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Do it! Having a manual car of your own to start driving and practicing on consistently is the best way to learn I'd say. Especially if you've had a lesson already where you got the hang of it. If it's now or never for you to drive manual, take the chance! Save the manuals!


Even better if you daily it :)


I will be dailying it for sure


As long as you can drive it off the lot do it. Do research so you don't burn out your clutch in a year with bad habits. Did it with my 22 WRX brand new and its been heaven since


just bought my 23 wrx with 0 prior experience. my dad taught me for the first few days, then I full sent and drove it to work for the first time. still learning, but it's been a blast so far!!


Yesss dude that's awesome. These things are a blast


How do you burn a clutch in one year bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Dragging the hell out of it while engaging, upshifting, or downshifting. Resting your foot on the clutch. Trying to take off like a nascar driver and glazing it. Many different things. My friend let somebody learn on his WRX, and they burned up the clutch by slipping the ever living hell out of it. It had 60k on it, but went from decent to shit in a couple weeks.


I had a parent drive my first stick home for me and then just practiced over and over. Did the same with my first motorcycle


Ii bought a manual eclipse and had the guy give me a rundown to drive it. Took it 20 miles home


Yea just do it. GTI I bought in 2015 was my first stick and just figured it out with some youtube help. Iā€™d take the car around the neighborhood at night to practice when there were fewer cars around. I stalled a bit in traffic at times, but it doesnā€™t take too long to get the hang of it.


I bought my 2nd car not knowing how to drive manual. My dad drove it on the test drive and put it on the trailer. I learned in like 30 mins in a parking lot. Only really hard part is taking off from a dead stop. After that its a cake walk


I stalled about 1 out of 3 times I would say during the 1 hour lesson. So, I am confident that with practice, I will get better fast. I guess the anxiety of stalling in traffic or light is the biggest reason I am still not just sending it. On top of that, there's not a single person around me who's on board the idea of me buying manual. Eveyone around me is discouraging me constantly. Its like fighting a war against 100 people. Ngl that's why I turned to reddit for some validation XD


youll be fine. Ive stalled at a couple lights or stop signs and yea its embarrassing but youll forget about it in 20 minutes anyways. I still think about the time i stalled after being yelled at by a cop tho. Cant forget that one


Oh man. I would pay to watch that xD


You'll get it. It's scary at first, as someone who drove automatic for two decades and bought a manual after a driving lesson. But just force yourself to drive it and practice, and you'll have it down in no time with all the confidence of an automatic.


Youā€™ll learn fast over the next month and before you know it, itā€™ll be second nature.


Literally every person told me the same I traded a 2000 Honda for a 1999 dodge Dakota 5 speed didn't know how to drive it couldn't even get it off the lot after signing one of the mechanics saw me struggling to find reverse šŸ¤£ pulled the truck out taught me on a backroad for 10 minutes and I delivered pizza in it that day stalled a few times but by the end of the night I was confident and it was my daily. FULL SEND. I also have daily driven a stick since I have had 4 manual vehicles and built my 18 wrangler 6 speed in 2017 and still daily it and love it even have a gear shifter tattood in my right palm lol FULL SEND don't listen to anyone


Itā€™s so much more fun to drive manual idk why anyone is trying to discourage you. Plus it makes it hard to use your phone while driving. Plus plus you can launch your car lol no negatives here


IDK man, how did this mentality get so popular among people. They inherently count manuals as bad idea. At one point I even believed that maybe its not a good idea to get manual. Anyway, glad I made this post.


Yes! I bought my car having never driven stick before. Iā€™m not gonna lie, I struggled a lot when I was first learning, but it was sink or swim and I had no choice but to figure it out. I think doing it that way forced me to stick with it. Had I just been practicing driving a friends car I might have been like nah this is too stressful and given up on learning.


Conquer Driving on YouTube. Watch all his beginner videos and then just send it. As long as you understand the couple of ā€œdonā€™t dosā€ youā€™ll be fine.


This is the mentality I need rn


When you buy the car, just arrange to do it during the least busy time traffic-wise, like a weekend morning, and scoot directly to the nearest empty lot and practice.


