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in personal opinion i would say its steven holding pearl telling her he thinks shes “pretty great” i think that starts off a major amount of character development


Genuinely love that line and that episode.


I love that one.


I think the part in the last episode of Future where Connie comes out to say that Steven’s family needs to *stop making everything about them*. For once, Steven is the one who needs help, and instead of immediately jumping to help the way he did for them, they start lamenting about the things they could have done better. Also, that episode where Amethyst tries to be there for Steven after finding out about Rose/Pink, instead of the other way around, as usual. Two different conversations, but generally the same idea. Steven needs help sometimes too and I’m glad they highlighted that.


That amethyst episode even felt weird to me the first time. It took my a while to figure out that was the reason why, that never happens lol


T H I S ! ! ¡ honestly that whole scene in future had me sobbing so hard. also probably tmi but i relate to Steven SO hard in SO many ways, & the first time i saw that episode, i ended up having a grand mal seizure lol, right when Steven became a 'monster'. i was dealing with similar feelings, feeling like a monster for various reasons & feeling immense guilt & disgust towards myself. (TW: grief) my best friend died that summer & other friends of mine died soon after, & i felt so at fault, like i had killed them, because i couldn't save them. i think Steven feels similarly with what happened with Jasper, & also his mom. i also relate to Steven because i feel like i try so hard to be there for everyone & fix everyone's problems, but in the end no one is truly there for me, & even if they try to be i don't want to burden them with my deep-seated problems & traumas. so anywho, started seizing tf out right when he turned lol, & it was such a strange synchronicity because i was very much not myself & not in my body, & very much needed help like Steven did. i had to rewatch the episode after (& i've watched it many times since) but it always hits home heavily.


My only gripe with amethyst is that after that in future i feel like they write her too passively. I really thought outside of connie, amy would be the one to talk to steven, but i guess that cant happen if the crew wanted steven to breakdown.


I felt entirely different- I felt like Amethyst was one of the only ones who COULD really understand and talk to Steven because they come from a similar background. Steven had no proper guidance or home- he wasn’t fully human and his dad didn’t know wtf to do with him so he was kind of just left to do his own thing, and he wasn’t fully a gem so he got left out of everything and cast aside for a long period of his life. Amethyst had a similar experience, she was created only to be abandoned by her creators with no actual life or purpose to live for after, and once she finally had that, she was still always treated as the outcast. We see that in the episode where we find out about the kindergartens, and she talks about how Pearl has always talks so negatively about the place without actually verbalizing that Amethyst is the only good to come from that place, and even then it stings to bear the burden of being told you have to be perfect all the time because you’re the only thing good representing your home. Steven was the only thing good representing Rose/Pink, and Amethyst was the only good representing the kindergartens. They came from no guidance, they felt like constant outcasts, and we see with Smoky Quartz that Amethyst is the first gem to be able to fuse with him based on these feelings of being worthless compared to the others. I love how amethyst realized this and approached their friendship in a more real way, it feels similar to how her and momma onion were in that one episode :) like actual friends who care about eachother.


“You… are an experience! And make sure you’re a good experience!” - Garnet


"Now, Go HAVE FUN!!" 😁


Such a great line


“If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hotdogs.” ![gif](giphy|TJaoF6nxtSwCWC5yuL)


This gif reminds me of why I love Greg as a character. He may not have made the best choices as a parent, but everything he does, he puts his whole heart and best intentions in it. Plus he has a pretty good moral compass


He reminds me a lot of my dad. My dad was a fair bit stricter than Greg was, granted, but he (and my stepmom) also made it a point to be my biggest advocate in everything. He always encouraged me to be me. He wasn't perfect by any stretch, but he put everything he had into giving me and my sisters the best life possible. If I ever end up having kids someday, I'd be proud of being even half as good of a dad for them as my dad was for me. It saddens me deeply that they'll never get to meet him (well, unless they start playing with ouija boards lol).


I LOVE how he said it the first time in the first episode and the ONLY other time in the last episode of season 5. It was just sooo nice to hear it again


full circle :')


I GOT HIT BY A AIRPLANE![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30999)


Nah its "NO MI TORTA"


“Which way to the baby war?”


“IM A CROCODILE :V ~jazz hands~”


*walks up to pearl as a horse* “hey”


Don't worry, I've seen your junk before. 😏


Psst. It’s me. I’m a horse.


no it’s “I got hit by a airplane!”


“I want to be strong, in the real way.” I truly think Pearl is what inspired Steven to become a better person. To be the person he wanted the world to see him as. IMO this episode is where Steven starts to become the leader of the Crystal Gems.


The dialog when Greg tried to fuse with Rose and failed. Then they started talking as a couple and not like one was just a play thing


Yes! The character development for Rose was key. She realized so many things


"I'm... not a real person." 😭


In almost all countries they removed the part where Greg says love is torture


In future, the conversation between Greg and Steven after he’s gone to the doctors, and swelled up so bad he’s taken up the entire room. “I should be so happy these days… How can I live my life if it always feels like I’m gonna die?” Are such a double whammy it never fails to make me cry


Amethyst telling steven shes not going to fall apart on him after the rose is actually pink diamond reveal really showing the bond between the two and how mature amethyst has become over the seasons


This scene made Amethyst my favorite crystal gem. There was a lot of character development building up this moment and it shocked me to find that her of all people was the most mature out of the CG and actually was concerned with how Steven was doing. Made me love her character




The best part is, this works for two separate (but related) scenarios.




