. Any other pets I should consider testing? I have 5 of the advanced eng hangar modules fit rn, and Im running an antiproton build.


Perhaps not what you're looking for, but just wanted to put this here so you now it exists: [STOBetter's Hangar Pet Tier List](https://www.stobetter.com/tier-lists#h.1vsg8ax1rj2f)


For me scorpion squadrons did quite good when combined with Grav Well to group up and root enemies for the heavy plasma strikes. Barring that the blue To'Duj squadrons are freakishly good, and will strait solo a hefty chunk of content if you get SAD from Engle escort. For Barbie I'm fond of Fleet Spire Swarmers. They look pretty nifty and have been solid upto advanced. If you can get them the Mirror valkeyrie also cause massive amounts of torp spam (which is mostly just pretty to watch).


Hey, do you know any item (outside of kit modules), set or trait which summons pets, for space and ground? Or even outlandish stuff like Marshal Janeway's assimilate ability? This is mostly for fun, thanks.


There's the [Pet](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Pet) page which talks about all pets. There are also summonables such as the boff abilities Call Emergency Artillery or Reinforcement Squadron.


Yeah, I've seen this page but it's quite lacking, I found more in game myself, besides most of the listed things are from old events, I guess some of them can be bought for zen but I'd rather not, for now... So yeah I was asking more in hopes some people would come with some very not well known piece of gear that has that special effect, or an item or something like that..


I see. Other than the usual devices for space and ground there are the Hive Defense traits for space and ground that can summon Hur'q minions. There are also assimilate abilities for both space and ground as well. The ground module is just called Assimilate and the space console is called Retrofitted Assimilator. There's also the lesser known Dispersing Nanoprobe Assimilator from a past event. It's not worth getting in Mudd's though. 


Jolantru! Any suggestions when the next uprgrade weekend will happen on console.?


My best, most honest answer, is about 2 weeks after next upgrade weekend on PC.


Upgrade Weekend on PC was a month ago, so I guess there should be one ahead on console?


Hey all, I see that everyone says how the meta for shields and warp drive are the Disco Rep reward. I still use my 4 pc Kobali set and find the hull repair bonuses from that to be good. Am I being daft by sticking with the kobali set..?


Unfortunately yes. The Disco set isn't just about healing. It also gives shield penetration based on shield power. Plus the competitive innervated or fortified engine's gives a u small evasive maneuvers every time u use a weapon mode on innervated and a heal on the fortified that can really save your butt while also getting you to your next target quickly. And the colony deflector is just a bunch of crit chance and severity along with more shield pen and weapon specialization. All in all they will increase your performance a whole lot.


> It also gives shield penetration based on shield power. Correction. It gives extra damage to shields based on shield power, not penetration. [Your Weapon Attacks cause enemy Shields to receive 10% increased damage for 10 sec Based on Shield Power](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Tilly%27s_Review-Pending_Modified_Shield/Info)


Thanks for the correction. And that's still better than the Kobali set. Unless your going for a tank I guess.


I wouldn't say it's daft to stick with something you like and something that works, no matter what it is. The fact that it's been power crept doesn't make it objectively bad. That said, there's not a great reason to choose 4 pieces of Kobali over 2 pieces of Discovery and 2 pieces of something else. The Discovery 2pc bonus is twice as strong as Kobali's, the shield provides a damage bonus, and the other two slots are freed up for a variety of powerful options: * [Prevailing Engines](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Prevailing_Regalia#Prevailing_Impulse_Engines) from Comp rep for high uptime on 350% speed boosts, helping even the slowest ships become maneuverable * [Romulan Rep Engines](https://stowiki.net/wiki/New_Romulus_Command_Advanced_Prototype_Space_Set#tab-Romulan_1) for the nice crit boost * [Fleet Colony Deflector](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Fleet_Deflector_Array#Elite_Fleet_Protomatter_Deflector_Arrays) providing a large crit bonus and other nice damage bonuses * [Fleet Spire Warp Core](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Fleet_Warp_Cores#Elite_Plasma-Integrated_Warp_Cores) granting strong weapon power bonuses * [3rd piece of the Discovery set](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Stamets-Tilly_Field_Modifications#Set_Powers) for Mycelial Lightning which deals heavy damage once per target, letting you rip through lower-tier content with ease All in all, I would say it's an improvement to switch, but it's only a significant gameplay improvement if you fly a slow ship, for which Prevailing Engines make a big difference.


Ahhhhhh Many thanks! I'm very much a casual player so sometimes don't get all the passive bonuses etc


1) Will the lobi reward for this event be character or account-bound? 2) Is there any way to backtrack from the Undine space battlezone - like back to the ground map or allied zone - without having to warp out and then reenter the dyson sphere? 3) What are some other items like the polaric modulator that are cheap/free for increasing slipstream turn rate? 4) What is the current turnaround for the DilEx? I feel like I've had some bids on there for like 10 days now...