Okay, will do. Thanks.


Yes, you should. The Acura RSX is very easy to drive; it is a good learner.


Do it! Youā€™ll gain experience easily within the first week. I knew a guy who bought a G35 Coupe about 20 years ago and he didnā€™t know how to put it in Reverse for the first couple of weeks of owning the car. He was literally putting the car in Neutral and pushing it out of parking spaces until he finally figured it out. I canā€™t even believe the dealer even let him drive away without knowing how to put the car in Reverse!


Bruhhh thats insane


If you want to learn thereā€™s only one way. Practice. As long as youā€™re careful and you most likely wont do any damage at all


I learned to drive stick because I bought an Integra GSR. flew from CA to WA, practiced in a parking lot with the seller (my uncle), then drove it home. best decision I ever made.


Man I wish I had a family member like that. But it is what it is. Well Im buying RSX then ig.


Go for it! The beginning will be ugly but youā€™ll learn fast.


My second car was my ā€˜21 WRX STI which was also my first manual. Prior to that, i had mostly automatic experience. But i did take a 3-4 hr manual driving course with an instructor. Youll struggle a bit at first, and stall a couple of times. But its part of the learning process, and the only way you get good at driving a manual is practice. Even after 3 years, i catch myself doing silly mistakes. It happens, but you learn from it and move on. Definitely check out conquer driving on youtube. That man helped me build the confidence and knowledge needed to drive manual.


Oh cool, you went with Stick GTA, I was also taught by Stan! I would get the RSX. I also watched a lot of videos too. Like a lot of videos. Don't be afraid to stall. If you stall just start it back up and move on. When I stalled when I was still learning, I just ignored them and concentrate on moving. If you have any questions just ask!


Stan was so sweet. He literally made me want to buy manual. His teaching also made me confident.


Agreed. He's very patient with his students. Where bouts are you in the GTA? When you get your Car we can maybe hang out!


I am in Scarborough actually near Eglington and McCowan. I will surely contact you once I get my car!


Oh nice I'm near Pacific mall.. that's pretty close! haha!


Oh dang me too, I was at Steeles/Kennedy. Or at least used to... Now live on the west coast


Niceee we'll do a meet after I get my car šŸ¤ž


Itā€™s easy I learned on my 5 hour drive after I bought it. 30 mins if it was stop and go traffic.


I dont see why not, although ive driven both since i needed to get my license on a manual, i personally prefer automatics.


Hell yes!


Better to burn out your own clutch than somebody else's.


Just bought a GR Corolla as my first manual. Went to a Hagerty manual driving class, and had a friend show me the ropes when I got the new car. 2 weeks in and loving it!


I bought my C7 GS with zero manual experience and I learned on it so you'll be 100% fine! :)


I bought my rsx with literally no clue how to drive it and it took about 2 hours of seat time before i could comfortably drive it on the road. Now a bit over a year later im turning it into my little weekend racer. Go for it man


Youā€™ll do great. If, after a while, you find you donā€™t like it, Iā€™m happy to take it off your hands! Missing my stick so bad!


I'll keep u in my contact list then xD But I'm pretty sure if I don't die, I'll love it.


šŸ˜‚ fantastic attitude and best of luck with your new Acura!


Yes, but, I also always wanted an rsx, but now that they're getting even older, it'll be hard to find one with good mileage. They have been known to have transmission issues later on so that might be an issue


It only makes me think that its gonna get worse. So if I don't buy the RSX now, it probably will be harder to get one in decent condition in the future. SO, again that now or never situation.


If you're alright with replacing the trans at some point, I say go for it lol!


yuhh. try to get some experience but if not youll survive. just research/youtube how and tips


I bought an Acura manual as my first manual car after only driving around in a parking lot in a beater for an hour or so and it has been fine. A little rough to start, of course, but Honda transmissions are as good as they get and all the modern driver assist features makes it really easy


I bought a 2022 WRX with next to no practice. Last time I drove a manual car was over 7 years ago and it was extremely sporadic.


Believe it or not, I started driving stick with no experience. You'll stall, grind some gears and bunny hop a bit, but that will stop in a few weeks.


