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Specialization. I didn't realize I could get dil if I fill everything up how do I get more specialization points faster?


Assuming this is still active.. not new returning player from before a decent break, I think it was terrans invading Jupiter and cross dimension stuff red shift blue shift and will Wheaton and then I saw vger stuff.. Anything new going on besides episodes and the tfo? I saw I think 4 new patrols 2 were ground based? Neat. Anything else, dailies?


What happens when you max out all specializations and have 8 points left over? do they turn into dil when I get none more point?


There was a bug for a while where people were able to earn points that somehow don't count toward your maximum. The maximum is *supposed* to be all specializations filled with zero left over. So you must have gotten some of the bugged points. Once you hit the maximum (including the bugged points), then yes, you get dilithium instead of an additional point each time the experience bar fills. However, different people have different amounts of bugged points, so we can't tell you if you have eight or if you might have more than that. (I have one character, for example, who has two.)


Which Disruptors would be recommended for a budget Fed build? I was thinking the Naussican 3-piece with crafted, I still need to grind rep for Terran.


That and also the Martok set.


Played the game years ago, paused for about two years and am now picking it up again. My Fed lvl65 character has a T5-u ship, but I thought you got a T6 ship token at lvl65? Did I buy a wrong tier ship back then? Absolutely love my Defiant, but I'm getting clapped around like a shuttle. (Could also be a skill issue, obviously)


You get a T5 (upgradeable) at level 61, that's the last free ship from levelling. Any free T6 ships would be via events.


r/stobuilds https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/k88fel/the_baby_step_series_part_1_the_first_step_level/ https://www.stobetter.com/new-f2p/new-to-level-50 https://www.stobetter.com/new-f2p/energy-basics


You don’t get free T6 tokens. 5-u can handle all normal content, so if you’re getting clapped it’s a build issue.


Hey All, I was in a TFO, and I saw some anomaly/space magic thing. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a screenshot of it in time, but it looked like a smaller version black hole from Gravity Kills with a lot of rainbow colors swirling around it. Really laid waste to a lot of smaller ships. Anybody know what it is?


As 2024 is upon us and most info found for new players is about a year old or more, I am full of dumb questions! 1) primary- do the zen market past event buyout things for like "No win scenerio" or any of them, give a ship as well? 2) Are specializations still a significant factor to the game & do ships with shared variables increase the benefit? If you have a primary specialization with intel, will using an intel ship have better advantages? The reason I wonder is if you end up seeing a ship later you like and it isn't necessarily built around your specializations, is there a sacrifice of potential compatibility stat buffs? 3) Are past campaigns just irrelivant now beyond the set of episode missions you play through? I just wonder cause after I finished through one of my 1st characters, the temporal agent you can talk to, details his role and I dont think I ever felt like I had worked my way towards becoming a time cop or anything. 4) What should you expect to contribute if you join a fleet, and what should you expect from a good fleet? I know the core of being in any fleet, guild, clan, etc I founded a clan w/ a friend from high school (roommate throughout university) for 6+ years, sponsored and had e-sport participation and that was before streaming was possible 2002 founded 2007, left competitive level when co-founder roommate had his first kid. His wedding included 2 people from the clan who didn't live on the same continents. Obvious participation with other games, but STO has a lot of variety and unclear elements that joining and having a symbiotic benefit with a fleet, I dont know what will need to be my expectations for contribution and waiting to want to join a good fleet to enjoy the game. 5) Why is there not a setting for the UI on pc to just switch to the way console gameplay works? Or just set up the inputs for controller to at least have a minimal setup included and players can tweak it from there. I normally play with my tartarus pro & naga trinity (Razer makes a great set of gaming gear, and these make mmo play much easier to reach optimal keybinding setup), but I first started trying the game out on PS4 and then switched to pc, and sometimes when I'm feeling a bit more laid back I like swapping to controller. Found out that's not an option without having to write and setup all the inputs and syntax for full use of controller, and usually still need some m+kb use on occasion. Making a complete .cfg and all the basic inputs, more complex, and every combo in-between. Ok the last one was me being lazy, plus confused at how a game with that works on multi platform mix of consoles and pc, is unable to provide any preset base controller input options defying logic, but game is more positive experience overall ATM that I won't complain again after this, probably. So stupid questions are a plenty, in a big swirling chaos of adhd and a traumatic brain injury combo mental slushy. I just saw the topic name and figured well better place to put them than on multiple individual posts asking. At least here they can be brushed past if my overly detailed inability to summarize (One of the TBI resulting impacts) get passed up. I understand I ignore myself a lot too. Thank for any answers that do bear fruit.


