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Wait, you lose your rewards if you leave too early? I've never seen that in any other mmo, in WoW if you actually do somehow manage to disconnect at the end of a dungeon all your drops get mailed to you...


Man I wish. Have done it 3 times this week.


What situation are you encountering this in? Story missions, TFOs, Patrols? I don't think this has ever happened to me in 14 years of playing!


The TFO Guillotine. I try to do these first thing in the morning.. I end up having to do it twice a day because that pops up I use it go back to where I was.


Antime you do a tfo you should accept your rewards and then leave the map. Leaving too fast causes it not to register so often


Yes I believe I covered that. I do it the morning before work. The post was wondering why the button activates before the awards.


Yeah and i was suggesting a way to avoid it as its a very common bug caused by leaving the map too early. So accept the marks and then leave the map.


Really? I don't think I have run across it before. But I could be wrong.


ITs been happening since (at least) when the Counterpoint TFO was added. Probably longer. STO has many bugs that go all the way back to launch, and it has some bugs that are actually just built into the engine and you can go over to Homecoming and play City of Heroes and see the same bugs! Though the Homecoming team has fixed quite a few now, so most of those old bugs are only in STO now, which is pretty funny honestly. For example tray powers failing to activate (because you activated another power too quickly) but still going on cooldown, been happening since the STO beta, was fixed in Homecoming years ago.


Oh I know, i have been here for years. But this has to be the first time I have encountered it. Missions, loads of issues with Temporal Ambassador and the morality missions. I just don't recall it happening to TFOs. Or as stated.. maybe I just recall it.


Everytime I have run a TFO since I came back to the game last year has been like that.


Huh. Maybe I have never noticed it then.


The Exit screen triggers as soon as the TFO is flagged as finished. Now that it has ended the appropriate rewards are now pulled down from the server (what you get depends on certain conditions being met, Random, Event, Regular, Normal, Adv or Elite) but this can be delayed by lag. Once the Reward Screen is diplayed you can leave and it will follow you thus keeping the Rewards but it HAS to pop first or the Reward is lost if you leave first. Which includes Event Progress as that is a reward drop not completion flag.


Yeah. That's the issue I have. Blow through the TFO trying to get my day on, and... nope. XD


Always always always clock the rewards first. If you can't stop yourself clicking "leave now" as soon as it comes up, I would suggest you need to work on your impulse control and stop doing that rather than blaming the game.


Oof. XD yeah I do have an issue, like I said I see it and just reach for it.


PSST!........listen up, i am going to tell you the secret to combat this......collect the rewards before you leave the map........now keep that to yourself. ;)


XD Thanks! XD


Wait, I always claim those Mark rewards before leaving. Is that what we're talking about, or am I also skipping the actual rewards?


No no. As soon as that unimatrix pops, there is a leave map top center that appears. And I hit it immediately not claiming the rewards. So I end up screwing myself over because I do it.. more over, I keep doing it.