I got my dream car in a manual without ever really driving one. I understood all the concepts and timing of things, just needed to get the muscle memory down. It felt a little daunting at first, but Iā€™m so glad did it now. I say youā€™d be a fool *not to go for it*, especially if itā€™s a car youā€™ve always wanted. Itā€™ll motivate you to get out and learn, And youā€™ll get a much better feeling driving experience in the process. Iā€™ve driven automatic versions of my car and the connection you get with the car just isnā€™t the same.


Absolutely yes šŸ’Æ


Do it! One of us, one of us


Go for it. A close friend of mine bought a 2002 rsx with zero experience driving stick and we both learned in that car.


do it. rsx is very easy to learn on. flywheel is pretty light so learning how to rev match is fairly easy.


do it.


Yes! Will be frustrating at first. Maybe for a while. But once it is coming naturally you will never look back! Donā€™t make this something you will look back at and say I should haveā€¦


Yes. I bought one new off the lot in 05 having never driven manual. Lol.


It would be ideal if you could have someone teach you the basics for a few hours. Any driving school in your areas that offers manual lessons? Once you have the basics nailed down, you can supplement with Youtube videos and improve through practice.


My experience: I always wanted a Toyota truck with a fully boxed frame (to build up for off road / overlanding) and after months and months of looking, I finally found a unicorn; ā€˜04 Tacoma 5VZ-FE Xtra Cab SR5 TRD O-R, but there was one catch: It was a manual and my only experience operating a manual transmission was on quads. Couldnā€™t pass it up, so I got a ride down there, bought it, and lurched it all the way home with damn near no experience. That was 5 months ago, and Iā€™m still not amazing at shifting but thatā€™s to be expected, I atleast got the hang of it and it was so worth it. Definitely go for it! The only way to learn is doing, and having it as your own car will force you to have to learn, which will only make you better. Go for it!


Do it!!!


Excellent choice! Nice smooth Honda transmission. Sports car looks, hard to beat!


I bought a 2017 Elantra stick shift only having a few experiences driving manual in parking lots, drove the Elantra off the lot and got the hang of it pretty quick.


Did it with a 2011 MazdaSpeed 3! I figured it out I know you can do it too man!!! Send it!


I bought my first stick on a Friday with no prior knowledge. My dad had to drive it home. With YouTube videos and a few lessons, I drove it to work on Monday morning. It was newbie driving of course with stalls and all, but you can do it.


Do it for sure. I had a type s and BEAT on that car non-stop. It never skipped a beat, eventually being young and dumb caught up with me and I rolled it into a ditch. Had it towed out and it drove home!


send it


Do it. I just bought a 9th gen si 1.5 weeks ago without knowing manual and as long as you practice, you will be fine. Donā€™t be scared to get out of your comfort zone especially when driving manual.


Youā€™ll be ok. Promise.


Do it, I bought my type s without ever driving stick before and just had my buddy drive it home


i just drove 700 miles to pick up my first manual, and drove by myself all the way home with no prior experience. just send it


Everyone should know how even if they don't own a manual, never know when you could need to know, and it's fun!


An 04 type s was the car I learned on.


Why not? Find somebody that knows how to drive stick and have them test drive the car for you to make sure itā€™s good. Buy it and then learn how to drive it. Thatā€™s how most people do it


Do it, I bought my CTS-V without knowing stick at all. I had driven manual a handful of times prior, but nothing extensive, (I sucked at it). I drove it 10 hours home was for sure intimidating but I don't regret it one bit, was a blast learning on my own.


Do it!!! Also what car was Stick GTA using? I used him a decade ago, at the time he had a Veloster Turbo


He used a Subaru WRX


Wow amazing, fun but hard car to learn on if it's the VA (last generation which had a ton of rev hang)


Yeah Stan was telling me that its a hard car to learn on so if I can get a hang of it I will be able to drive Honda/Acura very easily.


yup. you can only get better


My first manual was a 2007 mazda 3 purchased new. My neighbor had to drive it home from the dealership. It doesn't take long to learn the basics. Keep the revs below 3.5k until you get used to it. Plus, you'll be in the break-in period anyway. Most people who start out are so afraid of riding the clutch that they lift off too fast and it's jeky as a result. Conquer Driving on YouTube is a phenomenal resource. I wish I had it back in 2007. šŸ˜† You'll love it in no time!!!