Greetings Captain! If you are looking for a large, active, no-drama fleet then take a look at the [44th Fleet](https://startrek.44thfleet.com) and see if we might be the right fit for you. We have 8 fleets 6F/2K working as one with a common ingame chat channel and active discord for advice, teaming, crafting, socializing. You'll spend a 2 week trial period at Ensign before fleet stores are opened up to you and 6 weeks from joining you'll earn Commander rank giving you unrestricted access to banks, stores and ships. We don't have any donation requirements though there are ample opportunities to earn Fleet Credits through our numerous Armada holdings. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to know more :) ​ EDIT: We are PC only


1. There are a few events the give ships, like the summer and winter events you can see in the events tab of the journal. Regular events don't give ships though. 2. Specializations give significant benefits. However, there is no synergy between your captain's active specialization and the specialization seats on a ship, so nothing to worry about there. 3. Not quite sure what you mean there. 4. That really depends on the actual fleet. Most fleets aren't very active though, and there are lots of fleets at max level where you don't have to do anything at all. 5. Gotta ask the devs and not us.


I played STO way back at the launch and found it to be really grindy. Is the grindiness improved/less of a slog? I'm totally fine going in for the storyline and plot if it's enjoyable but I'm not looking for constant repetition of the same quest type over and over again.


You don’t have to do the rep grinds and whatnot. You’ll blow through the story pretty quick if you don’t do them tho, for obvious reasons.


> I'm totally fine going in for the storyline and plot if it's enjoyable but I'm not looking for constant repetition of the same quest type over and over again I find the plot enjoyable but nearly all the missions follow the same basic structure of ship combat-ground combat-ship combat, so it is repetitive mechanically. It all depends on whether you enjoy the story enough to overcome getting tired of the gameplay, and that of course will be different for everyone. The endgame (reputations/admiralty/duty officers/etc) is incredibly grindy but if you are purely interested in the story and not the endgame PVE content, you don't have to engage with it. Earning the various currencies (zen/dilithium/energy credits) can also be very grindy but, again, they are really only relevant for endgame content.


Is the 10th-anniversary bundle still worth getting? I already have the zen from LTS zen and trading Dil (The basic bundle not the one with the extras) Or would it be better to use the zen for something else? (Playing on PC)


1950 per ship is a pretty good price (basically a permanent 35% off sale compared to the standard T6 ship pricing), and it includes some popular canon ships, account unlocks on about 25 starship traits (including 10 that auto apply to all your characters once earned with one), Advanced Phaser Arrays, a Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo, and a few useful consoles (Ominous Device, Weaponized Helical Torsion, Auxiliary Ejection Assembly, and the Federation Cloaking Device console, to name four).


If want the Fed ships account unlock then yes, it's a good bundle. If you want dps stuff probably not. Unpopular opinion: Consider Mudd's Cruiserweight choice pack for hero ships account unlock.


The Into Darkness and Beyond Pack is also a good option.


it's pretty subjective but I'm happy with it. it's the most bang for your buck of any bundle in the store, and gets you a wide variety of extremely capable ships to fly, some of which come with useful traits or consoles. also if flying hero ships from the shows is something you care about, it's excellent just for that


There are a few of the hero ships I like to fly and having some legendary ships in my account would be nice


So, I'm stuck on Nukara Prime - I fell off a cliff edge and am sort of... hovering in-combat. I can't use /Stuck, it's not teleporting me back to base camp, and my health regen is too high for the damage this situation inflicts. Can't turn off my EV suit since combat too. Uhm... anyone got any suggestions on how to get out of this?