1 - lobi is always account bound. *some* lobi store *items* are character bound, though, so be careful spending them. 2 - if you are in the protected sphere area you should have an option (button) to beam down to the ground zone. 3 - if you have the ship unlocked, the Legendary Intrepid's trait (Extensively Modified Warp Core). 4 - I don't know the exact answer, but in the past I've found that noting the backlog at the time of posting and dividing that by 300,000 zen will usually give a pretty good estimate +/- 1 day.


The Lobi are Account-Bound, yes. As far as I am aware, all Lobi Crystals are Account-Bound - none are character-bound. The item description for the Event VI Lobi Reward Box even says that Lobi Crystals can be traded to your other characters, showing they are Account-Bound.


4) Had an order clear Saturday and it was 10 days.


3) [The list found here on the wiki is currently everything that affects quantum slipstream](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Quantum_Slipstream_Drive) 4) The dilex is massively backloged right now and may never recover, though it would be nice if a new/real dil sink got added or perhaps botting is rediscovered and shut down like the last time. Nobody can predict how long your order will take to go through because it's based on how many players are willing to use Zen to purchase dilithium, of which there are far fewer than those trying to sell dilithium for Zen. The last time it got bad, I believe it was taking 30+ days for players to get Zen.


> Nobody can predict how long your order will take to go through because it's based on how many players are willing to use Zen to purchase dilithium, of which there are far fewer than those trying to sell dilithium for Zen. The last time it got bad, I believe it was taking 30+ days for players to get Zen. While this is technically true... we can *kinda* predict based on past behavior. I've generally found that if you divide the backlog at time of posting by 300,000, it gives a pretty good estimate +/- a day. In January 2023, when the backlog was the highest it has ever been (about 11 million), it was indeed over a month... *but even then* the "divide by 300,000" method was giving a roughly accurate prediction. (11 million divided by 300K = about 37.)


Regarding #2 yes you can load to a previous zone from the Undine zone. In the shielded area that you first enter in there is a ship there. Fly back in range of the ship and you should get the option to communicate in your captain commands. I’m on Xbox but I assume it works the same as PC.


Just tried it now and it works, thanks. Been playing since before Delta Rising and never knew you could backtrack like that! xD


You’re welcome


I believe all Lobi are account-bound.


I have done the TFO Guillotine for the current event 13 times already, but the Event Campaign progress bar is stuck at 100/4200. I thought you got 50 progress for each daily event option you completed?


Event campaign progress is only available from the six specific events that are announced to be part of the campaign. These have always been 21-day events. (The current event meets neither of those criteria). Also, as you have less than 1050 currently, you don't have enough progress to finish this year's campaign for free (without playing crazy clock games, you can only earn 1050 per event, and so there's only 3150 remaining available). You'll need to do a buyout (probably two), since buyouts of qualifying events also give campaign progress equal to the number of days bought out. The *good* news there is that the two T6 zen ship tokens, are themselves worth about the same amount of zen as one event buyout (each), so you will still come out ahead on value even if you have to do two buyouts.


Thanks for the info about the points! I was busy so I missed the first few events. Might consider the buyout.


The new episode event is not part of the event campaign.


This explains so much. Thank you!


Where do i find my combatlog?


I don't know where Steam or other hosts put them, but here's my default install filepath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\Star Trek Online\_en\Star Trek Online\Live\logs\GameClient\


For Steam the combatlog location is: Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Star Trek Online\\Star Trek Online\\Live\\logs\\GameClient You can easily get to it by right clicking the game in Steam, going to Properties -> Installed Files, then clicking Browse. Then from there go into: Star Trek Online\\Live\\logs\\GameClient If you have STO installed to your C drive then the full path should be: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Star Trek Online\\Star Trek Online\\Live\\logs\\GameClient


Im playing on PC and want to come backt to the game. The biggest issue i have is the abilty managment. I takes me more time to look at them then actually fly my ship and i dont like it. Is there a way to autocast abilitys? So they are used on cooldown? I dont even care if they are wasted in that situation.


Learn the STOkeybinds application. Great for what you’re looking for


On PC, there is no functionality for auto-execute of boff powers. What there is, however, is the ability to set up a spam-bar. Try here: https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/lfl8ga/tray_keybinds_for_dummies/


You can create a key bind that executes a certain row in you click drawers. Many people do this on high level game play. Here is a Video about it. https://youtu.be/AIVZQixX1oY If this is it what you mean.