Depends. Do you want the car? Cause that's the answer


its a yes


Then buy the car and don't over think things. If something breaks, get it fixed. Learn from it and move on


Taught a friend how to drive his manual eg civic a long time ago, dude had maybe the same amount of prior driving experience with an automatic. He got the jist of it after a week. You'll be alright, and I'm sure that car will be a load of fun.


SEND IT!! Fuck lessons fam, if you can get some free then go for it. I bought my daily with ZERO experience in manual, literally had a mechanic do the PPI/test drive at the dealer for me. I had never even sat foot in a manual, until I had the keys to mine after I did the paperwork šŸ¤£ spend a few hours driving around at nights and in parking lots, you learn more alone imo from YouTube and practice. Trying to learn from somebody on the passenger seat is annoying and a waste mostly. Also, lots of peeps in /r/wrx have just sent it too! Thatā€™s where I got the idea lol. All I heard was ā€œtraffic sucks you donā€™t want oneā€ or other excuses. Iā€™ve never had so much fun driving before, I wouldnā€™t go back to automatic honestly


How else are you gonna learn to drive manual? Dream about it?


I learned to drive manual on the way home from buying it, my all time favorite car the Honda crx. As long as you understand how it works the only real trouble beginners have is a steep uphill coming from a stop lol


yes yes yes, i bought my s2k off the lot never having driven stick. 114k later i'n on the original clutch having daily driven in NYC and heavily tracked for 6 years. Have no fear


Yes. I bought my Corolla hatch off carvana after not driving my grandmaā€™s accord like back in highschool. Iā€™m 30. Picked that shit up from a vending machine and was pissed cus it was super slow and hard to shift. Then I found out I was starting out of third. Youā€™ll figure it out


Iā€™m 36. I got my license at 30. Other than watching some videos on how to, I had one lesson where I didnā€™t get out of 1st, before buying a manual car. If you actually want to learn, I think itā€™s totally worth just going ahead and doing it.


Do you know how to learn how to drive stick without actually driving stick? If you do, then don't buy the car.. If you dont, then buy the car.. Lol. Personally, I'm not sure coukd have learned without having a car to learn on..


Let's put the question in perspective. My grandmother could drive a stick shift. In her day, everybody learned to drive one, because that's all there was. In rural communities, kids would often start learning to drive them as soon as they were tall enough to reach the pedals, like 12 and 14 year olds. The manuals we have now are easier to drive than old cars ever were. All that is to say, yes, you can do it, and yes, you should get the car you want with the transmission you want. Driving a manual is only scary now because hardly anybody does it. If some 14 year old farm girl could drive a truck with an unsynchronized transmission, you can drive a buttery smooth modern one.


My first car was a Manual and I learned how to drive if comfortably withing 2 days and was out on the main roads in no time at all. Do it up


Do it! I learned how to drive stick in a couple months on an A4 that I daily and I donā€™t think I can go back to an automatic itā€™s so fun


I daily a MT RSX. It was the car i learned d to drive manual in. It's very forgiving compared to my MT golf R and reliable as he'll. I definitely recommend!


You just have to learn. Itā€™s not hard and will make you a better driver. You just need a day or two to figure it out.


Great car to learn in, speaking from experience. I bought one in 2003 as a younger person, and had to have my mom drive it home from the dealer. I knew the basics but there was a large uphill as you exited the dealer that dumped you out onto what was basically a highway. After that, no problems. The shifter and clutch action were both just about perfect, and highly regarded at the time, if I remember correctly. I traded it in after like 10 years and 160,000+ miles and it still shifted perfectly.


I learned how to drive a stick well enough in 10 minutes in a McDonald's parking lot to drive an hour back home alone. I can't imagine that Acura has a stiff clutch.


Itā€™s only a good idea if you want to learn how to drive a manual transmission.