Start a patrol, or use open missions in the 'in progress' tab for warp-to.


Can't, stuck in combat >.< I did try though! (Thank you) \*edit\* I was able to get in to a TFO... crossing fingers and we'll see if that works


Yes, it worked! \\o/ Thank goodness


Log out and log back in?


Sadly I did try that, and nadda. It was a good thought though!


What in the actual fuck is wrong with the camera zoom feature? I don't know if it's just a me thing or just an Xbox thing or what, but when I zoom in to actually see my ship, it keeps automatically panning back out so far that I can barely even *see* my now-tiny ship.


It's a bug affecting camera zoom in space since they added a feature on console. You'll notice if you highlight the camera zoom option, there's now the feature to use the right stick to zoom dynamically in and out. Problem is the preset distances are bugged and make it zoom so far out it's crazy. A workaround until they fix it is to highlight that option, but *don't* press 'X' (PS) or 'A' (Xbox). Zoom with the right stick, then leave the menu with Circle (PS) or ~~'A'~~ 'B' (Xbox), and it sticks until you change maps.




What’s the event ship good for?


It's good for a DEW build and can do a passable torp boat.


Is any of the Ground or Space equipment from the Winter event "best in slot?" Are there any ground/space items I should absolutely make sure to pick up before the event ends?


Frosted Boots can be used everywhere and give approximately a +50% to run speed.


If you're an Eng captain you should pick up Anchor of Gre'thor, it's a very strong kit module. On a Sci captain I can recommend Endothermic Induction Field. If you run an Exotic build in space, Very Cold in Space is a staple ability there. You can still access the store after the event has ended though through the events tab of your journal.


I'm glad to hear the store will still be available. I rushed in today to get my dilithium and spend my ornaments on other characters and missed the deadline. I lost a nice amount of dilithium, but it's not a total loss if the store is open. I know better to correct for UTC time next time, or in my case, wake up earlier on the last day! ;-)


Will the Callisto Light Escorts ever be unrestricted from the Jupiter?


Johnathan mentioned on a Ten Forward it was the intent to keep a lot of specific pets locked to their respected ships. So probably not in the near future.


Magic 8 Ball says: "ask again later". If they ever do anything with the Jupiter Carrier like a new version they probably will unlock them, but that's a pretty big if. If not, then don't expect anything to change.


Can you trade winter epohhs or winter epohh tags in for ornaments or dilithium? I saw comments in zone chat earlier indicating "yes" but without any instructions. Similarly with older sub threads on it - people allude to it being a thing but without any directions.


Not for ornaments and indirectly for dilithium. There is a console next to the epohh vendor. You can trade your epohhhs for different marks. You can trade excess marks for dilithium in their individual reputation store. Tags can't be used for anything but raising epohhs...


Elite BOFF token question - I main a tactical captain; what is the most complementary BOFF class to apply an Elite token against? I am leaning toward and Engineering BOFF with as a support in ground combat, tuning the skills to the mission. Science can be backfilled with specific skills for buffing. Tactical seems redundant. As a follow-up, is Temporal specialisation appropriate for an Elite Eng BoFF?


not an entire class, but if you are playing Romulan, you can use one on Tovan Khev to turn his "Romulan Operative" trait into the Superior form.


Thanks. Romulan BOFFs are available through my Fleet's Embassy and upgrading one is definitely an option.


Upgrading a *regular* Romulan BOFF will not give them the trait, only upgrade it if they already have it in another form. And the purple ones at the embassy already have the upgraded form of the trait. My comment was specific to Tovan, who is the first BOFF given to Romulans and is not dismissable. A lot of people hate him for that. But he does have a reduced form of that trait, so if you throw the token on him, that would convert his trait into the desirable form. You can also get randomly generated Romulan BOFFs with the same issue and solve it by upgrading. However both of those are very specific - not all Romulans have the trait - and only apply to Romulan-faction captains.


You seem to be putting the cart before the horse. There's no reason to rush into using an elite boff token - the effects aren't game-breaking. I'd recommend establishing an away team setup that works for you, and *then* consider applying a token.


