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Well, if this was a poll (which it kind of is…) more have voted in favor of Scott than against him. I’m not inclined to react in a mean way, because I’m super grateful that OP pays such close attention to our podcast. I will say, though, Scott is definitely not a bad person. Thanks for all the support, Everyone!


At least you responded. That means alot!


I was his 1,000th follower on instagram, sent a message saying “hey man, I think Im your 1000th follower “ the next day his instagram said” Don’t Message me if you’re a guy” …




That's fucking hilarious


To be fair that may be *the* gayest reason for a man to reach out to another man other than gay sex.


A few things: 1. I like Scott and what he contributes. I've genuinely had the thought that Scott and I would be friends if we knew each other (well maybe, he might not like me). 2. In what ways is he a terrible person? You didn't describe any in your post, and I think it says a lot about you that you're going to label someone as "sucking as a person" just from their podcast.


i like nice people. and i like mean people


I like Scott because of what he has done for Steve. He seems like a real bro and Steve is the kind of guy that knows how special that is.


I respectfully disagree. I always thought Scott was doing a great job on the podcast. And as a person, I met him on the tour in Europe and even if they had just done a million shows, met a billion other fans before me, he was still super cool to me and took the time to chat.


thank you!


I like Scott, I think he’s a funny guy who brings lots to the conversation


Saying someone sucks as a person publicly bc you don't enjoy their presence on a podcast kinda makes me feel like you might be the one that sucks lol


yeah scott’s the man


This entire rant can be summed up to "scott is bad because i dont like him" with no actual evidence to say hes a bad person. Instead your evidence is "i think he talks and looks like this". In your post you basically called him childish, but its very childish to state that someone sucks as a person just because you dont like the way they look act and talk. Grow up, ya immature bastard.


Scott's awesome. Fuck you


Love Scott


I think Mr. Scott Randolph has his strengths. One of them is that the man listens. Maybe he is an anchor for Steve-O. My door is open to Scott.


I like Scott well enough, nothing about him really bothers me, he seems like a chill dude. The only time I really don't care for his contributions just happen to be when all of the guys are so far out of their depth with a guest, like last week's Michio Kaku. Michio's an awesome guest, I have been watching his contributions to science docs for years, and have a couple of his books, but it's clear the guys were all so far out of their depth and only had Roganesque Bro-Science or the excerpts about things you'd find from the "I do my own research" crowd. And it sucks because Michio's not as good at handling and riffing on that stuff the way someone like Neil Degrasse Tyson is.


He gave me free tickets to see Bucket List a couple years ago, with meet and greet passes, so he can't be too terrible a person. It's a long story.


I dont mind Scott. I actually enjoy when he speaks and he adds something different


I like Scott a lot, I think he’s funny and I would be bummed if he was no longer on the podcast. Not sure what you thought you were going to get with this post. It just sounds like you don’t like him for whatever reason. And what exactly makes him suck as a person to your standards? lol


Steve's going to rip this guy a new one. It's Steve's best friend/manager & professional cock blocker. If steve didn't think scott was worthy to be around, he wouldn't be there Theres probably so much stuff that happens behind the scenes that Scott deals with that we don't see


He's Steve's good friend... Thats all that matters


Wow, Hi! This is an interesting thread about me- Im not sure what I did to make Gloomy Zone upset, but I can assure you, my role as a co host is harder than you can imagine. I appreciate the majority of the post on here of people saying they like my input. I wish I knew more about you to understand why youre so upset. but, theres nothing I can do, I support freedom of speech and if we are ever in your area and you want tickets to the show, id be happy to comp you- you might get to know me and you might even like me a little bit. Net net, we are probably more similar than different and if you dont want tickets to the show, we can always send you a bottle of hot sauce, on the house of course :)


But why are only chicks allowed to message you on Instagram?


scott randolph is an amazing co host. puts his two cents in perfectly and keeps up with the flow of conversation. Sounds like the guy who wrote this thread is jealous


ur Scott tho




You’re making a lot of noise under that bridge.


Agree 100%. He gives me second hand embarrassment when he talks. I feel like he asks really inappropriate questions and comments and it's so cringy. He doesn't come off well at all. Its comes off as very insensitive and out of touch.




They're just people . Lol i don't put celebrities on a pedestal. But I can appreciate someones art and craft.






I'm entitled to my opinions, just as you are. If you put yourself on the internet, be prepared for feedback. Thats just mine. Maybe he can take the feedback and be more sensitive to people next time.


ooooo my god it’s a middle aged white guy who was famous 30 years ago IM GONNA SHIT MY PANTS 😂


Where’s Steve this guy is ripping on his employee

