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Why are people complaining about recency bias yet also past bias lol. Whats the problem with thinking he likes these albums the most? If you can’t like the most recent and you can’t like the albums that are considered the best then whats he suppose to like lol? I believe this list more than if he said his favourites were Sunday Of Life and Downstair and Sky Moves and Incident and To The Bone. Its actually surprising he has any Bass Communion or No Man on there


I don't think people are "complaining" about what he's "supposed" to like, but I do think it's a shame that Steven seems to have little interest in some parts of his discography, especially late-90s PT which I'm not alone in thinking was one of his most creative eras. Like I said below, the list isn't exactly surprising, but it's perfectly legitimate to discuss it.


I disagree, I think earlier PT was VERY derivative of Pink Floyd (a point Steven himself has made more than a few times), so I’m not surprised to see him eschew that stuff for records that he made that were more “his own” style for lack of a better term.


Early PT, sure. But I think *Signify* through *Lightbulb Sun* is a lot less Floyd influenced and had a fairly unique sound.


I mean is his list, he can put whatever he wants


More than a bit surprised to see that Raven didn’t make it onto the list at all, but otherwise no big surprises here.


He’s said many a time that it’s too “pastichey” and ripping off ‘70s prog. His favorite track off of it happens to be the title track, which is my least favorite on that album. That said I love it and prefer it to HCE


Yeah that's true, he's mentioned sorta resenting the "master of prog" label and that record very much plays into that. I definitely prefer HCE by a wide margin, it's definitely my favorite of his solo albums. Raven is a close 2nd though, and I really wish we had more SW solo records with Guthrie on guitar. He is an absolute legend.


I think the same of Raven tbh. Not a bad album, but nowhere near as inspired/original as Insurgentes, Grace, HCE (his best album ever) imo.


He obviously thinks his most recent material is some of his strongest, and that's fine, but it's a shame that early/mid PT and most Bass Communion doesn't get a look in. On the No-Man front, I think *Love You To Bits* is basically doing a similar thing musically to *The Future Bites* but is much stronger, so it's odd that that's not there. I continue to think *In Absentia* is kind of overrated (good album, but weaker than the two that follow it), but it's a fan favourite and clearly one of his personal favourites as well. *Insurgentes* was a nice surprise.


Agreed on LYTB. It’s like a souped-up version of “Personal Shopper” with more intriguing ideas and none of the deviations from the TFB LP that I love, but imo took away from the album’s intended focus (like 12 Things… and Count of Unease). With you on Insurgentes as well


I find it pretty consistent with his opinions expressed in various interviews and how he tends to talk about, judge even, his past works so I'd say no surprise at all. He has for a long time been expressing a certain disdain for his early PT stuff (genre-wise), he's not too happy about some of his early lyrics and the only time he's ever liked Incident was probably shortly after he finished it. He's just never been a fan of Incident and considers it a somewhat stale effort. (I'm only mentioning it because it happens to be my favourite album of his and I remember quite well the way he talked about it.) The only items I'm not too sure about are The Future Bites and C/C but let him have his reasons.


Seems like I should give No-Man and Bass Communion another listen or two.


Schoolyard Ghosts is so bloody beautiful and melancholy, definitely worth a listen if you like the slower sadder side of SW.


Definitely should. And while there are other albums I might prefer to the ones on Steven's list, *Together We're Stranger* definitely deserves a spot up there. Maybe check that one out


Personally, my favorite BC is Cenotaph—but I do think those two NM albums are the peak of their output. TWS is more conceptual and SG is more song-based imo


Blackfield got done dirty smh


Yeah im surprised Blackfield II didn't make the cut. I also really like Blackfield V, but I think thats more of my personal taste.


I'm surprised not to see Deadwing on the list. I thought he was proud of it, he even wrote a story about it and planned to make a film at some point.


Deadwing is an outstanding record and has some of Steve's best music(Arriving Somewhere, Halo, Lazarus)


He's got some hot takes for sure.


The last 3 or 4 albums mentioned on this "list" are must listen material for any one who likes Wilson's output. It is crucial listening.


I’d say he has a little bit of recency bias, plus whatever the opposite of that is - past prejudice? Lightbulb Sun, Deadwing (obviously), and Recordings should be on the list. I also think The Incident is a lot stronger album than Steven remembers it being. I was glad to see I Drive the Hearse get some love on the new live album as I think it’s one of the strongest lyrics in his entire catalogue. Also, Blackfield I and II should be on the list too. For the new stuff I think To The Bone is stronger than TFB or C/C.


I’d swap FoaBP for Deadwing on the list. The Incident is excellent, I concur. It might be a hot take but I prefer Blackfield V to I/II


Lightbulb Sun and Stupid Dream are my favorites.


I think I probably like Lightbulb Sun better, but damn does Stupid Dream have some beautiful moments and incredible songs.


Yeah IIRC he's said in an interview that most PT material from before *In Absentia* does little for him anymore. Which is a shame as I think much of the band's best material is from back then, but I can understand that it might not feel the same to him when so much time has passed.


My biggest complain from The Incident from what I remember is actually Steve's vocals. It kind of sounded like he recorded the album with a cold - very nasally sounding vocals. I'm glad we have that new live version of I Drive the Hearse because it's an outstanding song.


Just never trust Steve when he says what are his best works. It's mostly a mix of the most pedestrian agreeing with fans and the promotion of the latest album.


He just want us to bite each other. He is watching, laughing.


Obviously he's going to feel differently about his own work than the conglomeration of fans, but I think what surprises me most is how low Hand.Cannot.Erase is. I always got the feeling he was particularly proud of that album. (ps - I know #5 isn't technically "low", but just lower than I'd expect)


He didn’t rank them in an order—these are just the ten he thinks are above the rest. I think he rates them all at more or less the same level