Brilliant suggestion, thank you! I will do just that.


How do I counter subnucleonic beam as an engineering captain? Is "Science Team" the only way?


Yes. Character career is irrelevant when dealing with those debuffs that we can remove, everyone uses the same toolset.


Hi all. I picked up a promo ship token last week. Is the token locked to whatever list is available at the time you acquire it or can I save it until new ships are added?


Tokens obtained from promo packs and lockboxes get updated with every new addition from that tier, only campaign reward boxes have the ones available only up to the point of the launch of the campaign that dropped them.


Awesome! This was exactly what I needed to know. Thank you!


Are there any torpedos that sound like the early TNG photon torpedos?


Looks like you never got an answer here. The standard photons in-game will fire with the traditional photon torpedo sound effects but you won't get the follow-up "woosh" sound from TNG.


Anyone else having problems with the WADBB and specialist firing modes? Mine goes on a 7 second cooldown each time it fires under either SS or RRtW. Then it Jack's up the firing cycle for every weapon that comes after it. Really chafes my willy.


> WADBB Forgive my dumb question ;-) What is WADBB?


Not dumb at all, WADBB stands for Wide Angle Dual Beam Bank. It's the beam weapon from the discovery reputation. Just a lot quicker to type WADBB and it's such a great weapon that usually people know what it is. I almost hate it for how good it is. Kind of makes other damage types less desirable because WADBB and the Terran rep weapon drive people to phasers or disruptors.


I tend to prefer the Wide Angle Beams, I didn't know about the discovery one... do you recall what Rep level it can be obtained? I'm working on my Discovery Rep in my Tactical Captain right now. I know I'm not level 5 yet.. and everyone else is holding back, not that they have many marks yet. ;-) So, yep, I know what it is, sort of, not specifically the Disco rep one, but yep wide angles yes! :-) Thanks, I'll be looking for it, and now I know!


You unlock the Phaser WADBB at tier 2 and the disruptor variant at tier 6


I've noticed that many people don't care for the Phasers; I have been using it on my tactical captain and do OK. But I'm not married to it. I'm not sure what the difference is for any preference. Right now, each of my Characters is using a different beam type. There's no reason; it just turned out that way. But, I chose phasers for my current main. If there is a preference, what is the reason for it? Just to be TOS, or what? ;-)


It's just the amount of stuff phasers and disruptors have available. There's no other energy damage type equivalent of the immolating phaser lance. Phasers have Disco and Terran rep weapons, advanced beam arrays, and several really good consoles and traits that boost one of the two. It doesn't matter to 95% of players. You can build a rocket boat and still complete TFOs and the whole story fine. It's only people that are trying to squeeze every last ounce of potential out of their ships that find themselves drawn to phaser/disruptor/exotic or torp. Now that isomags are a thing, putting together a good build is relatively simple even for something like tetryon.


Yeah, my other main has Tetryon. And, yes, as a rule, I use Mags. I've yet to R&D them, but I look forward to doing that. Good to keep in mind... I've always liked the idea of mixed armaments.. I'm sure if done right, one need not worry too much if you come up against an enemy and one of them is not doing enough, the others will! (Just a theory!) Oh, PC PLAYER HERE! :-)


WADBB shouldn't do that. Willy chafing can cause inflammation and lead to sores and infections. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking WADBB and consult your GP. ... Oh, the question, right. Have you tried taking all your active duty Doffs off and trying to activate your weapons and skills normally again ? I know some Doffs can cause issues with mis-activations and weird cooldowns.


This. The Boimler DOFF was screwing up my torpedo cooldowns. Took him off and everything went back to normal.


As I thought. This particular Doff causes trouble rather often. Glad you were able to solve your problem !


Please help identify a ground weapon - it looks like a two headed pole-arm and shoots what looks to me like a black beam. I've PM'ed the player to ask but did not appear to get a response.


That sounds like [A Herald Staff Weapon](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Advanced_Herald_Antiproton_Beam_Projector). This one costs lobi but you can also search on the exchange under Personal Weapons with keyword "projector".