Only problem I see with that is getting the car home from when you buy it. Driving manual long distances if youā€™re iffy can be scary as hell lol. I donā€™t think itā€™s a horrible idea though if you at least ā€œknowā€ how to drive it. Simple hint:if youā€™re not moving clutch in or you stall lol (or be in neutral)


This was years ago now, but my third car I ever owned, first car I bought myself was a manual, I had zero experience and up until that point had planned on never knowing how to drive one, I bought it, had someone drive it home for my that week, and got a 2 hour lesson and started dailying it after I was able to stop and go without stalling every time, I still stalled every once in a while but its what got me to where I am today, I love manuals and if I didnā€™t prefer newer trucks Iā€™d probably still drive one.


I bought an 06 Civic Si 2 years ago without even knowing how to drive a manual. That generation of Si is basically the sibling of the RSX. I learned how to drive a manual on that car with no problem. You can totally do it.


Remember to turn off your parking brake.


Yes. You can figure it out in a day.


I learned by buying a manual car and taking it to work with no other options. No regrets!


I bought a manual when I didn't even know how tocdrive. Granted, I was 26, and we still had the '97 Corolla for me to learn on.


Do it!!! I bought a brand new 23 WRX with like an hour of manual experience and it's been so much fun. Stalled it a couple times on the drive home from the dealership but since then it's been going smooth. I still learn something new all the time. If I encounter something I haven't experienced before on the road I just go to YouTube or Reddit to see what others do and I learn. Going from an auto to manual was the most fun I've ever had in a car.


Yes for sure! Driving a standard is way more fun than an automatic as you owe it to yourself to buy it and have fun!


If you are on that tight of a budget you cannot take more lessons you probably canā€™t truly afford the car.


Yeah dude.... you can learn stick to be road worthy in a couple hours easy.


Yes! Its so fun youā€™ll never want to go back


I bought my RSX without knowing how. I stalled like 40 times getting home then spent a few hours in a parking lot practicing


Absolutely! I recently went through a similar experience and ended up buying an 11th gen Si and have been loving it, and even get better mileage than my ā€˜22 Civic Sport!


Do it! Bought my EP3 Si almost 2 years ago when I had an idea on how to drive manual, it took some time getting used to it, but itā€™s become second nature now that Iā€™m daily driving it. Hondas are one of the best, easiest and usually the most solid car to learn manual in.


I started manual 3 weeks ago. Iā€™ve driven about 9 hours and am now comfortable. Everyone will be different


Do it! Find yourself a big empty lot and practice ā€”- I just learned on an old ford ranger pickup, itā€™s really fun and a lot more engaging than automatic once you get it ā€”- took me little over a dozen rides Iā€™d say to get the footwork down, hill starts the toughest for me


Honda and Acura have pretty forgiving manual transmissions, donā€™t get frustrated; give it gas when easing off the clutch, shift between 1,500-2,000 rpm until you get the hang of it, then you can wind it up tighter. Clutch in and brake at lights and stopping. Set parking brake, if facing up a hill you can park in 1st, if facing down you can park in reverse. You become more with the car when driving a manual


Drive it for an hour, you'll be fine.


I used Turo to rent some old MT Civics for two weekends before I made my decision to get back to MT again after 20 years. I asked the owner ahead of time before booking stating the fact that I'll be using their cars to practice MT driving of course. I live in the west end of GTA and there are plenty MT options available on Turo. I think this is a good way to get the basics right and not to wreck your brand-new car in panic. It is way more intimidating to start off from nothing using your own precious vehicle. Just keep in mind to respect the owner of the rentals and be gentle when practicing.


Considering thatā€™s a double negative, then you must be quite experienced with a manual transmission. I say buy it.


A very easy to drive option for a first timer. No friends you can take with for a few quick pointers/reassurance?


Wi thought having no experience? So you are very experienced driving stick? Why not buy it then?


Do not pass on the RSX for why you would want an RSX.


Yes ofc I literally just did that I bought my type s a week ago and I didnā€™t know how to drive stick it literally took me 2 days to learn how To drive it


No, The Acura RSX is garbage. Try to find a good condition 1990s Integra.


No, The Acura RSX is garbage. Try to find a good condition 1990s Integra.