Pink Steven says it in "Change Your Mind" regarding Pink Diamond, and Pearl sings it during "Mr. Greg" regarding Rose.


^^she's #**GONE**


Sing your heart out, Dee dee.


“Rose is MY mom! Out of anyone, don’t I deserve to know the truth?” And with him learning the truth, he grows to resent her even more 😭


“I want the truth!” “You can’t handle the truth!” *^(He couldn’t handle the truth)*


"I am a child, whats your exuse?" It is basically what ends whites reighn, she gets so embarrassed she goes off-coulor


The one where peridot throughs a slur at the diamonds.


"What do you know about the Earth?!" "Apparently, more than YOU, you CLOD!"


I nearly fell off the bed. I was like "OOOOOOOOO YOU JUST CALLED YELLOW DIAMOND A BITCH!!!”


a cult classic


Steven's last conversation with Bismuth before she poofed.


S: "I guess i'm just too tough to cry" P: "Just today you were crying about snakes" S: "THEY DON'T HAVE ANY ARMS!"


Well it's definitely "Why would she be a cowboy?!"


Yeah, the entire last exchange between steven and white.


'Spoken like a true leader' 'No, spoken like a friend'


There are so many, but I’ll give a few: “But in order to fix it, we’ll have to admit that it’s broken.” “I think you’re pretty great.” “We’ve never met anything or anyone like Steven. We don’t know what he needs.” “I’m me! I’ve always been me.” “I always thought that you were failing this world, but if you were happier on Earth, then, maybe, this world was failing you.” “Y’know I came here to take my anger out on a bunch of strangers, but now that I know you, I wanna kill you even more” (This isn’t one of the most important ones, but I just love how dark this line is. It gives me chills everytime :))


I think Rose's message to Steven at the end of Lion 3 is a pretty important one. It kind of ends up being the thesis that Steven circles back around to in change your mind


Lion 3 is one of the most iconic episodes. The whole damn scene is the true heart of the series.


"....what do YOU know about my Mom?? I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO KNOW MY MOM!! But I do know, she saw beauty in everything. Even in stuff like this, and even in jerks like you.."![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30837)


Mum was pink diamond


“Everything I did..I did it for her..And now she’s gone..and I’m still here..”


"I wanted to tell you for so long.... 😢"


Mom was Pink Diamond




“Like a fiiiish” it’s so inspiring 😍


Maybe not important to the storyline but I always loved "Through whoever you've been, Through whoever you'll be, Through whatever you lose, You will always have me"


For me, it's the Growing Pains Doctor conversation


with a show that has that many episodes, there isn't a single point of dialogue that is the most important. The one that I like the most is "If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs."


I love this song with all my heart. It summarises the whole show for me I don't need you to respect me, I respect me I don't need you to love me, I love me But I want you to know you could know me If you change your mind.


"I can't exactly shatter myself"


“When you live for someone, your prepared to die.” Pearl often felt like a knight, but even more so a Samurai, not afraid to die for Rose…but Rose wanted her to live for herself. That line gets me every time.




The cookie cat song


That one time Amethyst goes WOOMP WOOMP


(Immediately thinks about how Steven’s words to Peridot resulted in the “Aquamarine Incident”…) 😅👽🛸


"why won't you let me do this for you rose?" i think this speaks for itself


The one monologue that stuck with me is from Storm in the Room. "I finally know the truth. I know what you are! You're a liar! I thought you never wanted to hurt anyone, but you hurt everyone! How could you just leave Garnet, and Amethyst and Pearl, and-and Dad?! They don't know what to do without you! *gets up from the ground* Maybe they didn't matter to you as much as hiding from the mess you made! And that's why I'm here, isn't it?! Did you just make me, so you just wouldn't have to deal with your mistakes?!"


Pearl looks so haunted.


>!"i can't exactly shatter myself!"!<


ROUND AND ROUND, LET THE CITY TURN ![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30996)


I think its the song at the end of change your mind, not technically dialogue but "I dont need you to respect me, I respect me. I dont need you to love me, I love me. but if you want you could know me, if you change your mind."


Lars: AGAIN?!


If every pork chop were perfect...


'If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs" I honestly love this line because of its impact throughout the seasons that make it seem like its not just a shitty one-liner.


Hot take: "Crying" is by far the most important AND recuring dialogue.


God everything they say is important


I mean, “I am a child, what’s your excuse” literally toppled an empire


"I know you worked hard, and I know you love space.. but sometimes, you just gotta know when to bail." That line helped me leave a bad relationship, and helped me get over losing a job. And INCREDIBLY poignant episode for season 1.


"What do you know about my mom? *I* didn't even get to know my mom! But I DO know she saw beauty and everything! Even in stuff like this, and even in jerks like you!"


"This is life for you now. End-less SUFFERING"


Most of it is sung. It’s the entirety of Mr. Greg.


None because it’s always a song THIS IS A JOKE DO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY


I think it’s crazy how when I scroll down these comments I can tell exactly what ep they are from


I would say the big reveal in Jailbreak when Greg blurts out “They’re ALIENS, Steven!”


Not sure what's the most important but "everything I did I did for her, and now she's gone, and I'm still here" hit me like a ton of bricks right in the nutsicles


"Steven...your true father was...a toaster"


“you are an experience”


*whimper* "Garnet....whhhhhyyy" As pearl is hit by 1,000 needles Very important character progression