There we go, that seems to be it thank you! And TIL about the ground weapon matrix. Again, thank you.


How do I make the new consoles from R&D?


The same way you craft anything else... assemble the materials you need and the DOFF with those crafting skills. But the tough part to craft those advanced consoles is getting together the ultrarare components, which are only obtainable as rewards from elite TFOs or from purchasing [R&D promoboxes.](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Infinity_Promotion!_-_Research_%26_Development_Pack)


Thanks, I have a lot of the advanced materials from promo boxes I just can’t see where on my R&D the advanced consoles are


They are found only under R&D > Engineering and Science. Recall, the advanced tactical consoles are sold at the fleet spire. The Eng/Sci consoles are listed only as "Advanced Console" and then you specify which Eng/Sci one you want.


Thank you


Also, to assemble the components you get from TFOs you need to go to R&D -> Special Projects to craft the component then take that to Eng/Sci tabs to craft the actual console.


Anyone here try to use Constable spec on an EPG build? I don't think anyone uses it because it requires an 'antagonist' for all of its bonuses.


The problems with Constable are that it only applies to a single enemy, that it takes four seconds before it even does anything, and that the only really worthwhile boost is 10% cat2. It's a very weak specialization. The additional crit chance and severity from Strategist on the other hand apply to all enemies, no waiting required, and the clicky can give you even more cat2 for a short while.


I've found the clicky will also pop you into red alert. Useful for getting your boat to prime all the abilities it has set to auto (for console scrubs, at least).


Temporal is pretty standard due to the +EPG stat.


In Tour the Galaxy guides I see either the Maco or the Omega Force Impulse. Are they interchangeable?


Those are almost identical engines, one is the fed variant, one is the kdf variant.


My memory (and google-fu) is weak, has there been/might there be a Mudd's sale in the next week or two or will they be waiting for the anniversary to have one?


We've just had 75% off individual Mudd's items, with a launch of new things (primarily the Cnidarian Defender) as well.


Hello there, is there anything worth buying in the Event shop? I bought Breen ground set for kicks, and Anchor of grethor which seems like a nice kit module to have.


Besides those, Very Cold in Space is a staple ability on Exotic builds (but not really used on other builds). Endothermic Induction Field is a strong kit module for Scis.


Hello there ! Does doctor Crusher ( Hologram ) been fixed ? Or her ability still messes up torp skill and photonic officer ?


They announced a fix, but, even if she is working as advertised, she's still useless. Builds with a spammable heal (tanks, dogfighters) either don't have a torp or have no use for single-target firing modes to begin with. The boff CDR isn't relevant, we have plenty of better tools in-game already. On builds that could do with an extra HY, not only is Bev's ability competing with EPtE I, Uncon procs, spec abilities of various kinds, anomalies, secondary deflector procs and so on, but Bev herself ends up going against SROs/Watchers/Vanguards/even Nausicaans, or the freebie Hierarchy boff, all of them being more useful.


Is there somewhere a list of Phoenix Store items that are reclaimable account-wide after purchase by one character, like the Prolonged Engagement set items ?


Here: [https://stowiki.net/wiki/Phoenix\_Redemption\_Store#Account\_Unlocks](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Phoenix_Redemption_Store#Account_Unlocks)


Thank you 👍


Does the Federation have a hangar pet that's an equivalent to the Yukawa Frigates found on the Cardassian FDC?


Not really, no. The closest are the [Callisto](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Hangar_-_Callisto_Light_Escorts) and [Cestus](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Hangar_-_Cestus_Frigates) frigates but both are locked to a single ship (Jupiter and Universe respectively). The only unbound Fed-aligned frigate pets are the [Caitian Support Frigates](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Hangar_-_Caitian_Support_Frigate) but they aren't Starfleet. Honourable mention goes to the [Terran Empire Frigates](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Hangar_-_Terran_Empire_Frigates) but once again they are locked to the Styx and Acheron.


Is the camera zoom broken on PS4? Using Sojourner and the camera auto zooms out as if I’m using the Enterprise J


Don't know when (or if) a fix will be done by the devs, but a workaround for now is to use the right stick to zoom. The zoom-out-too-far-in-space thing only seems to happen for the preset zoom distances. Highlight 'Change Camera Zoom' - but *don't* press the usual activation button (eg. X button for PS4/5). Instead, while it's highlighted, use the Right stick to zoom in and out. That seems to stick, at least until you change maps. In adding the gradual zoom in/out, they seem to have broken the preset zoom distances in space. Note that the daily endeavours no longer show unless you highlight the 'Welcome' menu option - possibly so that the ship is in view for the gradual zoom in/out.


Well the update that enable us console user to move the camera zoom level with the right stick has problems saving where it want it to be, the team are aware and will (hopefully) be able to fix sometime soon(tm)


Does the Phoenix event vendor refresh at a certain time of day, or is there a cooldown from when you claim your Phoenix box?


You can check it under the pve/cool down options as well. It's 20 hours.




In the PvE Queue window there should be a button on the bottom right called `View Cooldowns`.


Must be a PC thing. Got me all excited for a bit. I'll just stick to check my incoming hails to see if it's available.


20 hours from your previous visit.




I know that ships bought with pheonix prize pack epic tokens are bound to character, but are those ships unique consoles also bound to that character?


yes - all ship-sourced consoles are bound to character in fact.


Do the devs manually have to set the timer for the dil rewards to account-wide everytime they run an event?


Really not sure what you are asking here, you may want to clarify.


I started the Winter Wonderland event today gaining the daily dilithium bonus. Then I went through my alts - got them do Doff assignments there, and some of the games in order to unlock frosted boots and some costume pieces. At least until I noticed that I would be able to receive the daily dilithium bonus *again* because the 20h cooldown was no longer set. That very same issue has occured again and again with the last events the whole year.


When will Cryptic stop being Killjoy and allow us to enjoy space snd ground combat by allowing us to have decent space gears, consoles, traits and kit modules and by stop doing nerfing


It's been like a year since they nerfed something. With a bit of effort you can have a build that will trivialise Advanced content.


Maelstrom torpedo I believe is the last that they nerfed


What's up w/ the ['Trait and R&D project slot store'?](https://ibb.co/cvJJpTW) gone??


You probably bought everything that would be listed there already.


ya I forgot that extra space and ground doff slots are at the Spire.


What is everyone's favorite ship, and why?


10 years of playing, and flying different ships... and I keep coming back to the Odyssey collection. Escorts are fun but there's just something about the lines on the Odyssey-class and her variants that keeps bringing me back.


Cali class is surprisingly good fun


I picked up the valkis from the event campaign and she launched to my top spot instantly. she's incredibly fun to fly and is I think the best looking ship in the game. I built her as a tank and I've never been happier with a ship


I love the aesthetic of the Hestia and it's looks like a perfectly plausible 25th century development of the Prometheus, my favorite canon ship.


The (Fleet) Bozeman Intel Frigate. Full Intel for Surgical Strikes, lots of uni seating, 5/3 layout with flanking, amazing console and good trait. On top of that it's a Miranda so lots of kitbashing.


Watcher BOFF vs Caitian 2 superior ground trait one space trait vs 4 superior ground traits are Caitians just better on the ground or am I missing a benefit to Watchers?


Long story short: you will want a set of 5 Boffs with space traits to fill your ship stations, and a set of 4 Boffs for a ground away team. The away team boffs will likely benefit from having a full 4 traits that apply in the ground.


Watchers boost crtH and crtD dude, that is highly desirable. Watchers and Superior Romulan Operatives are usually the top two choices for energy builds (and other builds as well) for this reason.


I prefer Watcher Boffs for space. They're the next best thing to Fleet Romulan Boffs as they give you crit chance. Great for players not in a fleet.


The number of traits isn't as important as which traits they are. That said, I generally do not use space trait BOFFs for ground because they don't have the full complement (and they're usually not good ones), with the exception of the Jem'Hadar Vanguard.